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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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we start the release with a video from the ministry of defense of the russian federation, how the ukrainian mlrs grad is being destroyed in the border area of ​​the kursk region, we see on the screen how the guidance system works, then the means will destroy this installation. well, to other topics that are currently happening in our border area, the attack of ukrainian drones. also repelled the belgorod
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region, the ministry of defense also reports this and earlier ukrainian militants shelled the belgorod village of raketynoye, as a result of another one terrorist attack today killed five people, another 13 were injured, including children. our special correspondent, olga kurlaeva, works in the region, she joins us. olga, hello, what is the current situation in the border areas? yes, yes, hello georgy, the situation is quite tense, especially in those settlements that are located in close proximity to the state border, there remains a danger of fpv drones, bapla flights and the work of cannon artillery, such it also happens, unfortunately, there is a missile threat, it is announced by means of air raid sirens in the city, but then they offer to go down, not just offer, they strongly recommend going down to shelter, of which here... there are quite enough
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to save your lives from fragments falling from the sky. let's return to the situation in rokytnoye, five people died there today, these are five civilians, as a result of the attack, it happened late at night, another 13 were injured, civilians were injured, among them and there are teenagers, a twelve-year-old boy, he received medical assistance on the spot, here is a sixteen-year-old...
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the result of this terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces. there was the first landing, a blow and there was a flame somewhere, she went out to close the door and here the second landing occurred, she just grabbed the door, it hit her, but we noticed at night that three of those fragments, yeah, in the head and... nothing was lying there, a guy was lying there, young, well covered, a man was lying here, the city and regional emergency services are now directly in the settlement, which at night there was a rocket, a rocket attack from the ukrainian armed forces, repair teams, utility services also left, everyone was raised to...
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they are saving the city, saving the city, saving the village, they are not allowing it, in general, to remain without electricity, but they are working exclusively according to the operational situation, which is currently not very good in rakitnoye, according to our information there have already been two attempts to attack the settlement, here the repair teams, in particular in order to restore the gas pipeline, are waiting for messages from the operational headquarters in order to begin to the works, as... you know, we have already told this more than once, actually this practice has been going on since 2014 in donetsk, when repair crews go out to restore power lines, restore gas pipelines, restore water supply, they are always fired upon, now this situation has worsened by the fact that fpv drones camisa are also working, well, and if we talk about the fact that the tragedy in russia was recognized by the investigative committee of russia. the main investigative
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department of the investigative committee of the russian a criminal case under the article on a terrorist act has been opened in the federation on the fact of the attack of armed formations of ukraine on the village of rakitnoye in the belgorod region. as a result of the shelling, five civilians were killed . as part of the criminal case , the investigative committee of russia will establish all persons involved in the commission of this terrorist act, both the commanders who gave the illegal order to shell civilians and those who directly carried it out. their actions will be given strict legal. yes, the investigative bodies really do record everything crimes against civilians in the russian border area, we are monitoring the situation, we hope and we really believe that
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those who are currently undergoing treatment, under the watchful eye of doctors, they will still recover and - will be alive, we really want this. grigory. yes, olga, together with you we are monitoring the tragedy and analyzing the ukrainian terrorist attack, which the ukrainian armed forces launched in the belgorod region. olga kurlaeva was with us, she told us about the latest events. russian troops repelled attacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces in four directions of the kursk regions. four more attack attempts were thwarted. this was reported by the defense ministry. according to the military department, the ssu lost up to 40 people killed and wounded, as well as seven pieces of equipment. in addition, aircraft and artillery struck enemy positions in eleven directions. air strikes were also carried out on enemy forces in the sumy region. the defense ministry said that over the past 24 hours, the ssu lost more than 300 servicemen and 14 pieces of equipment. by arresting pavel durov
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, france is showing the world its tyrannical face. this opinion was expressed by the leader of the french patriot party, florian philippa. let me remind you that the ceo of telegram was detained at le bourget airport. according to the media , he was to be charged with terrorism and money laundering, among other things, a report by our european correspondent, anastasia popova. at le bourget airport, the private jet of the founder of telegram landed at about 8:00 pm, thirty-five-year-old pavel durov, accompanied by his assistant and bodyguard. all three were detained right at the steps of the plane. the case has already been taken up by the russian mit, the first reaction from the russian ambassador in vienna. some naive people still do not understand that if they... play a more or less noticeable role in the international information space, then it is not safe for them to visit countries that are driven by a much more totalitarian society. durov knew that he was being hunted in europe, so he was here very rarely. why did he go to paris, knowing that there was a warrant for his arrest, everyone is wondering.
