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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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and the task that is set, is set, i think that everything will be done as it should be, with any question in the family mfc, deputy tatyana budskaya was convinced of its effectiveness, having visited kamchatka, our communication was five plus, because they didn’t just answer my question, i say that i am a mother of two children, i’m thinking, maybe a third, and they told me so beautifully about what it is, yes, what kind of support there is for families with three children, but it’s not enough to provide informational support, in the multifunctional center they will find problem solving algorithms, and specialized specialists will help you build them individually. in addition, you can count on financial support here, and there is also the opportunity to rent goods for newborns. in one building of the family mfc there is a center for social assistance to families and children. parents and children who find themselves in a difficult life situation come here.
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every year, up to 4,500 people receive psychological, pedagogical, legal and social assistance. we will return to the work of deputies in the regions in the second part of our program, now to other topics. vyacheslav volodin sent mikhail mishustin the decision of the extended meeting of the state duma council on the organization of recreation and health improvement for children. the chairman of the state duma noted that only 28% of schoolchildren from the total number of students have the opportunity to relax in children's camps. among the main problems of the sphere, high cost.
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recreation and health improvement, once again children from new regions, the duma itself introduced its lecture, here are the 16 million rubles won there from google, we all voted, the proposal our committee, supported children from new regions, from the belgorod region, for recreation and health improvement, we did all this, it’s not enough, so now we’re just monitoring how things are going with the coverage of children who are on vacation in country...
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although what we did, well, we passed a law banning the repurposing of recreation and health improvement organizations, we passed a law on the so-called children’s beaches, this is also good, when children in our recreation and health improvement organizations still have the opportunity to conclude, or rather the organization concludes an agreement with municipality, these laws have been adopted, have come into force, this is not enough for us either. the most important thing we are trying to achieve now is to help the regions transfer funding powers to the federal level. what is the focus of the committee today, what initiatives are you working on now and what is next in the autumn session? of course, children and parents are the focus of our committee, i can say with satisfaction that from september 1 of this school year , a family studies lesson will be taught in our schools, though in as an additional, so to speak, optional subject, i am very happy about this, it is a novelty, therefore...
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and the main thing is still people, when you asked what our committee will do, of course, protecting people, protecting children from criminals, another topic that will be dealt with at okhotny ryad in the near future. so already next month parliamentarians will begin to consider a bill that should increase responsibility for involving minors in criminal activity via the internet, reported state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin on his telegram channel. most often, it is about the distribution of narcotic psychotropic substances or courier... functions for transporting money or items obtained fraudulently. in such cases, communication between the offender and the child is often carried out anonymously and online. deputies propose to toughen the punishment for the guilty up to 7 years of imprisonment. in the second part of the program, watch the ban on trash streams,
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what exactly and how they will punish, how to deal with unscrupulous managers companies, the head of the relevant committee will tell. and also how the state duma is bringing order to the migration sphere. you are watching the program parliamentary hour, we continue. broadcasts during which people or animals are mocked in runet will not be. in august , a law came into force that prohibits so-called trash streams, their participants will now be punished with both a fine and imprisonment. these measures will discourage anyone who wants to earn money or become famous on the internet by mocking others. the law became one of the key ones of the sixth session. details at tatyana tselishcheva. tell me, biko, i 'll shoot you now. what am i, alina. no, tell me your name, demon. one. i don't know. me, tell me your name, demon. a thirty-year- old resident of volgograd exorcises demons by intimidating a girl with a gun.
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social media users watched the strange ritual live. and this is far from the worst thing that trash streamers post on the internet. trash in english means garbage, stream, broadcast. however. the phenomenon itself appeared in the post-soviet space in 2010, even the founder, a blogger, is known, who accidentally knocked out his teeth during a computer game broadcast. the victim suddenly became famous and decided to make money on it, collecting money for shocking content, in streamer slang - donations. the scene of bullying people and animals is not for the faint of heart, and is certainly contraindicated for the fragile psyche of a child. with gadgets in their hands today, even babies can practically keep track of what they are watching.
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a child, having watched enough of this content, can perceive it as the norm, as the truth of life, it becomes part of his worldview, for fame and money , trash streamers beat each other up, pepper spray each other's faces, fake funerals, a few years ago one such live broadcast ended in tragedy, the tortured girl died in front of the audience, please live, i beg you, i 'll do anything for you, just live. just live, the blogger was found guilty of intentionally causing serious bodily harm, which led to death through negligence and sent to a maximum security penal colony for 6 years, a drunken case, but not the only one, roskomnadzor left blocking such content to the social networks themselves.
