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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

6:30 am
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briefly about the main thing. in the border areas of the kursk region. strikes on the manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine were carried out by russian mi-28 helicopters. guided anti-tank missiles were used at night. night vision goggles and new thermal imagers were used. enemy objects in this area are also destroyed by our anti-aircraft gunners and infantry. and battles in the area of ​​konstantinovka. ugledar section of the front,
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assault units of the vostok group of forces are trying to cut off the supply lines of a large garrison of the armed forces of ukraine. combat pairs are breaking through to enemy positions on motorcycles. our armored groups and artillery are providing the advance. the arrest of pavel durov will worsen relations between paris and moscow. this was reported by an official of the fifth republic. his words are quoted by the wall street journal. the media emphasize the founders of the social network, great value for western intelligence agencies that want to hack. encrypted messages. a detachment of warships of the northern fleet conducted an exercise in the waters of the laptev sea. according to the legend, our ships and vessels were attacked by unmanned boats and drones. artillery battery crews, large-caliber machine guns and small arms carried out firing at simulated targets at different distances. the exercise was led by the crew of a large anti-submarine ship, vice-admiral kulanov. and now about the weather, how
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long the heat will last in the european part of the country and where the autumn cold snap is already felt, all the details from vadim zavodchenkov. summer in the european part of russia ends with subtropical warmth, while autumn has come to siberia. how long will such weather contrasts last, what troubles can too good lead to weather? current weather analyst. on the russia 24 channel, i am vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist of centrofobos, hello, the heat has said goodbye to siberia, it is in no hurry to leave the european territory of russia , this has never been seen in krasnodar, the kuban has become very shallow, some daredevils ride bicycles along the exposed bottom, fishermen in pursuit of a catch go with a staff and cast their fishing rods practically onto... rivers, the whole week in
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krasnodar there was a heat of +35, and the city has not seen serious rain for almost a month, sunday became the hottest day and in kaliningrad region, in some places thermometers already at 11:00 in the morning rose above +33. unfortunately, the weather presented vacationers with an unpleasant surprise: a cool wind blew down the temperature and raised high waves. black flags were hung on the beaches, this is a signal about the ban on swimming. similar difficulties were encountered on the black sea coast the day before. on the beaches in sochi, on saturday, squalls turned over sun loungers, inflatable slides , and overturned umbrellas. oh, umbrellas! on sunday, the wind in sochi died down, and the beaches were again filled with tourists. at the same time, windy.
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hot weather was observed in novorossiysk, in the midst of the storm a woman was carried away to sea, help from rescuers was needed, heat, drought and wind on the weekend caused a lot of trouble with... employees of the ministry of emergency situations of the southern regions. firefighters from crimea went to extinguish a burning field in the kirovsky district. the fight against fire near dombay in karachay-cherkessia continued. earlier, this forest fire forced the evacuation of more than 200 tourists. on saturday, at the altai resorts, as in the european part of russia, the wind sometimes carried poorly secured structures along the beaches, on sunday it was.
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this center will leave room for cyclones, so during the day in the caucasus in some places there will be a noise of heavy rainstorms, and the most extensive masses of rain clouds are associated with vortices breaking through from the equatorial barintsev sea to siberia. such weather will linger in the urals until the end of the work week, for example, in kemerovo, until wednesday it will be cloudy and rainy, so the thermometer will show only +17 during the day. this is almost 5° below normal, but then the sun will appear in the breaks in the rain clouds and it will become a little warmer up to +19:20, in total, during these days, almost half of the monthly volume of moisture will pour out on the city, but in
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the european territory of russia, on the contrary, the air will be able to warm up well, even in the north of the region , the thermometer at midday will reach +18:23. in the northwestern part, the daytime temperature will be +21-26. in the center of the country , subtropical heat is generally expected up to +25-30. and the south and the black earth region will remain in the epicenter of overheating up to +31.36. the period of abnormally hot weather will drag on the russian plain at least until the end of the calendar summer. but only on the north and northeast of the region will be able to break through. fresher air masses from the atlantic, however, in the second half of the work week, under the influence of this flow, the warm anomaly in the middle zone will slightly decrease, but in the south , on the contrary, the tropical heat will even intensify, for example, in krasnodar today
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local showers and thunderstorms are possible, and during the day the thermometers will rise only to +32, which, however, is already 3 ° above normal, in the following days. the probability of precipitation is expected to be small, and the heat will intensify after midday +35-37, in central russia up to precipitation is unlikely until the end of the working week, in such a situation the air will warm up as in the subtropics to +28-29 only on thursday-friday the midday heat will begin to subside the temperature maximum +26-27 for me that's all, goodbye.
