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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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this needs to be addressed, and this also needs to go through the state duma, the relevant laws need to be passed, money allocated, then the correctional system can somehow work with them, but when we pay an employee of this colony, when we pay employees of the ministry of internal affairs and others salaries that are incomparable with the income of a pizza delivery guy, what kind of people are we trying to find there to work, just who, this is the same question that needs to be solved, if it seems to someone that... the world is not at war with us, but look at what pleasure, first of all, so that you understand, i am a jew, when i hear an appeal to us jews from the lips of some citizens, there is a well -known, offensive, yes, when they say: hey, you are jews, this causes an absolutely unambiguous reaction in alexander and me, if any of the statesmen there, not polish, allow themselves to do this, because in poland this... in kiev he addresses and
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speaks about the great russian people, listen, i not only hope, but also believe that the day of victory will definitely come, that we will celebrate it together in the ukrainian crimea. in free proud mariupol, that ukrainians who received asylum in lithuania will return and develop the cities of the european union and nato, donetsk and lugansk, that ukrainian children will return to their homes in sumy, kharkiv and kherson regions, we will do and continue to do everything to bring victory closer, the victory of light over.
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the victory of free people, which we will celebrate together, with light, with gas and without russians. and what did not add without jews? well, i am a jew, you don’t like me either, without russians, you understand? and this is said by a representative of the vile nazi regime. who glorifies their nazi roots, and we do not impose the sanctions against them that should be imposed, we still believe that we have the svo, and the fact that the scumbags are concentrating their forces opposite bryansk, that they have not abandoned the idea of ​​blowing up the crimean bridge, breaking through our defense, cutting off the land to get to crimea.
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they say they have already burned to hell, but it still exists. the west applauds. to whom do we turn every time we expect some kind of condemnation. from the enemies of the russian people, we expect condemnation. kritin barel says that no, it is very important to strike deep into russian territory, because it brings peace closer. well, let's take this logic the other way around, then the destruction of nato headquarters and all the others, in theory , the bareilly half-ike should. also bring peace closer, that is
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, if you wipe off brussels, new york, washington, well, all the world capitals, then these are the bareilly half-ike. evil with those scumbags who, on their independence day, are proud of banning orthodoxy, we are confronting absolute satanism, so now russia is awakening,
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therefore, everyone who feels strength, understanding, awareness, can make their choice. 117. we must understand, we must prepare, this is a serious confrontation, this is a war that the west has declared on us, this is a war, a war, we must win this war, and for this purpose we
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need unity, and how very wisely, comrade stalin said, explaining to comrade babakov, the youngest minister. "there are no better fighters than ours, wiser than our commanders, we must be proud to help them, and the guilty must be singled out and punished in time, therefore each worthy one receives an order, and each
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mistakes there is a name, surname and patronymic, but first an analysis, a clear analysis, solving problems. there was a meeting of the club of rome and some council on the future of humanity, that's how they defined it, again they began to impose on the whole world overpopulation, and the fight against the pandemic and threatening wars,
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climate change, all their rhetoric is aimed at the fact that they are imposing these thoughts on us, trying to shape the attitude of the whole world to this, but what overpopulation? already who has not spoken, well, of course, our president, we have a lot of sound thoughts, well, fashion, mr. modi, mr. xi, they all talk about the same thing, but humanity has sufficient resources, they begin to prove and list and implement in practice these programs, plans, proving that humanity has enough resources, moreover, they see the future in development, and not in limitation, wars, pandemics, we still need to figure out this covid, of course, the topic of biological weapons is separate, yes, this is a special topic, but it has nothing to do with the prospects outlined by the club of rome, that by the end of the 21st century humanity can to perish or to die out, so if we talk about what kind of agenda they give us, then excuse me, the parliamentary assembly, under the un, again, the desire to
