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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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by agents of the program to conduct the duty unit and i am maxim movchan. controlled from the air. krasnoyarsk police officers in another raid on illegals kept an eye on potential fugitives with the help of a quadrocopter. here is a winged gadget soaring above the operatives hovered over the bus and controlled everything that was happening at the market. after a mass document search, five market workers were detained and will soon be sent home, and one of them, as it turned out, should have left the country himself long ago, according to a court decision. and overthrew under the guise of a loving mother, the sverdlovsk region is judging opikunsha, who tortured her adopted son to death. the lady constantly abused the child, at night he was chained to the bed, beaten and kept in a bathtub with ice water. at the same time, the guardianship authorities for six months did not notice the boy was missing. details by olga zhurinkova. it was expected that the first court hearing of guardian veronika naumova, who, according to the investigation , tortured her five-year-old adopted son to death and then concealed his death, would attract increased attention from the press. naumova's conversation.
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from food, and he was in the bathroom, he, he was tied up, known, in my opinion, for the purpose of punishment, judging by naumova's story , the child was punished not only for being right, but in general for his existence next to her, at we had a problem, that he walks at night, and at night she asked him to tie his leg as well.
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also abused the boy, committed a number of crimes against the child, in particular intentional causing of serious bodily harm with particular cruelty, motivated by national hatred, torture of a group of persons, illegal deprivation of liberty, while the woman involved two underage girls and her underage nephew in committing some crimes. veronika naumova is 35 years old, before her arrest taught geography in a private family center, she has three biological children and three adopted children. she took little daler and his older sister dasha in august 2019.
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she cannot resist due to her age, and is in a state of incompetence due to her age, tortured him, veronika naumova does not agree with the charges brought against her, she assures that she did not kill her adopted son, i did not commit any torture, that is, to punish, i punished, this is an educational process, the guardianship authorities on for six months they did not notice the absence of the child, although specialists were obliged to come with checks every 3 months, now former specialist of the department evgeniya voznesenskaya made up a fake... certificate, claiming that everything was fine with the boy. a week ago she heard the sentence for official forgery. the fine is 100,000 rubles. the investigation has questions for the management of the kindergarten, where they also did not notice the absence of the boy, although the director knew for sure that the child was being abused. she saw bruises on the baby's body, but did not report
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about it. naumova's husband also knew about the child's murder, but he kept silent. he was also charged. it was the indifference and cruelty of the adults in this story that caused the death of the defenseless child. all the most interesting after a short commercial, do not switch, durable and not afraid of moisture, protect from heat and cold.
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live about. new program vesti duty part, we continue the release. he came out of a coma and will soon be interrogated, the capital's investigators are waiting for the alleged killer of his own wife and son to recover in the hospital. he will have to answer questions. security forces and will most likely be sent to the isolation ward. over the weekend, a former employee of the central bank threw his loved ones out of the windows of the sixteenth floor. dmitry chernousov visited the scene of the terrible crime. this is how doctors took the alleged killer of his own wife and small child, alexander lepatov, out of his apartments in the southwest of the capital under the supervision of police officers on a gurney with an oxygen mask on his face. the thirty-five-year-old man was in a state of severe poisoning with some drugs, which ones exactly? experts will have to find out, as investigators believe,
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lepatov threw his wife's child, milena lepatova, out of the window of the sixteenth floor, they had no chance of surviving. the courtyard of the elite residential complex where the tragedy occurred is still cordoned off by security forces, experts are working on the scene, clothes, furniture and equipment, as eyewitnesses say, the first to fall out of the window from the sixteenth floor was a child, followed by his young mother, only at our disposal. these are the frames of the crime scene. they were taken in the very apartment where the brutal massacre took place. it is clear that the family lived in abundance and cared about their well-being. children's toys and women's things are everywhere. the traces of the man's violence are also very eloquent here. in the center of one of the rooms, a huge bed is turned on its side. today i came to work around 9 am and when opening the doors i hear a terrible crash. then i went out into the courtyard and there were women lying. already the body of a woman and a small child, on the sixteenth floor there was
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an inadequate naked man right at the window, shouting very obscene things and doing very obscene things. household utensils were scattered next to the bodies of the woman and the child, when the maddened man dealt with his family, he began to throw out of the window everything that came to hand. when police cars drove up to the apartment building, lipatov locked the door with all the locks swallowed with some pills. the special forces broke down the door and handed the suspected killer over to the medics. neighbors say: the lepatovs moved to moscow from barnaul several years ago. alexander held a high position in one of the banks for a long time. his wife, milena lepatova, worked in a large company. in july of last year, the family had a long-awaited son. according to neighbors, the couple lived quietly and never attracted attention. during a search of the lepatovs' apartment, they found medications and also strange unrelated notes. in fact, the double a criminal case has been opened for the murder. the year-old man who was in the apartment has been detained and is receiving medical assistance. after
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the doctors give him permission, he will be taken to a division of the capital's investigative committee, where investigators will begin conducting investigative actions with him. during the investigation, alexander lepatov will undergo a forensic psychiatric examination. if the experts conclude that he was not in control of his actions at the time of the double murder, the man will face compulsory psychiatric treatment instead of a prison colony. now the neighbors are taking care of the cat, which belongs to. paris, meanwhile the prosecutor's office has attached a list of charges, but they concern an unnamed person who is being investigated, anastasia popova reports. pavel durov's pretrial detention has been extended.
