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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, here is what we will tell you about in the next hour: they shot at cars with women, old people and children, terrible evidence of war crimes of ukrainians in korenevo, kursk region, they had an order to open. ukrainians are in panic because of reports of a threat to the destruction of the kiev hydroelectric power station dam. and where is the certainty that it will definitely break through. f-16s were spotted at the kolomyia airfield in the ivano-frankivsk region. why did kiev reveal the location of western fighters? what
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was the mother of pilot juice doing there? posed in a bulletproof vest with the inscription press, but he was not a reporter. in ukraine, a former british soldier who allegedly worked for reuters was killed. how many more western mercenaries are hiding under the guise of journalists. they strangle and twist their legs. democracy of a strict regime in french prisons. the story of the unstable actionist pavlensky. why you may not live to see the end of your sentence. so, let's start with the monstrous footage from the border area of ​​the kurdish region, which, of course, i did not want to show once again, but it is still necessary to show, since they are the most clearly demonstrate the level of atrocities in the armed forces of ukraine. as stated, the geolocation of these pictures is the outskirts of the settlement of korenevo, where the militants of the kiev regime entered in... the very first
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days of the attack were present there for some time and actually here are the truly terrible consequences for the civilian population: innocent people by all indications were shot point-blank, after which their bodies were thrown along the road, obviously as a kind of intimidation. in short, there is simply unthinkable cruelty on the face, in addition , also demonstrative, as if the punishers were absolutely sure of their impunity, at least in the face of the so-called international law. well , by the way, it is precisely... this, coupled with the very manner of reprisals, betrays the signature style of the ukrainian formations, which they previously tried to prescribe to our armed forces, which yevgeny nipyt will explain specifically, yevgeny, hello, hello alexey, well, do you recognize bucha's style? unfortunately, yes, in both cases, ukrainian atrocities against civilians are not just war crimes, they resemble some kind of bloody sectarian thirst, thirst to maim and kill the defenseless, these... shots, as
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the authors of ridovka report, were taken in the border town of korenevo, kursk region, many shot-up cars on the bridge on the road to it, the only way by which locals could evacuate across the seim river, unfortunate people driving cars, all of them were killed by enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups. in just one video, six cars shot up by ukrainians are captured, the ones that were operating in that area, they say they had orders to shoot.
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by cars, no one from the locals drive there, if a car drives, it is most likely that it is already some kind of or road, there were no civilians, but only collaborators in bucha, where for several days after the withdrawal of russian troops , ukrainian clean-up groups operated, after these punishers , such shots appeared in all western media, taken by foreign photographers, and these from korinev the new york times will show, maybe the washington post or the daily mail will place.
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the first days they were shot at home from the sconces, because personally not far from me two or three houses caught fire, they were shot at purely from an armored personnel carrier and they were shooting at these with mortars, they were also shooting at them with cannons, they say that many foreign mercenaries are participating in this nazi hunt, so one of the rescued women told how her neighbor was shot before her eyes, she got into a conflict with a group of mercenaries, said that they were worse than the germans, paid with her life for the words: in the riots, foreigners also established their fascist rules. in the czech republic, i remind you, a war criminal and looter was brought to trial, who directly stated, that in the same bucha people in ukrainian uniforms with weapons were the law themselves. by the way, he got 7 years. already now in the kursk region there are many testimonies of ukrainian
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reprisals against ordinary russian people. this pregnant resident of sudzha shielded her son from bullets with her body. and these people at the bridge were simply trying to save themselves, simply leave. they certainly do not pose any danger to armed thugs, ruthlessness, yes, cannibalism, it is present here, but here everything is much worse, that is, at least there they had some stops and they needed, they just needed corpses in order to create these video stagings, here according to our information, they were told, guys, well, do whatever you want, they were taught for 30 years. paradigms, yes, that's the paradigm they came here in. those who are engaged in ordinary terrorism on the territory of russia are praised in every possible way in the west. one of the characters was hidden in the editing so that he began to look like a real devil, a demon, an employee of the kiev special services, who pushes those who live
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here in russia to commit crimes, arson, sabotage, he is extolled by british journalists, they decided not to bother with the name, they called him mykola. the character himself admits that for him people are expendable material, many of his proteges died or ended up in prison, here is the same expendable, but slightly more valuable material in ukrainian military uniform invaded kursk land, here their actions on the territory of the kursk region, they are no different from the actions of the tornado in stanitsa luganskaya, here on the territory of the lugansk people's republic, or murders, which are mockeries, which aidar, azov and other radical structures were engaged in all these, all with the same.
