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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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peaceful goals we set as our task by supporting the stability of the regime to ensure a calm, safe life for the population of this country, all the roads were built by us, the airfields were built, all the tunnels, and we drove through these tunnels, we drove through our own roads, what happens, yes there, there was no need to put a map there, to conduct some reconnaissance, yes there, everything was done in advance, because our state has always been very... friendly towards the country, and the afghan people remembered and knew about this, so there were periods when they were there and hunger began, and we, soviet people, living nearby in a military garrison, gave them bread, we gave them flour and shared it with everyone, you understand, we gave them everything, what it was that people needed, and also provided medical assistance free of charge, just for free.
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the united states always supported anti-government forces in afghanistan, while the soviet union , on the contrary, sought to create a more stable regime, understanding, by the way, the specifics within the political system, the role of clans, regions in political regime of afghanistan. soviet forces not only ensured stability, but also built roads, structures, schools, hospitals, sought to spread education in the country according to soviet standards, and educated people, and thus tried to lay the foundations for the future prosperity of this state. however , washington did not need a prosperous, economically developed afghanistan, because it would mean that the ussr had a reliable ally, safe borders.
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a positive image of influence in the region, namely that is why washington actively opposed the soviet union, officially not entering into an open military conflict with a nuclear power. when we got involved in afghanistan, the us did not get involved there, they created the mujahideen, they created the taliban in order to bring about a new situation, an internal military conflict on the territory of afghanistan, and let it grow into an external one. about the policy of the soviet union in afghanistan after 1979, it must be said that the soviet union at the official level repeatedly declared that we were ready to withdraw troops and stop the operation if the united states of america in turn stops supporting the opposition with weapons and stops supporting them through pakistan with funding, so here it is necessary to say
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that the soviet operation in afghanistan, it was rather defensive in nature, and was aimed at stabilizing the region in the context of external intervention aimed at undermining the political regime in afghanistan. in 1979, another crisis of political cooperation broke out, the irrepressible forced intervention in the affairs of afghanistan, attempts to influence the reforms being carried out to establish the soviet. led to the revolution and those political problems that forced the soviet union to introduce troops into afghanistan. the war, the curtailment of military political cooperation, the halt of cultural exchanges and cross-border cooperation, the rise of the taliban movement , the american invasion crossed out the successes of the sixties. it is also interesting that in 1986 the americans supplied the militants in afghanistan with stingers.
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in the west in the sphere of eastern europe, changes the situation between the frg and the gdr. against this background , in parallel, we begin to hold very serious negotiations about withdrawing troops from afghanistan, and let us remember once again, after all, afghanistan bordered on three soviet republics: uzbekistan, tajikistan and kyrgyzstan, it was at this moment that we said that the soviet union was finally withdrawing in march of 1989, we were withdrawing our troops. from afghanistan, there were practically no soviet troops left there that could come to the rescue if something happened in uzbekistan, at this moment tajikistan, the caucasus, transnistria and the events in fergana are starting to flare up, all of this is breaking out almost
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simultaneously, with a slight difference in time, it is starting to flare up according to three principles, this is religion, territory and the national question itself.
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an article of income, and the united states of america could not do anything about it, and perhaps they tried hard, since a very large part of the income from the sale of opium poppy and heroin from the region, it settles in developed countries, of course, and not in developing countries, but not in afghanistan itself, so here of course we need to systematically fight this problem. what the soviet union tried to do in its time, and today, what we see is that the united states left, left behind weapons, and of course, the weapons of the difficult political situation in the region can be used
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by isis militants, and therefore it must be said that the policy of the united states in the region, starting in 2001, when under the pretext of... international terrorism, the first afghan campaign began, and then the rapid, unprepared withdrawal of troops shows interest only in its political influence, but in no way in the fate of ordinary people who live in afghanistan. the us military campaign in afghanistan became the longest war in american history. it lasted 13 years. as a result of the cross. civilians, and other sources claim that the figure is more than twice. for the population of this country, of course, the policy of the united
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states of america, it brought instability, conflicts. uncertainty about the future and the huge number of refugees from the region demonstrate that the steps taken to stabilize the region. by the united states did not bring any effect. the withdrawal of american troops was rapid. against this background, the confrontation between the taliban and government forces intensified. as a result , afghan president ashraf ghani fled the country. and the taliban occupied kabul and gained control over almost the entire territory of afghanistan. well, the flight of the united states to afghanistan, my first impression was that soon there will be a new war. and this is what happened in ukraine, because they needed to close this
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case in order to move forces to new conflicts, this concept, we need to completely hold the middle east and at any cost because of that terrorist attack on september 11 , 2001, yes, this predigo may have disappeared, do not forget that our politicians said that we have a world war. against terrorism, as soon as something changed in russia, we no longer talk about it, even in english we say that putin killed covid or ended covid, yes, because the war is in ukraine closed this case, but people forget that putin also largely closed military conflicts in the middle east from the united states, because it became impossible to maintain activity in iraq and canada, and a little passivity is going on in syria. this is only to protect this oil there, but overall
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a special report by vadim topalov about volunteer unit, in which former ukrainian military personnel fight against the kiev regime. third, third, work, work, work, step by step, the assault group advances on the enemy stronghold. conditional, although this is training.
