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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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9:31 pm
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pash, look at the magic. yes, 35% cashback for everyone. how did you find out? the most important thing, it will not pass me by. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything important. gazprombank. the best young performers in the folk genre from russia and belarus today performed at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in moscow. the concert of the union
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state festival, youth creativity, featured 200 young talents from eleven russian and four belarusian regions, as well as winners of the main children's songs project. the audience saw dozens of numbers prepared by vocalists, choreographic groups and folk instrument ensembles. the concert concluded the festival, which took place in the museum from august 20. the program was rich and the children attended master classes with famous artists, took part in musical skits, went on excursions. the first stage of a unique high-molecular polymer production facility in russia has been opened in the tula region. the project attracted about 17 billion rubles in investment and will create more than a thousand jobs. report by alexey eremin. the only production complex in russia for the production of high-tech high-molecular polymers was opened at the poliplast novo-moskovsk enterprise in the tula region. the total
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capacity of the complex will reach 200,000 tons of products per year, the total investment in the project will be more than 17 billion rubles. we are moving from the phrase technological sovereignty to the phrase technological leadership, if sovereignty is still more about independence from imports, but then technological technological leadership is more about demand on the international market for the demand for those technologies, those goods that we produce on international markets. the new complex will meet the needs in first of all, the domestic market, completely replacing imported analogues, and also to ensure the development of export directions. the high potential of export shipments is also due to the growing need for these materials. the launch of such a high-tech production is a significant contribution to the development of the economy of not only the tula region, but the entire country. we are quite active.
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manufacturers 10 modification and four scientific and technical centers are developing a trade network throughout the country. the key feature of this project is technology for obtaining a polymer base, developed in the scientific center of the company poliplast. this is a new production, which
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was built practically from scratch. in terms of financial indicators, it should double what poliplast is doing today at the moment. science-intensive. products have a wide range of applications and previously on the russian market, they were presented mainly by foreign manufacturers, so the launch of the project will have a positive effect on the industrial sector, allowing the creation of on the basis of these polymers, demanded competitive products with high consumer properties. alexey eremin, ivan tisakov, vesti tula. in the mormon region today , machine operators who work in mines demonstrated all their skills, the competition was about... the loading and hauling machine picks up speed, drives in a serpentine, then brakes sharply due to inertia from the bucket, flies out into the ball and knocks down the pins. usually
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such giants work underground, collecting ore, but on miner's day you can do it like this play bowling or basketball, and at the same time find out who feels their machine better. the main competition press is 150,000 rubles. but passions here are not only about money. the machinists find out where the limits of skill are. there are many subtleties here, such as maneuvers with a bucket, maneuvers with a machine, fine work, boom work. the professional skills competition is held by phosagro, its employees extract apatite-nifilin ore in the kirovsk mines. after enrichment, phosphorus fertilizers are created from it. the training of specialists here allocate billions, repair the branch. the local university underground began to build the world's largest training ground for specialists. here, everything is like in a regular mine: drilling, blasting, mining, even unloading next to the ore pass. students will compare their skills with the participants of the professional skills competition. today, the guys gathered here are
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high professionals in their field, who work underground day and night. years of work underground turn employees into real aces. who demonstrate behind the wheel loading machines top class, generally cool, generally, everything in general, mistakes have passed, there are favorites, i will not say that not to jinx it i keep my fingers crossed for them, such a holiday is very important for both families and miners, these people are happy with the professional skills of their relatives and mentally also go down to the mines with specialists, oleg posobin, vesti murmonskaya oblast. still thinking about the ideal home? it's time to switch to domklik to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary housing or build your own home on a mortgage. on domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. i i help with liver problems. i, essentiali forte nн. verified and ready for
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action in 24 hours, available on yandex market. wanted to open a deposit at 19%. it turns out, you can at 21. i thought to open a deposit in one bank, it turns out, you can at once in different ones, for money its own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 21%, finuslugi, financial marketplace from moscow exchange, every 15 minutes the game hunting, your chance to change everything, the main trophy from 220 million, hunting, check your instinct, look. through sbp pay modernly, i'm trying to be rational, profitable, register on, pay through sbp in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies, gas stations, everywhere, as usual, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money,
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and tomorrow we are going to your concert, me too, free to defend. attack credit card debts, i will show you a couple of techniques: collect all
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credit card debts on one holva conveniently pay off 24 months, and also do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple techniques of installments. hello, i am your stress, and this is your energy. i love it when you are exhausted, like a survivor. stress leaves you exhausted. elkar contains elcarnitine from.
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35% on all the most important gazprombank. almost 5.5 million square meters of real estate were commissioned in 7 months of this year in moscow. the capital's industry is actively involved in construction. the city is growing the production of tools, materials, equipment. new technologies that moscow companies offer to builders, we will tell you now.
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let's start with windows. this enterprise specializes in the production of protective and safety glazing, vandal-proof, bulletproof, fireproof structures. these are installed mainly in shopping centers, hospitals, schools and other public spaces. this is the lamination or triplexing section. this is where the glass stops being fragile. this is where we produce triplex. triplex is two glasses connected to each other by a polymer layer that melts in an oven. this is what this film looks like. initially, it was opaque, at a temperature of about 130-150 °. it becomes transparent, welding between glass. this is what the final product looks like after the lamination process. in the case of fire-resistant structures, a special gel is poured between the glasses.