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uralsip is a bank for business and we work on the principle of everything or. nothing, everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing more. free payments and transfers for business. uralsip bank, nothing more. a new point of attraction will appear in magadan - the premier exhibition and concert complex. it is being erected next to the poruschaya. tom and musical fountain. lyudmila cherbakova reports on the final works. the musical fountain
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waterfall is being tested at night. only in the dark can you appreciate the laser show that takes place during its operation. classical musical compositions replace each other, creating a mood for the viewer. the spectators were random passers-by, dozens of magadan residents could not pass by. i saw that it turns out you can come up and see. that the fountains are turned on, and we quickly gathered, came to see such a miracle, at the same time as the fountain, the floating bridge is lit. when creating its design, the architects were inspired by the bridge in zaryad park in moscow, but they say that the magadan bridge turned out more beautiful. two supports at the beginning and end, an s-shaped form with one projection to the sea and the other to the land, were built taking into account the proximity to one of the coldest seas in the world, the sea of ​​okhotsk, - says the architect of the object. the steel structures are protected by special compounds that are resistant to the effects of sea salt, sub-zero temperatures in
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conditions of the marine environment, that is, all this was taken into account, the covering that is made on the bridge is a stone carpet, it is also particularly durable, if it is correctly and qualitatively installed, then it serves for many years. the bridge will provide a transition from the new pier to the main part of the mayak park, thus uniting two spaces for recreation and walking. during the day , everything here also looks impressive, of course. the nazim fountain will be mothballed, but the bridge will continue to delight magadan residents. it gets dark here quite early, so already at 17:00 in the evening it will be lit up. the premier public and cultural center is being built nearby, a phantasmagoric building in the forms of which they tried to repeat the movement of a wave. inside , finishing works are already being completed, and various equipment is being adjusted. virtual concerts, exhibitions, master classes, festivals and creative evenings will be held here. it will be possible to come here.
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increased fuel oil exports, tell us which countries buy the largest volumes?
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tatyana, china, india and saudi arabia, for now on to other topics. gazprom updated the record summer daily supplies to russian consumers on august 23 were almost 702 million cubic meters of gas. this summer, the company has already broken the record 15 times, and the increased demand has been met simultaneously with scheduled repairs for... the moldovan authorities have blocked gas supplies from russia only to please the west, despite the fact that the opposition managed to negotiate a discount, said ilon shor, leader of the moldovan bloc of the pobeda party. the current authorities, obeying external interests, are preventing citizens from gaining access to cheap gas, and they don't care that it's harmful, that people have a hard time paying their utility bills, and not openly. they say that they didn't want to receive cheap gas, but only wanted to pour it into russia. as a result, as usual,
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the ears of the evil neighbor froze, and literally, people freeze in winter. russian oil refineries sharply increased fuel oil exports in august. the last month of summer is expected to have the highest figure for the current year. according to the analytical company kepler, from august 1 to 23 , over a million barrels were shipped per day. as in july about 900,000. such dynamics are connected with the exit of a number of our refineries from repairs by the increase in demand. the largest amount was sent to china - about 20%. next come india and saudi arabia. let me remind you that until 2022 , the largest buyer of russian fuel oil was the united states. deliveries of indian goods to russia in june showed a historical maximum of 475 million dollars. over the year, they have increased almost one and a half times. this was reported by rionovosti with reference to data from the indian ministry of trade and industry. the previous peak was
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in march of this year 441 million. at the same time , sales of russian businesses increased. catastrophic in the local ministry of energy the situation with energy supply in ukraine admitted that this winter will be more difficult than the previous one. deputies of the verkhovna rada and experts advise citizens to take care of heating themselves during the cold season.
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that's all i have for now, more news in the next hour. mom, why do you need these letters for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the thirtieth state. from september 1, tactists will have to issue a new type of civil insurance responsibility. prices for trips are expected to rise. in addition, car sharing services may become more expensive by 10-20%. all the details are from alexander karpov.
