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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the border area of ​​the kursk region , russian pilots attacked the manpower of armored vehicles in the ssu. intelligence received the enemy's coordinates and transmitted the data to the k-52 helicopter crew. the servicemen hit the nationalists with air missiles. drone operators confirmed that all targets were hit. after that , the helicopter crew performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the base airfield. and here is footage of the work of the crew of the mobile radar complex. the calculation of the installation bears 24-hour combat duty, this complex of the autonomy has increased cross-country ability. after completing the task in one of the areas, it quickly moves to another. to arrive, not to break anyone, nothing, so that everyone is safe and sound, as if, here they chose a place. first deputy prime minister denis
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mantarov checked the work of one of the defense enterprises of moscow, there they produce equipment for both military and civilian purposes. over the past 2 years , the volume of orders fulfilled has doubled, salaries and the number of employees have grown. the moscow plant is participating in the implementation of the national project of unmanned aerial systems, the enterprise creates complexes for identifying air objects, navigation controls, in particular , a special system for protection has already been developed. the involvement of ukrainians in the undermining of the northern streams does not stop berlin, which continues to supply kiev with weapons. this was told in an interview with my colleague alexander korievsky by the russian ambassador to germany sergei nechayev. and what's more, the german authorities are trying to disown them, saying that the weapons that were transferred ukraine, is no longer german. most so maryana, representatives of the political establishment, of course. they
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advocate this, but such an ideological message has been launched that german weapons supplied to ukraine automatically become ukrainian, that is , germany bears no responsibility for them, and what the kiev regime will do there is, as they say, another matter, but this is not the business of germany. andrzej duda arrived on an unannounced visit to ukraine, the chancellery. the polish president published a video of him leaving from a train carriage in kiev, where he is met by representatives of the ukrainian authorities. duda is expected to take part in events dedicated to ukraine's independence day. american independent candidate robert kennedy jr. has announced his support for donald trump and noted that he is suspending his presidential campaign. he spoke about this in arizona, where he joined the republican's rally. the independent candidate has asked, will ask to remove his name from the ballots in ten key.
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is supported by no more than 5% of americans, namely these votes, analysts believe, could play a decisive role in swing states where the republicans... circassians are fighting a fire
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near the resort village of dombay; an emergencies ministry helicopter has joined the firefighting efforts in the gorge. the k-32 is dropping water and extinguishing agents on the mountain slope. about 100 people and dozens of pieces of equipment are also working at the site. specialists have managed to prevent the fire from spreading. according to the latest data, 15 hectares of forest are still in flames. emergencies ministry aircraft are also actively working in yakutia. 100 have been dropped on the edge of the fires in a day. tons of water, during this time it was possible to extinguish approximately 38 thousand hectares of forest, however , the situation is still tense, there are more than fifty fires in the republic, the fire has spread over an area of ​​over 380 thousand hectares, more than 1,300 people are involved in extinguishing, the main forces are now thrown into protecting populated areas, due to fires in the republic, as well as in buryatia, transbaikalia, tuva, a state of emergency of regional significance is in effect. now commercials, and
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after our broadcast will continue with a documentary about the history of the kurdish battle during the great patriotic war. and conveniently repay 24 months, and do not forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment techniques. every 15 minutes the game hunting, your chance to change everything. the main trophy from 220 million. hunting. test your instinct. when buying a car, you can
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the beginning of 1943, the whole world held its breath, enraged hitler demands to destroy germany was still very strong. soviet troops in the kursk area. preparations for the offensive have been going on for 3 months. almost the entire military power of nazi germany was concentrated near kursk. on july 5, german tank columns moved forward. will germany retain the strategic initiative or lose it? the battle of kursk lasted 49 days.
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more than 2 million soldiers and about 600 tanks took part in it on both sides. this has never happened in the history of wars. these are terrible pictures, smoke, roar, the roar of the exploding iron, armor melted armor, how the red army managed to defeat the elite german divisions. why did hitler finally lose the war at kursk? why even the newest tanks and planes did not help him.
