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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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only shockingly, i kind of put all thoughts like that on hold, because it's pretty clear what's going to happen if the democratic party holds power, it's not about kamaleh, i don't think she's even a real person, right, so it's about the party, about the collective, about the people who brought this country down, who are going to continue to rob it, destroy the first, the second amendments, the civil rights. the united states
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for another 4 years, which is really going to be kind of the end, a one-party state, that's what i i foresee it and it's so bad that i don't spend time thinking about the question that you just raised but you know i hope the answer is yes but i mean both of those scenarios are very likely the first scenario kamalo wins and we're heading towards what you call the end you think it's so bleak i have no idea
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"i wouldn't want a repeat of the result that we got in 2020 but the defeat made a lot of people better and we talk about that the spiritual component the religious component in the country has gone into an unpredictable for me the level, yes, it's true, the fact that they replaced biden has given me hope that the election is not going to be as rigged as we might have expected, by others, they were."
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the minds of voters are still so intense, it tells me very convincingly that the battle, as alex jones says, but the battle over the electoral system is actually working, at least to some extent. you
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talk about this a lot, i spent almost 2 weeks traveling by car along the east coast of america, i drove all the way, from meena to florida, from one end to the other, seriously, yeah, and what did you think when? "i was sad to see a lot of things, the country is beautiful, i like driving around, we have so much land, there's places to go, we have great cool people, but i've seen so many places where things are going really bad, total decay, what are the signs of it, houses are not weatherproof, roofs are falling in. yeah, obviously leaking every time it rains, yeah, and so it's not just junkies at gas stations, you've seen people with leaky roofs, yeah, yeah, everywhere, that's real poverty, if you have
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you have a hole in the roof, you are poor. so we pay money that guarantees pensions to bureaucrats who work for the corrupt government of ukraine. yes, led by the anti-american, anti-christian zelensky, we pay them to the officials who serve the ukrainian government, everyone, we pay for ukrainian businesses to operate, really, yes, i, i almost, i need to check the records, but i recently read an article, and i'm taking notes for a radio show, i shared this on air, i think we pay subsidies so that small businesses in ukraine worked, so we're paying for everything, it's so ridiculous. "it's hard to swallow, but you've driven through our country and you've seen people who don't have a roof over their heads, yeah, yeah, our country is not doing well, to say the least, and a lot of people
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are suffering, and we kind of touched on the economy earlier, but i think it's important to understand that americans have over a trillion dollars in credit card debt right now, which is a record. there's never been more credit card debt in the history of this country. credit card debt is absolutely devastating. we're talking about 22-25%. yeah, almost thirty. that means, that people's lives are ruined. can i ask about the nature of the democratic party? i don't vote democrat because i disagree with them on most issues. now i disagree with them on everything. but really. i don't vote democrat because i don't understand the requirements for membership. like, you have a couple of brothers, parents, a wife, a kid, i know your family, your loved ones, if someone said to be a conservative or a republican
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or a radio host in good standing, you have to condemn your brother fred, no way, i guess you'd say it's better to die, no way, yeah, that's right, no way, if... i know there's no circumstance where i would let my decrepit grandfather run the country or even drive a car, i know you take his license away and you take care of him, how many people in the advanced really late stages of losing their
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faculties, keep their guns or their driver's license, it's a very difficult conversation, but it's done out of great love, it's really tough. but what's happened here is that instead we've all been late in our commitments, that is the country. and i do, i think, as you and i have been saying for a long time, it's obvious that biden is still pulling the strings, you have to console yourself with the thought that somebody else is running things, don't worry, not this senile man, but in fact, i think the danger is that he is in charge of some things, and some of the chaos that we've seen is a result of that, afghanistan was largely a result of his dementia, when we lost all these people, and then he shows up at a sweaty transfer of remains that's supposed to be s--
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especially between a father and his daughter-in-law. this is the mother of your grandchildren. are you serious? and they just ignore her like she never existed. biden is a really rotten person, that's what i'm saying. i think it's important, he's the kind of person, everyone's like, "oh, it doesn't matter, it matters to me." yeah, it matters. and you know, trump is a complicated man, of course, he has moral failings no question, but the lies
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that we're constantly told about his moral flaws, it's absurd, like the idea that he 's trying to personally profit from the presidency. all the evidence that's out there shows the exact opposite, like the fact that he's lost billions of dollars, endless hustle, endless lawsuits, endless, what deal has made him rich as a result of being president. he 's a lot poorer, that's for sure, i think he's going to go to jail if he doesn't win, they 're going to put him away, they really want to, they're going to put him away early, people keep sending me these statements sentencing mid-september, right, eighteenth, i think they really want it, it's all going to come down to political judgment, because they don't want to make him a martyr before his time, so... a man in jail for two months, eight weeks before the presidential election, he's on false
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charges, right, but this judge, remember, he threatened him with all these gag orders, oh, you violated this and that, but he never put him in jail, even though he kept threatening him. i think they realized during the trial that it was backfiring in politically. it's not just about hurting biden. the public has started to see that trump is really a victim of fraud and that's been reflected in questions throughout the process. they have to be aware of that, i don't rule out that they could do something tyrannical that's against their political interests, control themselves, yes, that's one of the factors, unfortunately , that's the point, it's hard to believe, yes, i think that's a flaw, as i said before, i refuse to believe that it could happen in the united states, but if it does, i think we're screwed, i don't know if they're going to do it this close to the election, but that's what still...
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biden's secret service allowed trump to be shot, they allowed it, whether it was intentional or not, so why isn't it the biggest story in the world? you'd think it would be the biggest story throughout the campaign, in a normal.