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learned to change the depth of darkening, that is , with a step of about 20 or 25%, that is, there are two additional buttons, conditionally plus or minus on the controller, which allow us to make the glass more transparent and less transparent. another technology that is implemented here is warm windows. due to electricity , the structure is capable of heating up to 60 °, no condensation and cold window sills. special metallized additives are applied to it, which conduct electricity, if at...
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we call small-tonnage simya, previously it was mainly imported from europe, and for us, of course, an important task was to find new suppliers, without compromising on the quality and stability of the post, and we successfully succeeded in this, now we have replaced absolutely all components, which allows us to maintain the quality that our partners are accustomed to, well, and accordingly private customers who install their own doors from our products. the elements are mixed
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and sent to the extruder, where the raw material is heated and pressed through a special form, an extrusion die, which determines the geometry of the article, the finished panel passes through a thermal gelatin, is cut, as they say here, into whips, these are 6.5 m pieces. it is in this form that the products are sent to the customer, for environmental reasons, the plastic trimmings that remain with the partners after the production of windows and doors are returned back, the material is cleaned, sorted and sent back to business. you can see what the profile looks like when made: using secondary raw materials, you see that its core is gray, this is exactly the same regenerate, here is its outer surface is white, this profile is tested according to the same tests, yes, according to the same regulations, according to which a profile made entirely from primary material is tested, no moisture is applied to it, the only restriction that exists or an important rule, on the surface
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profile, this regenerate should not enter its visible part, at this enterprise... made here, can be seen at stadiums, led lamps are used. devices, in schools, in hospitals, at airports and simply on the streets of moscow. of the latest major objects - the tennis center in luzhniki and the north-west chord, or here are some more familiar silhouettes. similar lamps are used at metro stations, have already been installed at three metro stations, in the future it is planned to illuminate two more stations. how much per station such lamps are needed? about 100 lamps come out to...
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compared to incandescent lamps, leds are more economical, they consume eight times... less electricity, which is why the technology is increasingly chosen for lighting large spaces, for example, these devices will soon be in one of the moscow schools. we are looking at the heart of the lamp, on which there are 33 clusters, these plates, in total there are 140 leds. and what are these glass pieces on each? these are lenses, they are designed for a smoother light scattering. lenses, leds. acrylic housings, the company produces almost all elements for lamps independently, and recently they started producing parts resembling chocolate candies, these are chokes, inside there is a coil with copper wire, without it the device will not turn on. this is our new line for the production of winding products, the project is about six months old, we worked it out
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from the point of view of full automation of the production cycle in order to reduce the number of personnel at the production platform and thereby increase efficiency and which will allow us to compete with suppliers from china. and it turned out that the line produces about 160,000 chokes per month. this allowed the company to refuse foreign supplies. in total , more than 340 industrial enterprises are currently working for the construction industry in moscow. 20 thousand people are employed. companies are increasing the pace of production. so , in the first half of this year , the production of metal structures increased by more than half, the production of filters for gas purification increased by a third, the growth 65.5% of soldering tools produced. this company also works for moscow construction sites, they make modular bathrooms here. all processes are carried out at the plant,
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the structure is delivered to the site already assembled, this way it turns out faster and better. the company produces. in just 6 hours a year, this is already with finishing and communications, a conveyor works here, two lines of 157 posts, each station has its own clear technological task, weld... first the floors, walls are assembled, and then the so-called wedding takes place, where the product is assembled into a box, which begins to move along the main production line, is already equipped
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with components of engineering systems, that is , pipes, wires, and plumbing fixtures, toilets, sinks, bathtubs, shower trays are also installed there, the production is largely robotic, a trolley without human assistance transports cargo along a given route, a delta robot with machine vision is able to reject damaged tiles at a glance, and this mechanism itself lays the tiles, the wall is ready in 3 minutes. first of all, it saves the human factor during installation, that is , the robot has ideal repeatability, each time the tile is laid the same way, which is very critical when assembling the cabin with the position of the inter-tile seams and their coincidence. at the same time, in the same workshop, the company produces modules of curtain wall panels, this is an external element of buildings with decorative cladding. those operations that are carried out
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at a construction site from scaffolding, from cradles, in any weather conditions are quite difficult, we transfer them to the plant, where this assembled into large-sized products, sent to our other plant, which produces facade elements from precast concrete, together this... the whole thing is joined, sealed and sent to the site in finished form. moscow also has its own materials for utility lines. this workshop makes ventilation equipment. every day , 120 tons of metal are processed here. they are turned into 200,000 products. for example, these are bends. they are installed where the air duct turns. the enterprise became the first in russia to produce such elements using the method stamping. the product consists of two parts.
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and this company produces polymer pipes for water supply, heating, gas distribution and other communications. in total, more than a thousand items, diameter from 3 mm to 3.5 m. one of the latest developments is pipes with electric wires, by the way, entirely made of domestic materials. such systems make the city safer. these wires, they are collected in a special search network and ... any organization that carries out work, it simply connects to the network, it searches in standard route-searching complex, which is available in almost any utility
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organization, which means it searches for this pipe, and its exact location both horizontally and vertically, and can carry out work without fear of damaging this pipe. moscow actively supports manufacturers who work in the setup, they are provided with preferential loans, reimburse costs for ...
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mom, why do you need these letters for a fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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let's translate from office language to understandable, everything is not so scary, if there is an instruction.
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today russia returned 115 soldiers from ukrainian captivity, in exchange the ukrainian side received the same number of prisoners of the ukrainian armed forces, this was reported by the russian ministry of defense, the department specified that now our soldiers are in belarus, there they were provided.
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that's all.


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