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there were no articles for demonstrating cruelty on live air and no mechanisms for combating the authors of moral content, and, accordingly, it was impossible to protect children from information violence. in january, the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin said in his telegram channel that the bill banning trash streams would be considered as a priority. it was important to give a clear formulation of this phenomenon and develop measures that would discourage everyone who wants to earn money and become famous on the internet by bullying others. deputies of all factions took part in the preparation of the document. trashstreams will be information that offends human dignity and public morality. expressing obvious disrespect for society, containing images of actions with signs of illegality, including violent ones, and here is the key, colleagues, thing, distributed from hooligan selfish or other unchangeable motives. online broadcast, where there is cruelty, sadism, bullying, as well as causing pain for the sake
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of hype and profit are now prohibited. the phenomenon of trash streams, and this has already been discussed, this is a blow to our values, people who watch and... previously condemned phenomena such as bullying, humiliation, sadism, become attractive in the eyes of people, we need to eradicate this, in order to combat dangerous content, the state duma deputies during the sixth session immediately adopted a package of laws, the innovation should not only ban trash streams as a phenomenon, but make the work of the creators of such videos impossible, having deprived them of an audience, now for disseminating such information individuals will be...
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in schools, in courtyards, well, beyond the pale, yes, we are passing laws, including a bill, which, of course, we will support, well, you see, the name is not even in russian, trash stream, well about dirt, yes, garbage, trash, the ban on trash streams was unanimously supported by deputies, trash streamers, faction. the dpr has been working on this topic for more than 2 years, we are very glad that there is a corresponding law, fines for those
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who produce such content, broadcast, must be tightened, and the approaches to this must also be tightened. unfortunately, in our society, among young people first of all, a phenomenon has become widespread, well, in my opinion, of a spiritual nature, a very negative phenomenon, observation in the internet space of various... kinds of obscenity, crimes, violence and even direct murders, this is monstrous, and of course, we, as a state, as state power, should not support this, we must pay attention to this and suppress it in the harshest possible way. more peace now parents, a rare mother does not worry about what her child can see on the internet, says olga kravchenko, a representative of the public organization mothers of russia, she herself has four children. we discussed with mothers.
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we are returning to the work of deputies in the regions, the geography is vast. kursk, chuvashia, astrakhan, kuzbass, where parliamentarians also worked in the next story. during a working trip to the saratov region , vyacheslav volodin visited. the only historical settlement in the region, the city of volsk, where he got acquainted with the completion
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restoration of the building of the former city outpatient clinic, this identified cultural heritage site is 120 years old, the historic building had been falling into disrepair for about 20 years, residents asked for help in restoring it. within the framework of the deputy project , a solution was found and the long-awaited restoration was carried out. after the completion of the work , an art school for children will open in volsk in the historic building. there are also plans to equip the district hospital next year. earlier, the chairman of the state duma met with doctors of the khvalynsk central regional hospital, where
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he discussed the issues of attracting personnel for promotion quality of medicine. a solution was found for the construction of official housing for doctors. the task is to complete the construction of a new building with 20 apartments by the end of 2024. the main thing in a hospital is to have doctors and medical personnel. the issue of attracting specialists is currently being addressed so that they come here from saratov and other cities. improving the financial literacy of the population is a task that is actively set in the regions. how to organize the process was discussed in cheboksary by participants in the second open forum of regional practices in the field of financial education. chairman of the state duma committee on financial market anatoly oksakov spoke about the tasks that are set at the federal level, as well as about which tools are the most effective and how they can help? it is very
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important to present complex material in an accessible form, especially since on the one hand it is necessary to solve the problem of protecting citizens so that they understand when criminals attack them, want to steal money, but the second task is that we need the population's money as investment resources for economic development, that is, we need to tell people about the same long-term savings program in a very accessible language, a place where everyone should come. working in the astrakhan region, renat ayupov visited social facilities, held a citizen's reception, talked with relatives of svo participants. the deputy focused on the okhtubinsky district historical and krevech museum, where the entire history of the region was collected under one roof. now almost 2.0 exhibits are stored in storerooms due to a lack of display space. the deputy discussed all related
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problems of the task of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the region. we. we will work through all this, everything that is possible from us, of course, we will do so that the museum gets into the federal project, because a fairly large museum fund is stored in reserves, and we would like to show all this, the key objects of the transport sector of kusbas were inspected by deputy pavel fizyaev. construction of the north-western bypass.
