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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale? in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. what is memorable about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on august 26 , 1789, the french parliament adopted the declaration of the rights of man and citizen. a revolutionary document for that time, for the first time, society rejected all class differences and prejudices and proclaimed that all people are equal from birth and have equal rights. carried freedom
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speech, freedom of the individual, freedom of belief and freedom to resist oppression and despotism. the right to security and the right to property were declared inviolable. of the seventeen articles of the document, one proclaimed the right of citizens to demand an account from every official. the fourth article stated that freedom consists in the ability to do everything that does not harm another. and the fifth, that the law has the right to prohibit only actions harmful to society. everything that is not prohibited by law is permitted. adopted by the national assembly of france in at the end of the 18th century, the declaration of human and citizen rights defined the vector of development of law for centuries to come. the provisions of this document still form the basis of the constitution of all democratic countries on the planet. on august 26 , 1877, russian troops won the battle of shibka. it became one of the key battles of the russo-turkish war, as a result of which bulgaria. got rid of ottoman
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rule. the combined russian-bulgarian army under the command of russian generals fyodor radetsky and nikolai stoletov repelled the persistent attacks of the turkish troops suleiman pashim. shibka, a strategically important pass in the balkans at that time, the main communication route between the north and south of bulgaria, this height was worth fighting for. having seized control of the pass at the beginning of the war, the russians did not give it up until the end of the confrontation. shibka riveted to itself...
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on august 26, 1946 , a special design department number 3 was created in the closed institute ni-88, and this marked the beginning of the development of the soviet rocket and space industry. it was headed by the great scientist, the founder of manned cosmonautics sergei pavlovich korolev, together with valentin glushko and other rocket scientists, created a new industry. almost from scratch, the department was transformed into the experimental design bureau number one, they studied captured german samples, including the v-2 rocket. for this, korolev flew to already liberated berlin, as a result they created their first soviet ballistic missile r1, on its basis they made the intercontinental r-7 rocket, which put the first artificial satellite into orbit in fifty-seventh and the first man into space in sixty-one. in the okb.
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developed the first artificial satellite itself, and the progress cargo ships, and the base block for the mir orbital station, and much more. the progress ms transport cargo ship was launched into orbit as an artificial satellite of the earth. it was on the basis of okb-1 that the modern rocket and space corporation energia was created, which today bears the name of sergei korolev. on august 26, 2019 , indonesian president jokovodo announced the transfer of the country's capital from jakarta to another location. the main reason is that the city is gradually sinking under water. scientific the study that he studied. vedoda showed that due to the deformation of the soil base, jakarta is sinking into the ocean at a rate of about 25 cm per year, and in 20-30 years at least half of the city will be under water. among other reasons for moving the capital, its overpopulation, infrastructure and
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environmental problems. almost 32 billion dollars were allocated for the implementation of the project, they were slightly delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic, but in 2022 they announced that the new city would appear. in the southeast of the island of kalimontan will be called "nusantara" in translated as "archipelago", because indonesia is the world's largest archipelago. the country consists of 18 thousand large, medium, small and ultra-small islands. construction is actively underway, it was announced in the spring that it was a quarter complete. by december of this year , the large musantara airport should be operational, and a large-scale move to the new capital could begin as early as next year. that's how it would be.
