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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 25, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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the vessels are normal.
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the fighters check the equipment, place boots near the cars, into which wide presentation trousers are already tucked, so it is faster to put them on, go to class to study fire. equipment at the moment we have
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ac2040 and acl acyl tanker truck with a ladder and a water volume of 3 tons, pump operation and 40 l per second, a ladder of 17 m. they did not have time to listen to the story about modern fire engines. the siren howled and the firefighters jumped into the kamaz trucks . it turned out that on the outskirts of krasnogorsk an abandoned building caught fire, the firefighters
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raised the ladder and deployed the hoses, with fire we did it in 15 minutes. we return to the fire station, continue to get acquainted with the rescue equipment, among the cars there is a silver shabby niva with the stripes of the ministry of emergency situations and a blue beacon, this is the car in which the unit's leadership is supposed to go to the scene of an emergency, this is our jeep, this is ...
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who is the operational service car, which we follow to the fire, that is, it turns out that the guard is leaving, yes we received a signal, but did not leave, yes we received the information, then yes, so that we, as it were, also have operational leadership, yes there is a detachment unit to get to to the place of some emergency rescue operations or fire extinguishing, yes we sit on it, load our equipment there, combat clothing, devices we take and some other property and move to the store you go on it, no, we do not go to the store on it, we already do this on personal transport, yes, free from duty, yes, get to the store,
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and again a raid, this time together with employees we go to ...
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cars we bring spare parts there for all sorts of accidents we arrive there well the mechanic goes all sorts of these takes spare parts there and why - for transportation of spare parts need a car well and i say not to me the question i am the driver another car with special paint caught my eye. renault duster was urgently driving somewhere with the right-hand beacon turned off, but instead of a rescuer in the back seat there was a high-ranking police officer. good afternoon, where are you rushing to? to the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations in the moscow region.
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can i have a second? and what did you close? close the door? what is visible from the documents, from the documents is this with us, what is this with us? dbu mosoblspas, mos oblspas, yes, friday mkat we are conducting a raid again with the central office of the state traffic safety inspectorate of russia, stopped another car that was rushing pomkat, there is a man in a suit in the car, but he refuses to introduce himself, who he is and what he is, and where were you rushing to, can you tell me, exactly, tell me where you were going, no comment, no, where were you going? can you explain where you were going with the prisoners beacons, no comment, i have, and you are passengers, who are you? on what basis are you in the emergencies ministry car, please explain, can you hear me or not, we will play the silent treatment, now, he is on not fastened in the back seat, therefore
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violates traffic rules, documents are needed, do you have them, do you not, then we will be forced. now go to the police station with you to verify your identity and bring you to administrative responsibility, the man in the suit behaved confidently, called someone on three phones at once, he refused to introduce himself to journalists, here he showed the traffic police inspector his ministry of internal affairs id, after which he went on about his business, and we met quite a lot of such vip passengers, it seems that according to the law you can’t find fault with the driver of a special vehicle and...
