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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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alexey smirnov, deputy prime minister, also discussed the restoration of the destroyed areas. all the latest information from the kursk region from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. the day before , a siren sounded more than ten times, warning that there was a missile threat, residents needed to go down to the shelter, and the authorities continue to ask to pay special attention to this, to take this seriously, if the siren sounds, you need to go down to the shelter, or, if you are in an apartment, hide. either in the bathroom or in corridor, the safest places during shelling, well, it is worth saying that the situation is still extremely difficult in the border areas, there are battles going on there, the enemy has noticeably changed tactics, if earlier he tried to break through deep into the territory with a big attack, with a big pressure, now the tactics are changing, they are breaking up into small groups, acting in the schemes of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, they are pursuing a rather selective policy.
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move, but our guys are meeting, they are prepared, our intelligence is working very well tu-tu-tfu from the air on the ground, these groups are breaking up, now large units are trying to consolidate in forest regiments, they are also hiding equipment there, well, again, our birds are reading and then our aviation is working with artillery support, they are being destroyed , destroyed quite successfully, in some areas the situation is still very difficult, it is not easy in tyotkino in... in other populated areas, the enemy, of course, is committing atrocities in these territories, the civilian population is simply a shield for them, meanwhile the authorities are trying to organize evacuation, people leave on their own, this is a difficult and challenging moment, units of the northern group of troops, with the support of army aviation and artillery fire, repelled attacks by enemy assault groups in the direction of populated areas, borki and maloe loknya, and also thwarted attacks. in the direction of komarovka,
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korenevo, martynovka and russkaya konopelka. as a result, the usu lost up to 70 people, killed and wounded, two combat armored vehicles and a car were destroyed. reconnaissance and search operations are ongoing detection and destruction of ukrainian armed forces sabotage groups in forested areas. air strikes, artillery fire and troop actions affected concentrations of manpower and equipment of the 22nd, 61st and 115th mechanized, 80th airborne assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of apanasovka, alexandria, vishnevka, gueva, mikhailovka, lyubimovka, malaya loknya, plekhova, snagost and yuzhny. today , marat khusnulin, deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, visited kursk oblast on instructions from the president. together with the acting duties of the governor smirnov, they visited temporary accommodation points for migrants from border areas, talked to residents.
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people who came to the region are now being helped by all emergency services volunteers who help distribute food, who work with migrants, psychologists thank you very much. already opened here in the kursk region, and almost as many opened in neighboring regions, there people receive everything they need, the most important thing, of course, now is attention, this explanation of what and how to do, how to receive payments, all this. the kiev regime again tried to attack the kursk npp. last night, a ukrainian was shot down near the nuclear power plant. what was left of it was found near a spent nuclear fuel storage facility.
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russia provided information about this to the iaea. about those who are seeking a nuclear catastrophe on the entire continent and those who are behind them. more details, anastasia efimova. this photo with... was taken literally 100 m from the spent nuclear fuel storage facility, the same drone that ukraine tried to use attack the kursk nuclear power plant, shot down by electronic warfare, in the immediate vicinity of the npp. on the night of august 22, 2024, the kiev regime attempted to commit an act of nuclear terrorism with a kamikaze drone on a nuclear power plant located in kurchatov, kursk region. the ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down in the immediate vicinity. npp, by russian electronic warfare. the president also spoke about this attack the day before at a meeting on the situation in the border regions, specifying that the iaea they reported what happened, they confirmed the receipt of the data. the enemy tried to strike the nuclear
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power plant tonight. the international atomic energy agency has been informed, they promise to send. if they come themselves, send specialists to assess the situation, i hope that in the end this will be done on their part. judging by everything, the head of the iaea will personally assess the situation, as it became known this friday, rafael grossi plans to come to kurchatov next week to see the situation with their own eyes. according to the information provided, the remains of the drone were found approximately 100 m from the nuclear storage facility for the spent fuel of the plant. russia informed the iaea that the drone was neutralized in the early hours of august 22, and the agency’s director general rafael mariana grossi confirmed his intention to personally assess the situation at the scene during his visit next week. grossi will also discuss the modalities for further actions that
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may be necessary to assess the nuclear and physical security at the kursk nuclear power plant. the trip to kursk, if nothing disrupts rafael grossi's plans, will not be the first visit of the head. to the ukrainian conflict zone. together with the mission staff, he has visited the zaporizhzhya station more than once, the last time in february. the situation around the zas, by the way, is also far from calm. on august 11 , a fire broke out at a cooling tower. the cause was targeted strikes by two ukrainian drones. a little less than a week ago, a ukrainian drone dropped a charge on a power unit running alongside on the road, and today the high-voltage power supply line was disconnected, and it was disconnected by the ukrainian one. on august 23 , 2024, at the zaporizhzhya npp , the high-voltage power supply line ferosplavnoye one was disconnected by automatic action. the npp's own needs are supplied from the dnieprovskaya line. no violations of safety limits and conditions were recorded. the personnel are ready to respond.