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ukraine has returned to blackouts, the energy system can't handle peak loads, how many gigawatts of generating capacity has the independent state lost, and how it is possible to completely de-energize the military-industrial complex of the kiev regime. the west, it seems, has played enough with green energy. why hydrogen and biofuel startups are failing. and what strategy are russia and china following in the fight against climate change. you
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are watching the main weather program. i am vadim zavodchenkov. hello. showers and thunderstorms at the end of the work week could not bring down the abnormal heat in european russia. in many regions, especially in the south, the august temperature broke records. will this continue weather trend before the beginning of autumn? i'll tell you right after the review of the most striking cataclysms of the week. honestly, i'm walking, i swear i have goosebumps, this, this is very beautiful very scary, in fact, just look. in korachay-cherkessia, a strong forest fire broke out in dombay. more than 200 employees of the ministry of emergency situations and more than. fifty units of equipment fought the fire, the forest in the tiberdinsky reserve caught fire, dry and windy weather hampered the extinguishing, due to very high, and in some places record temperatures and powerful ascending air currents, over the mountains grew a huge cloud, more than 200 tourists had
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to be taken out of the forest fire zone to a safe place. against the backdrop of the heat in the south of russia , an extreme class of fire danger was established . thunderstorm activity only worsened the situation. on friday afternoon in the adler district of sochi in the village of estosadok, eyewitnesses noticed how lightning struck a forest area, causing a fire. there, there, there, there, after the lightning, the forest is burning. what is burning? where should i write or call? the number of wildfires has increased in the donetsk people's republic, sometimes tornadoes even spun over the fires. meanwhile, in crimea , the thermometers stormed the thirty-five-degree height for several days in a row. it is not surprising that the region was engulfed in landscape fires. only by tuesday morning , rescuers managed to completely eliminate a large dry vegetation fire in the kirovsky district. the flames raged over an area of ​​20 hectares and threatened the village of izyumovka. another steppe fire was extinguished near kerch. a typical
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situation for the summer: while fires rage in some regions of southern russia, others are covered in hail. the largest ice precipitation occurred this week in adygea in the village of dakhovska. there , individual hailstones were the size of a five-ruble coin. the bad weather forced visitors to a local cafe to urgently hide their cars under trees, but it seems that not everyone managed to do so. cool, beautiful, such a pity for the cars. the prolonged heat literally dried up the region's reservoirs. satellite images of the krasnodar reservoir show that at least a quarter of it has become shallow. the water level has dropped to a critical level. now it is only 6% full. various artifacts, as well as bombs from the great patriotic war, are found on the exposed bottom. on wednesday, the thermometer in krasnodar again.
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a phenomenon that does not pose a threat to others, masses of filamentous algae migrate to the anapa bay with currents in the north-west wind direction, their number is always different and is regularly renewed. by the end of the working week , frontal cloud fields of the cyclone began to break through from europe to the borders of the country. on thursday afternoon, a squall was noticed in the smolensk region. a little later, it reached orel. a volley of rain instantly flooded the city streets. under the overpasses appeared.
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unseasonably warm weather lasted for a week, as a result , the swimming season even resumed in the middle zone, people again flocked to the beach near moskovye, now the water temperature in some rivers in the capital region has reached 22°. it must be said that all extreme natural phenomena observed in the european territory of russia, first of all, are a consequence of the invasion of very warm air from the mediterranean into the region. we felt it in full the influence of the inhabitants of the southern part of the russian plain, in the region even a whole series of records
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of maximum temperature took place, so already on monday an unprecedented heat engulfed crimea, but then in taurida the hot anomaly slightly decreased, at the epicenter of overheating were kuban and the caucasus foothills, extreme warming was accompanied by dry weather, which is why the fire hazard in the region... reached an extreme level, and in some areas of the caucasus, crimea, priozovye and the lower volga, for all the past days of august with not a drop fell from the sky at all. i note, even in the arid regions of kalmykia. something similar was last observed only 7 years ago. in the coming days , the anticyclone will continue to dominate the atmosphere over the russian plain, and the main core of this vortex... lies in the middle latitudes of the region, so sunny and
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dry weather will prevail here, so cyclones that have laid their trajectories along the periphery of the high pressure center will be able to throw up scattered masses of rain clouds to the north and south of european russia. in such a situation the temperature regime on the russian plain will be noticeably warmer than expected by the climate. even in the north of the region , at midday, the thermometer readings will be able to reach +17-22 in the northwest of russia and in the volga region, the prevailing daytime temperature will be +22-27, in the middle zone the air will warm up to +25-30, in the black earth region and up to +35, the hottest weather awaits southerners, at midday up to +32-37. in general, the weather is completely atypical for the last... days of the calendar summer, for example, in moscow, at least until precipitation
