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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 25, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
where it's necessary, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want me to, where it's necessary, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon!
3:31 am
russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.
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disappearing before the eyes of presidents, moments that others won't show, behind-the-scenes nuances, trips to grozny, this sunday we'll show more than the others, i know you wanted to show even more, moscow, the kremlin, putin, sunday at 22:30. simultaneously with the attack in the north, army group south, under the command of manstein and goth, began an offensive from the south, from belgorod. it was opposed by vatutin's voronezh front. overcoming minefields, tanks came under heavy fire from soviet artillery, which made mine clearance difficult. the nazis tried to repair the blown-up tigers, but on...
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and then move on, in order to stop the german attack, vatutin threw tank reserves into the battle in order to minimize superiority of the german tigers and panthers, it was decided to hide our artillery and tanks in ambushes and fire from cover, allowing the german vehicles to approach to a distance of 300-400 m, the t-34s destroyed them with aimed fire. this tactic bore fruit. the german columns were cut apart, but they could not be routed. by striking in different places, the germans managed to reach the last, third line of defense. there were no serious defensive lines behind it. therefore, in the south, from the very beginning, events began to develop quite dramatically.
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scenario with a breakthrough up to the third line of defense, but it should be understood that from the very beginning the german plan had cracked in... about 400 combat vehicles from the elite ss tank divisions. to meet this armada, vatutin sent rotmesterow's fifth tank army and part of the reserve armies, which included about 800 tanks, most of which
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were t-34s. it was assumed that in open terrain the maneuverability of the soviet vehicles would give them a big advantage. here the task that was set by rotmesterow, to meet the enemy and hit him armor to armor, that is, at a long distance, we obviously could not destroy the german tigers, but from a close distance, when we could go behind them, hit them from the side, yes, that was a completely different matter, but it soon became clear that approaching the german armada would not be so easy, rotmesterov's army had to advance in a narrow corridor between. rounding it, the soviet tanks lined up behind each other and were forced to attack the german positions in small groups in several waves.
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the crowded tank groups could become a convenient target for german guns. vatutin knew about this, but he did not cancel the strike, on the morning of july 12, soviet tanks moved forward, the fifth guards tank army had to pass through several narrow corridors in view of these intersecting obstacles, which prevented large masses from acting, so about 50-70 soviet tanks entered the field at a time, attacked the german defense and ... along the forest belt, so the battle near prokhorovka, it was with some, so to speak, tank assumptions, that is, in it
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for example, the german anti-tank artillery played a major role, there was a self-propelled gun that fired from a stationary position and could parry these attacks of a relatively small group. from the first hours of the battle, german anti-tank guns rained tons of shells on rotmesterov's columns. the first echelon of thirty-fours perished almost in full force. the second echelon of our tanks came under aimed fire from the tiger panthers that had advanced to meet them. the combat vehicles burst into flames one after another, but the loss. here near kursk we first used new bombs, which the germans knew nothing. previously, aircraft
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destroyed tanks with heavy bombs that required precise hits. at the kursk bulge , soviet bombers took on board light bombs that they literally scattered on the battlefield; even one such bomb hit was enough to disable any enemy tank. in total, an aircraft could take on board about 200 such bombs, hitting dozens of enemy vehicles in one sortie. german fighters tried to interfere with our bombers, but they were constantly attacked soviet aviation sticks. it was here near kursk that one of the most successful pilots of the second world war , ivan kozhedub, shot down his first plane. the tank battle on the prokhorovskoye field lasted all day. in total
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, more than a thousand tanks participated in the battle at the same time. history had never seen such a battle. there was such a roar that eardrums were pressed, blood flowed from the ears, a continuous roar of the engine. the clanging of metal, the roar, the explosions of shells, the wild screech of torn iron. point-blank shots twisted the turret, twisted the guns, cracked the armor, and exploded tanks. we lost sense of time, felt neither thirst nor heat, nor even blows in the tank's test cabin. one thought, one desire, while alive.