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finally, an important passenger said that he works as a deputy head of the department for the north-eastern administrative district of the department for civil defense, emergencies and fire safety of moscow. and whose uniform is hanging there, it’s the head
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of the department, and you’re driving him, yes, yes, he’s the head of the department, it turned out that instead of the head of the department stroev , citizen zaitsev was sitting in the passenger seat with a very important face. we understood that the rumor about raids. already went around the city, some business rescuers immediately hid and decided to be on the safe side not to use their special transport, and those who did not know, fell into our nets. this is kutuzovsky prospekt in the west of the capital, in the flow we look out for cars with the paintwork of emergency rescue services. at first, we come across real rescuers. good afternoon, where are you going? hello, to
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the moscow city search and rescue service. deputy chief. well, is this yours, is it a private organization or a government structure? this is state department for civil defense, emergencies , and fire safety of the city of moscow. okay, and do you know that raids are underway now, they are checking the vehicles of the ministry of emergency situations, have you heard about this? maybe i heard something, but this is correct, of course, because i know that they say that there is such an organization that drives around under the guise of rescuers, i have already been checked several times, stopped, but the traffic police checks everything, i don’t see any problems, this is correct, not only we, journalists were interested in seeing who uses it and how special vehicles. types of rescue services, but a traffic police inspector, because before that they, like many drivers, were sure that those
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in the rescue vehicles were in a hurry on business, but as it turned out, not everyone was going to an emergency. from the general flow, the inspector catches a ford explorer for inspection, as it turned out, an expensive suv, was driving from kaluga to moscow, the foreign car belongs to the kaluga company gorpos service. in the back seat there is a passenger in an expensive suit, a backpack, a gold watch and several iphones of the latest model. in general, doesn't look like a rescuer, didn't show any documents, refused to introduce himself. but you have a rescue vehicle, don't you, do you have a page's rescue equipment? no, we go out, we go out to sites - when some, well, emergency situations occur, for rescue - the necessary vehicles go out . you use the car for other purposes, practically you, the driver, are driving your boss, that's it, well, here's a car from
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koluga, we look at what rescue equipment, in principle, except for cones , there is nothing, practically, here's a car with a civilian and a passenger is actually riding there, let's say a businessman is riding - in the back seat of a businessman, this is your driver, so you are using special transport, we consider it not for its intended purpose. one person, your ass, that's all, well, excuse me, this is strictly your opinion, the kaluga ford did not
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leave right away, the traffic police officers drew up a report, the windows were tinted with a violation. and then it got dark, we were still working on kutuzovsky prospekt. an expensive toyota alfart minibus with a beacon turned on attracted the attention of the ministry of internal affairs officers, the approximate cost of the foreign car is 5 million rubles. the car belongs to the already familiar to us moscow region company rostekhzashchita. we work with the crews of the central office of the state traffic safety inspectorate, installed a toyota car with such a wonderful number k-892. mm 750, well , the driver has difficulty explaining who he works as,
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where he works, and most importantly, who he is driving, and who are you traveling with? well, can i talk to the passenger, will you, okay, open it a little, what should i do, close it at the top, hello, are you a passenger, right? and who are you? come here, and who are you? yes, what are you, who are you? who am i? yes, where are you going in this car? you must have this information, well, who are you anyway, how old are you, well, i don’t want to answer this question, no, well, where are you going in special vehicles, and i must answer this question, of course, i’m not currently conducting a raid, checking the vehicles for use, who are you, how old are you, well, and can i not answer this question, no, i must answer, why are you here in this car, well, i was driving, my dad
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gave me a car, my dad gave me a car, dad, who are you with? i won't answer that question, well, you're driving there from school, yes, judging by, no, no, no, not from school, not from school, and how old are you, maybe, how old are you, 17, 17, studying, yeah, yeah, well, you know that this car is a special transport, why are you driving like a lord in this car, i mean, this is a car for rescuers, but not for you, for schoolchildren, no, not for a schoolchild, i was driving now with dad, eh, i'm driving to him, with dad? well, can i not answer that question, i don't want to answer that question. how? what is your name? nikita. it is clear that the boy is not to blame for the fact that his wealthy father with connections provides him with a special vehicle. he has no idea that in his place rescuers could be going to eliminate the accident. so the driver does not see anything terrible in this.
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apparently, it has become a habit. you understand that it looks very comical that you are driving a young boy in a car. he drove on in his father's car, and what questions, everything is legal, the documents are in order, it's just that once again the special vehicle is not being used by appointment, let's sum up, together with the staff, the film crew of our program participated in raids not... several days each time cars with the paint job of emergency services became less and less. apparently, those who were used to driving with the wind excluded by the lighthouse did not want to get into the field of view of the ministry of internal affairs employees.
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these raids are only the beginning, the problem of using such cars for other purposes, concerned not only journalists, the state traffic safety inspectorate, the minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and the head of the ministry of emergency situations evgeny zinnicheva, but also state authorities, as it seems to us, in the near future amendments to the laws should appear. which will determine who can and who cannot use cars with emergency rescue service livery, turn on beacons and sirens, perhaps there will be fewer commercial rescuers. with the arrival of the new leadership of the russian emergencies ministry, the work to restore order in this, so to speak, in this area, has not just intensified, it has reached a completely different level.
