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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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anastasia ivanova and the everyday life of french prisons. the reason was a massive strike by russian high-precision weapons on a wide range of infrastructure facilities of the kiev regime, including electrical substations and a machine room , one of the largest hydroelectric power plants and gas compressor equipment, and of course weapons depots, as the minister of crows specifies, all targets were successfully hit and even the enemy's propaganda failed to hide the consequences of the attacks this time , yevgeny reshitnev will confirm.
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cherkasy, mykolaivshchyna, zhitomir, khmelnytskyi, vinnytsia, lutsk, ivano-frankivsk region, lviv region, poltava region, prykarpattia, rivne, kropyvnytskyi. telethons list the regions of ukraine where strikes were recorded. according to ukrainian prime minister shmegal, there are 15 such regions, governors and mayors send out lightning, here and there the light or water went out. attention, in some microdistricts of brovary there is temporarily no electricity supply, the reasons are being investigated. the mayor of zhitomir is on the line. we all see that the city is without electricity, ukrainians are filming drones and cruise missiles flying by. the author of this video counted 10 missiles flying by in a short time, resembling the x 101, air, ground. 15, at least, 15 regions they attacked. at their own risk , ukrainians shoot and publish footage for the distribution of which there are criminal penalties , but there are still many of them. video confirmation
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of arrivals, for example, at the kiev hydroelectric power station. the strike hit the machine shop, and immediately in almost all areas of the capital , electricity was cut off. not against a diplomatic solution. in kiev, so -called points of invincibility are again being deployed, tents with electricity from generators, where you can charge your smartphone, take these shots, standing in a traffic jam on the bridge over the dnieper. and where is it? it's somewhere in lukyanovka, probably, there's another one, i don't feel comfortable on this one, some decided to go down to the subway, there are interruptions in train traffic, in the bbc story, these shots are being repeated. i want to show you these shots from kiev, where, as you can see, hundreds of people headed to the subway. the ukrainian energy holding announced power outages almost across the entire country, exactly as the traffic light went out on traffic controllers appeared on the streets. the head of the ministry of energy golushchenko warns.
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confirmed, a massive strike was carried out by high-precision air and sea -based weapons, the enemy's air defense was hacked, as usual, by a swarm of geraniums, the ssu tried to shoot them down with small arms. according to the ministry of defense, the vks targets were electrical substations in the kiev, vinnytsia, zhitomir, khmelnytskyi, dnepropetrovsk, poltava, nikolaev, kirovograd and odessa regions. gas compressor stations in
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the lviv, ivano-frankivsk and kharkiv regions areas of aviation at airfields. the air strikes targeted storage areas for aviation weapons transferred to kiev by western countries at airfields in the kiev and dnepropetrovsk regions. all designated targets were hit. as a result , power outages were noted, rail transportation of weapons and ammunition to the line of combat contact was disrupted. according to unconfirmed reports, priority targets could have been transferred. in near-military publics, it was reported that they could be stationed in concrete bunkers of the airbase kolomyia in western ukraine. it was recognized in photos published by the air force commander. the airfield was out of service for some time, it was returned to operation in 2016. military aviation returns to kolomyia, the only tactical airfield in ukraine has been renovated. the head of zelensky's office threatens russia on social networks, demands that the west lift certain restrictions.
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the kremlin website today published instructions from vladimir putin following his recent meeting with the government on the situation in russia's border regions. the head of state, in particular, demanded that funds be allocated from the federal budget to finance territorial defense in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions, and also ordered compensation for damage to industrial agricultural enterprises. in addition, the president gave instructions to pay local residents one-time financial assistance, even in cases where they do not submit the relevant applications. well, and also on himself. regions should be provided with uninterrupted telephone and internet communications along with the possibility of distance learning for children. today, vladimir putin held a videoconference meeting on economic issues. the president noted that domestic industry and agriculture are working stably, unemployment
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remains at a record low of less than 2.5%. although, as the head of state emphasized, we should not relax under any circumstances, there is still a lot to be done, including focusing on new national... the government is currently completing work on new national projects, determining mechanisms of interaction between all levels of government, partnership between the state, society, business and development institutions. at the next strategic planning council, we will review the prepared documents, discuss their organizational, managerial, financial part, and separately assess how...
