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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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today, russia returned 115 soldiers from ukrainian captivity, in exchange the ukrainian side received the same number of prisoners of the armed forces of ukraine, this was reported by the russian ministry of defense, where they are provided with all the necessary psychological and medical assistance, it is reported that the soldiers have already been delivered to russia for treatment and rehabilitation. in the kaliningrad region , a historical festival, the first world destiny of russia and the world, opened. the event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the first world war. the venue was not chosen by chance. not far from the city of gusevo in august
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in 1914, the russian imperial army inflicted a crushing defeat on the troops of kaiser germany. in honor of these events , a whole military camp of that time was recreated there. details from vitaly khvalei. a white canvas majestically descends on the old building in chernyakhovsk. an hour before the start of the historical festival in gusev , a mural is opened in the neighboring city, which amazes not only with its size. there were girls, and they turned out beautiful, both the serbian queen, elena petrovna, and maryana the younger, just a portrait resemblance, eyes, that's kindness, love, some courage, strength, faith, that's how much, you know, such an emotional flurry, just comes from this mural in gusev at the monument to the memory of a forgotten war that changed the course of history, professor from st. petersburg alexey oranovich talks about his new book, world war i, northwestern front. creating the content of the book itself, we
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primarily relied on what principles, when we say what history is, we say, history is a collection of human lives, we first of all describe the destinies of people in the context of the chronology of events. many came to the historical festival in gusev with portraits of their relatives who were participants in the first world war. here in the center is danilo strebkov, the zemlyansky bailiff.
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about the repose of the soldiers who died during the first world war and the opening of memorial plaques with the names of military units, it is important to know who they were, at least to know which units took part in the humbilist battle here. on the square in gusev there is a bivouac of reenactors, many of them took part in a large-scale historical festival that took place in in the village of lermontovo in the year when they celebrated the centenary of the beginning of the first world war. it impressed me, and now i am doing it. leonid gittis jokes with such a surname, how you can make any movie with him, but he chooses historical reconstruction, this is memory, this is what we, what we should not forget, so that our children, our grandchildren know what was, what happened. passionate people from all over the country came to the festival in gosev, alexander povolotsky from moscow has been studying the history of military field surgery for 15 years. in the world i. the first world war, the fate of russia and
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the world, hundreds of residents and guests of the amber region take part, a bayonet attack to the monument, the works of the people's artist vladimir surovtsev, people go with flowers. on the one hand, monuments are a tribute to our heroic ancestors, their exploits, their merits, but on the other hand, this is a monumental textbook. to history, to which we can come with our children, with our grandchildren, the school comes with the class, and children begin to study, begin to understand. the festival in gusev is a reminder of that, that history is not forgotten, that we honor the memory of the heroes and tragedies of the past. our ancestors stood firm in defense of the freedom and independence of their country, their homeland, and this feat was repeated by our fathers in the great patriotic war. this feat was repeated in
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numerous military conflicts, and this feat is being repeated now. it is very significant for me that the elizabethan society meets followers everywhere. the festival the first world destiny of russia and the world is not just a historical reconstruction, it is an opportunity to understand the value of peace to honor memory of those who fought for our homeland. vitaly khvalei, vesti kaliningrad. pash,
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the beginning of 1943, the whole world, holding its breath, follows the news from russia, near stalingrad the red army captured tens of thousands. german soldiers, but germany was still very strong. enraged hitler demands to destroy the soviet troops in the kursk area. preparation for the offensive.
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even the newest tanks and planes.
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in early 1942. in the battle of moscow , the troops of nazi germany suffered their first serious defeat in world war ii. the germans came close to the soviet capital, but were unable to take it. thanks to with the help of reserves that arrived in time, the red army launched a powerful counterattack and pushed the wehrmacht back from moscow. the blitzkrieg plan failed. at that time, german engineers were hastily developing a new formidable weapon, a heavy tank, which
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, according to hitler’s plan, was supposed to change the course of the entire war. the design of such a tank was presented to the fuhrer in the spring of 1942. the new vehicle was called the tiger. the tank had ten-centimeter frontal armor and an eighty-eight-millimeter cannon. according to calculations, the new tank was almost invulnerable. production of each tiger cost 800,000 reichsmarks. this was significantly more expensive than any tank of that time. the first tigers were sent to leningrad already in august 1942. in many ways, the germans envied us our t-34 tank, when in 1941 they
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encountered our t-34 en masse for the first time in the battle of moscow, they were shocked, they said that our tanks attacked a battery, crushed it, if the massive use of these tanks t-34 begins, we can suffer, as they said, a local defeat, well, in fact, it was strategic defeat then, the germans at that time they developed tiger-panther tanks, which were not, perhaps, maneuverable, than... the soviet medium tank t-34 was inferior to the german innovations in firepower and armor thickness, but was the most maneuverable tank in its class. in one campaign, the t-34 could overcome more than 400. make up to 100 shots,
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enemy shells often simply bounced off the tank's sloping armor, causing no harm. in 1942 , mass production of t-34 tanks was established at the ural machine-building plants and siberia. in 1942, it must be said that we supplied troops with 24 tanks, that is , we managed to mobilize our industry in 1942 in such a way that we were able to finally turn the war around and win at stalingrad.
