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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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no you won't get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he doesn't need a pen, who has a flint in his pocket? soon.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. hello, this is a legal program on air the duty unit is leading, in the studio is alexander ostakhov. the hunt for illegal immigrants, a large-scale joint operation of the fsb, police and the russian national guard to detain migrants took place in polyakhno.
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footage from a bird's eye view in olga zhurinkova's report. a drone reconnaissance aircraft recorded working days on the territory of one of the greenhouse farms in the berezovsky district of the krasnoyarsk territory from the air. according to operational data, illegal foreigners are working here. information from the cameras is given to the security forces in real time. there is no time to waste, a capture group is moving out. police fighters the fsb and the russian national guard enter the territory of a greenhouse farm, someone, seeing the security forces, tried to escape and disappear in the agricultural plantations, but failed, the fugitives were caught in a chain, they were taken along the rows of cabbage to special vehicles, all facing the bus to hand over, the workers lived in barracks on the territory of the farm, and how many people are here - they spend the night, two people, judging by the bunks, good, and how many of you are workers here in general, worker?
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these personnel, as they say, do not need any explanation, monstrous unsanitary conditions, not beds, plywood flooring, what kind of specialty, and where do you live, you live in a village called peschanka, in the next room, a canteen, who invited you, brother pa, uh-huh, brother speaks russian, no, you don't understand at all, and these are most likely foreign fertilizers without certificates of conformity, it is possible that after the examination they will find dangerous chemicals, usually such liquids from... are used for the rapid ripening of vegetables once a month, are you paid either by the shift or by the hour, how do they settle accounts with you 25,000 yes judging by stories order reigned here rather strict workers carried out agricultural plantations from early morning until late evening for the slightest offense they were fined. what exactly are you doing here in the field? in the field, in the field i work, what do you work as? i say what do you work as? the work of the greenhouse
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has been stopped for today, the foreigners were taken to the police department for investigation, we are passing, we are passing, as a result of the raid by employees of the department for migration issues of the main ministry of internal affairs of russia for the krasnoyarsk territory, 84 administrative offenses were identified. in relation to persons who organized the residence and employment of foreigners, a procedural decision will be made in accordance with the law. 18 foreign citizens will soon be expelled from the country. also, all detainees were checked for involvement in the crime.
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was ready to exchange the department in the classroom glass box of the tverskoy court of moscow, a teacher of the capital's university of friendship of peoples, a citizen of nigeria, kakpoboda raymond avikho is suspected of organizing for foreigners. such an extravagant way to replenish personal savings, the associate professor says, decided 3 years ago, created an organization, the agents of which offered visitors to formalize a fictitious marriage for one hundred and fifty thousand rubles , not only selected a bride, but even explained how to behave in the registry office so that the employees of the institution would not notice the catch, to put it more simply, they took the case for organizing a group of people by prior agreement for the illegal entry of foreigners into russia. against the backdrop of the strengthening of the fight against illegal migration, the accusation is serious, because to marry would be on russian women for visitors from distant republics - a good way to bypass complex bureaucratic red tape. an effective marriage is needed in order to bypass quotas for obtaining a temporary residence permit,
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that is, a citizen - who has a fictitious marriage, or he really entered into. the quota does not apply to him, he has a simplified procedure for obtaining a residence permit, which in accordance with the subsequent entails simplification for obtaining citizenship of the russian federation. recently , such dealers are being fought like this. group capture works suddenly and the business on fake marriages ends. these citizens in one of the industrial zones of yaroslavl, just like the nigerian associate professor, helped foreigners to legalize themselves. in russia, i spent several years conducting fictitious marriages with citizens, the scheme worked quite simply, often such quiet weddings were held in villages and small towns, there they looked for ladies ready to have a stamp in their passport with a stranger, for 10, 15 thousand, well, so
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they said, such a darling like me, you can pay pennies, but the buyer gets much more freedoms and benefits on the territory of a foreign state, the ministry of internal affairs notes over time, over the past year the number of violations identified related to the legalization of foreigners in circumvention of laws has doubled and it is not only law enforcement officers who should control this process. unfortunately, in our country there are no so-called marriage experts, that is, before entering into marriage with a foreigner, no one conducts an interview, no one reveals true intentions, the legislator does not yet see the need to create such structures, although in many countries such... experts exist, as for the nigerian matchmaker who organized fictitious marriages, a criminal case has already been opened against him, together with his accomplices, the associate professor was sent to custody, law enforcement officers managed to establish preliminary that at least eleven foreigners used his migration services, but as