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the state of affairs in the economy, since it is the industrial, trade, logistics, financial potential that determines the resource and budgetary capabilities of the state, forms the funds that are allocated for key systemically important tasks, to improve the well-being of our citizens. the government will annually allocate 250 billion rubles for infrastructure loans to the regions, prime minister mikhail mishustin said today at the forum for the development of small towns and historical populations, which are taking place in kaluga. thanks to such programs, over the past year and a half, more than a thousand clinics, schools and roads have already been built, and where people want to build a career and a family, the birth rate is higher, this, as the head of government emphasized, is already statistics. about comfortable urban environment natalia soloviova. hundreds
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of flowers, modern gazebos, children's play complexes. this is what public spaces of the future, cities, villages, settlements of a large country look like. mikhail mishustin came to kaluga for the exhibition forum for the development of small cities. first of all, he assessed the street exposition of its participants. is the order large? yes, it is large, it is about 500 million. children's equipment, sports equipment and street furniture, all made of siberian larch and stainless steel. demand for them has grown, supplies are going to the cis countries in the middle east. there is also a positive trend in individual housing construction. mishustin is shown prefabricated houses that are erected in a week. in the center we have a kitchen-living room, where the whole family meets, children are in one king, you can already relax in glass wigwams in the kaliningrad region, tatarstan, dagestan and altai, the stand of the street gallery in
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tarusi is like a time machine that takes you to the middle of the 20th century. the dendri garden and the house of the museum of the scientist agronomist nikolai rakitsky are a cultural heritage site where the unique collection of lace, art objects. look at our amazing musicians, daniil, talant and starusya, play something daniil. expositions of the regions and holds separate meetings with governors . according to vladislav shapsha, the kaluga region suffered more than others from the sanctions. for many years it was the leader in attracting investment, now it has become one of the most import-dependent, but there is a positive trend. we managed to restart the auto cluster, today the former volvo plant began to launch heavy-duty trucks under brand, peugeot c3n, the company automobile technologies, produces assembly on the conveyor from 1.8
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the last 2 years were for the kaliningrad region, the new leadership faces several challenges at once. one of the main ones is, of course, ensuring the transport connectivity of the region with the main part of the country, this is the principle.
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prototechnics, yes, on the basis of, yes, the south ural state university, according to dmitry milyaev, one of the main weapons regions of the country, showed high rates of industrial production, especially in the defense sector. the military-industrial complex is certainly in the center of our attention, compared to the same period last year, our production volumes have increased more than one and a half times, we pay special attention to the development of unmanned aerial systems, today per day we...
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environment allows us to create territories that are convenient for living, comfortable for the birth and upbringing of children, competitive for work, attractive for recreation, for tourism, for travel, according to expert estimates, in places where people are ready to build a career and a family, the birth rate is 15% higher, the program of preferential loans for the purchase of housing for families with children has already been used by more than 3 million russians, but not the least important role.
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with a well-functioning engineering and utility network, this is exactly what determines the quality of life, often becomes decisive in the question of whether to start a new family. thanks to the funds already allocated , more than a thousand schools, kindergartens, clinics and roads have been built in the regions, and until 2030 the government will annually allocate 250 billion rubles for infrastructure loans. the president has already given such an order. natalia solovyova. vesti. what kind of urban environment is needed for maximum comfort
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of russian families? this was discussed today in koluda at the delo breakfast, which was held by the minister of construction and housing and public utilities iraq fayzulin. the event was held as part of the forum for the development of small towns and historical settlements. more than 3,000 participants, representatives of the government, the construction industry, scientists and public figures came to discuss this topic. as part of the forum, the head of the ministry of construction held a grand opening of four new public spaces in the sverdlovsk, vologda and kemberevsky regions and the republic. all of them beat their competitors in the competition for the best projects to create a comfortable urban environment. the competition has become a broad platform for discussing technical solutions that are being developed by municipal and regional teams. i already noted yesterday that it has become much more difficult for the expert working group to choose winners. the regions are submitting very serious work to the competition, and of course, this year has not become exception, i want to note that experience
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is acquired not only in the practice of the competition, but as a result of professional... work of architectural teams, regional teams and most importantly, that the voting, which has already been held three times , was held, more than 40, almost 40 million residents of our country, actually took part in the formation of those tasks that regional, municipal and federal authorities are working on in future periods for the implementation of this program. in addition, within the framework of the form subordinate.
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no, you are not in a madhouse, everything is much worse, you are in ukraine. the list of names in honor of western weapons that ukrainians gave their children from autumn 2023 to autumn 2024 has been updated. to the juvelin, bayraktar and other bradleys , three sokols were added, most likely in honor of the so-called f-16 combat falcon, 13 leo, in honor of leopard tanks, at least
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four patriots in honor of the american anti-aircraft missile system. now for the endless extortion of western weapons. the main reason for the wild names, the main reason for the wild manifestations in the ukrainian society - this is a criminal policy of the authorities. the fact is that the authorities, which encourage their citizens to give wild names to their children, do this for several purposes: well, firstly, it is hatred towards russia, because such names, they deny... those names that have always been in ukraine, these are russian names. true, not everyone in ukrainian society agrees with this cargacult of new names in honor of western weapons. for example, in one of the ukrainian legislative assemblies there was an announcement about the ban on naming children something like f-16. that same cargacult, in fact, the basis of ukrainian ideology. what
