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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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reported in the ministry of defense. 115 russian servicemen captured in the kursk region have returned to their homeland. in exchange, 115 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were transferred. the exchange took place with the mediation of the united arab emirates. currently, all russian servicemen are in belarus. they are receiving the necessary psychological and medical assistance, and have also been given the opportunity to contact their relatives. later , the released servicemen will be delivered to russia for treatment and rehabilitation in the hospitals of the ministry of defense. in one from the command posts of the ministry of defense , vladimir putin held a meeting with the leadership of the joint group of troops. the president received reports from the chief of the general staff of the russian armed forces valery gerasimov and the chief of the main operations directorate of the general staff sergei ruskov. they told the head of state about counteraction to enemy forces that invaded the territory of the kursk region and the measures taken to destroy them. as well as about the current results of the special military operation. in telephone communication mode vladimir putin heard the reports of the group commanders.
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units of the northern group of forces, with the support of army aviation and artillery fire , repelled enemy assault groups in the direction of the settlements of borki, spalnaya, cherkasskaya, porechnaya and malaya loknya within 24 hours, and thwarted attacks in the direction of komarovka and kremennoye. as a result, the enemy lost more than sixty people killed and wounded, and a tank, seven combat armored vehicles and two cars were destroyed. ten servicemen of the ukrainian armed forces surrendered. reconnaissance and search operations are underway to identify and destroy enemy sabotage groups in forested areas that were attempting to penetrate deep into russian territory.
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near the border area of ​​the kursk region , servicemen of the northern group of troops discovered a ukrainian armed forces tank. after analyzing the intelligence data they received, they decided to destroy the enemy's equipment. to do this, the soldiers used the lancet razor munition. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald is monitoring the situation in the kursk region. russian aerospace forces last night they struck the sumy region. the strike was carried out with a high-explosive aerial bomb on a concentration of ukrainian militants who were going to go to the kursk region, this information is from sources, now we are waiting for confirmation from the ministry of defense, our aviation and artillery are working on the appropriate reserves, and they are not allowed to rotate, as the guys from the front say, but in fact the enemy's morale is already quite weak, and you can feel their exhaustion, all because they just can't establish a normal rotation, not our guys are allowed to produce this, that's why they are acting now. in a different paradigm, they
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are not trying to break through in large groups, they are divided into small, sabotage and reconnaissance groups, that's how they are trying to break through deep into the territory of the kursk region, it doesn't work, the guys are fighting off these attacks. if we talk about heavy fighting, now there are in the area of ​​the settlement of russkaya kanapelka, spalnaya, krupets, kamyshnaya , nichayev, malaya loknya, olgovka, the armed forces of ukraine are also trying to pull up reserves there. last night , a missile threat was declared several times. ukrainian terrorists tried to fire missiles at the kursk region, but our air defense worked, people continue to leave the border areas, it is getting more and more difficult every day, well, ukrainian militants have declared a real hunt for the civilian population, it is extremely beneficial for them to have the civilian population directly in the areas.
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the man, he took us, well, he got into the car, we drive away, maybe about 100 meters, another one flies in, here i am, he hits the car, it is this that broke in, maybe he tells me, look up, look up, maybe where drones, i watched. up only to the turn
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we leave where we need to turn to kursk we have side from such explosions and... i realized what happened, as if a pile of dirt, who got the car. ukrainian militants create ambushes for civilians, here they hide on trained roads, shoot at a car, whoever is necessary, transport federal centers to moscow, and for this , air ambulances work, and resuscitation ambulances, deliver to the capital's clinics, now 22 patients with varying degrees of severity are being treated, mainly... prevails mine blast injury, burns, shrapnel wounds , field wounds. the patients' condition is satisfactory. all patients are provided with everything they need, they are receiving medical psychological assistance. ukrainian militants continue to shell the civilian sector,
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hitting residential buildings and infrastructure. despite this difficult situation, restoration work continues, people are paid compensation for those whose housing was damaged. restoration work continues inside and in areas of the kursk region, where it is possible to begin now. by those municipal districts where the operational situation allows them, of course , they are carried out, this is our city of lgov, lgovsky district, and those places where it is possible to carry out this work taking into account the operational situation, as soon as the situation changes, of course , the number of surveys, restoration work will increase and, accordingly, in the autumn-winter period, the task is to enter into full readiness to provide the population.
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dagestan sentenced to terms of up to 9 years, they will serve their sentences in colonies five participants in the riots at the airport general regime, such a decision was made by the armavir city court. the defendants did not admit their guilt, but the court considered that the investigation was.
