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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the best bank for business, we give 3 months of free acquiring. and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for business, simultaneously with the attack in the north, from the south, from belgorod, a group began an offensive armies south under the command of manstein and goth.
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it was opposed by vatutin's voronezh front. overcoming minefields, the tanks came under heavy fire from soviet artillery, which made mine clearance difficult. the nazis tried to repair the blown-up tigers, but this took a lot of time. the movement of enemy armored vehicles was hampered by hundreds of kilometers of anti-tank ditches. this battle was not at all like the summer campaign of 1941. the german divisions were literally bogged down on the line of soviet fortifications. however, the combat the experience of the germans, their new equipment was still made.
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destroy these pockets of resistance and then move on. to stop the german attack, vatutin threw tank reserves into the battle. to minimize the superiority of the german tigers and panthers, it was decided to hide our artillery and tanks in ambushes , fire from cover, letting the german vehicles approach to a distance of 300-400 m. the t-34s destroyed them with aimed fire. this tactic bore fruit. the german columns were cut through, but they could not be routed. by striking in different places, the germans managed
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to reach the last, third line of defense. there were no serious defensive lines behind it. in the south, from the very beginning, events began to develop according to a very dramatic scenario with a breakthrough up to the third line of defense, but it should be understood that from the very beginning the german plan cracked, in the conditions of the voronichesky front, it offered such tough resistance that it was like a breakwater, that is, it cut these two advancing groups, they went in different directions, on the tenth. manstein struck a new blow in the south parts of the kursk salient. here, near the village of prokhorovka, there was a huge field where german tanks had more room to maneuver. the germans had pulled all their reserves here.
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about 400 combat vehicles from the elite ss tank divisions. vatutin sent rotmistrov's fifth tank army to meet this armada.
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in view of these obstacles crossing the field, it was necessary to pass through several narrow corridors that prevented a large mass from acting, so approximately 50-70 soviet tanks, for this reason
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the battle took place in several waves, the first 50-70 come out, others, someone breaks through along the bank of the village, someone breaks through the forest belt, therefore the battle under the prokhokho... it was with some, so to speak, tank assumptions, that is, in it a large role, for example, was played by german anti-tank artillery, there self-propelled guns that fired from a place and could... and the machines burst into flames one after another, but the german troops also suffered losses. the most powerful blow to
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the tigers was delivered by soviet bombers. here, near kursk, we first used new bombs that the germans knew nothing about. previously, aircraft destroyed tanks with heavy bombs that required precise hits. at the kursk bulge. soviet bombers carried light bombs on board, which they literally scattered on the battlefield. a hit from even one such bomb was enough to disable any enemy tank. in total, an aircraft could carry about 200 such bombs in one sortie to hit dozens of enemy vehicles. german fighters tried to prevent our bombers. but they were constantly attacked by soviet aircraft. it was here
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near kursk that one of the most successful pilots of world war ii, ivan kazhedub, shot down his first plane. the tank battle on the prokhorovka field lasted all day. in total , more than a thousand tanks participated in the battle at the same time. the history of such a battle. i did not know yet, from the memoirs of a participant in the battle near prokhorovka, lieutenant grigory peneshko. there was such a roar that it pressed on the eardrums, blood flowed from the ears, a continuous roar of engines, clanking of metal, rumble, explosions of shells, the wild screech of torn iron, point-blank shots twisted the turret, twisted. the armor burst, the tanks exploded, we lost the sense of time, felt
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neither thirst, nor low, nor even blows in the cramped cabin of the tank, one thought, one desire, while alive, beat the enemy, the battle in the mountains - this is a terrible picture, that is, smoke, from the torn iron, the armor melted the armor, right? the cries of the wounded, ours jump out of the knocked out tanks, the germans from the knocked out ones, often begin hand-to-hand combat, literally face to face, yes, and here it was a fight, the most, maybe may be, one fierce, all the same we stopped the german attack, that is, the germans did not go further, after prokhorovka the germans retreated to their original positions and already... did not undertake any attacks until the end of the battle. according to the soviet command, in just
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one day, july 12, the german troops lost about 300 tanks near prokhorovka. these losses meant the final collapse of operation citadel. the germans simply had no reason to advance further. this is a selection on the german part. this is the second ss tank corps. khaosov is the totenkopus division dead head dasreich, and great germany is the ss selection divisions that we stopped, and we lost, yes, a huge number of tanks, yes , it is a fact 500, but the germans also lost 300 out of 400, that is, they lost 75% of their long-term, we 60, we had reserves that we could use, in this regard, this is of course, an unconditional victory for the reds, the prokurovsky field along with the battles near panyr - these were the culminations of the battle on the kurdish arc
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of the entire kurdish battle, when the turning point occurred, and the germans realized at that moment that everything, yes, they won't go any further, the counteroffensive near kursk, they tried to start as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible to prepare those troops that were on the defensive for the offensive, to strike before the germans repaired the tanks that had blown up in the citadel, with this task... on the day of the prokhorov battle, july 12, in the northern section of the kursk bulge, the red army went on the offensive. operation kutuzov began, the main goal of the attack was to finally crush the armies of the model advancing on kursk. the blow was delivered into the rear of the german troops. soviet guns covered the enemy with dense artillery fire. the badly battered german divisions did not
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expect such an onslaught. model gave the order to go on the defensive. but the wehrmacht could no longer hold the front line; the threat of encirclement forced model to retreat. on august 5, the red army liberated orel. it was possible to knock the germans off their established positions, which they had been strengthening for many months, and to crush the german defense and force them to retreat. in addition.
