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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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flashing lights, quacks and paint of rescue services will no longer be distributed to anyone. the chaos on the roads of our country was stopped by changes in the decree of the president of russia. the use of devices for giving special light and sound signals installed on vehicles, the document was published on january 22, 2019, from now on only the ministry of emergency situations can use the lighthouse and paint of rescue vehicles, all passenger cars private rescue vehicles are deprived of this right, the ministry of emergency situations proposed to make such changes to the law and the head
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of state supported this initiative, because it became quite obvious that many cars with an orange-blue stripe and a flashing light, and these are often premium cars, do not go to any emergency, are used for other purposes, and carry officials, security forces and businessmen. a flashing beacon on the roof, a siren and a bright blue-orange stripe. this is what the cars look like. emergency rescue services, they give way to them without thinking, because they rushing to help someone, trying to eliminate the consequences of man-made disasters, freeing people from mangled cars, but recently very strange characters have often started driving such cars, according to the documents they are rescuers, in fact, all sorts of people, officials, businessmen, dubious individuals, in premium cars. these important people
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drive on dedicated lanes, turn around across solid lines, ignore traffic lights , everyone knows for sure, no one will ever stop them, so who is hiding under the mask of real rescuers, where they are going, why, who will stop the impostors and how it happened that these dubious citizens are driving special transport and discrediting the profession of a rescuer, we took up this case. and conducted our investigation, the center of moscow - busy traffic on tverskaya street, every now and then police cars, ambulances of emergency and rescue services rush by with sirens and flashing lights. they
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are let through, as expected, suddenly a man flies out onto the road, he crashed his motorcycle into a toyota land cruiser, traffic stops, people run to the victim, fortunately the biker gets up on his own, now all attention is on the japanese suv, on its sides there are orange and blue stripes in the colors of the ministry of emergency situations, many people think so, but this is not entirely true, the land cruiser belongs to a private company and has nothing to do with the government department, when i got up, i had already approached the bike, i saw that the car was already standing without license plates, well yes, i was completely sure that this was an honest car, i’m kind of not happy that such cars are driving, i don’t know why they are not stopped for inspection, this accident made many people wonder why on cars with the symbols of the ministry of emergency situations are driven by officials and businessmen, why do they pretend to be real rescuers and take advantage of the road? we tried to understand this
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problem together with the employees of the special purpose center abbreviated tssn, the state traffic safety inspectorate, the ministry of internal affairs of russia, went to the streets of moscow. the initiators of the large-scale operation were the new leadership of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, the ministry of internal affairs and the federal protective service. moscow, city center, today several crews of the central office of the state traffic safety inspectorate of russia are working here looking for cars that allegedly
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rushing to save people, cars - these are revolving special signals and sgu, the so-called quacks. let's see who uses such transport. why, for what purposes and most importantly, who is used to driving around moscow like a lord? our first point is makhovaya street, the kremlin is just a stone's throw away, the flow of cars here is dense, various important people are rushing to where, officials in expensive suits in representative cars. to meetings, businessmen in luxury suvs to the offices of their companies, it's good when you also have privileges, for example, a beacon on the roof, a quack or a colored paint job on the doors, like the ministry of emergency situations, or better yet, everything at once, a beautiful
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mercedes car, painted like the mcs, now we'll find out who's driving in this luxury car, hello, tell us where you 're rushing to, to save people, who's rushing, well , that's how you're driving, where are you going, we're driving calmly, calmly, and you don't turn on the special signals, if necessary, of course, and where do you work, asf, emergency rescue formation, emergency rescue formation of what, is it an organization, emergency rescuer of the formation, is it a commercial organization, of course, yes, well , such rescuers, yes, in no case. i see, let's go, girl, and what do you do for a living? hello, can i, are you an employee of the rescue service? yes, yes, yes, please close it, no, or no, or are you so used to driving around moscow, and the girl, she is an employee of the rescue service, she is an employee of our accounting department, accounting,
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i see, that is, she is an employee of your company, well, not ours, she provides services to us, we cannot afford it like that, well, you know, private people cannot use such car, private people?