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the general power generation in eight regions of ukraine at once from kiev, vinnitsa, zhitomir and khmelnitsky to dnepropetrovsk, poltava, nikolaev, kirovograd and odessa. this is information from the ministry of defense, which, in addition, reported on morning strikes on gas compressor stations, both in the western territories of the kiev regime, and in the eastern ones. in addition, the airfield and the weapons depot were hit hard. consequently, the attack was, firstly, massive, and secondly, complex. and what goals it pursued, will tell. pogiranyam in the sky over kiev shooting short bursts, a characteristic buzzing, a sure sign, missiles will surely follow. at least 15 explosions were recorded by kiev residents in the city and region, all at
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infrastructure and military facilities, eyewitnesses' comments behind the scenes are positive, he is still the second, the second to the left, i see the third to the left. yes, i am also a little scared. one of the shells hits the kiev hydroelectric power station dam exactly. it is burning, clearly damaged the roadway, traffic on it is blocked, the machine room is apparently destroyed, around there are twisted pieces of metal structures and concrete. according to preliminary information, there is no threat of a breakthrough, and the consequences for the energy sector of ukraine are extremely negative in kiev and the region, emergency power outages in places. water, the mayor of the capital speaks of a problem of national scale. in several districts of the capital, there are interruptions in power supply, as experts note, this is due to problems in the all-ukrainian energy network. strikes at a critical facility infrastructure in zhitomir, the city without electricity and water. after landing at the substation
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, a fire started, explosions were heard in the dnieper, columns of black smoke were visible in odessa, the electricity was also turned off there, there was no electricity in lviv, in khmelnytskyi. ukrenergo introduces. external shutdown, permission received, the studios of the ukrainian telethon are plunged into darkness. our armed forces launched a massive strike with long-range precision weapons. these are electrical substations in poltava, vinnytsia, kirovograd, dnepropetrovsk, khmelnytskyi, kiev, odessa, volyn, zhitomir, sumy, ternopil and nikolaev regions, gas compressor stations in lviv, ivanofrankovsk and kharkov regions, warehouses with aviation ammunition in kiev and dnipropetrovsk regions. all designated targets were hit, as a result, there are interruptions in ... they tried
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to provoke ill-considered and emotional strikes, paradoxically, kiev benefits from the deaths of peaceful ukrainians, but the reaction turned out to be a balanced pain for the armed forces of ukraine, and this is not a one-time action. similar hostile actions cannot remain without an appropriate response. and the response will definitely be, zelensky counted more than 100 missiles and the same amount of gyranny in the sky over ukraine, and he called the response for kursk one of the most powerful combined strikes, therefore he did not forget to ask the sponsors again for permission to use long-range shells, an obvious desire to experience pain under the condition of the legality of the destruction of any military supplies and specialists for ukraine from our country. egor grigoriev, ivan kuznetsov, natalia uvarova, news! but in continuation of the topic not will prevent us from dwelling in more detail on the condition
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of the above-mentioned kiev hydroelectric power station, according to some ukrainian media, its generating capacities have suffered extremely serious damage, while according to others, they have allegedly managed to maintain operability, that is, a single manual has not yet been handed down to the information dumps, someone is scaring their audience, someone, on the contrary , is diligently calming it down for what is remarkable. very many, as if on command , began to talk about the prospects of paying. hydroelectric power stations in that spirit, will there not be it is completely destroyed and, as a consequence, will this not lead to large-scale flooding of the capital region of the independent. moreover, a number of publications are openly warming up the topic, well , as if floods cannot be avoided in any case, and how can one not recall, for example, the statement of maria zakharova, who back in july spoke about evidence of the zelensky regime preparing for a provocation at the kiev hydroelectric power station, similar to last year's destruction of kokhovskaya. well, now we must assume that a convenient pretext has just appeared to launch such a scenario about its probable consequences are worth discussing separately, which is what vadim zavodchenkov did,
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vadim, good evening, good evening, is the junta really ready to turn kiev into a swamp? alexey, we understand perfectly well what is going on in the heads of the kiev nazis, after them even a flood, even if we are talking about a real flood, high-precision weapons on the deep fears of ukrainians, the independent reacted extremely painfully to another missed blow, the target is kiev. is located, but not all on the hills, that would be catastrophe, only
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objects on high ground would remain unflooded, and indeed, the universal flood in kiev is not some kind of fantastic urban legend, but an incessant drum roll, domokla into a sword that has long been hanging over the ukrainian capital, the consequences of the destruction of the kiev dam will obviously be catastrophic, here is such an animation that local experts once posted online. the hydroelectric power station is located upstream of the city, so the flood zone will include most of the three-million metropolis. to what extent are these it is difficult to say whether the estimates are accurate, but scientists from the national academy of sciences of the independent country presented their calculations a couple of years ago. they believe that if the dam is destroyed, a catastrophe awaits kiev itself and...