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he can spend up to four days in the cell in total. to be charged, he must appear before a judge. there are no scheduled hearings with his name in the tribunal building today. the paris prosecutor's office reported that charges will be brought against twelve crimes. the case was opened on july 8 of this year, where durov is currently being held is unclear. presumably, in the immigration prison in libourg, given that the case was handled not only by the ki... refuses to comment on the situation, citing the independence of the judicial system, but the editor-in-chief of la kronique agura believes that the french authorities actually have something to say about this. the arrest with unforeseen geopolitical consequences could only have taken place with the permission of the president and with the cooperation of all our intelligence agencies services. president macron categorically denies that durov's case is political. the arrest of the head of. gram on french territory took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation, this is in no way
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a political decision, the decision remains with the judges. the question that no one can answer: why did durov fly to france at all, was his decision illogical enough, given that in recent years he lived and worked in the united arab emirates, registered the telegram office there, had well-established business relations with sheikhs and many projects, he... was clearly not interested in his arrest in france, which could jeopardize his business. the same telegram showed stable growth in the first quarter of this year. it is quite strange that durov landed in paris at all, because. knowing his caution meticulous attitude to his own security, this looks quite surprising, in my opinion, this is certainly not an initiative of france, after all , telegram has quite good relations with france, i think, this is my personal opinion, neither not based on anything other than my reasoning, this is still an initiative of the united states.
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france came up with a pretext for durov to be arrested, he was arrested under fictitious articles, under which he can be arrested in general.
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chris pavlovsky said that france threatened his company too, which is why he hastily left the european union. the wave of indignation on the internet resulted in hacker attacks on french web resources, including government websites. anastasia popova lio bernadsky, vlada tsurkan. news, duty officer! the battle for the losasevs in kamchatka for the director's chair
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two leaders of the current and former fishing cooperative clashed, and not without the forceful support of some people in balaclavas. now the security forces are looking into the matter. galina khungureeva will continue the topic. here they are all standing as if for show. the bandits have arrived. the men in uniform took up their post on the shore at 7:00 in the morning. according to the author of the video, they checked the documents of the local workers at the metal trailers and allegedly demanded that they leave the territory. all this could pass for preparation for a special operation, but it is still unknown who the people in baloklava are? they arranged an inspection employees of the old fishing cooperative red worker in kamchatka. edge, as i said, conservation, sealing, no one goes to the plant, unless it's breakfast, lunch, dinner, as for seasonal workers, it is desirable to exclude walking as much as possible, so as not to create an escalation of tension, the very edge of harsh kamchatka is the village of zaporozhye, here along the ozerno river goes to spawn in the kuril lake, one of the most valuable salmon fish - nerko, and of course,
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there are enough other water resources, hidden a corner of nature became a platform for resolving the question, who is the fisherman? the main one from the cartels, you are strangers, you are not needed here, absolutely, this is our enterprise, so that the children can work, they came, now the indignant workers of the fish enterprise are defending the place where they earn their bread, they claim that unknown persons tried to carry out a raider seizure, now this is what the interior of the workshop looks like. the workshop is immobilized, now no work is being done here. it turned out that a fierce struggle for power unfolded between the former chairman andrei bokov and the current management in the person of denis potuzhny, they say that the ex-head bokov almost brought the enterprise to bankruptcy, ran into large fines, made unjustified discounts to his partners, introduced dubious friendship with competitors, as a result, the chairman was re-elected, denis potuzhny became him, terminate the powers
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of the chairman andrei evgenievich, 83 members voted for, three members voted against, one abstained, the decision is considered adopted, soon bokov got a job at the enterprise again, and then, according to local media, filed a lawsuit with demands. representatives of various departments, the negotiations took place under the supervision of law enforcement officers, workers will probably have to vote again soon to decide who will head the fishing cooperative. the new
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management will not only have to deal with debts, but also calculate the damage after such a fierce confrontation. galina khungureeva, alina skachkova, mikhail zhilin, conduct duty unit. geroskut nasolin, kaliningrad police officer together with rosgvardia fighters detained the alleged drug dealer with an unusual package. the box contained a hoverboard, and already in... it was assumed by equipping hiding places with caches, a criminal case was opened against the red-haired drug baroness, the court has already sent her to settle in a pre-trial detention cell.