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in early 1942, in the battle of moscow, nazi germany suffered its first serious defeat in world war ii. the germans came close to the soviet capital, but were unable to take it. thanks to reserves that arrived in time, the red army launched a powerful counterattack and pushed the wehrmacht back from moscow. the blitzkrieg plan failed. in this
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at that time, german engineers were hastily developing a new formidable weapon, a heavy tank, which, according to hitler's plan, was supposed to change the course of the entire war. the design of such a tank was presented to the fuhrer in the spring of 1942. the new machine was called the tiger.
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the soviet t-34 medium tank was inferior to the german innovations in firepower and armor thickness, but was the most maneuverable tank in its class. in one campaign, the t-34 could cover more than 400
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km and fire up to 100 shots. enemy shells often simply bounced off the tank's sloping armor without causing any harm. in 1942, mass production of t-34 tanks was established at the machine-building plants of the urals and siberia. in 1942, it must be said that we supplied the troops with 24 tanks, that is, we managed to mobilize our industry in 1942 in such a way that we were able to finally turn the war from five to win at stalingrad, that is, in february of 1943, the army surrendered and we began a broad offensive, we liberated the northern caucasus, kuban, stavropol, went to the east of ukraine , approached donbass, liberated kurdsk,
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liberated belgrade, liberated kharkov. in march 1943, the red army's offensive in ukraine was stopped. the germans transferred reserves here from france and launched an unexpected counterattack. they reoccupied kharkov, belgorod and the adjacent territories. at the end of march, when the spring thaw began, wehrmacht units received orders to go on the defensive. the front froze in anticipation of the summer.
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the success of the operation could have returned the strategic initiative to the wehrmacht, but its failure promised disaster. the battle of kursk was to become the decisive battle for the war in the sense that it was determined whether germany would retain the strategic initiative or lose it, and the preparation of the operation lasted for quite a long time at... the next meeting, the model, the commander of the ninth german army, laid out photographs of the soviet defense in front of hitler and said that we would not be able to break through this defense with the forces we had, now in may, we had to postpone it. hitler, well, he was going to the bank here, and he said that luck should be on our side here, so from his nationalistic point
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of view, there was an absolutely well-thought-out plan, but this the germans, in fact, were let down, because the soviet command was not asleep, it understood perfectly well that here... a strike was possible, then this was confirmed by intelligence data. on march 18, 1943 , a secret cipher was received in moscow from geneva, in which soviet intelligence officers from the dora group warned stalin that the germans were gathering large forces on the kursk bulge. this information was also confirmed by reports from british intelligence. the soviet side was expecting an offensive and information leaked through intelligence and, above all, through the cambridge five, when german radiograms were read and this data turned out to be quite sufficient to build a german plan, that is, how it looks in general terms, again without specifics up to a kilometer the direction of the attacks did not know, in addition,
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they made a mistake in the balance of forces. the british said that small. i would not like to think that they did this on purpose, but the fact remains: three fronts were entrusted with holding the defense near kursk: in the north to the central front of rakosovsky, in the south to the voronezh front of vatutin. at the base the kursk salient was the steppe front of konev.
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break through, when the decision was made, to build such a tough defense that they would not break through. in total, 1,300,000 soviet soldiers were concentrated near kursk. the frontline was turned into a huge fortress. the defense line consisted of three strips of trenches, anti-tank ditches , and obstacles. in some areas, the depth of the fortification line reached tens of kilometers. the main problem of our defense was the lack of heavy artillery. soviet light guns were useless against the new german tanks. and the new heavy guns had just entered production by the start of the battle, they clearly weren't up to the task. then it was decided to use new defensive tactics. if
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earlier anti-tank guns were lined up in one line along the front, now they were combined into anti-tank strongpoints. anti-tank guns. each point included up to twenty guns. the guns could fire in all directions, the distance between the strongpoints was about half a mile. if enemy tanks tried to break through between the strongpoints, the guns fired at them. more vulnerable side armor. they built pillboxes, dug so many trenches, that's 3, 4, 5, 6 lanes, yes, that if you add it up. together it's from moscow to kamchatka, that's several thousand kilometers, that is, everyone worked and even built a railroad specifically in order to deliver troops and ammunition
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directly to the battlefield, people worked, ordinary people - these are local residents who were mobilized, yes, it's a huge amount of work, but nevertheless they built such a defense, which was then saturated with mines in front of our positions, this was a very important matter, because we had never created such minefields before. to break through the soviet fortifications, the germans assembled 50 of their best guards divisions, totaling about 900,000 men. it was assumed that these forces would be able to suppress the resistance of the red army and capture kursk. hitler's main hope was the new german tanks. in addition to the tigers, the ferdinand self-propelled gun was brought here for the first time.
