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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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they were ready to deploy the american launcher of the mllrs multiple launch rocket system, but it was not to be. as planned, the iskander missile arrived. in the ukrainian rear, our missilemen and pilots carried out 16 group strikes from large targets, extremely expensive for kiev, in a week, and destroyed the hangars storing the nasams anti-aircraft missile systems. our guys from the 40th, twice red banner marine brigade methodically destroy every day. loitering lancets are used to destroy enemy equipment in the zaporizhzhya region, catching up with ukrainian crews at the most unexpected moment. the fighters jokingly called the target eliminated in this video the kamchatka crab, because it is true that the self-propelled gun krap, shot down by kamchatka marines, will hardly crawl to its destination. and the paratroopers on the dnieper discovered a motorboat of the armed forces of ukraine with six servicemen moving along the river in the direction of one of the islands. exodus is possible.
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maximum security prison colony prisoners took eight hostages today. of these, four prison employees died, the rest are in the hospital. among the hostages were also four convicts, who were also injured. the criminals, there were four of them, were neutralized by snipers of the russian guard. investigators are working at the scene of the emergency. a criminal case has been opened, all the latest information from maxim akhmetov. the operation to free the hostages was swift. in a matter of seconds, the special forces of the russian guard. and neutralized four terrorists, with four precise snipers of the special forces of the volgograd region eliminated the criminals who took hostages in the colony with shots. according to the agency, citing sources in the special services, one of the terrorists tried to set off a suicide train, but did not have time, all who were captured
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were released. there were no casualties among the hostages and security personnel during the assault, additional medical teams are working on the scene. everything happened at about 12:00 noon, when vk-19 was holding a meeting of the disciplinary commission, four criminals took eight employees of the colony and four convicts hostage. according to some information, the terrorists had bladed weapons. the criminals inflicted stab wounds of varying severity on four employees of the correctional colony; all of them died. the regional prosecutor's office has organized an inspection of compliance with the legislation. an assessment will be given to compliance with the regime requirements and the measures taken to apply and prevent the use of prohibited items by convicts. according to some information, three of the hostage takers were convicted under article on attempted drug trafficking, the fourth
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- for intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death. photos of the wanted posters of the alleged terrorists are being distributed online. penal colony number 19 is located on the outskirts. this is a men's maximum security colony, sentences are mainly served here by first-time convicts and k-19 was considered one of the best in terms of detention conditions.
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situation, we talked about this with the president of the russian-asian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs, vitaly mankevich. vitaly vikkentievich, hello, thank you for finding the time, it is very difficult now in terms of settlements between russia and china, and there is a lot of talk on this topic, it is not very clear where the truth is here, where it is made up in our time, i would really like to know first-hand how things really are now with our interaction with china at the business level, first of all, well, the main
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problem is of course the problem of settlements, here is how things really are now here, is everything as bad as some of our people write colleagues, hello, alexander anatolyevich, well, unfortunately, i probably won’t be able to tell you the whole truth either, i think that the truth is somewhere somewhere in the middle, and some... doors sealed with wax sealing wax, i won’t be able to open for you, well , at least in general terms, but in terms of business, business relations, we believe in razp that the relations are really very good and the understanding is very good and many chinese entrepreneurs are coming to russia, many even now... investment projects of the russian federation, but as you correctly they said that there are certain difficulties with
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payments, and not only with payments, but in general with the organization of financial, so to speak, interaction, and when in may, vladimir vladimirovich putin met with sidembin in beijing, the idea was proclaimed that let's work through regional... chinese banks, and some regional chinese banks began to get involved in this work quite actively, but about, probably, after a month, after a month and a half, we see that there are also certain problems with these regional banks transfers, we, on our part, generally design some new schemes for financial logistics every time. well, this time, after prime minister litean's visit to russia, we
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expect that the situation will change radically, as you probably know, we have proposed on our part a more convenient scheme for opening chinese banks in the russian federation, that is, a simplified opening scheme, and we expect that the chinese side will also open branches of our russian banks in china, but we will understand, probably in a month, as this scheme will work, but... this scheme at the state level, it really should significantly change our mutual settlements. vitaliykevich, and why did this problem arise in regional banks, they are not tied to swift, they usually make settlements in yuan, why did these problems suddenly arise there, is there any clear explanation from our chinese partners? well, in
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fact, the chinese cipc system. it is also coordinated with swift, and in general the chinese financial system is quite tightly integrated into the global financial system, i won't say that the americans control every payment, but nevertheless this system is very dependent, and moreover, you probably know that the americans control the entire global financial system. and no bank in china wants to fall under sanctions, under american sanctions, this is the main problem, there are banks that practically do not interact with europe and america, but nevertheless they are still in the
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global financial system. because of this , of course, they also do not want to fall under sanctions, that is there is this so-called threat of secondary sanctions, theoretically it turns out that this internal chinese financial system, as you said, it is actually vulnerable to these sanctions, that is, theoretically america can introduce, as i understand it, sanctions on any bank that does not even work in dollars, who will implement them, well, they did, they did not trade with america, let them trade with us or there... with asia and so on, why is there such fear there, i don’t really understand this, well, uh, we at rospo believe, that several banks should be allocated that will work specifically between russia and china, that is, maybe these will be special banks, and special