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advancing on belgorod and kharkov. the soviet tank armies, replenished with reserves, pushed back the germans to the south already on the third day of the offensive liberated belgorod. the remnants of manstein's divisions took up defensive positions in the kharkov area. hitler demanded that this city be held under any circumstances. but the initiative was lost. rotmesterow's tanks bypassed kharkov from the west. from day to day the red army could encircle all the remaining reserves of army group south. the germans had only one road left at their disposal, along which they could still leave the city. on august 22, manstein,
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fearing a repeat of the stalingrad catastrophe, gave the order to leave kharkov. by soviet troops, this meant, among other things, the loss for the germans of that equipment, which the next day the city was liberated was under repair, that is , there were massive explosions of ferdinands and tigers, other equipment that could not be evacuated, they were simply abandoned or blown up, as a result , they captured a whole cemetery of equipment, of those machines that could be restored, these are these... they collected a lot of scrap metal and deprived army group south of mobile reserves, that is, mobile reserves, like tank divisions, ceased to be tank in the sense that they had literally dozens of combat-ready vehicles left, this precipitous drop in the number of tanks in service led to the fact that there was no other option than to retreat beyond the dnieper, to try to cling to the dnieper, quite
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quickly after that we reached the dnieper, the battle for began. operation citadel is a decisive turning point in the war on the eastern front. in august 1943, it became finally clear that the germans had lost their strategic offensive initiative,
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it was gone, and germany was still far from being a defeated country, but it was already clear. on august 5, 1943, in honor of the liberation of orel and belgorod, an artillery salute of 124 guns was given in moscow.
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bell ringing in russia. and then at petrei, salutes already appeared, so let's make a salute in moscow, these salutes, a series of salutes with a different number of guns, volleys depending on the importance of the settlement, have already gone in a row in honor of the liberation of certain settlements of the red army. the establishment of several new soviet awards is associated with this victory, these were the order of glory, first, second, third degree, the order the famous victory, which was a military leader, and also, since the liberation of the territory of ukraine had already begun, these were the orders of bohdan khmelnitsky, this was also all very symbolic and from
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a political point of view it was done very correctly. and so in the soldier environment, in the environment of commanders, as they say, from lieutenant to front commander, was already firmly convinced that we would win, we would win, the question is how long it will take, nevertheless it was clear that everything, the war was won, the question is precisely when it will end on what borders, on what terms. the victory of the red army at kursk finally changed the course of world war ii. during the days of fighting on the kursk bulge, the anglo-american landing force landed in sicily and began the liberation of italy. this marked the beginning of the collapse of the axis bloc. japan finally abandoned the idea of ​​attacking... the soviet union. in the european countries occupied by the germans , the underground struggle of the resistance movement intensified. the whole world followed the successes of
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the red army on the eastern front. soon after the battle of kursk, us president franklin roosevelt said: "if things in russia continue as they are now, then perhaps next spring the second front will not be needed." the most important thing here was that the allied chiefs of staff were already worried, just during the kurdish battle on august 20, 1943, the quebec conference was held, attended by roosevelt, churchill, and the military, and it is interesting to look at what the military discussed, there is a document, it was secret for some time, yes, in the united states of america in britain, now it has been declassified, there...
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it is better to negotiate with the union. in november 1943, a conference was held in tehran with the participation of the leaders of the three allied powers: great britain, the usa and the ussr. at this meeting, the allies promised stalin to open a second front in europe no later than the spring of 1944. the opening of the second front was. victory on the kursk salient was ensured and another very important factor was tihran-43, the famous conference, it was also held following the results of the kurdish battle, when it became clear to everyone
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that the decisive role in the defeat of germany in the future belongs to the soviet union, and the soviet ally must have the corresponding priorities already in the post-war world order, based on the fact that it makes a decisive contribution to the defeat of the germans. in august 1900. the liberation of ukraine was of enormous strategic importance. and opened the way to an offensive against romania and poland. now nothing could stop the victorious march of the red army. the final defeat
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of the third reich. it became a matter of time.
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you will get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, in those old times when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you, a fool, want to go, where you need to go, he doesn't need a pen who has a feather in his pocket. and uh, uh, what
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10:59 am
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spring-like bus stops. if there is shelling, people come here and hide here, as soon as the shelling ends, within 20 minutes we already start choosing right away, well, who if not us, let's all hide and what will happen in the border area of ​​​​the ku... molniya-1 copter operators destroyed armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. fighters of the sever group use various drones from fpv to aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles. molniya 1 is a new product, its software has elements of artificial intelligence. well, what helps the drone overcome radio interference, and such drones are capable of flying a significant distance and carrying a serious combat charge. for me.


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