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impose governance from a single center on the whole world, they talk about reforming the security council, they actually want to destroy the veto, and thereby open the way for all decisions or, rather, permissions for the use of force against other states, they formulated the topic of ecocide, that is, some kind of convenient form , it seems... for ecology, but for some reason military measures and giving the right to certain states, led by america, to use armed forces where they believe that there is a violation of environmental processes, be it a pipeline or something else, that is, all this indicates that they are trying to impose some new currency again, again concentrating financial management in their hands, they are talking about the fact that in fact today we need to look at or develop a voluntary population reduction plan, a new, new food program providing for our citizens, citizens of the world, where
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the agenda already includes giving up meat and switching to consuming crickets, grasshoppers, whatever, that is, we see that the globalists do not stop and will not stop, because of this the question arises, but if we are sovereign, as you say here, and you are right to point this out, but our sovereignty, it must be expressed in the fact that we are aware of our role, what sovereignty is for russia and accordingly react to everything else, if... we are talking about the fact that we understand sovereignty, we continue not only to participate, to maintain our presence in a number of international organizations, from which we should have withdrawn long ago, yes, there are international organizations where it is necessary, taking into account the presence of perhaps the majority of countries in the world, and the importance, the possibility, to defend our position, yes, it is logical to maintain or consider maintaining our presence there, but there have long been a lot of organizations from which we have begun to withdraw, thank god, and from which we have not yet completely withdrawn, but these organizations are built on completely different principles,
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the way they have been developing industrialization for the last 70 years, especially for the last 20 years, they are proud of it, they cited figures today , just think about it, there is, that is , it is a permanent conference there of industry and trade, in my opinion, and there with... a line of the highest achievements, as if technological, is formulated , it is structured there and so on, so for each position the chinese say: we, unlike others, release all positions, everything, well , this, this is a word to our opponents who say: no need, this, we do not need to isolate ourselves, we don't need to produce everything, we should produce only what we can, before we were told only what we needed, we would buy the rest, no, the chinese have proven that they can... and should, because they also understand how the world is changing today,
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new centers are emerging, they are not embarrassed by the fact that they can produce it, well , a good example, at least think about it, then they said a very important thing, as it seemed to me, that in general the topic of industrialization has allowed china to achieve real sovereignty today, when we talk about what we can see positively in china's policy, the most important thing, they say: the main thing for china is development, but for us it is not... not the main thing, development, mainly development, no, for us it is not the main thing, for us the main thing is that the economy does not overheat, and development is the economy, yes, in the economy there is demand, i was amazed at the brevity and clarity of what was said, and now let's immediately look at what is happening with us, because the issues that you are discussing, they are the same as issues of military confrontation, but who today doubts that war has been declared on us, a war of extermination, but we are talking about this,
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we will provide them with communications, well, that's how it is, in the third year of the war, maybe we will even be able
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to solve this problem, maybe not, what i mean is, maybe the military are saying, give it, the military are asking for simple things, give us the opportunity to see deep, so that we can see not only there at the moment of deployment, yes there the occupation of combat formations, but also in general, so that we can see deep in real time, this is a space group, this and other means that are needed, they formulate, well, let's do it. credit policy to different attitudes, i am very concerned that in the absence of a discussion, which is absent not only here, no one wants to come to your program and discuss, but also , excuse me, on other platforms we have, unfortunately, one single and correct point of view, yes, the monetary policy needs to be tightened, because this is the only way to combat inflation,
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monetary credit policy, well, you listen, well, it's time to end at least with a one-sided approach to this issue i... i am confused by some figures, but today, let's just designate them, because today's key rate is off the charts, it is destructive for both production and consumption, but these are facts, today we have double-digit reductions in the growth rates of the manufacturing industry, if we were recently proud that there were double-digit growth rates there, today we are seeing, unfortunately, a reduction in the construction industry, we are seeing a reduction, and these are apartments, these are our president's calls for...
