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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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go and hide here, as soon as the shelling ends, we already start choosing within 20 minutes, well who if, let 's all hide and that it will be in the border area of ​​the kursk region , copter operators.
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rap, self-propelled guns, tanks, what is not very much, well , what is most of all stationary installed, if the target is on the move, some fast equipment, accordingly, i will catch up and i, i will hit it. first deputy prime minister denis mantrov checked the work of one of the defense enterprises of moscow, they produce there equipment for both military and civilian purposes. over the past 2 years, the volume of orders has doubled.
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duda is expected to take part in events dedicated to ukraine's independence day. the us department of defense has released details of a new $125 million aid package for kiev. the ssu will receive missiles for the hammers rcso, 155mm shells and jevilin anti-tank systems. in addition, washington will transfer equipment and ammunition to ukraine to combat drones and emergency medical vehicles mobility. let me remind you. earlier , joe biden announced a new tranche to the kiev branch; the day before, he had a telephone conversation with volodymyr zelensky. the area of ​​the fire near the resort village of dambai in karachay-cherkessia has increased 17-fold. according to the latest data , 263 hectares are engulfed in flames. an emergencies ministry helicopter has been brought in to help. the k-32 is dropping water from the extinguishing agent down the mountain slope. about 100 people and dozens of pieces of equipment are also working at the site. emergencies ministry aviation is also actively
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working in yakutia. over the past day, the edge of the fires 100 tons of water were dumped. during this time , approximately 38,000 hectares were extinguished. however, the situation is still tense. there are more than fifty active fires on the territory of the republic. the fire has spread over an area of ​​over 380,000 hectares. the main forces are now deployed to protect populated areas. more than 1,300 people are involved in extinguishing the fires. due to the fires on the territory of the republic, as well as in buryat, transbaikalia and elsewhere, a regional emergency regime is in effect. traffic in the center of moscow has been restricted due to large-scale repairs on tverskaya street. they are laying asphalt there, and using new technologies. for greater durability, use a seamless method rather than cold welding. road works will be completed on the morning of monday, august 26. until then, the section of otmakhovaya street to tverskoy boulevard will be closed, as well as bolshoy and maly gnezdekovsky leontyevsky bryusov gazetny
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in june of the twenty-third year there was a direct hit and now we see the picture that has turned out now, in just the last 3 years the city survived 16 thousand large-caliber shelling, if... arrows, people come here and hide here, that's how we live, we're like girls, and we walk around with danish handbags, we all walk around with a tourniquet, with the first of those necessary materials that can
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be useful in a given situation. and have you ever thought about leaving the city? no, this is our city, our native one already. what is yasenovatoe? it's the largest railway junction in europe. this is a city that survived 10 years of incessant shelling,
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but the most important thing is the people who managed save it. in june of the twenty-third year there was a direct hit and here we see the picture that has turned out now. our station complex is a monument of architecture and antiquity, we have a certificate issued by the administration, so it is under the protection of the state the railway station in yesinovataya was built in 1952 before the beginning.
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in principle, it was not closed, residents of the streets closest to the station, they, of course, also hid in the station building. the width of the walls is 70 cm, so you could easily hide, without even using any, for example shelters in the waiting rooms. you could say that they didn't leave their work places for 24 hours because they had to process and serve. passengers who came to the station so that they could leave peacefully.
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the station hasn't received trains since 1914, however , it's impossible to tell at first glance that its activities have been suspended, and the territory has been repeatedly shelled, despite the risk, the team has been looking after the territory all this time, it was 1923, summer, and we were all at work, doing, here was an arrival, of course, there was a crater the size of a man, here are these, yes, these are the fragments, which yes. well, they are nowhere , these are these, yes, well, this is 122, and how much
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is 122 mines? after the start of the special military operation, they helped the cities where the fighting was taking place, although, of course, it was also difficult to call the situation in yasenovaya itself calm, in difficult times in the... kitchen here they baked bread for the city residents and neighbors, the volnovakha baked bread, they served the hospital, too, and workers of the restoration, who restored the waves, we fry fried pies, we make pizza, sausage, sweet with berries, now berries have gone, plums, baked pies with poppy seeds, well there are demands, services from peaceful life are gradually returning, we ... we issue tickets throughout the russian federation, we provide tickets from any station to any corner of our russia, you
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arrive at the station at the departure point, you already have a ticket in hand, everything is already a place, it is very-very-very good convenient, yasenovattsy come here for the usual services, they cut their hair, dye their hair, curl it, do their hairdos, wedding ones, any kind, that weddings are regular, well, girls. but where to, life goes on, war is war, but life still goes on, our bar counter, where the girls greet visitors with a smile, life has never stopped for a day only in one yasenovad cafe, there is a column, music is constantly playing, tables are set, everything is served, the establishment itself opened back in 2006, sofia and yana have been working here for 5 years, even the most severe ones were shot.