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the attack on the kursk station was called an act of nuclear terrorism by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. ukraine is systematically and deliberately striking npps without... vessel. the drone found in kurchatov is marked army of drones. this is a special project of the ukrainian general staff of the ministry of defense and a number of departments, by whose efforts kiev has promised to deliver no more, no less than a million uavs to the front this year alone. the money is generously transferred by sponsors, formally, private individuals who are not indifferent to ukrainian independence. if it was written on the drone that it was part of the army of drones project or something like that project is called.
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and this project is very actively sponsored by the west, in january the contact group on support of ukraine created a whole quote coalition of drones, germany, britain, sweden, the netherlands took up the supplies. where it shoots from, and most importantly, what threat it poses to the entire continent, experts cannot, just as they cannot stop those who, in their russophobic obsession, seem to have long been ready for anything. anastasia efimova, news. to kiev via poland by train, the first ever visit of the head of india to ukraine took place under the banner of a peacekeeping mission, at least, that's what was stated. with what and for what purpose did indian prime minister narendromode come to kiev why right now, natalia solovyov thought. namaste, the traditional indian greeting. narendra modi gets off the train in kiev,
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this is a special visit for the prime minister. indian leaders have never visited ukraine since its independence, which means the occasion is serious. remember, ukraine and russia were part of the ussr, now they are separated by borders, but they will have to find some truth so that people stop dying. this is a historic visit. was in kiev will talk to vladimir zelensky, live broadcast is conducted indian channels, today for new delhi - this is the main news, they assure that the trip of rendez-vous to ukraine does not mean that india is turning away from russia, on the contrary, they emphasize that the prime minister's trip is not an initiative of the indian side, but a concession to the persistent pleas of kiev. the priorities are obvious, rendez-vous is going first of all to meet with the indian diaspora. before the start of hostilities, 20,000 citizens lived in the country. the possibility of ending the yenya is the main
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topic in the negotiations with zelensky. from the very first day, we are on the side of peace. yours excellency, i come from the land of buddha, there is no place for war in it. i am from the country of mahatma gandhi, who showed the way to peace for the whole world. your excellency, i came to ukraine with the feelings of almost one and a half billion people of india. and these feelings are inspired by humanism. i came to ukrainian soil with a message of peace. zelensky pressed on pity, but only begged for an invitation to visit india new delhi categorically refuses military assistance to kiev, providing only humanitarian support and does not join anti-russian sanctions of the west. the policy of the indian authorities is consistent, which cannot be said about the kiev regime, which demands peace for ukrainian children, while at the same time destroying the civilian population in the kurb region. most of the negotiations were actually related to the conflict in ukraine, the prime minister spoke about our position,
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which i briefly outlined for you: now is not the era of wars. dialogue and diplomacy are key factors, the solution will not be found on the battlefield, he shared a widespread opinion about the consequences of this conflict for the global south. the prime minister also spoke about a conversation with vladimir putin earlier in moscow. another attempt to establish relations with mode is a special success. yes, it will be possible to invite a representative
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of russia and present him with this plan. ukraine has already presented this visit as its foreign policy victory, a practical result that is of little concern. india , on the contrary, is ready to play any role in achieving peace, as bequeathed by mahad magandi, at whose monument in kiev he laid flowers on rendra mode, which is indicative of one. evgeniya zemtsova, news! hello,