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the investigation progresses, this figure may grow. maksim shevchenko, olga zhurenkova and vadim chetvertkov, conduct duty unit. new episodes in the case of the serial killer. vladimir mirgorod, who. in the press was nicknamed a neat strangler, confessed to the capital's investigator in five more murders. the maniac operated in moscow and the moscow region in the early 2000s and was detained in 2004. at that time , 15 girls and one teenager were officially considered mirgorod's victims, but later it turned out that this was, unfortunately, far from a complete list. investigators from the capital's investigative committee charged him with the murder of two or more people, five episodes involving rape. as part of a criminal. examination in the conditions of modern technologies, according to the results which mirgorod's involvement in the crimes was established. during interrogation , dushegub admitted his guilt, let me remind you that he had previously been sentenced to life imprisonment, as of today, he is charged with 20 episodes
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related to murders and rapes. and now about the events in correctional colony number 19 in the volgograd region. the day before , it became known that four criminals took hostage with... were eliminated by snipers of the russian guard , along with the vsin-bars special forces , the volgograd administration cathedral participated in the operation rosgvardiya, and amon was involved to ensure security. according to the agency , citing sources in the special services, one of the terrorists tried to set in motion a search for the suicide bomber, but did not have time. all who were
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captured were released. a group of prisoners attacked employees in sin during the day during meetings of the disciplinary commission, four criminals were taken hostage.
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all of the regional center. all wounded employees of the correctional facility, they resisted the terrorists, were taken to the hospital in the city of surovikino. four injured uvsin employees were admitted to the central district hospital of the surovikinsky district. two people are in serious condition, two people are in moderate condition. currently , surgical interventions are being carried out, operations are being carried out in the hospital. officially , there is no information on the injured yet, but the media, citing their sources, report that among the deceased employees of the colony, according to journalists, are the head of the educational department
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viktor chernushkin, the head of the security department, ivan krechetov, deputy head of the colony for security and operational work, andriy kuchma. in addition, the same employee of the correctional institution who had been held hostage by the bandits for a long time, sergei gordopolov, died in the hospital. his captors tortured him all day and filmed the abuse on camera. in reality, he was delivered with multiple wounds, craniocerebral trauma, cuts. he lost a lot of blood. sergei. was 25 years old, he graduated from school in suravikino, studied in st. petersburg and returned to his homeland. he came to work at the correctional institution immediately after military service, was fond of football and basketball, recently wrote a scientific paper on the topic "the role of information culture" in the work of the detachment commander. as a result of the criminal activity of the bandits , four convicts suffered. there were no casualties among the employees who took part in the operation to free the hostages. the leadership and personnel of the federal penitentiary service express their deep. condolences to the families of the employees who died in the line of duty. all of russia will provide all necessary assistance to the families
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employees who suffered during the hostage-taking of vk-19 of the russian federal penitentiary service for the volgograd region. penal colony number 19 is located on the outskirts of the regional center of the city of surovik, approximately 100 km from volgograd. this is a maximum security men's colony. the sentences here are mainly served by first-time convicts and k-19 was considered one of the best in terms of conditions of detention. according to some information, among the crimes provided for by articles 206 and 321 of the criminal
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code of russia, this is the taking of hostages and disruption of the activities of institutions for investigation of the criminal case, an investigative team has been created, which includes the most experienced investigators and forensic experts. the progress of the investigation has been placed under control at the central office of the department . the penal colony is currently under the control of security forces. cynologists with dogs are working on site. a search will be conducted in the premises where the captors were held. an investigative task force has begun work, it is necessary to find out how the bandits got the knives, according to the media, the terrorists could have made them themselves in the industrial zone, where there is a workshop, metal structures and a lathe, but it is possible that the weapons were obtained for money. there are many questions, in the colony the invaders were able to make a homemade explosive device - a suicide vest. according to some reports, the terrorists made it at the sewing factory in the colony. it is already known that the bandits had mobile phones. the regional prosecutor's office has organized a compliance check.