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famine, epidemics, all of that, because it will take several days, people will have to live in such conditions, and another unpleasantness, after the flood kiev will become.
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independent , one could talk about, and one of them was the ukrainian media, then about the problems of the kiev hydroelectric power station. a colossal structure, inherited by ukraine from the soviet union, for decades seriously dilapidated, independent experts insist on this. the experts also voiced such figures. the hydroelectric power station is 93% worn out. kiev propaganda called this a russian fake, but the data was voiced by their own, ukrainian experts. further, it turns out that in new ukraine the territories around the hydroelectric power station were barbarically,
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without risk assessment, built up by the private sector, which led to the degradation of drainage systems. again, these are not our estimates, but the words of local experts. in general, it is clear that for an accident at the dam, even russian ones are not needed missiles, and what kind are needed - explains the ford publication, they took it upon themselves to calculate how much armament is needed to break the kiev gas dam, it turned out to be 200 shells or 40 stormshedoy, strange units of measurement chosen, not true. the scenario is unlikely, although, taking into account the cynicism of the kiev regime, it is quite possible to expect that, well , no one else will get it, the operation to undermine the dam, they can carry out themselves, especially if the russian
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army approaches the city of kiev, indeed, the kiev junta has no brakes, today, we repelled attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in the directions of kremyanov, malaya loknya, nichayev, kursk region, and also stopped the enemy's attempts to break through near five more settlements in our border area. as a result, the ukrainian formations lost more than 400 personnel and 27 armored vehicles, and since the beginning of this adventure, the kiev regime has lost over 6,200 militants, 73 tanks, 33 infantry fighting vehicles and forty-two
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artillery pieces. stanislav nazarov reports on the current operational situation. anti-aircraft crews air defense missile systems of the northern forces group deploy air defense systems, covering the skies in the area of ​​the kurdish nuclear power plant. the operators of this installation work around the clock, constantly changing their location. the tor m2 system is capable of destroying both small and large enemy missile targets within a radius of 30 km. we kill. absolutely, the intensity is very high, a command comes from a higher command post when there is something approaching, there are also radar stations past us that scan space, see everything that flies up, and accordingly, a command comes from them to us. at night, in the gray zone of the kursk region, under the cover of electronic warfare systems,
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they rotate the tornado s mlrs. the main danger for the tornado s mlrs is the american multiple launch rocket systems, so all the equipment is in shelters, in the forests of the kursk region. after capturing enemy equipment in the vicinity of the liberated settlement of nichaev, the pyatnashka brigade unit displaces the enemy and completely liberates the village of nizhnyaya steam, kursk region. victory will be ours after our units consolidate on these lines all. our aerial reconnaissance of the movement along the forest belts of the enemy armored personnel carrier on the enemy equipment works strike drone lancet. another
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loitering munition lancet on the territory of sumy region destroyed the enemy radar station. this is footage of the takeoff of the multifunctional complex su-34, from the moment of receipt of the coordinates of the targets to the destruction of the enemy manpower pass all. only a few minutes, by the forces of the jet artillery continues to work on area targets in the areas of the region where ukrainian militants are operating. we unloaded the combat kit, loaded it accordingly, and counted the pipes, loaded it and drove to the firing position to work on the enemy, we are destroying its manpower, accumulation of equipment, repelled the attacks of the enemy assault groups in the direction of the settlements of kremyanaya, maloe loknya and nichayev. and also thwarted attempts at attacks in the direction of komarovka, spalnaya, korenevo, pogrebki and olgovka. as a result, we lost up to thirty people killed and wounded,
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a tank, three combat armored vehicles, one car were destroyed. the seiver troops are stopping neo-nazi attacks around the clock along the entire front line in the kursk region. they fly, we see quite a lot of birds, both our own and others. we are working on it, trying to destroy more and more, the construction of a multi-chambered network of defensive structures continues in the kursk border. stanislav nazarov, evgeny kirilenko, mikhail siberev, news, kurskaya region. it flew into angara with recently delivered equipment, and then, quote, it banged further south in the country where the f-16s could be hiding. this is today's information from the pro-russian underground about the supposed targets of one of our missiles. in western ukraine, more precisely in the vicinity of the city of ivano-frankivsk, where again, two american fighters were supposedly delivered at once. of course, confirmers, we cannot yet refute this data,