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elon musk and former head of mit austria karin kneissl comment on the situation. the year is 2030. in europe you executed for liking a meme. telegram founder and ceo pavel durov was arrested last night at the paris airport, the charges against him are simply insane. he did not want to cooperate with the french authorities, shares the keys to encrypt messages in telegram. all claims can be reduced to this. the lack of moderation on the platform, according to french investigators, makes him an accomplice to drug trafficking, fraud, distribution of pedophile content, organized crime and terrorism, and this is at least 20 years in prison, and they intend to judge him as...
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a diplomat to establish contact with the french country on this issue? well, if i answer your specific question, then in my opinion, first of all it is worth listening to the lawyers and representatives of pavel durov himself, who should give a qualification of what
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is happening to him, in my opinion, this is primary, although of course there are a lot of emotions, probably, and we will say some, we will talk with you additionally today, and now about the actions... of our diplomatic service, our embassy in paris immediately immediately upon receiving this information connected with the local side. pavel durov has french citizenship,
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accordingly for paris, for france, he is first of all a citizen of their country, well, and how liberal democracies, better to say, so to speak, liberal dictatorships, deal with it in the case when it is beneficial or necessary for them in this way, we all know very well, this is not the first.
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national legislation, i remind you, there was also a court decision on this matter, this is a standard procedure, it was not applied requirements of the corporation in accordance with only in our country, but in other countries, for compliance of the company's activities with national legislation, all these years until the eighteenth to...
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pressure on russia, first of all denigration, well, as always in general, and as soon as they did not call us all names, and how many different reports, reviews, demands, petitions, flash mobs and so on and so forth we received, now the question arises, and considering that there were dozens of such organizations, here i published a screenshot with signatures of twenty-six at that time... western ngos, now, today, tomorrow,
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they will begin similar activities in support of telegram, in support of its creator and founder. this is a good question, in my opinion, which is still worth asking. i say again, their names and the names of these western ngos are known. moreover, they signed collective petitions to the united nations, the osce. government structures with demands to influence russia then, although russia went exclusively into the hands of the law, not so say, in no way threatening the freedom, so to speak, of the founders of telegram and without creating illegal obstacles to users, users used telegram, published information there, and at the same time the country really solved pressing issues related to security, which has now become...
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so to speak, to be vigilant in protecting human rights, and guaranteeing freedom of speech. marya vladimirovna, thank you very much for taking the time to answer one of the most important topics of the day. the official was in direct contact with us representative of the ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova. well , now the program parliamentary hour will continue our broadcast. on air is the program parliamentary hour, hello, we will tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. politicians
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do not have vacations, the problems that were raised at the meetings. in a very accessible language, what challenges the leaders of the future face, the answers on the territory of dialogue. senior colleagues from the leadership of the factions of the state duma share their experience with novice politicians. a meeting of participants with leaders was held on the territory of smysly duma factions, all the main laws are in the interests of the country, we are adopting consolidated, all the faction leaders present here, bring order to the migration sphere, we need to expel those who violated our laws, we must not let in those who do not know the language, do not respect our traditions, do not
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respect the culture, what changes have already been adopted and what will be considered in the fall? and also, how will trash streamers be punished, what deputies propose to change in the organization of children's recreation and how will they help fight unscrupulous management companies, about this and more next in our program. always tell the truth, do not take a populist position , learn all your life. such advice was given by the heads of the state duma factions and the young leader at the territory of meanings forum. the geography is wide, more than 60 countries of the world , more.
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they will already be, some of them will be deputies, some will already be political strategists, some will achieve success in business, so they will live here, and therefore they have appropriate questions. it is interesting that people, of course, always worry about their regions, the question of transbaikalia, how the elections will be held there, and how st. petersburg. these days , young deputies, representatives of the youth parliament, public associations of political parties from all over the country have gathered at a forum in solnechnogorsk, moscow region. on the territory of dialogue, this is what the change is called, experience is shared with aspiring politicians.