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they said that ukrainian military personnel would fight side by side with them against the kiev criminal government, they would have definitely twirled their fingers at their temples, the military personnel themselves would have been surprised then, but now times are different, we are talking with mozart, he was brought to donbass from lvov, for the first time you have to not only interview, but also stand next to a former enemy who has a combat weapon and a fully loaded magazine in his hands, the main goal is to first convey to the people of ukraine that russia is not our enemy. and that our friends are still here, not far away, if you noticed, the lviv resident
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speaks pure russian, neither years of brainwashing by ukrainian propaganda nor the nazis raging in the streets could overcome him, he was sent to the front against his will, he was mobilized, and then without cover, ammunition support was thrown to the front line, so when our assault groups approached, he did not resist, raised his hands, surrendered. we witnessed the instructions before feeling the forest plantation, you do not need to sit like this 2 m here one here the second here the third. the closer you sit, if something flies in, it will take you all at once. for a long time we could not understand that something was wrong. then it dawned on us, none of the detachment's fighters hide their faces under the boloklava, their positions, are not embarrassed, they joined the friendly family of the russian army. the difference, they say, in battle no one notices. borzy commands the group, says that recently an adjacent
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unit asked for help. we had a task, we were pulling out the two hundredth, it turns out that they assigned us three people to help them, and then we with them. conditions, a separate unit of uav operators is also working here, who are holding a bird right above us now, the group's task is complicated by the fact that it is also necessary to pass through the forest belt unnoticed, we continue to move, we continue to move, not only aerial reconnaissance is working, but also comic drones, everything is like on the front line, if
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the assault group will be spotted, they will try to destroy it, it is very difficult to move. the equipment cannot drive up, as before, for example, they could in an infantry fighting vehicle, well , to storm, there two infantry fighting vehicles arrived at the landing, but now, in order for them to get to the lbs at all, this, well, you have to pray, morning in the temple of one of the cities of donbass, fighters of the detachment of maxim krivonos are rushing to...
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including this temple, now after some time they are standing at the service, listening to the prayer here. the most difficult thing, probably, is to find this feeling in yourself, the feeling to forgive, yes, everything that happened. the first person who entered heaven after christ was a thief who repented. if a person repents, then it is necessary, it is necessary to find the strength to forgive, and these strengths will make us even more worthy of this. high title of a person. alexander khizhnyak cannot call his story anything else but a miracle, he is originally from zaporozhye, he says earlier, like everyone else, he went to church only on holidays, he was mobilized, thrown to the front, the density of fire was such that he thought he would not survive, he found salvation, as soon as russian troops approached, he surrendered, that's it so god himself ordered and decided
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that it was necessary to save lives, either me there, or my comrade there, that's it. and to get into this detachment of ours named after maxim krivonos. these signs of the cross are blessed and sanctified, this sacred sprinkling of water in the name of the father and the son of the holy spirit. amen. may god protect you. thank you for accepting you. having received the blessing, the detachment went to the front. this is footage of their real combat exit. the unit has dozens, if not hundreds of successful operations under its belt knocked out enemy equipment.
