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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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this will become, you main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you fool want, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon.
3:31 am
russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. does the business meet the requirements prescribed in laws and regulations, to find out, regulatory organizations conduct inspections and preventive visits. what is the difference between them, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue. instructions, let's start with the fact that
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from january 1, twenty-five , the approach to such events will change. the president announced that the moratorium from january 1 on all business inspections is lifted, replaced by a risk-oriented approach, that is, inspections will only be appointed when a high degree of risk is identified, life, health, and a number of other parameters, everything else will be replaced by preventive work. with enterprises with entrepreneurs. all inspection agencies and regulations are listed in federal law no. 248. preventive measures are also described there. they can be carried out by inspectors in person or via conference call. in addition, control and supervisory authorities have their own systems for tracking risk indicators without direct contact with entrepreneurs. based on the results of preventive measures, they identify, including including risk levels and decide whether to appoint
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a business audit, the number of audits, since only a risk-oriented approach will be used, that is , enterprises with a very high and high risk level will be audited, of course, the number of audits will be less, but their depth will be significantly higher, according to my estimates, the number of audits will decrease by about 2 to three times in number, but in terms of depth, intensity and possibly sanctions that will be... of course, i think it will be significantly higher. the main difference preventive measures from inspection in that a fine cannot be imposed based on its results. and if violations are found, then everything depends on how serious they are, a warning may be issued to eliminate them, deadlines may be set, then preventive measures will be taken to monitor compliance with the regulations, but if a clear immediate threat of harm is identified, or such harm has already been caused, the inspector has the right to immediately initiate
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control and supervisory measures, including and inspection. as for the inspection itself , this is a more severe measure with, as a rule, serious sanctions in the form of suspension from work, deprivation of licenses, fines, and sometimes the initiation of criminal cases in the event of some flagrant serious violations that have already led to unpleasant consequences, or are likely to lead to them, so of course. the degree of severity here, the degree of sanctions, the degree of response of state bodies is completely different. let's return to the preventive visit. this is a conversation with inspector in a free form, and today digitalization is actively underway and it is possible to hold the event remotely via video conference. another point: the entrepreneur must be notified 5 days in advance, and he can refuse a preventive visit no later than 3 days in advance. but if you refuse without explaining anything, for example, not... leaving certificates of illness or vacation
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of responsible persons, the inspector will pay increased attention to such a company. if an entrepreneur or director refuses such events, it means there is something to hide, and of course, an inspection must be appointed, and the inspection will be carried out forcibly, an unscheduled inspection can be carried out not only if the entrepreneurs of the enterprise refuse preventive measures, but in the event that the inspectors become aware of some serious violations, for example, the prosecutor's office receives a statement from two employees of the enterprise that there are serious violations, then an inspection will be appointed for... let's look again at when an unscheduled inspection of a business can be carried out, in the law notes the following grounds: if the deadline for the execution of the order has expired, violations
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remain. another reason: an entrepreneur must obtain a license to work, and it is impossible to issue one without an inspection, an inspection can be appointed based on the results of observation without contact with the entrepreneur himself. or at the request of citizens in the following cases: if there is a threat of causing or has already caused harm to the health and life of citizens, harm to animals, plants, the environment, cultural heritage sites, if received a signal about the violation of consumer rights, requirements for product labeling, or risk indicators have been triggered, by which the supervisory authorities remotely monitor violations. and, finally, the basis for the inspection may be an order or instruction of the head of the supervisory authority.
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term, otherwise the supervisory authority will initiate an unscheduled inspection and its consequences may be much more serious. questions arose about how to interact with supervisory authorities, we found out how it works on portal of public services and what applications have been created for this, we will definitely tell you about everything in one of the following issues of the program instruction. don't miss it.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our. besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings, august 24, a memorable date
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in the military history of russia, august 24, its goal was to encircle and defeat the german-romanian group covering the balkan direction, the success was complete, our troops managed to advance 140 km, the enemy lost 18 divisions.