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more terrible than the nazi invasion, i feel this danger as the main challenge, not only as a politician, but first of all as a person. what kind of deputy is he, capable of responding to the challenge of the time? the forum participants themselves say. first of all, he must represent the interests people, interests of citizens. this is an open person and a person who always listens to people, and people are more important and there is nothing more important than people. the main quality should be personal for him, this is. initiative, that he is always easy-going, ready to act, to solve the problems of the population that he represents, this is a person who is primarily innovative, who does not sit still. but seeks out a problem by communicating with the people, with citizens, a deputy should be as close to the people as possible. forum participants asked leaders their questions from the audience, everything is like in
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the state duma, factions ask in turns, time is limited by a timer, topics were discussed about deputy initiatives, protection of the russian language, a new form of work of parliamentarians with the government and mentoring. what role does a mentor play in the career of a young politician, and how and where can one be found? here i have two of my protégés, i am a mentor. two young politicians, i meet with them regularly, including in an informal setting, they can at any time, they have my direct phone number, ask any question, i will always answer them, it is very important, it is very necessary. the questions also concerned the international agenda, leonid slutsky noted that only stability, security, mutual support will protect against sliding into dangerous trends. the leader of the ldpr emphasized that there will be no unipolar world built on blood, this is the president's approach. which the state duma supports through interparliamentary diplomacy. today , dozens and dozens of countries around the world, including europe, are awakening. hungary, the netherlands,
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slovakia, there are more such countries with every month. around the ideas and approaches of the russian president for a peaceful, stable and secure future for the planet in the 21st century. representatives from more than 60 countries took part in the forum. young leaders of brics. foreign non-profit organizations and authorities from different countries. this forum reveals the meaning of the diversity of the world well. i have made many new friends here, and this forum is intended to remind us that we must expand the opportunities of young people in the field of international relations and diplomacy. and involvement in solving these issues would change the world, turning it into a place where everyone would be equal. of course, i will share the experience i have gained here in my country, because in our country we face many challenges, so what i have seen here i need to show in my homeland and implement in
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practice, because this is the right path. according to the head of the united russia faction, today our country is demonstrating the possibility of confronting evil, violation of international law. the president set the tasks to achieve victory in a special military operation, to create a competitive economy, in these conditions it is important not to give out populist. to hear the position of the state duma in the international arena, i specialize in international relations, meeting with party leaders, i am very delighted, it is very pleasant that people who represent the authorities in the russian
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federation, they are ready to communicate with young people on wounds, they are ready to listen to all our questions, all our initiatives, and you can simply approach her, ask any question of interest question, they will be happy to answer it. natalia molotsova, a deputy of a rural settlement from the volgograd region, is at a platform of this level for the first time. politics, but they clearly showed how work is carried out in the state duma. two committees at the forum held an extended meeting devoted to the problems of youth policy at the local government level. the deputies
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, together with the forum participants, reviewed the best regional practices. young people, who, by the way, live, like most young people, in small towns, villages, in the local area, they have something to say and something to offer in relation to how it should look. will be included in the recommendations will be monitored by members of the youth parliament of the state duma committees, which they will send to the heads of russian regions, for their implementation at the state duma, its vice-speaker reported: this is the introduction of a single standard for the work of municipal youth centers in the regions, for example, these are issues of proactive budgeting of youth, which increase civic...
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chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin held a meeting with residents of engels in his constituency in the saratov region, during which he reported on the work done, spoke about the implementation of federal and parliamentary projects in the region, discussed issues of city development, improvement, and preservation of cultural heritage sites. the problems that were raised at the meetings, which you, residents of other cities, addressed, were tried
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to be solved.
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work continues on the creation of a bioengineering center in siberia. the chairman of the development committee is supervising the process far east and arctic nikolay kharitonov. the space will appear in the novosibirsk state agrarian university by the end of 2026. the progress of the work was discussed at a meeting held by the deputy. it is planned that innovative biopreparations for plant growing and livestock farming will be developed here and new specialists for the agro-industrial complex will be trained. about 160 items have been purchased for the laboratory, i understand that in such a short period of time, the laboratory must be reconstructed, built, rebuild, fill with technology, and safety technology, we have now walked through, looked, well, the work is in full swing, i am sure that the program of 220 million, which is designed for 3 years, will be completed under your leadership, your specialists, and
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the task that is, is: i think that everything will be done as it should be. with any question in the family mfc, deputy tatyana butskaya was convinced of its effectiveness, having visited kamchatka. our communication was five plus, because i was not just answered my question, i say that i am a mother of two children, i am thinking maybe of a third, and they told me so wonderfully about what it is, yes, what there is...
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i need and social assistance.


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