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celebrated, someone's birthday, well, pomeni, of course, we couldn't do without them. during the days when the city was being covered with brutal shelling, the girls helped the yasinovatians who were hiding in basements. we worked on... on generators , there was a regular water supply, children were sitting in the administration, they were in the technical school, they boiled water, cooked semolina porridge, there were babies, three of them, the same thing during the shelling, they ran around in small scampers, fed them, the residents of this house went down to the cafe, they also moved in with us, there were a lot of residents, well, yes, and people passing by also scored,
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when there was shelling, in the big hall where we celebrate banquets, weddings, holidays, new year, for the time of... arrows, residents came with mattresses, with pillows, with blankets, settled on the floor, basically spent the night, ran about their business quickly, many residents also continued to go to work, did not give up, it was the first day of very strong shelling, very strong shelling, when i got here to the alley, i got into the dkz, it was very scary to go out, because when we went out in the morning, everyone here was in fear, arrow there. when i already went out, walked, i look, well, that's it, there's a woman lying covered, a lot of things, scary, at their young age the girls have already been through a lot, yana is only 23, sofia is even younger, only 20 years old, her husband has been with her since 2014, he served,
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volunteered, helped the military, basically , collect after the shelling. no matter how it turns out, we help so that they are proud of us, well, basically we do everything for this, we work, have fun, smile, they are proud of us. yana has two sisters, the youngest was just born when kiev began the first shelling of donbass. it was scary all this time, especially when you have a baby in your arms,
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your mother just gave birth to her, roughly speaking, she was six months old, the war starts and it was really scary, because you worry more about your loved ones than about yourself, because well, like dad goes to work, mom sits with her sisters, somewhere there is a shot, there were such situations, even when my sister crawled under a chair and covered her head with her hands, but she was literally 2 years old there, she said, uncle bang, uncle bangs, i i say, so it's starting to rain, there 's thunder, everything's fine, everything's great, no, uncle bang, yes, i also have a mother of six children, yes, a large family. here also lives, lived first here, now moved to makeyevka lives in makeyevka, also also under fire, was here, here in the village here on transportnaya, sofia's parents want to return to the city, but for now they are afraid for the children, although recently in yasenovataya it has become safer and residents are starting to move to their native homes. for the current year we are recording
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an increase of about 500 people, yes the figure very large, we record this by various indicators, by oblique, direct.
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well, the fourteenth year actually met the howl from the first days and was partially occupied for a long period of time, ukrainian armed formations entered here and even a ukrainian flag was hung here near the administration, well, thank god this period was very short, our guys literally even drove them out of here with a vengeance. and what's more, they lost a large number of personnel, a large amount of equipment remained here burned. since then, for a decade until the liberation of the city of avdiivka in april of the twenty-fourth year. to the position of the ukrainian armed forces from the center of yasenuvata was only about 3 km. in the last 3 years alone , the city has experienced 16 thousand large-caliber
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shelling, and in the city the destruction is more than 70%, this concerns the private sector, concerns the apartment building, here the enemy actively strikes, especially in the winter period on our energy infrastructure, but thank god we succeed, we have never frozen the city, the city has all the communications. well, now we we are in the office of the head of the administration of the city of yasenovatay , dmitry stanislavovich shevchenko. for a long time , he not only worked in this office, but he also had to live here, all the public utilities, the managers knew that our head was here in the administration 24 hours a day, so they came here to solve or other problems with electricity, gas, heat supply, some of the administration employees too...
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but there was, unfortunately, a lot of shelling, during the shelling, my employees and i went down to the first floor of the administration and in in the corridor they waited until the shelling was over. there was a crater there, our entire central street was covered in shell fragments, you can see it on an apartment building, plywood, there is no brick laid there, opposite the building everything is covered in plywood. people who were passing by the administration, they
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also ran into the administration to take cover from the shelling, and dmitry stanislavovich and i , realizing that there was someone, possibly on the street, ran out into the street and heard that there were wounded, there was a man who was just walking to the bus stop, on bus to go to the city. kievka and, unfortunately, the shelling began, he was wounded, he was sitting under this tree, here dmitry stanislavich tied his leg with a tourniquet, we called an ambulance, we were waiting for an ambulance, well, thank god, we saved the man's life, as they say, we provided first aid correctly, everything is fine, the man recovered, we are like girls, yes, we walk with ladies' handbags, we all have, we walk with a tourniquet with the first...
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well, the peculiarity of the city of esinovato is that all the leaders, including the administration, all the local residents, all municipal enterprises, congratulate the directors, who also live in this city, their families live there, so for me and for many of my colleagues, this is not just a job, it is a certain meaning of life, so that sounds pompous, but ...
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a water pipeline with a diameter of 400 mm, they decided to change, because this is the only input to the city
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of water supply. most of which have not changed since the time of construction in the ussr, only one of the problems. many settlements of donbass are experiencing problems with water and due to constant targeted strikes of the ukrainian sides on infrastructure. i ate from two points in the city of yasenovato, this is the donetsk filtration station and verkhnekalmovskaya. filtration station, but as a result of military actions, the donetsk filtration station is currently incapacitated, the pumping station, the main one, which supplies water to the railway part of the city is, let's say, in the gray zone, there were repeated flights of enemy missiles , drones and what was not there, and people, namely pump operators...
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the employees did not leave their workplaces transport services, despite regular attacks on bus stops, of course it's scary, no one is scared, well , you get used to it, as they say, well, you just get used to it, if it's not nearby, then it's already good, well, we're driving, where can we go, they call
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about shelling somewhere or in donetsk or something... where can we go, we need to lead people, my partner came under fire, a piece of shrapnel hit his neck, he was already driving without people to the garage and he just got shot, the bus was completely destroyed, a piece of shrapnel hit, here it is they pulled out 2 months on sick leave, that 's how it works, everything works fine and continues to work, well of course where to. these are our spring-like bus stops, they appeared in 22, when there was heavy shelling, well of course there was heavy shelling every day, and so that people would wait for transport, at least somehow there would be some protection, so they made such stops, if there was shelling, people get off here and
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hide here, that's... that's how we live, before we had 30 schedules going to donetsk, imagine, a bus went every 5 minutes izdenovata full, now here we go two buses, in the morning and in the evening, in the morning we take people to work to study there, and in the evening we take them back. pentalgin - means against different types of pain. pentalgin works against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. we will do without pain. every success begins with a dream to do something of your own, a desire to stand out.
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