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shake it bitch, death for the sake of a cool video and likes on social networks, and i'm just shaking from what i saw on the bumper on our mutual friend comes and says that he died, kirill, yes, what is known about the girl passenger, the girl's name was madina, she was 13 years old, she was little herself, there was just 13, yes she was 13, she had a concussion, it seems, her jaw is broken, fifteen-year-old kirill. kolgushkin, a student of the capital's school 1161, died on the night of august 12, when a car-sharing car, stolen by his peer and namesake, got into a terrible accident. the underage driver, ignoring the demands of the police, trying to escape, lost control and hit the wall of a residential building, after which he fled the scene. my wife woke me up, the impact was so strong, well, you see,
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the ambulances are already here, the firefighters are standing, they are already loading. footage from cctv cameras shows the crossover skidding at a speed of 145 km / h and it turns into a two-ton unguided projectile, as we can see, the car's structure is completely destroyed, there is not a single intact part, and the teenager in the front passenger seat apparently had no chance of surviving. how did it happen that your son caused a fatal accident, why was he even riding with friends at night, walking, where were you at that moment? the escaped culprit. the accident was detained after going to the hospital, where he said that he injured his leg after falling off a scooter. the underage driver explained that on the moment of finding the vehicle belonging to the korsheving service, this car was in an open state. however, the investigation has another version: the teenagers filmed everything themselves inside the stolen car, and this is clearly not the first time they have fun. we stay here thinking, i well, yes, you
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found it, took it for a ride. how they took this car, also bought, just stole the account. dima, a friend of the dead boy, willingly shows how it is done, we throw it in the basket, it costs 2,500, in total, you will have someone else's account an adult, with which you can safely open the car, and let's go, if suddenly you bought this account somewhere on the black market, you simply will not be able to leave with it, we have a mandatory selfie check when changing a device, in the car service. claims that their car was stolen due to an unlikely coincidence, as it turned out, the previous user left the car in the parking lot in standby mode, later, instead of ... completing the lease, he opened the doors. well, here he is, the very one a site that teenagers showed us, which every schoolchild knows, with the help of which minors calmly drive
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around the city on car sharing under other people 's accounts. everything is anonymous, you can drive without a license, before reaching 18 years old, you can avoid liability in an accident? of course, nine out of ten such services simply deceive customers and steal money, but here is the moment of truth: we logged into the purchased account using someone else's login, chose a car now ... let's try to open it, so, everything worked out, in order not to commit illegal actions, we we close, publish the car and liquidate the account, a criminal case has been opened under article 264, violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of a person, but since the offender has not reached the age of 16, he is charged only with theft, meanwhile a new one has already appeared in the closed channel of teenagers. video circle 7 billion votes, and mine, mine will no longer be, meanwhile the taxi market adjacent to carsharing is waiting for shocks:
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from september 1, according to the new law on taxis, each driver is required to have a compulsory civil liability insurance policy on the trip carrier liability insurance, abbreviated as osgop, but according to the taxi drivers themselves, in a week seven out of ten cars will simply be parked, i am considered a technician in this fleet, a technician, but not a driver, they tell me, there is nothing to do anyway, if you want to earn money, take a car and go to work, that is, they won’t give you osgob either, no, only 21,000 self-employed drivers have received official permission to drive a taxi today, or 1.5% of the total number, but if we take into account the statistics on taxi fleet employees, the share of those registered drivers does not exceed 25%. the ministry of transport explains the new policy at a cost of only 5,000 rubles in ...
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broken, the arm still does not move, in the head it turns out, on this side there is a plate, several difficult operations, 10 months in a wheelchair, loss of a prestigious
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job, the company that sent him the car did not even call him. i filed a claim - for 5 million rubles. the defendant is a taxi ordering service, so i immediately presented him with an objection to the court that they do not bear any responsibility for fulfilling the order. no responsibility, this person who the driver who died too, he was not their employee, they just provide information services, elena grashchenkova received exactly the same standard response, in her case the driver in st. petersburg was on drugs, dropped the steering wheel, the pedals, his eyes were glassy, ​​he was looking somewhere into the distance, that is, the car was flying somewhere to the side, i only managed to shout, why are you parking, what is happening and... it took 8 years to prove that the taxi aggregator is a carrier and to sue for more than 3 million rubles in compensation plus a lifetime pension of 70,000 rubles. so elena
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became one of the developers and initiators of the introduction of osgop policies for taxis. there are a huge number of accidents all over the country, including fatal accidents, and people are trying to get something there, restore their rights, get some indignation. postpone the introduction of civil liability insurance for taxis. passengers are unlikely to receive compensation, because insurance companies will check all the documents, and there is no compliance, but no compliance, then refusal to pay, goodbye. even more people will refuse to drive, or go into the shadows, yes, no, no plus to any adequate prices,
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well, they drove on their own rights with local rights, they will be required to get russian rights, pass the exam for driving in moscow. victor , a taxi driver with many years of experience and a high rating of 4.98, will not seek registration of ozgop, says that his second profession as a car mechanic will feed him, and passengers either pay more or switch to public transport. alexander.
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continue to work in an enhanced mode, these are the photos that the governor's press service posts, we are following this topic, as soon as there are details, we will return to it.
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so says the lighthouse, let's see what. know everything about
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russia, the best historical series, let's watch, let's watch in the application or on the website.
7:00 am
with you news, briefly about the main thing. in the kursk region, a concentration of manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces was hit at night by russian mi-28. the helicopters worked on targets with anti-tank missiles. the pilots determined the night vision devices and the new thermal imager. our ground units are protecting the tor m2 complex crews of the northern force group from enemy strikes. the french court has extended the arrest of the telegram founder for 48 hours. according to journalists from the fifth republic,
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the initial stage of the...

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