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at the end of march, when the spring thaw began, the wehrmacht units received orders to go on the defensive. the front froze in anticipation of summer. both sides were preparing for a new battle, the main role in which...
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on march 18, 1943 , a secret coded message was received in moscow from geneva. in it, the soviet scouts from dora's group warned stalin that the germans were gathering large forces at the kursk bulge. this information was confirmed by british intelligence reports. the soviet side was expecting an offensive and information leaked through intelligence and, first of all, through the cambridge five, when german radiograms were read, and this data turned out to be quite sufficient to build a german plan, that is, how it looked in general terms, again without specifics, they didn't know the direction of the attacks to a kilometer, and in addition they made a mistake in the balance of forces. the british said that
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the largest number of divisions were on the northern face of the kursk bulge, and the germans were the main... suggested not to wait until the germans had built up their forces near kursk and to go on the attack first. stalin had the final say. he decided to prepare for defense.
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the best guards divisions, numbering about 900,000 people. it was assumed that these forces would be able to suppress the resistance of the red army and capture kursk. hitler's main hope was the new german tanks. in addition to the tigers, they brought in here for the first time self-propelled gun ferdinand medium tank panther. these armored vehicles were. at the beginning of july , 134 tigers, 190 panthers and 90 guns
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almost invulnerable to our guns and tanks, to ferdinand, entered the german army near kursk. the german army at that time strained all forces of possibilities and the number of german troops on the soviet-german front rose even slightly above the level. june 2, forty -first year, that is, the germans raised everyone they could to arms, the stake was still on the newest models of weapons, if the tiger tank had already managed to visit the soviet-german front, then the newest machines, panther tanks and the ferdinand self-propelled gun were one hundred percent new, in addition to this, of course, ammunition was accumulated, aviation was concentrated, approximately 70% of the armored corps of the then germany was neighboring on kursk. government, the most fierce such guards divisions participated there, great germany, leip standard adolf hitler, that is, such armored troops of the ss, which were the highest
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quality in terms of training personnel and armed best of all. in the first days of july, the tension at the front grew with each passing day. will the red army be able to hold back the attack of the elite german forces? when exactly will the enemy... during interrogation, he said that the german troops were put on full combat alert and would launch an offensive on kubsk on the night of july 5. that's when the message came that the germans would begin their crimes at 3:00 a.m., july 5, 1943.
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months came into motion, the nazi tank columns moved like a steel wedge towards our trenches, reminded us that the germans, or rather yes, they used it back in the 12th century, like a pig in a wedge, that is, in front of the wedge are heavy tanks, behind are more medium, then light tanks, then infantry, those same tigers and panthers went, which, among other things
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, pursued the goal of... psychologically delivering a serious blow to the red army, because no one had ever seen such tanks, they were very powerful, so fresh and very well armed in this sense. tiger t6, what is that? it has 100 mm frontal armor, which our gun could not penetrate, even at close range frontal armor, we could our t-34 76 mm, our gun, only either from the side or from the stele of this tank, and ...
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had, that is, such courage was also. from the first minutes of the offensive, german tanks began to be massively blown up by soviet mines. the germans tried to clear minefields with radio-controlled tankettes, but this did not help. soviet sappers made their way right to the line of fire and planted mines in the path of enemy equipment. anti-tank mines tore tracks and turned combat
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vehicles into motionless piles of scrap metal. the main enemy of the heavy tiger tanks were mines. the kurdish salient was heavily mined, the count was in the tens of thousands of mines, as a result of this, what happened, what with the tigers, what with the panthers? explosions on mines are not an irreparable loss, this is only damage to the chassis, but the tank does not move further and does not participate in combat. this is the conveyor, when it prohibits work. german sappers, machine gun fire and artillery force tanks to break through minefields, they are blown up, and after, again, when someone broke through, they tried shoot at the side. having suffered heavy losses in the first hours of the battle, the germans decided to attack the most vulnerable areas of the soviet defense. all available reserves, the model sent to
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the area. were surrounded by soviet artillery regiments and were forced to begin regrouping. at this time, soviet guns shot at them in their most vulnerable places. the main support in the north was artillery. typical tactics, based, among other things, on the active use of radio communications.


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