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excuse me, 5%, yes, we have 25% of the volume of deposits, but isn't this an imbalance, and maybe the answer lies right here, that this policy is more profitable, because there is a real order from some side for such an imbalance, i'm not even talking about the bank's profits, which we talked about here, 3 trillion, maybe we
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are slandering the central bank in vain, maybe there is simply, well , as if the task of the need to implement such projects, but maybe... let's shift today, in the end, the well-being of certain groups of people - this is ok, but the president and i have shared goals, solving the demographic problem, creating a comfortable living environment, achieving economic sovereignty , in the end, when we talk about import substitution, we also talked about this here, it's time to replace the import model in the minds of the majority of the population, then it will be easier for any person to perform their duties in their specific place, if you and i want to talk about what... or beliefs determine the future, we must look at what calls for doing today china, yes, one belt, one road, but this is a specific decoding, this is the good of the people, and not material, or not so much material, this is modi, who speaks about a single future for humanity, this is ultimately our president, who is also formulating a new manifesto for the future, which today is based on everything that
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we called ideographies, traditional values ​​and so on, everything that creates the future and what our people and... humanity should strive for and we can offer this, so maybe, speaking about this, we will not forget that all this is implemented in the economy, and the stronger we are, the stronger the sovereignty, the guarantee that everything will be fine on the battlefield. two short questions, and in the times of comrade stalin, the csto was the same during the great patriotic war? the second short question: the reduction in the rate of industrial growth, is it that we began to produce less of what, everything or there, i just want to understand, here... i am once again turning to the management of the central bank, you can simply list, that is, thanks to your policy we started producing less tanks, 6 aircraft, shells, well just tell me, you want that our main growth is due to the military-industrial complex, you have achieved something, at the front, i'll tell you a secret, you probably don't know, you're
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never there, you don't have time for it, you're very busy, but look at what, for example, the soldiers drive. yeah, that on russian-made cars, yeah yeah, you have to be a big patriot to drive a patriot, because it costs a lot, breaks down all the time, the spare parts are crazy, that's why the guys drive chinese, now motorcycles are needed, russian ones, no, for some reason it turns out, yes, there are few russian ones, and there are no russian ones at all, which is what i'm talking about, no, russian motorcycles do not exist, for those who don't know, it's a big problem to produce, but bugs, for example, yes, there are. messi makes bugs, good, but this is not enough, and the main production, who supplies them to us, again, that russian people 's chinese bugs, but why can china... and we have some kind of binomial theorem every time, and at the same time, every time, the prices are such, but i will repeat again, now the army allocates large
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money, each team spends a million, at least a month on the laboratory, and the guys are trying to find something, they work there, they do it, on unmanned vehicles, they are refining everything, when you ask what works well, they tell you straight out, boomerangs work great, when you approach any of our entrepreneurs, he tells you: how can i get crazy money, that is, how do i have all my expenses crazy, how can i
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deal with this? and you approach the military-industrial complex, they say: we are ready, but we have a whole system of financial control, what where, considering how, that we will be immediately imprisoned, we, maybe we will finally untie our hands, maybe we will do some kind of audit?
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the priesthood of the ukrainian orthodox church, its leadership from the very beginning of this independence of ukraine with the ukrainian state, in general everything that touches ukrainian nationalism becomes poisonous or dies, so the attempt to be together with the ukrainian state leads you to death or perversion or to the fact that you become a beast, yes, it is inevitable, it just seems to me, in a huge number, these are things such metaphysically on a huge number of examples, it seems to me, it is obvious, with the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate... yes, in my opinion the following story happened, although i will not say that they are the main culprits, i will talk about this a little later, but nevertheless, yes, their attempt after the collapse of the soviet union, yes, uh, in
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fact to fight for independence, or actually autocephaly together with the ukrainian state, led them to the current moment, that is, roughly speaking, having supported once the ukrainian state, not paying attention for many years to the real politics, the ideology of the ukrainian state, trying... to flirt with it on a variety of so to speak issues, it has released, this is the ukrainian orthodox church, missed the main thing, on whose side is the ukrainian state, in the end, if you are orthodox christians, for you the main question should be this: those with whom you are, and you yourself, on whose side are you, are you on the side of christ, for christians, this is fundamental, or on some other side, this is the question, it is for the ukrainian the orthodox church was pushed aside as supposedly not having much significance, yes, well, in essence, in fact, yes, therefore, therefore it seemed... that you know, but the main thing is that, the main thing is that the ukrainian state is independent, and sooner or later it will acquire an independent church, and it seemed, well, what kind of church should it be, well, as a canonical one, well, we are the canonical