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50 km, four lanes, bypass of the city. a meeting with participants of the special military operation, including heroes of russia, awarded state awards for military successes, was held in the state duma. beysultan khamzaev told the servicemen about the latest laws adopted to protect the health of young people. we talked about combat drugs that the west uses against its own soldiers. the evacuation of pets from the kursk shelter for homeless animals was handled this week by the vice-speaker of the state duma vladislav davankov volunteers of the new people faction. the dogs had to be transported from the border combat zone. they are already awaited at the volgograd shelter dina. today here with me are our volunteers, deputies, municipal deputies, deputies of the legislative assembly
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who help people, organized headquarters collecting things for... services, how else does the state duma propose to fight against unscrupulous management companies and what initiatives will allow residents to control their activities in an interview with the head of the relevant committee sergei pokhomov. from september 1 , a rule comes into force according to which the founders of unscrupulous management companies that have ceased to exist will no longer be able to open new ones. how will this world help citizens who are considered unscrupulous
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by those same management companies here. one of the most difficult issues in housing and communal services. we have adopted several bills that , in general, almost completely eliminate the possibility of forging the minutes of the general meeting, that is
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, now there is a mandatory person responsible for the quality of the signature, that is, the person who keeps the minutes, he must have a last name and patronymic, and therefore, if the next day some tenant comes and says: this is not my signature, then look for the one who is not... there is no longer any need to be responsible for the fact that a counterfeit signature appeared, he is already officially registered in the documents. more about management companies, you are one of the authors of this bill, which we will now discuss, your committee proposes to introduce a specific form of reporting by management companies to residents, what is this for? of course, general reporting is needed, today, i apologize, some in the forest, some for firewood, a single form has not been established, some in the regions are trying to do this, somewhere at the municipal level. therefore, in general, they cannot always show it to residents, but
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we are absolutely sincerely confident that if a person will know, he paid 100 rubles a month, he knows what they went on, on the one hand, the person is calm, understanding that all his money is in the yard and... we insist in working with colleagues from the metro to introduce as many of these clear , understandable rules as possible, not only for reporting, but standards for presenting the quality of services
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of the management company, they should be, they cannot be uniform, it is clear that in kamchatka, in sochi, in kaliningrad and in moscow, it will probably be different, but the basic set should be absolutely clear, and this should be clearly in a single form of the contract for the management of houses specified and... the tariff should also be uniform, from region to region, please, but the set must be mandatory, that is, such a standardization of services for the management of houses, the basic should be. deputies continue to work in districts, the leaders of parliamentary factions participate in regional election campaigns. following meetings with residents, deputies submit legislative initiatives and proposals aimed at solving the problems that people are talking about, vyacheslav volodin noted. a number of them are devoted to the topic.
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we should not let in those who do not know the language, do not respect our traditions, do not respect the culture, based on this we need to establish order and make decisions, then everything will be fine, people are waiting for the result, the law now directly spells out the rules that foreigners are obliged to observe, the so-called loyalty agreement, but no one has to sign anything, it is valid by default. exactly from the moment a foreigner crosses the state border, this is the acceptance by this person of the obligation to comply with the law russian federation, cultural traditions,
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corresponds there within the framework of its way of life, the cultural code of the russian federation, there not to violate legal norms, to violate ethical norms. a new special legal regime is being introduced, the expulsion regime. this is a whole system of restrictions that will apply to a foreigner or stateless person who has committed a crime or is. on the territory of russia illegally. specifically, we are talking about creating a register of controlled persons. we are talking about the fact that the conditions of stay, presence of foreign citizens in russia, are now stipulated by a number of circumstances, they are set out. inclusion in the register of controlled persons informality, prohibition of change of place of residence or stay without permission of the police to open a bank. payment systems,
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the question of the possibility of transferring money, driving a vehicle, employment, marriage, movement outside a limited territory and so on, that is, a number of restrictions will already be introduced, as soon as such an offender gets into the relevant register, a person it is forbidden to buy apartments, property, accordingly it is forbidden to buy cars and register as there, for example, to receive russian rights or other documents, until it solves. that a problem or that collision that arose for him, on the basis of which he received this regime, in order to act and live on the territory of the russian federation at all. a person who has violated the restriction of the expulsion regime twice will be placed in a special institution and deported from the country. in addition, the permissible period of stay in russia without a visa. the decision on deportation can now be made not only by the court, but also by the police. many crimes are committed not by labor migrants, but by those
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who illegally. permission to stay in russia, said deputy speaker of the state duma irina yarovaya. deputies are preparing new measures to combat these phenomena. that is why today the parliament is initiating the issue of classifying as especially serious serious crimes everything that is associated with organized illegal migration, with the assistance of this criminal activity. we consider illegal presence on the territory to be an aggravating circumstance.
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adopted a decision initiated by deputies on the obligation of all those who receive russian citizenship to first register for military service and then fulfill their civic duty by serving in the armed forces. we must do everything to ensure that there are no offenses, we have adopted laws against those who violate public order, threaten the safety of our citizens, they now face serious punishment, work to improve migration policy should be comprehensive. it is important for us that migrants coming to russia know russian, respect our laws, traditions, culture. in addition, the conditions for providing communication services to foreigners will be even stricter, the limit on numbers is no more than 10 and complete transparency,
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from the next. registration on government services in a single biometric system. mobile operators will recheck contracts concluded before january 1, 2025, and also enter data on the device in which the sim card is used. those who do not pass the check, from july 1 next year will be disconnected from communication services. all migrants who use communications on the territory of the russian federation are in for a lot.
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channel noted that representatives of political factions of the state duma support such changes, he also invited russians to express their opinion in the comments under this post. maria burkova, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. that's all, you watched the program parliamentary hour, see you on air. as a result of the attack of the ukrainian drone in the belgorod village of solovyovka, a local was killed resident, governor vyacheslav glodkov reported. the man died of his injuries at the scene before the ambulance arrived. the defense ministry
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reported that the enemy had taken multiple hits over the past 24 hours.


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