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is the recent case worth, when kiev residents were forced to kneel in front of hearses with banderovites, in ternopil for disobedience. they were threatened with a fine, as for insulting the armed forces of ukraine. here is a country of prosperous democracy. kiev, stop, shame on the hero, honor to the hero, eternal glory to the hero, and you two will all go to the knees in a car to the knees. or the recent satanic know-how, the kiev printing house released the bible with the addition of the blood of neo-nazi azov militants to the ink, the organization is recognized terrorist in russia. on the cover. this is supposedly the bible cross with the symbol of the ussr division and the terrorist organization azov, the wolf's hook, this is already more than nazism and paganism, in their desire to stop being russians, they actually stopped being people, the kargakult they follow, where they can't really do anything there, they will draw it, make cartoons, you saw there
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how they are now filming another video where they allegedly shoot down our missiles with a machine gun, but... this is done in order to attack
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christianity in general all over the world, this schism openly supported the legalization of drugs in ukraine, it quite openly trains propagandists of sodomy in special courses, i am not exaggerating, for example, it was in the courses of chaplains, where open sodomites preached their lgbt ideology, banned in russia. in ukraine today there are at least seventy large religious sects, the adherents of which sponsor the armed forces of ukraine and have been imposing nazi ideology for several decades. for example, the second largest sect in terms of the number of participants , the embassy of god, ensured mass participation at that the kiev maidan itself in 2014. at the same time , there were up to 14,000 adherents on the square. or the church of good change sect forced children to dig trenches near mariupol, mind you, there is no resonance in ukrainian society, neither occult rituals, nor dubious activity with children do not cause. why
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is there such a surge of satanism, because these people, having cut off their ancestral memory, having rejected their name, they are looking for strength in something else, in something alternative, well, the most important alternative. god, who is this? this is lucifer, this is satan, who imagined himself to be god. therefore, of course, they are looking for an alternative in satanism. the remaining population of ukraine is extremely unhappy with what is happening. war, devastation, rising prices, therefore propaganda through cults to cleanse the public, information and religious field is the main tactic of the kiev regime. why the orthodox religion, if there are dozens of pseudo-religions that will approve of nazi atrocities. swastikas and runes help ukrainian nazis. become like their former masters and authorities from the third reich, that the most kargakult, the basis of the kiev regime's policy, it will be necessary and nato will bow down, and
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the sacrifice will be organized right in the verkhovna rada. maria petrashko, and ukrainian devilry. pavel durov may remain in custody without charges for another 2 days. this was announced today by the french prosecutor's office. a few days after the detention of the telegram founder, the agency issued an official statement. in particular , it is reported that investigative actions are being carried out on the case, which has been under investigation for almost a year and a half months, and the main figure in it is a certain unnamed person who is accused of numerous cybercrimes, and then how paris is trying to convince the whole world that the durov case is allegedly outside of politics, anastasia efimova observes. not a political decision, perhaps, the only meaningful sentence in the verbose post of immanuel macron. almost two days after the arrest in the paris air.
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i read here false information about france after the arrest of pavel durov. france is most attached to freedom of expression, communications, innovation and entrepreneurship will remain so. in the conditions of the rule of law in social networks, as in real life. freedoms are realized within the framework established by law to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights. ensuring compliance with the law depends on a justice system that has complete independence. the arrest of the head of telegram in france occurred as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. this is in no way a political decision; the decision remains with the judges. but what exactly from the published so outraged macron. it is unlikely that the article in parisien, where the french justice system is praised. which managed to take durov in its sights, on suspicion of no more, no less, of promoting terrorism, it is unlikely that the news story of the tf-1 channel, painted in the style of the worst french comics, where pavel durov
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appears as almost a fiend of hell, guilty of all the vices of humanity. according to our information, the justice system accuses the founder of this application, open to all, of refusing to cooperate with the police, while his the platform has become a den for human trafficking and distribution of child pornography. if emmanuel macron was outraged by anything, it was probably the comments from users who not only didn't swallow the bait about the evil foolishly just french themis, but spat it right in the face of that same themis. support this guy, his social network is the last bastion against western censorship. political arrest. damn french media. i showed this video to my friend, and now we laugh together, forgetting about all the problems. what's the real deal accuse pavel durov, french law enforcement, the main question. 12 crimes - the paris
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prosecutor's office seems to report. exclude that other countries, for example, the united states, have already opened or will open their own cases and request the extradition of mr. durov, for example, to the united states, but at the moment not a single country has made its demands for durov's extradition. by the way, users of the telegram created by durov, the very same ones whose comments probably irritate some people in the elysee palace, have no doubt. all claims against pavel durov are his categorical unwillingness to work with the authorities, in particular the french, and the western authorities in general. total surveillance via social networks, a long-standing pastime and the growing audience of telegram - 900 million people, should not be left without surveillance. the story is being actively discussed, whether pavel, pavel durov will give some keys to telegram to the americans, because it is obvious that
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the americans are behind this arrest, since. but if we were talking about keys, then here it was necessary to catch not pavel durov, but his brother nikolai, who is responsible for the technical part, but nikolai is such an introvert, he sits in dubai all the time and doesn’t go anywhere, maybe, of course, the french just got confused by the complex russian names, nikolai or pavel, they detained durov, and oh well, however, it is much more likely that paris knows perfectly well what... it is doing and whose order it is carrying out, so it was stalling for time, because the most important thing is happening right now behind closed doors, washington holds the keys to them, and the french president can only write on social networks. by the way, emmanuel macron too a telegram user with a modest audience of 3,500 people, from whom he has nothing to hide, simply because the most interested ones read him without a subscription,
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