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we cannot do without objective control here, but what is interesting is that a little earlier he himself the kiev regime seemed to have quite transparently hinted at the deployment of western -made aircraft there. evidence of this are the sensational publications of the social networks of the junta's air force, which once again boasted of flying nato donations, at the same time , one might think, surprisingly easily revealed the location of their basing, because from a number of characteristic buildings captured on camera, it was not particularly difficult to identify the kolomyia military airfield, all the same ivano-frankivsk region, although here the question inevitably arises: was it a coincidence the enemy gave a gift to russian intelligence, or is this a deliberate move with specific goals? evgeniya petrukhina was looking for answers. evgeniya, hello, hello alexey, maybe they are just covering their tracks? it is quite possible that they are shifting the focus of attention. at this time, it is quite possible that they are relocating some b-16s to other airfields, so where is kiev hiding its f-16s in romania, moldova, poland, or maybe,
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after all, at the kolomyia airfield in the ivano-frankivsk region, there is a strong front area, remote from the lines, protected hangars, in which the yak-28 and su-24, that is, for the f-16, a suitable garage would have been found, but somehow they did not think about information security. ukrainian military, here is the commander of the ukrainian air force nikolai ilishchuk on his page in telegram posted a video with f-16 fighters, where the coordinates of this airfield in the ivano-frankivsk region are clearly guessed. here, for example, one of the top shots internet users have already even noted the details by which it is possible to identify the locations of the fighters delivered to ukraine. in this photo, by the way, aleshchuk hugs the mother of the deceased pilot juice. and here she is, by all appearances on the same day at the same airfield in the cockpit of the b-16, such a memorial event was arranged for her on the anniversary of her son's death, and supposedly it just so happened by chance that
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the location data for the b-16 leaked onto the internet, or maybe it was not by chance, ukraine is trying to show that the fighters supplied by the netherlands and denmark are sent on combat missions only from the territory of ukraine, and nato countries are not taking part in any way, in my opinion, it is most likely that they are based on the territory.
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in the ivano-frankivsk region, it is just beneficial for them in order to, what is the point, it is impossible, speaking, to carry out massive missile raids every day, yes, they will see how we organize our tactics , that is, they will receive very valuable information for themselves, how to build, how to organize air defense, airfields, yes, that is, if they really base f-16s on themselves, then...
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they are quite expensive, they cost much more than such dummies, well, and besides everything else, what prevented them from photographing real f-16s on airfield in ivano-frankivsk region, and then relocate them anywhere? the ukrainians basically wanted to permanently base their new aviation, exclusively there in poland in romania, including the su-24s that they have left, there and...
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kiev deliberately exposed the kolomyia airfield, they are teasing, especially since this facility received its portion of missiles on august 11, so the current video with the f-16 is nothing other than an attempt to show that they supposedly restored everything there and even installed inflatable planes, and as if and those didn't blow away? evgeniya petrukhina f-16 strands.
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in the area of ​​responsibility of the central group on... our troops in the dpr in one day almost 600 enemy personnel were eliminated, and a german marder infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed. m-119 guns made in the usa three tanks. thanks to such successes, the russian military once again managed to improve the situation along the front line in the pokrovsky section of the special operation, and in the southern sector in the ugledar direction of the north military district, more advantageous lines were also occupied. from there, a report by sergei samokhi. two combat pairs on motorcycles break through the gray zone around. every now and then shells explode, but our column inevitably moves forward, at the very edge of the forest belt the attack aircraft dismount and break into the trenches. they stormed, pulled everyone out, well, the enemies left from there. while the motorized groups are working in the trenches, the enemy, distracting themselves with their attention to the positions, new detachments approach in heavy equipment, an enemy shell explodes nearby, but the armor saves, fire, the attack aircraft open from the landing compartment. the task of the attack aircraft
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of the vostok group from sakhalin is to cut off the paths supply of a large garrison in ugledar, which passes through konstantinovka. we have a tactic of squeezing out in our direction, that is, we slowly storm the storms take the forest regiments, strongholds there, we move further behind them. at the front , the enemy operates mainly with artillery and drones, at the time of filming , a missile threat was heard. no more than 30 seconds are given for evacuation. laid across the entire area of ​​the waiting area and no more than 100 m to each. these are such deep dugouts, a thick layer of earth on top, well, and in general, according to these positions are often hit by several missiles a day. the missile threat was removed after confirmation of the shooting down of two enemy missiles. without wasting time, the attack aircraft continued to prepare for the next task, now among them there is also training of recruits. fighter.


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