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there are less than 3 months left until the elections of the president of the united states, less than five months until the inauguration of the forty-seventh head of the white house. what will be the foreign policy of the united states in the era of total domination in washington by the hawks, and from both parties, should we expect new crises and is there even the slightest chance to resolve some of the existing crises, who if not the main hawk, as they call john bolton, should we ask about this. first, let's move to chicago, where the democratic election convention was held and where joe biden, in a speech that was supposed to be a pre-election speech, remained essentially a farewell speech, took credit for nato expansion at the expense of finland and sweden and the fact that the ukrainian conflict has been going on for three years, what are they trying to achieve, we ask those who vote in congress and vote for military aid
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to the kiev regime, we have always defended the right of ukrainians to resist the dirty imperial.
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allow people to fight, give them weapons so that they can show themselves in a war that they cannot afford to lose, striding so dynamically, you can tear your pants, and grem and the blumenthals are reaping the fruits of their own policies, sanctions, threats, unilateral bans, all this is a very shaky building material with which the us, by inertia , is trying to strengthen the eroded soil on which the proverbial city on the hill stands, will it stand? i do not think that we are on the brink of a new world war, but what i see is the formation of a new axis between china and russia. unlike the sino-soviet alliance of the cold war, i think china is now the dominant partner. i think that for russia in the long term in the long run, it's very dangerous. most americans in general, people in the west dreamed
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that in the 30 years since the collapse of the communist party of the soviet union, russia would be. i 'm not so much worried about it because it's bad for the west, although it is , but because it's bad for russia to be under the influence of china, but the axis hasn't fully formed yet, there are still serious contradictions between china and russia, but you can see where it's going. it's not a direction toward world security and stability, that's for sure. in fact, russia is where it was, it's the states, together with its satellites, all these years have been moving the alliance closer to our borders, some republicans from among the isolationists, such as jade vance, and donald trump himself, now call it a mistake, but will they work on the mistakes? we know a little about the foreign policy views of kamela harris, she
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hasn't said much on this topic, being a senator, she doesn't have much experience in foreign policy, obviously, that's all. my quite a long time, a year or two, she will be the forecast is that if harris is elected, he will continue to pursue biden's policies and will not change the foreign policy course taken on february 24, 2022. trump will be completely different, he said that if he wins, he will gather zelensky and putin in one room and resolve the ukrainian crisis in 24 hours. this is a long echo of the covert story about alleged russian interference, however, one should not expect bolton to be lenient towards trump, they have fallen out to smithereens, there is a version that
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bolton was eaten in a bureaucratic battle by secretary of state mike pompeu, who recently tried to remind people of himself again, together with lobbyist david urban in a column for the street journal, pompeo published the so -called peace plan for ukraine, which... russia, of course, is categorically not satisfied with, there is a $500 billion land list for kiev, joining nato and the eu and reparations. and what does bolton think? there were many interesting proposals regarding what us policy towards ukraine should be, and i supported many of these proposals. it was not about a peace plan for ukraine as such. and i think the main the problem with this plan is that there is no guarantee that trump will agree to it. you can call it trump's peace plan, but in fact it is a plan proposed by mike pompeo and david urban. i know both of them very well. i generally
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agree with their proposals, but i am not at all sure that the trump administration will ultimately agree to them. donald trump has never given any direct assessments or comments on mike pompeo's so-called peace plan. but in his recent lengthy interview. i know putin very well, i am very got along well, he respected me. putin is a good negotiator. russia defeated germany together with us, they defeated napoleon. russia
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has existed for a long time, it is a great fighting force, it is very powerful. ukraine now lacks people, they use young and old people for war, and because of this we are in a very bad position. and it is not only about the usa, the whole world is in a bad position according to trump. the biggest threat to him is not global. some stupidity can happen, while trump himself has somehow forgotten that this is under his rule, which took years to develop the architecture of global deterrence was beginning to crack at the seams, it was bolton who pushed the trump administration to withdraw from the treaty on the elimination of. and shorter range, they say, the treaty is outdated, but they did not create anything new. i spent a lot of time negotiating with russia on