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channels of mutual settlements, and then they will not be subject to sanctions, that is, chinese goods. will clearly understand that well, as a bank, as the kunlun bank, it works with iran, it falls under sanctions, accordingly, from the american side, and approximately the same bank works with russia, one or two or three banks work with russia and in fact they understand, deliberately, that they are subject to sanctions. vitalich, this topic about cryptocurrencies, does business now have schemes, well, we will not disclose them, if they exist, which suggest? such calculations in the conditions that in china such interactions, just recently this news came out that there will be fines and even criminal prosecution for transactions with digital assets that are illegal, there this is a very important prefix, but the legality is not defined in china, as far as i know, here are transactions in cryptocurrencies have some
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the prospects for interaction between our business and chinese business, or is this... not even being discussed yet, that's what entrepreneurs say in the report, well, it's hard to say about the prospects, now this scheme is in effect, in general it's working quite well, the only thing is, it's actually illegal, illegal, both in russia and in china, well, not quite in russia, after all, we have a new law passed, now these foreign economic operations will be in the law, so... there will be an experiment, a law has already been passed, which will allows, now it's up to the chinese comrades, the law has just been passed, we're just starting to live by the law, well, we're hoping for the chinese side, i don't know how it will be, i think it won't be particularly profitable for the chinese side now, that is, i
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'm afraid it's like opening a pandora's box for them, using cryptocurrency for their operations, meaning for the chinese in general, i think there will be some options, yes, and vitalyevich, let's still talk about the current situation, i'm looking at the websites, which trade chinese goods, there are marketplaces ozoon, others, settlements are going on, and prices seem to be holding at the same level, although settlements, intermediary settlements, their cost is growing every time, i see a lot of this. complaints, but is this true, are these percentages growing for, well, so to speak, for bypass schemes? well, of course, entrepreneurs simply invest expenses. for financial logistics, the cost of goods, this is approximately 4, 6%, maybe it is not so
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noticeable on some small goods, goods, but in general in business there 6% is quite significant, significant profit, well, as i understand it, such percentages they became not so long ago, and before they were much lower, i understand correctly. before, the situation was a little different, last year there were practically no problems with this, literally from the beginning of summer the situation worsened, well , the situation really worsened significantly, that's why accordingly the percentage grew a little, but i'll tell you that the percentage grew to 8%, and then fell to five or six. percent, but in general, at some time in calmer times, such services cost, well, a tenth of a percent, that is, we now see that it is not 0.2, not 0.3, not
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0.5, but well, that is, it is actually two orders of magnitude higher, well, or one, how do you get it, how do you count it, unfortunately, unfortunately, you are right, all this falls on the end buyer, well, that is , it falls on us, i understand correctly, on us, and were you hovering? they will not be afraid of these difficulties, you see changes in mood, although at first they said that they want to come to us and further and so on, all these problems will not lead to the fact that here we have the trade turnover has already slowed down, the growth of trade turnover between our countries, although it is quite high, before that it grew strongly, so do you see what it means? well, what is considered, you work on the ground, here are the people who are engaged in business, they are their mood, it is very interesting to know, the majority of chinese entrepreneurs, they
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do not see any serious problems, the only reason why the trade turnover is generally falling, as we see, is mutual settlements, the fact that many russian companies actually cannot pay for those goods that are purchased, but in this regard. and chinese partners are looking for their own schemes and pushing the chinese government to find schemes for financial logistics for payments more quickly, so answering your question, i believe that chinese entrepreneurs even, probably , react more quickly and look at cooperation more positively. than our entrepreneurs, yes, than our entrepreneurs, well, i'll tell you that , let's say, last week we received
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two - state delegations, i mean in the p. two state delegations and three delegations of entrepreneurs, well, i think that, uh, there is interest, interest is growing, so there are prospects, good prospects. and it seems to me that now there is active propaganda in the chinese media that russia needs chinese goods, so we see, well, at all exhibitions, at all events, there are a lot of chinese entrepreneurs who bring, advertise their products, and count on cooperation with russia, well, what? well, vitalich, thank you very much, let's hope that all these problems really do not stop the growth rate of our cooperation everything will work out eventually, thank you very much,
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8:58 pm
rubles, or what? rubles are brought to us by debit. free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for business. august 23 is the day of military glory of russia, on august 23, 1943, the battle ended on
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kursk bulge, in a battle that lasted 50 days and nights, the german army lost 500 thousand soldiers, 1,500 tanks, 3,700 aircraft, units of the red army pushed the enemy back 150 km to the west and liberated kharkov. the victory in the gigantic scale of the battle of kursk completed the turning point in the great patriotic war. last night, a ukrainian drone attacked a kurdish nuclear power plant. it was shot down and found near a spent nuclear fuel storage facility. according to experts, the station is operating normally mode and the radiation background is normal, but the trend is frightening. the ministry of foreign affairs considered the incident an act of nuclear terrorism and demanded
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an immediate response from. with details anastasia yafimova. this photo was taken literally 100 meters from the spent nuclear fuel storage facility, the same drone with which ukraine tried to attack the kursk nuclear power plant was shot down by electronic warfare, in the immediate vicinity of the nuclear power plant. on the night of august 22, 2024 , the kiev regime. attempted to commit an act of nuclear terrorism with a kamikaze drone on nuclear power plant located in kurchatov, kursk region. the ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down in the immediate vicinity of the kurchatov npp by russian electronic warfare systems. the president also spoke about this attack the day before during a meeting on the situation in the border regions, specifying that the iaea was informed about the incident, and they confirmed the receipt of the data. the enemy tried.


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