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step by step the assault group advances on the enemy stronghold, conditional, although this is training, but the entire arsenal is entering, machine gun bursts, grenades, everything is like in the textbook, you enter there with shooting, you understand, a young unit for the russian army, the detachment of maxim krivonos, is practicing tactical skills here at one of the training grounds in donbass, one could say that this is another voluntary combat unit, of which there are now dozens fighting, but... this is special. we are moving in the podva column together with the fighters of the maksym korevonos detachment. in this
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unit, there are servicemen who were previously listed as part of the armed forces of ukraine, and are now fighting for russia and against the evil that has filled the ukrainian state. for more information about the work of this unit, see the special report. if the residents of the donetsk region had been told literally 3 years ago that the ukrainian military would be fighting side by side with them against the criminal kiev government, they would have definitely twirled a finger at his temple, the military men themselves would have been surprised then, but now times are different, we are talking with mozart, he was brought to donbass from lvov, for the first time we have to not only interview, but stand next to a former enemy, who has a combat weapon in his hands and a fully... loaded magazine, the main goal for a start is to convey to the people of ukraine that russia is not our
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enemy and that our friends are still here nearby, and not somewhere far away. if you noticed, the lvov resident speaks pure russian, not even years of brainwashing could erase it brains of ukrainian propaganda, nor the nazis raging in the streets, he got to the front against his will, was mobilized, then without cover, support and ammunition was thrown to the front, therefore, when ... our assault groups approached, did not resist, raised his hands, surrendered. we witnessed the briefing before probing the forest plantation, do not land like this 2 me, here one, here the second, here the third, the closer you land, if something flies, it will take you all at once. for a long time they could not understand, something was wrong, then got it, none of the squad members hide their faces under balaclavas, their positions.
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but it's all serious, because at the front a mistake can cost lives. the first one is sapper lyutik, inspecting the area for tripwires, mines, drones. training takes place in conditions close to combat, a separate squad of uav operators also works here, who are holding a bird right above us now. the group's task is complicated by the fact that... it is also necessary to pass through the forest belt unnoticed, we continue moving, we continue moving,
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not only aerial reconnaissance works, but also kamikaze drones, everything is like on the front line, if the assault group is noticed, they will try to destroy it, it is very difficult to move, the equipment cannot drive up, as before, for example, they could on the bmp, well , to storm, there two bmps arrived at the landing, but now, for them to get to the lbs at all, well, you have to pray. morning in the temple of one of the cities of donbass, fighters of the detachment of maxim krivonos are hurrying to the service. amen. rejoice, our joy, cover us from all evil. prayer of the most holy theotokos the echo fills the vaults of this ancient
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building. the situation is paradoxical. even at the beginning of the special operation, the city where this shrine is located was a frontline city. maybe not specifically these, but still ukrainian soldiers launched shells at residential areas , including this temple, now after some time they stand at the service, listen to the prayer here. the most difficult thing, probably, is to find this feeling in yourself, the feeling to forgive, yes, everything that happened. the first person who entered heaven after christ was a thief who repented. if a person repents, then it is necessary, essential find the strength to forgive. and... these strengths will make us even more people, worthy of this title, the high title of a man. alexander khizhnyak, who comes from zaporozhye, cannot call his story anything else but a miracle . he says that earlier, like everyone else, he went to church only on holidays. he was mobilized, thrown to the front, the fire was so dense that he thought he would not survive. he found salvation when
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russian troops approached, he surrendered, that's how god himself ordered it and decided. that it was necessary to save the life of either me there or my comrade there. and to get into this particular detachment of ours named after maxim krivonos , the signs of the cross are blessed and consecrated , the sprinkling of water is sacred in the name of the father and the son of the holy spirit, amen, be protected by god , thank you, lord, having received the blessing and went to the front, these are the shots of their real combat exit. the unit has already dozens, if not hundreds of successful operations of knocked out enemy equipment, including american. in the frame in pividon, an armored car is subsequently destroyed by an accurate hit by bradley, hard work. it turned into routine. successful operations are the main idea. one people, one faith, one cause, motivates
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more and more volunteers to train at the training grounds, take up arms and fight against the nazis. ukrainian authorities, these are not prisoners, these people , we are doing something so right, we have independently decided to work with us together, this is worth a lot, so we are doing it, we are fighting for something so right that even people on the other side remembered who they are and believed in us, this is what i consider extremely important, in the name of maksym krivonos, the detachment it was not named by chance, he was one of the closest associates of bohdan khmelnytsky, the majority.