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all the same, we stopped the german attack, that is, the germans did not go further, after prokhorovka, the germans retreated to their original positions and did not undertake any attacks until the end of the battle. according to the soviet command, in just one day, july 12 , the german troops lost about 300 tanks near prokhorovka. these losses meant the final collapse of operation citadel. the germans simply could not advance further
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than. this is a selection on the german part, right? this is the second ss tank corps, hauser. this is the totenhop division, the dead head of dasrai. great germany is the ss selection division, which we stopped. and we lost, yes, a huge number of tanks. it is a fact, 500, but the germans from 400 are ... 300, that is, they lost 75% of their striking power, we 60, we had reserves that we could use, in this regard, of course, this is an unconditional victory for the reds, the prokurovsky field along with the battle under ponyri, this is there were culminations of the battle on the kurdish arc of the entire kurdish battle, when the turning point occurred, and the germans realized at that moment that everything, yes, they would not go further, a counteroffensive near kursk, they tried to start as quickly as possible... as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible to prepare those troops that were on the defensive for the offensive,
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to strike before the germans repaired the tanks that had blown up in the citadel, they coped with this task. on the day of the prokhorov battle, july 12, in the northern section of the kursk bulge, the red army went on the offensive. thus began operation kutuzov. the main goal of the attack was to finally crush model's armies advancing on kursk. the blow was delivered to the rear of the german troops. soviet guns covered the enemy with dense artillery fire. the badly battered german divisions did not expect such an onslaught. model gave the order to go over to the defensive. but the wehrmacht could no longer hold the front line. the threat of encirclement forced model to retreat. on august 5, the red army liberated
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orel. it was possible to knock the germans off their established positions, which they had been fortifying for many months, crush the german defense, and force retreat. in addition, the germans suffered quite heavy losses. so said, the level of losses was such that it forced them in most directions to retreat and occupy only advantageous defensive lines, without thinking about seizing the initiative back there. the soviet offensive in the south of the kursk salient began 3 weeks later. on august 3 , votutin's voronezh front began operation rumyantsev, advancing on belgorod and kharkov. the soviet tank armies, replenished with reserves, pushed the germans back to the south
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and liberated belgorod on the third day of the offensive. the remnants manstein's divisions took up defensive positions in the khaikov area. hitler demanded that the city be held under any circumstances, but the initiative was lost. rotmesterow's tanks bypassed kharkov from the west. any day now the red army could encircle all the remaining reserves of army group south. the germans had only one road left, by which they could still leave the city. on august 22, manstein, fearing a repeat of the stalingrad disaster, gave the order to leave kharkov. the next day, the city was liberated by soviet troops. this meant that including losses for the germans, of the equipment
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that was under repair. ferdinands exploded en masse there and there. ceased to be tank in the sense that the mobile reserves as tank divisions literally had dozens of combat-ready vehicles left, this precipitous drop in the number of tanks in service led to the fact that...
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in august 1943 it became finally clear that the germans had lost their strategic offensive initiative, it no longer existed, and germany was still far from being a defeated country, but it was already clear that they were going over to the defensive, and the way out of the war is to leave with dignity, without losing face, but
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the germans simply could not think about any offensives here because their resources were exhausted. on august 5, 1943 , in honor of the liberation of orel and belgorod , an artillery salute was given in moscow. 124 guns installed in different areas of the capital fired 1,200 blank shells, the entire stock that was available at that time in moscow. this was the first artillery salute during the entire great patriotic war.
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it was less clear that the war was won,
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the question of how long it will take is not the question of when it will end, on what lines, under what conditions. the victory of the red army at kursk finally changed the course of the second world war. during the days of the battles on the kursk bulge, the anglo-american landing force landed in sicily and began the liberation of italy. this was the beginning of the collapse of the asian bloc. japan finally abandoned the idea of ​​attacking the soviet union. the whole world followed the successes of the red army on the eastern front. soon after the battle of kursk. us president franklin roosevelt said, if things in russia will continue to go on, as now, perhaps next spring, a second front will not be needed. and most importantly,
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the allied chiefs of staff have already become concerned. it was during the kurdish battle on august 20, 1943 that the quebec conference was held, attended by roosevelt, churchill, and... not yet defeated germany, in order to stop throwing the russians out of europe. nevertheless, healthy politicians, of which roosevelt was certainly one,
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understood that it was better with the soviet union negotiate. in november 1943 , a conference was held in tehran with the participation of the leaders of the three allied powers, great britain, the usa and the ussr. at this meeting with... should have the appropriate priorities, now in the post-war world order, based on the fact that it makes a decisive contribution to the defeat of the germans. in august 1943, shortly after
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the victory at kursk, the red army began the liberation of left-bank ukraine. the offensive on a front more than 700 km long lasted 4 months. by winter. soviet troops liberated thousands of settlements over 100 cities, including kiev. the liberation of ukraine was of great strategic importance and opened the way to an offensive against romania and poland. now nothing could stop the victorious march of the red army. the final defeat of the third reich was a matter of time.
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japan's capture of manchuria undoubtedly created a threat to the soviet far east and, at the same time, to mongolia. the khalkhin gol river region was subjected to heavy bombing, and they say that unexploded bombs are now lying somewhere in the steppe. zhuklov's star has risen
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it was on khalkhengol that he instantly took all these controls into his hands. the japanese were thrown back to the eastern bank of the khalkhinkol river. the enemy suffered heavy losses. the entire system. the relationship between the soviet union and mongolia was built on the basis of full support for the development of mongolian statehood. i still remember the first phrase that stalin told us in the kremlin: suddenly one is known in trouble.
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale.
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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction.
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we look, in order to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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4:00 am
today, russia returned 115 soldiers from ukrainian captivity, in exchange, the ukrainian side received the same number of prisoners of the armed forces of ukraine, this was reported in the russian. defense, the department clarified that now our soldiers are in belarus, where they are receiving all the necessary psychological and medical assistance, soon they will all be delivered to russia for treatment and rehabilitation. first of all, the soldiers were given the opportunity to contact their relatives, home, home, our guys are we met everyone, they're already feeding us, everything's fine, we're going to...


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