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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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back to the news review: russia and ukraine have exchanged prisoners, the ministry of defense reported. 115 russian servicemen captured in the kursk region have returned to their homeland, and 115 ukrainian armed forces soldiers have been transferred in exchange. the exchange was mediated by the united arab emirates. the russian servicemen have already arrived in russia, they are receiving all the necessary psychological and medical assistance, and have also been given the opportunity to contact their relatives. our guys have met us, they are already feeding us, everything is fine, we are on our way. everything, everything, everything fine. i'm still in russia. in one of
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the command posts of the ministry of defense , vladimir putin held a meeting with the leadership of the joint group of troops. the president received reports from the chief of the general staff of the armed forces valery gerasimov and the chief of the main operational directorate of the general staff sergei rutskov. they told the head of state about counteraction to the enemy forces that invaded the territory of the kursk region and the measures taken to destroy them. as well as about the current results of the special. military operation in vladimir putin heard reports from the commanders of the military groups on the operational situation in the areas entrusted to them via telephone. the defense ministry published a video of an attack by a mi-28 helicopter in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the pilots launched air strikes with missiles at a concentration of camouflaged enemy equipment. after that, the crew performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the takeoff site. according to intelligence, all targets were. four employees of the colony,
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injured the day before during the hostage taking in the volgograd region, are in medical institutions of the regional capital. their condition is moderate and serious. three of the victims are being treated in the regional clinical hospital. volgograd regional clinical hospital number one yesterday three patients were rehospitalized by air ambulance forces. one of them is in a stable condition in the department of our hospital and two patients are now. are in the intensive care unit, we assess their condition as serious, but stable, accordingly, right now a consultation is being held with the participation of the main freelance specialists of our region in the field of thoracic surgery, neurosurgery to determine further tactics for managing these patients. among the victims, the head of the correctional facility, employees of the federal penitentiary service were wounded during the hostage-taking by prisoners, four more died. the sniper of the russian guard was eliminated on...
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the defendants did not admit their guilt, but the court considered that it was proven by the investigation. the regional prosecutor's office noted that the sentence was handed down taking into account the nature and degree of public danger of the crimes committed. let me remind you that on october 29 last year, against the backdrop of the worsening situation in the middle east , mass riots occurred at the makhachkala airport. several hundred people entered the airport building onto the airfield. they were later forced out by law enforcement officers. more than 20 people were injured, including police officers. now
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a short commercial, and then our broadcast will continue with a special report by olga mosyevskaya yasenovato: how the city is being restored after 10 years of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. yur, teach pixel bring something useful, rubles, or what? vtb debit card brings us rubles, cashback up to 25% in rubles.
5:05 pm
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in june of the twenty-third year there was a direct hit, here we see the picture that turned out now. in the last 3 years alone, the city has experienced 16,000 large-caliber shelling, if there are shellings, people come here and here they hide, that's how we live, we're like girls, and we walk around with danish handbags, we all walk around with a tourniquet, with the first of those necessary materials that might come in handy in one situation or another. and have you ever thought about leaving the city? no, it's our city, our native one already.
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what is yasenovatoe? it's the largest railway junction in europe, it's a city that has survived 10 years of incessant shelling, and the most important thing is the people who managed to save it. in june of 1923 there was a direct hit, here we see the picture, which is what we have now, our railway
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complex is an architectural and historical monument, we have a certificate issued by the administration, so it... is under state protection. the railway station in yasenovataya was built in 1952, before the start of hostilities , more than 30,000 passengers left here every day, in the summer of 1914, trains from here became the only way to evacuate, in july, when the donetsk railway station was already closed, traffic was closed in lugansk and debaltsevo and ilovaisk, there was only one station left, there were so many passengers here, a sea of ​​passengers, a sea.