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security failure, they just didn't help him, and there was no real social media, no motive, no one could put an agent on a roof with a slope like that, it's pretty simple, normal stuff, 130 meters from the stage, but we saw the biden administration allow an assassination attempt, a shooting, it's, it's a fact, they allowed it, i'm not saying they did.
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to the former president, so they're just giving him something, whatever, send him something, but he's got secret service protection by law, like his protection is not a priority, protecting dr. jill biden in pittsburgh in an indoor arena. right across the street from trump, in a very sophisticated way, with all the necessary teams, giving it their all, they do it, yeah, the disgusting fake doctor wife gets as many bodyguards as she wants, but the candidate doesn't, but the director of the secret service, who she personally picked for the role, kemberly chittell, was jill biden's bodyguard when she was in the white house,
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originally when joe biden was vice president, so they pick kemberlychit to run the show, the last thing they're going to worry about is trump's safety and his needs, screw that guy, we'll give him the security he needs minimum. meanwhile, if you're looking for evidence that biden, jill, and the secret service are politicized, look at robert kennedy. robert kennedy asked for secret service protection because his family has been the most targeted in american political history, and there are real threats to his life, and he really needed protection during the presidential campaign. because they didn't want to give his company real significance, they refused to give him secret service protection, because they didn't want to show that he's considered a presidential candidate, that's it, screw this guy, so they make all these political decisions, refuse to protect kennedy, and then they barely protect trump, give him secondary security, and he gets shot in
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the head, that's one interpretation of the event, here's a couple of fat women who don't know how to handle a gun, yeah, okay, it's so mind-boggling because if you live in a country where the secret service is corrupt, and we clearly live in a country like that, you know, it's a matter of life and death, it's not the department education, these are the key agencies who left the cocaine in the white house and then they destroy the evidence and they say, there's no chance we're ever going to get to the bottom of it, they destroyed it, they didn't save it, how much cocaine could they have, we don't have much.
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the fbi, the secret service, and of course, the cia. and they 're working very hard right now to get to the supreme court. they 're working very hard to corrupt that institution because it doesn't serve their power interests, at least not to the extent that they want it to, so he has to be corrupted too, it's a virus and it just keeps spreading and now they're using kamala as a tool, she's so dumb, she's shocking. is that true? you can see that, can't you? well she seems to be, well she doesn't have any idea, socially, she doesn't know how to communicate with people,
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that's a skill she doesn't have, she doesn't know how to, she can't talk to an audience and see that they're receptive to her, she can't read body language, she doesn't know how to change her tone, for example, have you ever noticed, when she makes a joke, no one laughs, then she giggles to herself, it's because she can't connect on a human level, because she's not that interested in... what they're saying through expression, from through, but she's definitely missing out on the greatest enriching experience, she doesn't feel the vibrations of other people, it's kind of the only
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reason to live, it's the most beautiful, wonderful, fun thing in the world, and speaking in public is the easiest thing you can do, you just don't have to worry, and if you don't worry, everything can do it successfully, including kamala harris, i don't know her. i've never even met her, my relatives know her, in fact, you know, they said she was quite funny, they don't hate her, but she's clearly scared, she's clearly afraid, i look at her and i think, oh, you're scared, she 's scared to death, that's the first thing i notice when i see her, this woman is afraid because she knows she's a fraud, like an animal in a cage that might attack, she's a fascist, yeah, no doubt, no one mentions it, lived 50 years in washington, it's kind of a precedent for how things are done in a limited republic, it's kind of steeped in that, she's from a different world,
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she's from post-political california, it's a one-party state, she has no problem using force, all the fascists around her are the same way, but i just feel like i feel sorry for her, i don't know why i feel that way, just watching her, but i feel like she can't... admit who she really is, what she really thinks, and that she's really, really afraid, you feel sorry for people like that, yeah, so basically, she's will run as the sitting president, they want everything, yes and no, i know, they'll lie to you about the current state of affairs, then tell you what her agenda is for day one, like she didn't have power to begin with, so the trump campaign was great about that, they said her presidency started 3.5 years ago, so let's stop pretending that... they could make her president, i mean the 25th amendment, they basically already did, just not officially, but they could just make her
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president, logically they should, because she really doesn't look old, but they won't do it because they don't want her to take responsibility for the current state of the country. vinz, thank you, thank you, tucker.
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mom, what are these letters for? for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we continue our news review, we will start with one of the main topics of the last 24 hours, the creator and owner of the telegram messenger pavel durov. paris, the department promises to clarify the situation on monday. how did people abroad react to the arrest of pavel durv, ekaterina shamaeva will tell. there is a real explosion in western social networks after the arrest of pavel durov. users are storming emmanuel macron's page with demands to release the billionaire, on the former twitter #freedom for pavel durov. telegram is
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trending, the owner of the social network elon musk is noticeably nervous, and it is possible that it is justified. tomorrow elon musk will be thrown in jail, but if he arrives in france, for insubordination european censorship rules under the digital services act. france is showing the world its tyrannical face. we must free ourselves from these madmen . tucker carlson, who recently discussed fb's attempts to put pressure on telegram with durov, agrees that the arrest is another noose around the necks of independent platforms. the journalist noted the fact that it was a western country and an ally of the biden administration that arrested the businessman. pavel durov, who is in a french prison, is a living warning to any platform owner, which refuses to censor the truth on orders from governments and intelligence agencies, darkness is quickly descending on the once free world. however, it was this free world, represented by western ngos , that called on the russian authorities to stop
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creating obstacles to telegram. after the law came into force, which obliges telecom operators to store records of messages and internet traffic of clients for six months, the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, maria zakharova, recalled these calls. and now the question arises: given that there were dozens of such organizations, here i published a screenshot with the signatures of 26 western ngos at that time, here now.


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