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buried in the competition of pairs at a distance of 1.00 m. the tournament is taking place in uzbekistan in the city of samarkand. russian athletes at the world championship are competing in a neutral status. petrov and dmitriev will also participate in the final competitions in kano and singles at distances of 500 and 5.00 m, respectively. both starts will take place tomorrow. at the olympics in paris, petrov showed the fourth result in the kano and singles competitions at a distance of 1.0 m, and also stopped one step away from the medals together with alexey. a plant in the volgograd region received 170 million rubles from the industrial development fund, the funds will be used to purchase modernized machine tools, the enterprise produces equipment for the oil and gas industry, they produce a wide range of products that are not inferior to
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world analogues. russian mechanisms are made of particularly strong steel that does not lose its properties in extreme conditions. report by maxim akhmetov. without special clothing on production can't go in. safety precautions, the plant works non-stop. yes, there is a lot of work, a lot of orders, large manufacturing companies. the enterprise produces what is indispensable in our oil and gas industry, equipment for well construction. our products are used specifically in russia and are represented at all fields, the geography is quite wide, for the most part these are either some. autonomous, or these are our northern regions, oil-bearing, the range is diverse, for example, centralizers for casing, it is impossible to cement a future well without them, the plant produces 50,000 of them per month, this batch will be sent to nefteyugansk, today all
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the products of the enterprise are completely domestically produced and, as they say... here they are not inferior to the leading world brands, the material for the equipment is also domestic, especially strong steel that does not lose quality even in the most... extreme conditions, finished products are tested directly at the plant, on a special stand, there are few of these in russia, this is an armored capsule, and there already testing takes place, that is , stretching, compression, heating to 177°, then gas testing, that is, all this happens simultaneously, the volume of work is large, without modernization the plant would hardly be able to fulfill all the orders. this is an automated production line, everything is honed to the smallest detail and
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the human factor is virtually eliminated. the operator only has to monitor the process. but at this stage of production, the tasks are performed by a robot. the plant recently received a preferential loan from the industrial development fund. more than 170 million rubles will be spent here on purchasing new machines. the best bank for business, we give 3 months of free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for business. this is not the first time antonina has rented out her
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credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently repay 24 months. and do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. before the elections of the president of the united states there are less than 3 months left until the inauguration of the forty-seventh head of the white house. less than five. what will be the foreign policy of the united states in the era of total dominance in washington of the hawks, and from both parties. should we expect new crises and is there even the slightest chance to resolve any of the existing crises. who else but the main
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hawk, as they call john bolton, should we ask about this. but first , let's move to chicago, where. already the third year. what are they trying to achieve, we ask sweden and the fact that the ukrainian conflict lasts those who vote in congress and vote for military aid to the kiev regime. we have always defended the right of ukrainians to resist dirty imperial aggression against independent democracy.
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that is why they are so interested in no changes happening in washington, so should we expect them? this is where we begin the promised conversation with john bolton. i think that at least until the us elections there will be no big changes, neither on the battlefield nor in american politics. i think that strategically nato has failed to cope with the supply of military aid ukraine, and this is one of the main reasons for the stalemate on the front line and incredible losses on both sides. i think the events of 2022 were a big mistake for russia, but this was also due to the weak reaction of the west in 2014, which untied the kremlin 's hands. the conflict in europe remains unprecedented in scale since world war ii, so i think the war will continue. especially since the war in the us has so many lobbyists, the degree of russophobia
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could previously be measured in makeins, now, probably with a handyman in graham, named after the senator who has... shaky building material, threats, unilateral bans, all this is very with the help of which the us, by inertia, is trying to strengthen the eroded soil on which
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the notorious city on the hill stands, will it stand? that we are on the brink of a new world war, but what i see is the formation of a new axis between china and russia. unlike the sino-soviet alliance of the cold war, i think china is now the dominant partner. i think that for it's very dangerous for russia in the long run. most americans in general, people in the west dreamed that in the 30 years since the collapse of the communist party of the soviet union, russia would move towards the west instead. i'm not so worried about it because it's bad for the west, although it is, but because it's bad for russia to be under the influence of china, but the axis hasn't fully formed yet, there are still serious contradictions between china and russia, but you can see where direction it is moving, it is not a direction
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towards global security and stability, that's for sure, in fact, russia, where it was there and... it is the states, together with its satellites, that have been moving the alliance closer to our borders all these years, some republicans from among the isolationists, such as j.d. vance, and donald trump himself, are now calling it a mistake, but will they work on the mistakes? we know a little about the foreign policy views of kamela harris, she did not say much on this topic when she was a senator, she has not so much experience in foreign policy, obviously, all 3 with to years of her work.