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in principle, the station was not closed, residents of the streets closest to the station, they of course also hid the station building, the width of the walls is 70 cm, so you could easily hide, without even using some shelters in the waiting rooms, for example. installed, and the territory was repeatedly subjected to shelling is impossible, despite the risk, the team looked after
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the territory all this time, it was the twenty-third summer, just as employees we were all at work, doing our job, here was the arrival, of course here there was a funnel.
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with a taste, well there is a demand, gradually services from peaceful life are returning, we issue tickets all over the russian federation, we provide tickets from any station to any corner of our russia, you arrive at the station, the departure point, you already have a ticket in hand, everything is already a place, it is very-very-very good convenient, comes here there are innovations and for the usual services, they are shaving, dyeing, curling.
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through shelling, small runs, ran, fed, residents of this house went down to the cafe, the same thing with us they were moving, there were a lot of residents, well, and people passing by also took. when there was shelling in the big hall, where we celebrate banquets, weddings, new year holidays, during the shelling, residents came with mattresses, with pillows, with blankets, settled on the floor, well, basically spent the night, ran about their business quickly, many residents also continued to go to work, did not give up, the first day of shelling was very strong,
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very strong, when i got here to the alley, here i got to the dkz, here... it was very it's scary to go out, because when we went out in the morning, everything, well, there was fear, the arrow was going there, i didn't hear, when i already went out, i was walking, i look, well, everything is already, there's a woman lying covered, a lot of things, red, at their young age the girls have already been through a lot, yana is only 23, sofia is even younger, only 20 years old, her husband was from the fourteenth year. he served, volunteered, helped the military, basically, after the shelling to collect residents of the city, because it was quite scary, then he went on a contract, he was a good sniper, he completely passed mariupol from hell i, this year on april 13 near ugledar he died, sonya's boy also died a year ago,
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he went voluntarily, then he went to the assault and the next day he was gone. mom just gave birth to her, roughly speaking, there was half a year, the war begins, and it was really very scary, because you worry more about yourself than about your loved ones, because well, like dad leaves for work, mom sits with her sisters, somewhere some shot, there were such situations, even when my little sister crawled under the chair and covered her head with her hands, but she was literally 2
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years old there, she said, uncle bakh, uncle bakaet, i said, so it's starting to rain, thunder is rumbling there. everything is fine, everything is wonderful, no, uncle bakh, and i also have parents, yes, a large family, they also live here, they lived here at first, now they moved to makeyevka , they live in makeyevka, they are also under fire, they were here, here in the village, here on the transport, sofia's parents want to return to the city, but for now they are afraid for the children, although in recently it has become safer in yasenovataya and residents are starting to move to their homes, this year we... starting from the sale of bread in stores and ending with our passenger transport, which we have to constantly increase in quantity, it simply cannot cope, yes, therefore with the improvement of security issues in the city the number has grown very seriously, more than 20,000 people have started, with the improvement of the situation they are returning
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to the city and holidays, mass events are not yet held, but private events have become in times... more, war is war, but i want to live, i'm telling you, there was a birthday, little children came, adults, anniversaries were celebrated, there were sixtieth and seventieth anniversaries, each time it was different. the cafe employees note that they endured everything, thanks to the fact that they became not just colleagues here, but a family, faith supported them in the most difficult moments, here are our icons, which maybe even somehow preserved a little. they looked after them, the priest came every six months, blessed the room, so that everything would be good with us, well the fourteenth year actually met the war from the first days and
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was partially occupied for a long period of time, ukrainian armed formations came here and even... there is a ukrainian flag near the administration, yes, but thank god this period was very short, our guys literally immediately drove them out of here, and they lost a large number of personnel, a large amount of equipment was left burned here, since then for a decade until the liberation of the city of ovdeevka in april twenty-fourth years to the position of the ukrainian armed forces from the center of yasenovata was only about 3 km, in the last 3 years alone the city has experienced 16 thousand large-caliber... shelling, yes, in the city the destruction is more than 70%, this concerns the private sector, concerns the apartment building, here the active enemy strikes, especially in the winter period on our energy infrastructure, well , thank god we are succeeding, the city is not frozen, the city has all the communications, well now we