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on saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final issue of our program, its main topics will be presented by my colleague andrey ivlev. the most discussed legal topics of the week, and also unique journalistic investigations, only with us. the defeat of the underground pharmaceutical empire. in moscow, a candidate of medical sciences is accused of illegal business on drug addicts, really, instead of treating, he sold them potent drugs. how the owner
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of a clinic and several pharmacies could get thousands of people hooked on pills. what was the criminal scheme and what was the income from it? dr. zlo received, per day revenue from 700,000 to 1,200 and more. our film crew visited a medical center where they diagnosed people by eye and sold prescriptions for illegal drugs, who we found in closed offices. hello. unique details of a criminal case and previously unknown details of the investigation in andrey romanov's material. sidoropolo's rules or the principle of the kuban blogger's scam? why live at all if you're afraid. the court arrested the outrageous internet coach andrey sidoropulu. i think there will be extremely tough content. he sold his own courses to subscribers, promised to make them rich, but only showed off his own method of deception. is it true that his developments were fake and were copied from the internet. a clearly planned fraudulent scheme. what threats were made to the victims, what made
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them give millions to a business coach with a school education. initially. the intent was to deceive, and what does the scandalous blogger who set fire to mercedes have to do with this story, and mikhail litvin should go to jail. new details about virtual swindlers and real punishment for them. chopped cabbage on illegal migrants. a businesswoman from nizhny novgorod made her fortune selling sauerkraut and was put under investigation for how her vegetable kingdom was actually organized. get out of here, get out now. her employees saved on the idea, were afraid to go outside and lived in wooden barrels, only to us did the arrested lady reveal the secret of her success. work with your hands, not your tongue. who helped her become a billionaire and how did this cooperation end for an influential patron in the nizhny novgorod region, alina found out
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skachkova. these and other topics are already on saturday at 18:15 on russia 20. huge clouds of thick bright orange smoke and flames over the mountains, new apocalyptic footage from dombai, where a powerful forest fire has been raging for three days, is appearing online. more than 200 people were trapped in a fiery trap in the popular tourist spot, and in order to get them out alive, the ministry of emergency situations organized a complex rescue operation, with bulat shakiyev monitoring its progress. it was like... a volcano awakening, huge clouds of smoke obscured the sky over the gonachir gorge, and then, descending on the ground, crawled through the surrounding forests. this is how a fire began a few kilometers from the mountain resort of dombai in korochaevo-cherkessia. the wind fanned the flames so much that smoke was seen even in abkhazia. within 5-7 minutes , both sides began to burn, that's where it burns, that's where
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the apocalypse is. this is the main problem with forest fires in the mountains, a huge number of dry, windblown trees, the fire spreads across them instantly , it is almost impossible to put out such a fire, only if a mountain river like this intervenes in the situation. rescuers have it harder, they have been extinguishing the flames for the third day, the fire has spread across the river and the road to the neighboring sector. the area of ​​the fire, according to the most conservative estimates, is more than 200 hectares, and the only effective way to extinguish it, in this case, is aviation. when a fire is in the mountains, then rocks explode. and rockfalls, this road is even blocked, every minute the rescuers risk their lives for others, dombai is a place of attraction for tourists from all over russia, the calling card of karachay in cherkessia, it is an all-season resort, where almost 320 days in the sun shines, the snow on the mountain slopes lasts until mid-april, for ski lovers there
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are 25 km of trails open here, for those who want to, there are mountaineering schools, from may to august this area is ideal for hiking... for those who came here to breathe the cleanest air, it is no wonder that rescuers had to search for and lead numerous guests of the resort out of the fire trap, only the day before the flames cut off the escape routes of a group of seven tourists who went on a hike, it was necessary to carry out a serious special operation to save them, all in all the ministry of emergency situations evacuated almost 250 people, a camp was set up for them near lake tubanle, the safest place in the area and, as it turned out, quite romantic. i heard that there was even a wedding there, yes, there was a wedding, the newlyweds were congratulated, in the morning the evacuees were taken out of the disaster zone , heavy equipment, the road had to be cleared of... crooked trees. the last column of evacuated tourists leaves the gonachkhir gorge. everything is done , naturally, under the supervision of the ministry of emergency situations.