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the number of german troops on the soviet-german front rose even slightly above the level of june 22, forty the first year, that is, the germans raised everyone they could to arms, the stake was still on the newest models of weapons, if the tiger tank had already managed to visit the soviet-german front, then the newest vehicles, the panther tanks and the ferdinand self-propelled gun were one hundred percent new, in addition to this , ammunition was naturally accumulated, aviation was concentrated. it is approximately considered that 70% of the armored corps of the then germany was squeezed in the kursk direction, the most fierce such guards divisions participated there, great germany lepandart adolf
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hitler, that is , the ss armored troops, which were the highest quality in terms of personnel training and the best armed. in early july , the tension at the front grew every day. will it work? they will begin the offensive at 3:00 a.m., on july 5 , 1943, a decision was made to conduct contract training on our fronts in order to
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, well, hit the german strike forces, it was carried out at 2:00 a.m., well, of course, yes, they hit the areas, it was not reconnoitered where the blow was concentrated on the german groups, but nevertheless it delayed the german offensive for several hours, and the germans realized what awaited them already. on the morning of july 5, 1943, german troops of army group center under the command of model began an offensive from the orel region on rokossovsky's central front. the entire military might of the reich, which had been amassed near kursk for several months, was set in motion. the nazi tank columns moved in a steel wedge toward our trenches. it reminded us of what the germans had used back in the 13th century, like a pig, in a wedge, that is, in front of the wedge are heavy tanks, behind are more medium tanks, and then
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light tanks, then infantry. those same tigers and panthers went, which, among other things , pursued the goal of psychologically inflicting a serious blow on the red army, because no one had ever seen such tanks, they were very powerful, so fierce and very well armed in this sense. tiger t6, what is it? this is 100 mm, frontal armor, which our gun could not penetrate, even at close range with frontal armor, we could our t-34 and 76 mm.
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how to destroy it with molotov cocktails . anti-tank artillery, when german tanks went, many fighters, well, thank god, yes, here they go, well, now we 'll do them there, that is, there was such courage too. from the first minutes of the offensive, german tanks began to be massively blown up by soviet mines, the germans tried to clear minefields with radio-controlled tankettes, but it did not help. soviet sappers made their way right to the line of fire and planted mines in the path
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of enemy equipment. anti-tank mines tore tracks and turned combat vehicles into a motionless pile of scrap metal. the main enemy of the heavy tiger tanks were mines. the kurdish salient was heavily mined. there were tens of thousands of mines, as a result of which, what happened with the tibers and the panthers. explosions on mines are not an irretrievable loss, it is only.
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passed from hand to hand, here the german tanks were surrounded by soviet artillery regiments and were forced to begin regrouping. at this time , soviet guns were shooting at them in their most vulnerable places. the main support in the north became artillery, a typical tactic based, among other things, on active
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using radio communications, this is... such a framing of the head of the advancing german tank group from both sides so to take it in pincers of artillery from the flanks, that is, there were so-called flirting guns that fired from afar, drew fire on themselves , turn the enemy, move towards them, so to speak, get closer, shoot, crush, at this moment other guns were fired from the flanks, and from about 300-400 m, soviet guns here 3, especially since they have already gone... in the summer of forty-third massively sub-caliber cumulative shells, and you can it was necessary to hit the tigers in the side, and here under the panyrs on the northern face, where arkasovsky commanded, they knocked out this striking power literally in a few days, 200 tanks remained to the mountain, there on the northern face, the newest tanks, and the germans began to go on the defensive and...


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