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echo will sweep on stories about alleged russian interference, however, it is not worth expecting bolton to be lenient towards trump, they quarreled to smithereens, there is a version that bolton was eaten in the apparatus fight by secretary of state mike pompeo, who recently tried to remind about himself again. together with lobbyist david urban in a column for the wall street journal, pompeo published the so-called peace plan for ukraine, which russia, naturally. categorically does not suit, there is a $500 billion land list for kiev, joining nato, and the eu, and reparations. and what does bolton think? there were many
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interesting proposals regarding what us policy towards ukraine should be, and i supported many of these proposals. it was not about a peace plan for ukraine as such, and i think the main drawback of such a plan is that there is no guarantee that trump will agree to it. you can call it trump's peace plan, but in fact it is a plan that was proposed mike pompeo and david urban, i know them both very well. i generally agree with their proposals, but i am not at all sure that the trump administration will ultimately agree with them. donald trump has never given direct assessments and comments on the so-called peace plan of mike pompeo. but in his recent lengthy interview with elon musk, he spoke in some detail about the state of affairs around the ukrainian conflict and, most importantly, about its causes, about the actions of the joe biden administration, which led to
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the current state of affairs. biden started saying some stupid things, for example, he said that ukraine could become a nato member state, russia would never agree to this, and we, the united states, go and say such things. i know putin very well, i... got along very well, he respected me. putin is a good negotiator. russia defeated germany with us, they defeated napoleon. russia has existed for a long time, it is a great fighting force, it is very powerful. ukraine does not have enough people now, they use young and old people for war. and because of this, we are in a very bad situation. and it's not just the us, trump thinks the whole world is in a bad situation. the biggest threat to him is not global warming, but nuclear warming. that's what the republican said, although perhaps nuclear winter would be more appropriate. the former us president is concerned that
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something stupid could happen because of people like biden, while trump himself has somehow forgotten that it was under his watch that the global containment architecture that had been in place for years began to crack at the seams, namely bolton pushed the trump administration to withdraw from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, saying that the treaty was obsolete, but they didn’t create anything new. i spent a lot of time negotiating with russia about nuclear deterrence. sometimes the negotiations worked, sometimes they didn’t, but part of the problem is that we are moving toward a completely new reality when it comes to nuclear weapons. during the cold war, the ussr in america understood that we were living in a bipolar nuclear world. other countries, china, britain, france, had small arsenals. today, russia and the united states undoubtedly remain the two largest nuclear powers, but china is rapidly increasing its potential and refusing to participate in nuclear weapons negotiations. from
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the us point of view, china is becoming, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon , a very serious adversary with a large nuclear arsenal. this will greatly change the entire situation. therefore, it seems to me that it is in the interests of both russia and the united states to involve china in negotiations on this issue. american hawk bolton cannot calmly talk about china, paradoxically, but it is a fact: washington's foreign policy, which bolton largely shaped under trump, has not essentially changed much in the chinese direction, even after the republicans were replaced by democrats in the white house. america is firmly stuck in taiwan, various kinds of supports, bilateral at the level of allied relations with japan or south korea, or attempts by the anglo-saxons from... to portray something like a pacific nato, with the participation of the us, great britain and australia, like aucus, in reality turned out to be incapable challenge the celestial empire. i think china
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is definitely the largest economy in the world, which has made quite clear its ambition to become a hegemon not only in its periphery in the indochina region, but in the world as a whole, and this is a cause for serious concern for us. this concern is growing as the alliance relations between russia and china develop. russia is a nuclear power, it still has a lot of mineral resources of opportunities. the alliance of moscow and beijing is a serious threat to ... its population has been declining since the turn of the century, so economic power and military strength will also be weakening, but right now for the foreseeable future, china remains the main threat.
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which is published by the council on foreign relations recently. an article was published entitled, what is the biden doctrine, at the end of biden's presidency, the author jessica mattheus, a man of the establishment, is organizing an audit of the foreign policy successes and failures of the democratic president, the main failure is the middle east. the results are disappointing, the courage shown biden's withdrawal from afghanistan was absent from his response to the war in gaza, where his outdated understanding of israel prevented him from doing more. it is not for nothing that on his desk an eagle has its claws clinging to a coaster with the inscription together against a nuclear iran, but he is also unhappy with biden. i think that the conflict in the middle east, in particular the situation in gaza, is very dangerous, especially
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now that iran is planning some kind of action. retaliation for the assassination of hamas leader ismail haniyeh in tehran by israel, this in itself was a very daring operation, for which, i i think massad is worth it, although they have not yet taken responsibility. iran is obviously striving to become a nuclear power, i think they can easily get weapons from north korea, but any time a country that dreams of having nuclear weapons puts pressure on israel, which has nuclear weapons, it is potentially very dangerous. i think both russia and china are supporting iran in this aspiration, which makes the situation even more dangerous. i see all this as part of a global cooperation between russia, china and their allies, but iran itself has long been the most serious threat to peace and security in the middle east. but it is because of american movements in the middle east that even the streets of chicago have become unsafe these days. pro-palestinian protesters
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