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can you take a picture of me, my leg hurts. no one needed serious help from mitino, there were no casualties. everyone is happy that they got out of there, everyone seems to be in a good mood, no one was seriously ill, and well , no one even asked for basic help. now the perimeter of the fire has been cut off, the internal forces are not allowed in, the border checkpoint is still working there, our guys continue to serve, they hope for the end of the natural disaster as soon as possible, help is promised from the sky, this time the weather forecasters predict a saving rain. voloshagiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chastyakov, maxim romanenko, vesti, duty unit from krachavo cherkess republic. more than 240 tons of humanitarian aid were sent to kursk in the past 24 hours. convoys of the russian emergencies ministry continue to deliver cargo to migrants from the border area. save. brought to the region food, personal hygiene products , bedding, which were collected by residents of karachay cherkess republic. the national center for assistance to missing victims has already delivered
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medicines, school kits, shoes, tracksuits to those accommodated in temporary accommodation centers toys. these parcels were collected on individual requests. don't miss this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, eduard petrov's investigation, not rescuers. they drive premium cars on dedicated lanes, turn around across solid lines, according to the documents they are rescuers, there are all sorts of people on the body, where are you going in a special vehicle, not dad, car, the work of restoring order has reached its limit, we took on this case and conducted our own investigation, not a children's matinee. the holiday with animation ended for the tambov official dismissal, the head of the motor depot of the government of the tambov region andrei seleonov together with his colleagues celebrated a birthday, subordinates decided to distinguish
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themselves by ordering an outstanding gift for the boss, a dance with an artist in a life-size doll, and not a simple one, but a very frivolous one, even a whip was included in the set. seleonov participated in the performance very actively, he touched the doll, and kissed it and even punished it with that same whip. afterwards, the rest of the motor depot employees joined in the fiery dances. andrei seleonov's management did not appreciate such a matinee. the regional governor maxim egorov was outraged by the behavior of his subordinate and assured that seleonov would have to say goodbye to his position. it is unknown whether the former chief of the motor depot is the porolonovaya madam, with whom he communicated quite closely. the entire operational legal news feed in telegram channels is conducted by the duty officer of the honest detective. subscribe, our issue is over, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you later.
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. under the ninth kingdom, three tenth state.
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from clerical to understandable, everything is not so it's scary if there's an instruction. so says the lighthouse.
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if everything is like the wild west, then there's only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. a sensation has occurred, and what a sensation. tension has arisen inside and outside america. what's the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch and follow now? this is america, a program about a country that's hard to understand.
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it was born entirely here on the spot, through mistakes and constant testing. this is an unmanned platform, a pre-production model, but the degree of readiness is quite high. we've been into unmanned vehicles for a long time technologies, we assemble ourselves in our own pront laboratory. one of our advantages is the virtually silent technology, we also have a laboratory where components for drones are printed around the clock, namely a ground drone is an irreplaceable thing.
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now watch the investigation of eduard petrov not rescuers, how they managed to establish. order on the roads to correct the situation when some officials and businessmen drove cars with a siren symbolizing the ministry of emergency situations.


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