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is unlikely until the middle of next week, and the temperature regime will enter the climatic framework of the subtropical zone, starting from sunday at midday to +27-29. it should be noted that waves of such heat at the end of summer break through to central russia extremely rarely, on average once every 14 years, but statistics believe that this is evidence that nature has enough strength to warm the beginning of the coming autumn, in such cases, in 70% of cases the average temperature in september... turned out to be higher than normal, well, and what our models say about this, i will tell in the next program. ukraine is returning to power outage schedules, ukrenergo officially warned residents of the independent country about this. it is curious that after the blackout riots in different cities of the country,
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they stopped turning off the power for several weeks, but now everything has returned. full circle, ukrainian power engineers are blaming the heat, how the weather and not only it shook the fragile energy balance of ukraine, evgeny tishkavets will tell. evgeny, did the power plants overheat? vadim, some overheated, and some completely burned down, which contributed to precision strikes by the russian army. the disabling of ukraine's energy facilities is a necessary measure designed to damage the kiev regime's military machine. without electricity, military enterprises cannot operate, there are problems with equipment repair and logistics, which is especially important after the terrorist attack in isu in the kursk region. ukraine's energy sector is already in decline. judge for yourself, before isu , the generating capacity and independence amounted to 47 to 55 gw. after the russian army liberated most of
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kherson and zaporizhia regions, as well as due to strikes on tes, tets and ges after three. years, this figure fell below 20 gw, according to various estimates. they are trying to fill the deficit by importing energy from the eu. but its volumes are clearly insufficient, less than 2 gw. western curators of the kiev regime are puzzled by the situation in the ukrainian energy sector. the financial times published an article in one of its latest issues, authored by kadri simpson, the european commissioner for energy . the european official states that ukraine lost half of the energy capacity needed for... winter, about 9 gw of generation. independent simpson ends his heart-rending story about energy difficulties with an appeal to help her survive the cold, or, to put it simply, to give zelensky more money. i call on everyone who has the opportunity to help ukraine before the cold weather sets in to do so. the european commission will help you with this. today
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, unprecedented efforts of solidarity and generosity are needed. ukraine cannot be left alone as it prepares for the most difficult land in its history. meanwhile, the russian army continues to strike energy facilities, defense industry, military communications departments throughout ukraine. on the night of august 20 , arrivals were recorded from poltava and dnipropetrovsk to ternopil and khmelnytskyi regions. massive strikes were carried out on enemy facilities in sumy region, from where attacks on our kursk region follow. there are three operating nuclear power plants on the territory of ukraine - khmelnytskyi, rivne and southern. ukrainian, in total they give about 8 gw. in fact, now this is the basis of the energy of the independent, but unlike the kiev regime, which is engaged in nuclear terrorism, russia does not strike at nuclear facilities, in principle, in order to completely paralyze the ukrainian energy system, this is not necessary. an effective measure is the destruction of key distribution nodes, that is, substations
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with a capacity of 750 kw. there are not so many of them in ukraine, there are only five main ones. dnepropetrovsk, northern ukrainian, kiev, vinnitsa western ukrainian. the russian army is still does not hit them solely for humanitarian reasons. the importance of the situation is that energy is the main component of the ukrainian military machine. and if it is destroyed, this brings the collapse of the entire military of this terrorist regime closer, which means saving tens of hundreds of thousands of human lives and... accordingly, brings the terrorist regime closer to capitulation. theoretically, the defeat of key facilities will leave the entire ukrainian military-industrial complex without energy supply , it will be impossible to produce or repair equipment. railroad traffic will stop, and therefore military logistics, problems will arise in communication systems. all this will bring russia's victory
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closer and protect the border residents. we've played with green energy and that's enough, hydrogen and biofuel production startups are incurring colossal losses and failing. large western companies are curtailing their green projects and returning to proven technologies. what happened? tatyana belova looked into it. tanya, what about the fight against global warming? vadim, apparently, the green transition is not bringing in the profits it was designed to. hydrogen and biofuel production projects have not become breakthroughs, but have turned into financial pits, while their dismal results generally threaten the energy transition in the west,
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the authors of the article conclude. several illustrative examples: a startup that was once supported by united airlines raised hundreds of millions of dollars to process waste into jet fuel, but it seems to have closed. another project that secured with the support of airbus, jet blue and ge air space, planned to convert. aircraft to hydrogen fuel, but went bankrupt. meanwhile , chevron, bp and shell are winding down their projects to produce biofuels from cooking fats, oils, greases and plant material. that is, we are seeing a cooling of interest in the entire range of technologies that were proposed as a rejection of fossil energy sources. it is expensive, but it is often less competitive than traditional energy. and in the end, it is all reached the wallet. of the common man, therefore now some more rational perception of renewable energy, now we see that many options are simply discarded,
