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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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we dealt with the fire in 15 minutes, we return to the fire station, we continue to get acquainted with the rescue equipment, among the cars there is a silver... a battered niva with the stripes of the ministry of emergency situations and a blue beacon, the unit's leadership is supposed to go to the scene of an emergency in this car. this is our jeep, this is a light operational service car, which we follow to the fire, that is , it turns out that the guard leaves, but we received a signal, but did not leave, but we received the information, then yes, so that we, as it were, also have operational leadership, but there the detachment unit gets to to the place of some emergency rescue operations or fire extinguishing, yes we with...
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and again a raid, this time together with the traffic police officers we go to the yaroslavl highway to the intersection with the ring road. thousands of people enter moscow and... a car with
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privileges on the road is very helpful, the driver of this toyota camry ignored the inspector's demand to stop, the traffic police crew rushes in pursuit, our film crew records everything that happens, 961 on the right, we stop the car, 961 on the right, we stop the car, the driver is signed the car shows documents, the car belongs to the private company rostekhzashchita. from korolev near moscow, the car has a reference, well yes, it has an emergency rescue service, and it is equipped with something for emergency rescue operations, i mean, the car is equipped with something for emergency rescue operations in general, open the trunk, please, there is no special equipment, there is no special equipment, of course, we bring spare parts for fire trucks there for all sorts of things, we arrive there for accidents, well, the mechanic drives all sorts of these. he takes spare parts there, but why for
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transportation of spare parts need a car, well, i say, it's not for me, i'm a driver. another car with special paint caught my eye. renault duster was urgently driving somewhere with the right-hand beacon turned off, but instead of.
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regional rescue, moscow regional rescue, yes, friday, mkat again we are conducting a raid with the central office of the state traffic safety inspectorate of russia, we stopped another car that was rushing pomkat, there is a man in a suit in the car, but he refuses to introduce himself, who he is and what he is, and where were you in a hurry, can you tell me, exactly, tell me once, where were you going, no comment, no, where were you going, can you explain where you were going with the beacons turned off, no comment, i have sleeves. and you passengers, who are you? on what basis are you in the emergencies ministry vehicle? please explain, can you hear me or not? are we going to play the silent treatment? now we will find out, he is not wearing a seat belt in the back seat, therefore he is violating the rights of the road , now we will attract, we need documents, do you have them, do you have them, do you not have them, then we will be forced, then all together now we will go to the police station with you to prove your identity, bringing you to administrative responsibility. the man in the suit behaved
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confidently, calling someone on three phones at once. he refused to introduce himself to journalists, but he showed his id to the traffic police inspector. the ministry of internal affairs, after which he drove on about his business, and we met quite a lot of such vip passengers, it seems that according to the law you can’t find fault with the driver of a special vehicle, and the documents are in order, the torture sheet is in hand, but the car is not being used for its intended purpose, there are strangers in the cabin who do not have attitude neither to commercial rescue services, nor to the ministry of emergency situations itself, here is another important person, alexander zaitsev, in a decorated manner. mnisa was in no hurry to go to a meeting in some prefecture, behaved self-confidently, did not want to talk to journalists, did not want to show his official id, refused, perhaps he did not have a red card, please introduce yourself, who are you? i am going to a service meeting, and who are you? i am the deputy
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head of the department, what? and what is the matter, i do not understand, please introduce yourself, who are you , why are you in the ministry of emergency situations car? this the car is not the ministry of emergency situations, what kind of car is this? it is written here on the car, well , please explain that this is not a car please, who are you? finally, an important passenger said that he works as a deputy head of the department for the north-eastern administrative district of the department for civil defense, emergency situations and fire safety of moscow. who is this uniform of the formations hanging from? is it the head? of the department, and you are driving him, yes, well, yes, he is the head of the department, it turned out that instead of the head of the department stroev, citizen zaitsev was sitting in the passenger seat like a foil with a very important person. we understood that the rumor about
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the raids had already spread around the city. some business rescuers immediately hid and decided to be on the safe side. not to use their special transport, and those who did not know fell into our net. this is kutuzovsky prospekt in the west of the capital, in the flow we look out for cars with the paintwork of emergency rescue services. at first, we come across real rescuers. good afternoon, where are you going? hello, moscow city search and rescue service, deputy chief of the koti, well, this is at you are a private organization, a state structure, this is the state department for civil defense, emergency situations, fire safety of the city of moscow,
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so moscow is doing well, and you know that now there are raids, they are checking the vehicles of the ministry of emergency situations, you heard, well, maybe someone heard, but this is correct, of course, because i know what they say, uh, that there is such a thing, yes. who drives around under the guise of rescuers, i have already been checked several times, stopped, yes, the traffic police checks everything, i don’t see any problems, this is correct. not only we, journalists, were interested to see who and how uses special vehicles with rescue service logos, but the inspector, because before that they, like many drivers... from the general flow, the inspector catches a ford explorer for inspection, as it turned out, an expensive suv was traveling from kaluga to moscow,
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the foreign car belongs to the kaluga company gorpos service, in the back seat there is a passenger in an expensive suit, a backpack, a gold watch. and several iphones to the latest model, in general, does not look like a rescuer, documents are not showed, refused to introduce himself, but you have a rescue vehicle, you have rescue equipment, show, no, we go out - we go out to sites - when some kind of emergency situations occur, for rescue - the necessary vehicles go out , that you are not using the vehicle for its intended purpose, practically you are transporting the driver , your boss, that's all. here is a car from kaluga, let's see what kind of rescue equipment there is in principle, except for cones there is nothing, in fact, here is a car with a civilian and a passenger there, in fact, he is driving , let's put it this way, a businessman is riding in the back seat