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his company is a private, professional emergency rescue team, which has all the necessary documents, including the installation of a quack beacon. the mercedes is painted as it should be, but there is one thing: the driver was not going to any emergency. we continue to work, the traffic police officers stop a volkswagen touak suv for inspection, it is brightly painted in the colors of
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the rescue services, apparently, it is going to eliminate some accident, suddenly the passenger in the back seat jumps out of the car runs away from our film crew. its driver has to be filmed, at least one official went to work today on foot, without a car, with a beacon and a hut, who are you transferring, the head of the rescue service works, the general director, well, you transport the general director , that is, you call for rescue assistance, well, he, he conducts, everything, everything, goes out to any accident, on this day, an important passenger of a crucified suv was not driving, a traffic police officer asks to present documents for installing a special signal, the driver takes out a whole pile of papers, as for the special equipment for rescue work, it was not in the car sports to go to the gym no and why not ok and where is
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the rescue equipment where is the water vitel we see great there are some gifts some personal items and where is the rescue equipment does not extinguish and from the extinguishers everything so aren't you ashamed to drive yourself please tell me well apparently in the car and maps, documents, it is clear that here are all the attributes of what is here only officials ride, but not rescuers and no special structures that were supposed to help people, just a car, beautiful, white, with the logo of the ministry of emergency situations, with beacons, painted, just for one person, so that it was convenient and chic to drive to work, now it is a car, the traffic police will deal with this car.
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how did it happen that we have more non-rescuers than rescuers, under the soviet power, emergency situations. rescuers, then the state committee for first the russian corps appeared civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief . finally, in 1994 , a special ministry was created, familiar to all of us, the ministry of emergency situations. later, the fire service also joined it, and that's where the most interesting thing began,
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the number of dangerous facilities in the country was growing, and the ministry of emergency situations did not have enough specialists, then they began to certify third-party organizations, in other words, to share special powers with commercial structures, but also, of course , privileges on the roads. the rules clearly it is written that when a driver is driving a car, he sees a vehicle approaching him. with a special light and sound signal applied with a color graphic scheme, he is obliged to give way to it, respectively, giving it the right of way, but recently the number of complaints from our drivers about the actions of these very cars, which have the paintwork of emergency services, has simply increased, while , accordingly, often do not perform any urgent actions to protect life health of citizens, create only significant problems in movement for... soon the ministry of emergency situations found itself in an ambiguous situation, because
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most drivers do not distinguish who is driving in a painted car: rescuers to eliminate an emergency or a businessman? the ministry of emergency situations is not responsible for traffic rules, we do not have the authority to stop and check these cars. yes, the current situation, of course, negatively affected the mood of the people and in some cases the car actually driving to a call. to a fire, to eliminate a cheal situations, ordinary drivers stop letting them through, of course, this is a violation of the law, and you also need to understand that by not letting a car with beacons through, you also take on all the responsibility, both moral and criminal, that people will not be saved, at this moment - many people are in a situation where they need emergency assistance, and it is better to let them through and sort it out later than not to let them through and... get victims or some other tragedy. the ministry of emergency situations began to generously distribute powers under the then minister
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vladimir puchkov. over several years the number of private emergency rescue teams has grown in russia to 7. these are organizations of various legal forms of ownership. all that was needed was to obtain certification, purchase equipment, recruit personnel, and apply. federal executive authorities, subjects of the russian federation, as well as organizations operating hazardous, potentially hazardous facilities, an organization that operates such facilities is obliged to create its own emergency rescue team, professional or conclude an agreement an agreement with another professional emergency response team. the main part of the units being certified are
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units that are not under the jurisdiction of the ministry of emergency situations. the interdepartmental commission for certification of professional emergency response teams today exists in the ministry of energy, the ministry of industry and trade, the federal air transport agency, rosmotridge-fleet, the ministry of defense, the russian railways, rosatom, the ministry of transport, in short, you'll get tired of listing them. our commission is charged with the responsibility of certifying only its own units, as is the ministry of transport certifies those formations that are under the jurisdiction of the ministry of transport, as well as the ministry of energy, only those that are under its jurisdiction. we cannot at the moment, the law is written in the legislation, influence these commissions in any way, but i will repeat once again, now there are several ways to develop the further situation, we are working on them with the specified ministries, with departments.