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work with us together, it is worth a lot, it means that we are doing something so right, we are doing something, we are fighting for something so right that even people on the other side remembered who they are and believed in us, this is what i think is extremely important, it is no coincidence that the detachment was named after maksym krivonos, he was one of the closest associates of bohdan khmelnytsky, most of the victories of the liberation war of the 16th century of the zaporozhian cossacks are attributed to the military talent of this... to change power in kiev, that is, as they say, in ukraine as a whole, to become one brotherly nation with russia, as we were before, but there is no leader as such who would go, well, in spite of all
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this western, as they say, influence and so on, we met with the detachment commander kirill belausov, we ask the question straight away, because they have to not just fight, but kill those with whom they previously served in the ranks of the ukrainian army, but this is war, this must be understood, we must understand only... that simply because of not because of russia, sons died there and their children, and because of western influence , that's just it, when a person rethinks, then i think, well, people will change their minds and go to the bright side, let's say. kirill himself served in the armed forces of ukraine under contract since 2011 in the battle near krasny liman, he was wounded. there came the realization of everything that was happening, those whom he considered his own were abandoned. i thought that he would meet a bony woman with a scythe god knows where in a pine forest, but a russian soldier extended a helping hand, came up to me, said: it's okay, brother, i'll help you now, we will
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to live, he was called the same as me, that is , my namesake kirill, uh, he said that i was coming to visit, then to kemerovo, which unit, i don’t know, well, of course, thank him, even if he sees this video, recognizes me, that is, well , a huge thank you to him, and that is, everything as we talked with him, so it happens, yes, someone may not understand the decision to go to... on the other side of the barricades, someone will consider it insincere, but the fact remains: they are not only fighting for us, for our common cause, but they are dying. the unit has its first losses. on war, as we know, does not happen without it. vladislav krikun stormed an enemy stronghold near krasnogorovka. in the frame is his last battle, he gave his life for his homeland, like a hero, with a weapon in his hands. from here you can already throw, but only this whole thing works from a prone position, lie down, we work, no need to shout anything, the word
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grenade does not shout, there is no need to warn the enemy about the grenade, the first training of recruits in the detachment, even the weapon in his hands is not yet combat, line up sick, this is enough to work out at first tactics, you caught up with him, no, no, no, no need to run yet, when you catch up with him. "throw a grenade, for him, for him, that's it, now stand still, i'll lead you at the same time, now there's an explosion from the left to the right and everyone has already gone to their place, stand up, everyone has gone to their place, observation by instructors, the personnel arrives virtually zero, no, not because they forgot everything while they were in captivity, it 's a different matter, with the training of mobilized soldiers in ukraine." then i didn't bother, a few weeks, if not days, to the front line, and eight there you will learn, in combat work, to put it mildly, newcomers even those who were sent to training courses in military camps in europe,
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the bald one went through them, he himself is from chernivtsi, i was caught in the village, taken to the military registration and enlistment office, two weeks, the documents were ready, we were sent to england for training, well, they trained us with us, they trained the finns, well, to say the least... they trained here, a serious approach to the guys, much attention is paid to tactical medicine, because unlike the kiev regime , they are not preparing meat for an assault here, but warriors, there is even time for hand-to-hand combat training, i move my pelvis, make a movement: hello elephant, well, it seems he has relaxed, and then i just fall down, is there a guarantee that these people will not go to ukraine at the first opportunity? someone else's soul is dark, of course. i agree, but i believe them, i understand that in the army the issue of faith is regulated by the actions of the charter, i
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understand everything, but in this situation this is a very delicate matter, it is these fighters, those with whom i communicate, i look them in the eyes, i look into their souls, i believe them, the detachment returns from another grueling training session, behind them a forced march with full gear, so hot... that it's time to sit somewhere in an office under the air conditioner, but physical exercise in such heat is by no means a whim of an insensitive commander, a necessity, the unit is preparing for another combat mission, there at the front, several dozen kilometers from here, before taking up a position, they will have to run from the forest belt to the trenches across open terrain in order to complete the task as effectively as possible, simulates the conditions here at the training ground, we even practice shooting at mavics, so that the guys... have already developed the skill of shooting back right away, because there are a lot of birds now, very fast, very explosive. professional military of the armed forces of ukraine
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served voluntarily behind the 25th, 23rd brigades, was in reconnaissance, was captured after being wounded, the convictions by which he fought for ukraine crumbled like a house of cards, when he stopped being intoxicated by ukrainian propaganda , the opportunity appeared to see the other side, he understood the truth, why he decided to join, well because i realized, i understood that there, let's say, the other side, well, there's more lies there. first of all, well, these americans, well, they're not our friends, like, now it turned out that we 're fighting against each other, that is, like, we're brothers, we were just pitted against each other, to convey this idea to the people of ukraine, one of the main goals of the unit, to get closer to it without war, unfortunately, so far it hasn't worked out, but the fight is not with the people, with the kiev nazi regime, which seized power in the country and terrorizes ordinary people, well, we're doing a good deed,
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction.
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in the border area of ​​the kursk region , russian pilots attacked the manpower of armored vehicles in the ssu. intelligence received the enemy's coordinates and transmitted the data of the k-52 helicopter crew. the servicemen hit the nationalists with aircraft missiles. drone operators confirmed that all targets were hit. after that, the helicopter crew performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat. traps and returned to the airfield base. and here is footage of the work of the crew of the mobile radar complex. the calculation of the installation carries out round-the-clock combat duty, this complex of autonomy has increased cross-country ability. after completing the task in one of the areas, it quickly moves to another. arrive, do not break anyone or anything, so that everyone is safe and sound, as if, here is a place to choose.


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