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, a businessman, this is your driver, so you are using special transport, we are not counting as intended, you are discrediting - could the chief accountant of our organization be riding? anyone could be riding in this vehicle, people should know that this is a rescuer riding, and not some business guy from kaludi, that's what we're talking about, that's the difference, you understand, that's it, uniformed officers should be sitting here. riding to save people, yes , that's right, they should be riding, if they are riding to save people, and the special signals are on and sound, and so the special services car carries one person, your ass, that's it, well, excuse me, this is purely your opinion, the kaluga ford did not leave right away, the traffic police officers drew up a report, the windows were satinized with violations. and then it got dark, we
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were still working on kutuzovsky prospekt. an expensive toyota alfard minibus with a beacon turned on attracted the attention of the ministry of internal affairs officers. the approximate cost of the foreign car is 5 million rubles. the car already belongs to the rostekhzashchita company near moscow, which we are familiar with, we work with crews the central office of the state traffic safety inspectorate installed a toyota car with such a wonderful number k892m 750, well, the driver has difficulty explaining who he works for, where he works and most importantly, who he is driving, and who are you traveling with? well, can we talk to the passenger, please, open it a little. what should i do, close the top, hello, are you
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a passenger, yes, and who are you? come here, and who are you? yes, what are you, who am i? yes, where are you going in this car? you should have this information, well, who are you anyway, how old are you? well, i don't want to answer this question. no, well where are you going in a special vehicle, and i have to answer this question, of course, i'm not currently conducting a raid, checking the cars for use, who are you, how old are you, well, and can i not answer this question, you should not answer why you are here in this car, well, i was driving, my dad gave me a car, my dad gave me a car, who is your dad, well, i will not answer this question, well , you are driving there from school, yes judging by not from school, not from school, how old are you?
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nikita, it is clear that the boy is not guilty that his wealthy father with connections provides him with a special vehicle, it doesn't occur to him that rescuers could be driving to eliminate the accident in his place, so the driver doesn't see anything wrong with it, apparently it's become a habit. that it looks very comical that you're driving a young boy in an emergencies ministry vehicle. well, that's not a question. it's all simple, driving around in a special vehicle, driving a schoolboy on business, the young hockey player
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went on in his dad's car, and what questions, everything is legal, the documents are in order, it's just another special vehicle used for other purposes, let 's sum it up: together with the traffic police, the film crew of our program participated in raids for several days, each time there were fewer and fewer cars with the paintwork of emergency services... apparently, those who were used to driving around with the wind excluded by the lighthouse did not want to fall into the sight of the ministry of internal affairs. these raids are only the beginning, the problem
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of using such cars for other purposes has concerned not only journalists, the traffic police, the minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev and the head of the ministry of emergency situations evgeny zinnichev, but also state authorities. it seems to us that in the near future amendments to the laws should appear that will determine who can and who cannot use cars with a livery a.
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not passenger cars, that is, we must do so, special cars of various classes, but so that only those cars are registered and painted that are directly used for emergency rescue operations.
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moscow and moscow region cars with a livery emergency rescue services are often misused by anyone. businessmen, officials and even employees of seemingly legal private groups during our raids never went to a real emergency, at most to a meeting or inspection of the facility, mainly on their own business, to restaurants, to offices. many of them, including. mayak, out of habit, or, to put it simply, used cars as vip taxis on a dedicated lane. as it seemed to us, by such behavior on the road, not rescuers, discredited the real services of the ministry of emergency situations. according to the idea of ​​reforming this department, ordinary drivers should see the changes without
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any doubts to give way to special vehicles with emergency rescue service paint. after all, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations always go where their professional help is needed, and they go to save people. and here is the long-awaited decree of the president of january 22, 2019. now private emergency rescue services are prohibited from installing and using special signals and
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attributes of the ministry of emergency situations. expensive foreign cars of commercial organizations, cutting through moscow with beacons. caused by the use of some vehicles of emergency rescue teams with special light and sound signals not for their intended purpose, they carried out activities not related to the protection of life and health of citizens, this created a threat to road safety, which led to an accident. this use
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created a threat to road safety , and also created a negative background for drivers, the next time, driving to a real call, our citizens did not always let through and priority was given to him. that it was time to bring. it is necessary to remove this paintwork as much as possible, especially the rescue service, because otherwise it is difficult
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to understand, and most importantly they abuse, they abuse the ambulance, like a taxi is used, turns on the flashing lights to the airport, takes another mafioso, the ministry of emergency situations understands that... many commercial emergency rescue services will not immediately part with their privileges on the roads, therefore in the near future law enforcement agencies, and this is the ministry of internal affairs, the fsb, the fso, together with the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations, will organize and conduct raids across the country to identify those who did not obey the law, did not remove the flashing beacons from the roof of the car themselves and did not tear off. orange and blue stripes.
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this is how we saw the problem of using the symbols of emergency services for personal purposes. only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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12:59 pm
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1:00 pm
we begin the release with a video from the ministry of defense of the russian federation, how the ukrainian mlrs grad is being destroyed in the border area of ​​the kursk region, we see on the screen how it goes, the guidance system works then by means, if there was this destruction installation destroyed. well, to other topics that are currently happening in our border area, the attack of ukrainian drones.


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