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ukrainian orthodox church, therefore an independent state, an independent church, we will be together, in fact something completely different happened, yes from the very beginning from the first days of its existence the ukrainian state began to spur a schism in orthodoxy in the end all hopes of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which, by the way, from this prefix always... in reality the ukrainian state, having joined western civilization, is in a state of quite conscious god-fighting, it consciously fights christianity. it
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wants to destroy christianity, it wants to first replace it with some clowns, so say, circus performers and scoundrels, and then destroy them completely, this is what the ukrainian priests, the ukrainian orthodox church did not want to notice, or rather they noticed, but they said okay, okay, we will figure it out , after all, we are canonical, they will be with us, like why ban us, after all, look, we have such a large flock, supporters, this will save us, this will not save you, because you do not understand who you are dealing with. and what is the real goal, still, when, so to speak, all these processes began, yes, i said, in that including here on your site, an attempt to persuade or arouse pity for the ukrainian state on the part of the priesthood of the ukrainian orthodox church, this is still an attempt by a victim to persuade a criminal, an attempt by a defenseless woman, so to speak, to persuade a maniac, a sadist, have pity on me, please, such persuasion only inflames sadistic instincts, criminals get even more excitement, to humiliate, insult,
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trample, and demonstratively, an attempt to negotiate with them, they were doomed, and many did not see this, many did not understand, that in fact they will be raped in the returned form, and there will be no other options, not just tame, but openly anti-christian, give up everything, then as if yes, maybe we will feel sorry for some of you, yes, in fact , real persecution of christians has begun in ukraine, real persecution of christianity and the ultimate goal is of course the destruction of christianity in europe , including, one of the tasks is the following... europeans we often talk about the state of minds, so to speak, in europe, in the west, here is the european man in the street who sees around themselves, so to speak, all the nonsense of these so -called new values, there is the last olympics, it was absolutely clear, as it demonstrated as a declaration, where the west is moving, to whom it swore allegiance and so on and so forth, so the european, including, must be deprived of any alternative, here is a conventionally european christian, yes, he feels bad, he does not understand, so to speak, yes, someone has already been persuaded, someone still believes in something, and he says: there were some
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orthodox in the east, yes there were...
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now the time has come, so to speak, to show this is confessionism, and what did you want, you thought, you will only read books, read, read, remember about those christians who were killed there, that is, in those very arenas of the roman empire, or about some other ones , who were shot, everything will be fine, now for you this choice, christ was crucified, you know, this is the position of the ukrainian orthodox church, it is like this, well , let's come to an agreement, well, then let's completely abandon the bible, let christ come to an agreement and everything that he did not come to an agreement, it was necessary to simply come to an agreement with people. after all , death is a threat, because when you say these things, the ukrainian orthodox say: well , what do you want, for us all to be killed? no, i don’t want to, but you understand that this is the meaning of the faith that you accepted, and that christ didn’t come to an agreement, let him go, come to an agreement, everything, there’s a court there once, so to speak, something would have been resolved and hello, that’s it, so he came to an agreement with the current government, went and came to an agreement with it, went there too, well, i’m basically for it too, then he went out and said, well, i’m in basically for the same thing, well, you know, they could
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have killed me, so excuse me. christianity would not have existed then, that's the thing, think about it, ukrainian orthodox, it's time to get your brains together and stop talking nonsense about ukraine being europe, if ukraine is europe then you are not christians, that's all, well, that's how it happened, that's how it happened, because modern europe, so to speak, is absolutely de-christianized, that's a choice, you were slightly , so to speak, pressed, that's all you've gone, for example, like the estonian, so to speak, church now it also refuses the moscow patriarchate, you haven't done anything yet, you 're already scared and floating, what are you talking about? think about it, what are you talking about? and in general, to orthodox christians, i would say, in the end , listen, you have to either, you know, do one thing, or you really profess it, or screw it, listen, then tell me, so to speak, well, as for me, you know, many, many of these pseudo-christian, so to speak, sects of europe, as for me, it would be better if they openly refused christ and...


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