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let's go back to our raid in moscow on mokhovaya street, the traffic police officers snatch from the flow of cars. a volkswagen minibus with stripes on body and a blue beacon on the roof. the car is not simple, armored, a bulletproof capsule on wheels, but why is it a real rescuer? well, it is for a special department, it is for secret, for accounting, that is, i drive the accounting and
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the first separate, this is an emergency rescue vehicle, accounting, for what? 45 41 01, that is, it is reserved by the state, yes - yes, for what i, you understand, i, what , i worked there, they told me there, i counted there, not i understood, well, that is, well, that is, you participate not well how how does it participate in emergency rescue operations, it is armored, can you explain? i can't go, tell me, what is inside, can i see? yes, of course, there's nothing there, it turns out, four passenger seats, yes, yes, and this door closes,
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what is this armor designed for? i don't know what can be said, well, it's from an explosion, from shelling, what is it from, i don't know. at one time this car was, how they took out the accounting department's money, now it is simply used as an ordinary gazelle for transporting people, it is not used anymore, and how much does such a car weigh? something around 3 tons, apparently, the car has nothing to do with rescue work, but is equipped exclusively for transporting money, such cars. according to the police, are often used to deliver illegally cashed funds. and here is the next painted car on the passenger seat of a tinted toyota camry, a businessman and his security guard. this car with emergency rescue service paint is apparently used as a vip taxi. good day to you. and what traffic rules
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neglects? are you not wearing your seat belt? i unbuckled it, how did you unbuckle it? stopped, unbuckled it. no, there was no such thing, the passenger in the back didn't buckle it either, but of course, excuse me, but can i find out the purpose of your being in a car with special signals, my purpose, for what purpose are you interested, we inform the public, we are journalists, federal tv channel russia-24, let me not answer these questions for you, you won't, but can you now? you violated traffic rules , the vehicle is driving unbuckled, safety, your documents can be seen, maxim nikolaevich,
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a material will be drawn up on the driver, you will be warned for the first time to the passenger sitting in front of you. cars with the color graphic painting a27 are very often used in moscow by various businessmen, here is one of such cars, mandatory tinting. rear windows, since in this particular car sits an entrepreneur, most likely the owner of several companies, special signal e on the roof, color graphic painting, a guard is required on the front seats and this inscription emercom of russia certainly has nothing to do with a private company. it cannot be said that during the raid. on the makhovaya, the inspectors stopped only cars with unknown personalities. dozens of crucified cars were driven by real rescuers, their passengers were really going
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on official business. and what do you do? firefighting, emergency rescue wiring? please. do you even have equipment? helmet, boots, combat clothing, gas mask. tell me, do you have any equipment for gas rescue emergency work in the car, yes, can you show it, no, no, it's secret, no, we'll unload it, where are you rushing to, hello, we're going to an application, you definitely have an application, yes, yes, and to whom is the address? we're going to bolshoy prichistinsky lane, building 21. during the raid we came across a variety of people,
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there were rescuers, but there were also non-rescuers, many couldn't really explain where they were going and why, for example, like this driver of a luxury gelendvagen, the thing is that you're not just managing safety, you have you have yes this here's the seat. it broke, how did it break, do you have a breakable seat, or what, and how do you drive? the educational and methodological center for civil defense and emergency situations of the city of moscow, well, yes, yes, i understand, well now, that means, for violating traffic rules we will now draw up an administrative offense against you, here you are driving alone, you are carrying someone, now i'm driving. well, collect and video, obviously there is a boss there, yes, you will drive him correctly all day long, i understand, okay, thank you, we will still be on our raid
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let's go back, now we'll go to a real fire station. giant tool kit 5,900 rubles on, when the pain limits. and twists, pierces. nas active gel is a modern remedy for back and joint pain. thanks to the active formula, nice active geel is absorbed faster and penetrates into
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7:27 pm
mortally duty shift guard for divorce built assistant chief of guard spurred.
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morning divorce in the fire department of krasnogorsk near moscow no elite suvs or business sedans, real rescuers fight fire hand over people from difficult situations. in connection with the holidays, yes at we will be on high alert from 9:00 to 9:00 on the sixth, from the third, therefore.
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they are going to class to study fire-fighting equipment, at the moment we have ac2040, and acl, acl is an author with a ladder, yes, the volume of water is 3 tons, the pump operates at 40 liters per second. the ladder is 17 m, we did not have time to listen to the story about modern fire engines, the siren howled and the firefighters jumped into the kamaz trucks.
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it turned out that an abandoned building on the outskirts of krasnogorsk caught fire. the firefighters raised the ladder and deployed the hoses. they dealt with the fire in 15 minutes, we are returning to the fire station, we continue to get acquainted with rescue equipment.


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