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few people remember pro-fuel elements, hydrogen cars also somehow remained in the background. another global trend that speaks volumes: sales of hydrogen electric cars are falling in the global car market. in the first half of the twenty-fourth year , less than 6.0 of such cars were sold, this is a third less than ... for the same period last year years. it should be noted that of the total number of 2,500 hydrogen cars were sold in china. these are mainly commercial buses and trucks. and in the middle kingdom, the decline in sales can be called small. but in south korea and the united states, sales simply collapsed. in the states, this is primarily due to the decline in interest in hydrogen cars in california. a couple of years ago, the potential of hydrogen as a carbon-free fuel caused a lot of excitement. but now no one needs it. writes that only 12% of hydrogen plants operating on renewable energy sources have found customers who agreed to sign an agreement with them to use this
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fuel. the dreams of green activists about a carbon-free future have been shattered by harsh reality. the unattainability of the paris agreement climate goals was acknowledged last year even by the main lobbyists of the green agenda of the world economic forum. the average temperature increase has long exceeded the designated threshold of one and a half grams, emissions. another factor why we see changes in the green agenda is a certain awareness that this is not a monopoly of western countries, not monopoly of the european union, first of all, because the story began exactly like this: they were more technically prepared, they had developments for wind turbines. panels, electric cars and other things, they believed that this was the energy that would allow them to protect that very wonderful garden from the wild jungle, as the head of the european union put it. it turned out that
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there are no rare earth metals in the wonderful garden for a green transition, again there is a dependence on external supplies, only now not on oil and gas, but on lithium cobalt, nickel. it is noteworthy that according to china has long since overtaken europeans in the pace of the divisional transition. the celestial empire has taken the leading position. solar panels, wind generators and electric vehicles, without abandoning traditional energy. at the same time, china is not abandoning its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. russia has set a similar task of achieving carbon neutrality by mid-century. in our country, we have unique technologies that produce the cleanest energy. for example, nachukotka in piveika the world's first floating nuclear thermal power plant is in operation. the direction is also developing. energy, such a station is three to four times more effective in terms of reducing co2 emissions compared to
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wind turbines or solar panels. in october last year, our country adopted a new climate doctrine: climate change directly affects russia, especially its arctic territories, so we need to respond to these challenges. but not thoughtlessly, but as rationally as possible. and now our traditional column space forecast weather, which we make together with our colleagues from the institute of space research iran, the situation sun has stabilized, as experts predicted. the rate of solar flares has noticeably decreased, there was not a single flare of the highest x, geomagnetic indices remained in the green zone all week, even slightly. disturbances were not recorded, not to mention strong magnetic storms, the situation sun again, again quickly changes, that is, it changes literally right now, right now,
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when we communicate in real time. well, since the previous week was weakly active, it is not difficult to guess that all these changes are now all on the negative side. quite large areas have emerged from the other side of the sun, and at the moment there is a very dangerous center of activity opposite the earth, which, fortunately , has not yet managed to gain enough energy for powerful explosions, but will most likely gain it in the near future. two more very large centers are on the way, they also record a gradual increase in energy, taking into account these factors, the models give high risks of strong flares on the weekend and at the beginning of next week, so the forecast for monday, tuesday wednesday is negative, magnetic storms are expected. in the second half of the week, the most likely scenario is a slight decline in activity, those areas that are currently affecting the earth, by
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thursday ... in safe zones, and new centers by this time should partially deplete their energy reserves, but we emphasize that now the sun is in such a state that unexpected events cannot be ruled out. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is never been, goodbye. who are you? i, a traveler, aeronaut, jean, ivan! ah, so it turns out we are namesakes! what fairy tale, without ivan? what began? without deception and without flint. you villains have entered me into the fires, imprisoned me. pen, self-written magic ink,
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you will get it, you are the main thing. vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and beat yourself on the head, you have a cage, where it is necessary, that's what my name is, because i am taking you not where you, a fool, want, where it is necessary, i can not live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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briefly about the main thing at this minute. in the kursk region, the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine at night was hit by russian mi-28. the helicopters worked on targets with anti-tank missiles. the pilots used night vision devices and night thermal imagers. our ground units are covering the calculations of the tor m2 complex, the group of troops in the north, from enemy strikes. the court of france extended the arrest of the founder of telegram for 48 hours. according to journalists of the fifth republic, the initial stage of
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