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are with you in the office of the head of the administration of the city of yasenovata shevchenko dmitry stanislavovich, for a long time he has been in not only did he work in this office, but he also had to live here, all the public utilities, the managers knew that our head was here in the administration 24 hours a day, so they came. yes, to solve certain problems with electricity, gas, heat supply, some of the administration employees were also here, and there was shelling of the yasenovataya city administration, some of the windows in the administration were damaged, and dmitry stanislaevich's office was also damaged, if you see, the wall was damaged by shrapnel, it was already evening, here late evening, but thank god none... well , unfortunately, there was a lot of shelling,
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during the shelling, my colleagues and i went down to the first floor of the administration building, in the corridor, and waited until the shelling ended. there was a crater there, our entire central street was covered in shell fragments, you can see them on an apartment building. there was a man there who was just walking to the bus stop to get to the bus to go to the city of makeyevka, and unfortunately, the shelling started, he was wounded, he was sitting under this
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tree, dmitry stanislavovich pulled his leg with a tourniquet, we called an ambulance, we were waiting for an ambulance, well, thank god, we saved the man's life, as they say, we provided first aid correctly, everything is fine, the man recovered, we... like girls, yes, we walk around with ladies' handbags, we all walk around with a tourniquet, with the first necessary materials that can be useful in a given situation, when in 2014 it happened to us, yes, that massive shelling began, and so the city began to be shelled, we asked our yasenovad central district hospital to come with us... conducted additional trainings, trainings on providing first medical aid,
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well, the peculiarity of the city of esinovato is that all the leaders, including the administration, all the local residents, all the public utilities are headed by directors who also live in this city. "hello, nikolai nikolaevich lost his father during one of the very first shellings of the city, back in the fourteenth, despite this, he and his family remained in
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yasenovato continued to perform their professional duty. in the lead of military actions there was a lot of damage to infrastructure, water supply, sanitation, they went out, repaired, carried out emergency recovery work, no one went anywhere. in this, let's say, sad period of time, at the moment , a water pipeline is being reconstructed, 400 mm in diameter, they decided to change it, because this is the only input to the city of water supply, this water pipeline has been in operation since 1967, the deterioration of the water pipelines, most of which have not been changed since they were built in the ussr, is just one of the problems. many settlements in donbass are experiencing problems with water and because of constant targeted strikes by the ukrainian side on infrastructure. i fed the city of yasenovato from
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two points, this is the donetsk filtration station and the verkhnekalmovskaya filtration station, but as a result of military actions , the donetsk filtration station is currently inoperative. the pumping station, the main one, which supplies water to the railway part of the city is located, so to speak, in the gray zone, enemy missiles have repeatedly flown there. drones and what not, and people, namely machinists pumping units have been working all these 10 years in combat conditions, no one left their workplace, and several times even the team came under fire, this is in the village of yakovlevka, well, and also in the city of asenovaya, for which we also bow low,
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no one has paid. no one in such a difficult time for the city and continues to work, no one left, the employees of the transport services did not leave their workplaces, despite regular strikes on bus stops, of course it is scary, no one is not scared, but you get used to it, as they say, well , you just get used to it, if it's not nearby, then it's already... okay, well, we're driving, where can we go, they call about shelling somewhere or in donetsk or something, where can we go, we need to eat people, my partner got caught in the shelling - a piece of shrapnel got in his neck, he was already driving to the garage without people, and he just got shot, the bus was completely destroyed, a piece of shrapnel got in his neck, so they stretched him out for 2 months on sick leave, that's how it is. continues to work,
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well of course, what can we do, that's with us springy bus stops, they appeared in the twenty-second year, when there was heavy shelling, well, of course, there was heavy shelling every day, and so that people would wait for transport, at least somehow there was some protection, so they made such stops.
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