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will rethink, then i think, well, people will change their minds and go to the bright side, let's say so, kirill himself served in the armed forces of ukraine under contract since 2011, was wounded in the battle near krasny liman, and there came the realization of everything that was happening, those whom he considered his own were abandoned, he thought he would meet a bony woman with a scythe god knows where in a pine forest, but
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a russian soldier extended a helping hand, approaching me, said: it's okay, brother, i'll help you now i will help, we will live, he called himself the same as... my name is, that is, my namesake kirill, he said come visit, then to kemerovo, which unit, i don’t know, well of course, thank him, even if he sees this video, recognizes me, that is, well, a huge thank you to him, and that is, everything, as we talked with him, so it happens, yes, someone may not understand the decision to go to the other side of the barricades, someone will consider it insincere, but the fact remains a fact, they not only fight for us, for our common cause, but they die, there are in the detachment, in the war, as it is known, without this it does not happen. vladislav krikun stormed the enemy stronghold near krasnogorovka. in the frame. the last battle, gave his life for the motherland, like a hero with a weapon in his hands, from here approximately, you can already throw, yes, but only this whole thing works from a prone
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position, lie down, lie down, we work, no need to shout anything, the word grenade does not shout, there is no need to warn the enemy about the grenade, the first training of recruits in the detachment, even the weapon in the hands is not yet combat, line up sick, this is enough to first, work out the tactics. you've drawn level with him, no, no, no, no need to run yet, press yourself close, you draw level with him, throw a grenade, behind him, behind him, that's it, now stand still, i'll lead you at the same time, now there's an explosion on the left and on the right and everyone's already gone to their own place, they've stopped, everyone's gone to their own place, observation by instructors, the personnel arrives virtually zero, no, not because... they forgot everything while they were in captivity, it 's something else, no one bothered with training mobilized soldiers in ukraine, several weeks, if not days, to the front line, and
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you learn everything there, in combat work, to put it mildly, newbies, even those who were sent to training courses in military camps in europe, the bald one went through them, he himself was from chernivtsi, they caught me in the village, brought me to the military registration and enlistment office, two weeks, the documents were ready, they sent us to england for... medicine, because unlike the kiev regime, they do not prepare meat for the assault here, but warriors, they even find time for hand-to-hand combat training, i move my pelvis, i will make a movement, hello, elephant, wine, yes relaxed, and then just fall down, is there? that these people will not go to ukraine of course, i agree, but i believe them, i understand that in the army the question of faith at the first opportunity, someone else's soul is darkness,
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regulated by the actions of the charter, i understand everything, but in this situation this is a very subtle question, it is these fighters, those with whom i communicate, i look them in the eyes, i look into their souls, i believe them, returns from another grueling training, behind a forced march with full gear, such heat that it's time to sit somewhere in the office under air conditioning, but in such heat - this is by no means a whim of an insensitive commander, a necessity, the unit is preparing for another combat mission, there at the front, several dozen kilometers from here, before taking up a position, they will have to run from the forest belt to the trenches across open terrain in order to complete the task as effectively as possible, models u...
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survive, get captured, find the strength to admit that they fought with the wrong people, take up arms again and begin to fight the brown plague called nazism, all for that, so that one day over our common homeland, finally there would be a peaceful sky.
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. in the three
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ninth kingdom, the three tenth state. let's translate from office language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction.
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we watch, in order to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website.
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affairs of the kursk region. according to the ministry of defense, in one day the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 400 of their fighters and 17 units of armored vehicles. but in total, during the military operations in this direction, the enemy has already lost more than 5,000 servicemen and 69 tanks. today, on the instructions of the president , deputy prime minister marat khusnulin arrived in the region. he inspected temporary accommodation points where residents of prigranich are currently located, who were forced to leave their homes. together with the governor.


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