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nuclear deterrence, sometimes the negotiations worked, sometimes they did not, but part of the problem is that we are moving towards a completely new reality, as far as nuclear weapons are concerned. during the cold war in the ussr in america they understood that we were living in a bipolar nuclear world. other countries, china, britain, france. had small arsenals, today russia and the united states are undoubtedly the two largest nuclear powers, but china is very quickly increasing its potential and refusing to participate in negotiations on nuclear weapons. from the point of view of the united states, china is becoming, not today, not tomorrow, but perhaps very soon, a very serious adversary with a large nuclear arsenal. this will greatly change the whole situation. therefore, it seems to me that it is in the interests of both russia and the united states to involve china in negotiations. on this issue, like any american hawk, bolton cannot calmly talk about china, paradoxically, but it is a fact: washington's foreign policy, which bolton largely shaped under trump, in
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the chinese direction, in fact, has not undergone major changes, even after the republicans were replaced by democrats in the white house. america is firmly rooted in taiwan, various kinds of supports, bilateral at the level of allied relations with japan or south korea. attempts by the anglo-saxons to portray something like a pacific nato, with the us, uk and australia, like aucus. in reality , they were unable to challenge the celestial empire. i think china is definitely the largest economy in the world, which has made a very clear statement about its aspiration to become a hegemon not only in its periphery in the indochina region, but in the world as a whole, and that is a cause for serious concern for us. this concern is growing as the alliance between russia and china develops. russia is a nuclear power, it still has a lot of mineral resources opportunities.
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moscow-beijing alliance. many believe, and not without reason, that china has reached the peak of its economic power, its population has been declining since the beginning of the century, and accordingly its economic power and military strength will also weaken, but right now for the foreseeable future, china remains the main threat. on international relations, recently published an article entitled "what is the biden doctrine". at the end of the biden presidency, the author jessica mattheus, a person of the establishment, is organizing an audit foreign policy successes and failures of the democratic president. chief among the failures is the middle east. the results are disappointing. the courage biden showed in withdrawing troops from afghanistan was absent from his response to the war in gaza, where his outdated understanding of israel
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allowed him to put more pressure on his leadership to adopt a wiser and less destructive approach, somewhere between the two and the three. bolton, of course, looks from the opposite positions, not for nothing that on his desk an eagle has its claws clinging to a stand with the inscription together against a nuclear iran, but he is also unhappy with biden. i think that the conflict in the middle east, in particular the situation in gaza, is very dangerous, especially now, as... when iran is planning some kind of retaliation for the assassination of hamas leader ismail haniyeh in tehran by israel. this in itself was a very daring operation, behind which, i think, massad is behind, although they have not yet claimed responsibility. iran is clearly striving to become a nuclear power. i think it can easily get weapons from north korea, but every time a country that dreams of having nuclear weapons puts pressure on israel, which has nuclear weapons, it is
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potentially very dangerous, i think, and russia and china support iran in this endeavor, which makes the situation even more dangerous, all this seems to me part of the global cooperation of russia, china and their allies, but iran itself has long been the most serious threat to peace and security in the middle east, but it is because of american movements in the middle east that even the streets have become unsafe these days chicago, pro-palestinian protesters...
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yes, it turns into failures inside. this was america, all the best to you.
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so says the lighthouse. we watch, to. know everything about
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