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and those problematic issues that exist were reported to the country's leadership, the president the russian federation. the set of measures proposed by the ministry of emergency situations to restore order was approved, we do not prohibit the professional arena rescue formation there from having a corresponding passenger car for the leader, but this car must not have light signals, sound signals and a color scheme. according to the information we have, at the instigation of the new leadership of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, the ministry of internal affairs and the federal protective service, serious changes will occur in the very near future, namely, special vehicles. will not be able to go on the road if they do not have emergency rescue equipment. the number of private units will be regulated and will depend on the size of the serviced territory. and most importantly, it will be prohibited to use light operational vehicles by emergency rescue services that are not part of the russian emergencies ministry system,
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which have color graphics, special sound and light signals for... simply put, from 2019 onwards , real crews of the russian emergencies ministry rescuers should remain on the roads, and commercial structures will be deprived of the right to use special signals and colors government department. our idea is that the emergency rescue team should be equipped with emergency rescue vehicles, special vehicles, of various classes, but not passenger cars, that is , we should make it so that only those vehicles are registered and... painted that are directly used for emergency rescue operations, and not for delivering management personnel, for delivering documentation there,
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only those that are necessary, well, basically these are trucks, if you call them that, there either suvs, but not luxury class, specifically equipped, that it is visible, that they have emergency rescue tools. as our filming on the roads of moscow and the moscow region showed, cars with emergency rescue service paintwork are often used for other purposes, who got there: businessmen, officials and even employees of seemingly legal private formations, during our raids never went to a real emergency, at most to a meeting or inspection of the facility. mainly on their own business, to restaurants, to offices. many of they turned on the beacon, out of habit, in other words, used the cars as vip taxis
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on the dedicated lane. as it seemed to us, such behavior on the road was not rescuers, they discredited the real services of the ministry of emergency situations. according to the plan of the reform of this department, ordinary drivers should see changes without any. about opinions to give way to special vehicles with the paintwork of emergency rescue services, because the employees of the ministry of emergency situations always go where their professional help is needed, and they go to save people.
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and here is the long-awaited decree of the president of 22 january 2019, now private emergency rescue services are prohibited from installing and using special signals and attributes of the ministry of emergency situations. expensive foreign cars of commercial organizations, cutting through moscow and the region with beacons are now illegal . information about new rules for using special signals is posted on the website of the ministry of emergency situations. i quote: in may last year, the ministry of emergency situations of russia came forward with an initiative to exclude the symbols of the ministry of emergency situations of russia on passenger cars that do not belong to the ministry. the initiative.
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would not have been possible, and well, here, let's say, the conclusions directly suggest themselves that all these, so to speak, flashing lights and privileges in general, probably, they
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were not distributed just like that, although this is nothing more than an assumption, the new minister, he is well versed, a man of strict rules, it is necessary, as much as possible , to remove any coloring, especially the rescue service, because otherwise it is difficult to understand, and most importantly: they abuse, they abuse the ambulance, like a taxi is used, they turn on the flashing lights at the airport, they are taking another mafioso, the ministry of emergency situations understands that many commercial emergency rescue services will not immediately part with their privileges on the roads, so in the near future , law enforcement agencies, and this is ... bd, fsb, fso, together with the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations, will organize and conduct raids throughout the country to identify those who
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did not obey. the law himself did not remove the flashing beacons from the roof of the car and did not tear off the orange-blue stripes. this is how we saw the problem of using the symbols of emergency rescue services for personal purposes, the conclusions of the cases are only for you, to meetings on the russia 24 tv channel
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. at night, a terrorist attack was carried out in the isu on the village of rakitnaya in the belgorod region, five people were killed, 12 were injured, among the wounded were children, this was reported on his telegram channel by the governor. vyacheslav glotkov. in addition, 10 private houses, two commercial properties and four cars were damaged in the village. an accident was reported on the gas pipeline, as a result of which rakitnoye and the villages of boryspil and novoleninskoye were left without gas. power lines were damaged. in the kursk border area russian aviation struck ukrainian militants and armored vehicles. scouts.


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