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the lieutenant colonel's case went to court. in moscow, themis is about to begin deciding the fate of an influential police officer who is accused of fraud on an especially large scale. allegedly, the officer, with the help of the lawyer's wife , fiercely insisted on investigating a dubious criminal case, the theft of assets almost billion rubles. the word of maxim shevchenko. the lieutenant colonel, who has been in the service for almost 2 decades, has been in custody for almost a year, and will soon finally go to the dock. the investigative committee reported that the investigation of the high-profile case of the former head of the basmanny district department of the ministry of internal affairs of moscow has been completed. the first news about the detention of lieutenant colonel sergei andreev appeared last august. then , a measure of restraint was chosen for him rather quickly and a replacement was even found at his workplace. andreev, accused of abuse of office. now it looks like he has something to read in the pre-trial detention center. according to media reports, he has begun studying the contents of 27 volumes of the criminal case. that's all that was collected by the investigation. the defendant flatly denies his guilt, assuring that
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he did not commit anything illegal. he was detained last august at pulkovo airport when he was returning home from sochi in the company of his wife's children. of course, there are different versions of why the high-ranking police officer could have ended up in st. petersburg. according to one version, he could have sensed something was wrong and...
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publish such videos, here presumably andreev and his wife are celebrating their birthday, some media outlets claim that such a life was a usual thing for them, among their favorite pastimes, they say , horse riding and regular yacht trips. according to media reports, andreev was allegedly accused not only of abuse of power, but of disclosing a bank. tax secrets, in this case he risks serving 10 years in prison, but ahead , of course, there is still a long trial and consideration of the case on the merits. maxim shevchenko, artem grigoryan, vesti, duty part. a scandinavian fairy tale brought the owners
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of elite cottages to court. will seek justice with the help of themis, many houses are unfinished, and those that seem to be ready have leaking roofs, a collapsing facade, no water supply or sewerage. alexey knor found out why the fairy tale life just won't start. just 2 weeks ago, the teluzhas were probably waist-deep. this is what a scandinavian fairy tale looks like now: the developer sold houses in a business-class cottage village as elite housing. buyers were promised the author's architecture, parks, boulevards and most importantly - the atmosphere. a person receives all the city communications, that is, everything that we are used to receiving while living in an apartment, gas, electricity, water supply, we all had signed letters of guarantee, and the developer assured that roads would be built, a playground would be made, the construction stopped when all the plots had already been bought up, not to mention the construction site, we are in a dump today, now most of the streets resemble a swamp , there is dampness and mold in the houses, you see the holes on
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ceiling, interesting story, the second year. water is draining from them, look at this wall, it has been drying for the second year and the brick is still wet, the problem is not a single house, roofs are leaking everywhere, well look, here is the roof made flat, this is the latest technology, so you understand, this is what those very facades look like, for which the developer gave a 10-year guarantee, some houses look like they are practically finished, but you can’t live in them anyway, they haven’t been connected to utilities yet, there is no sewerage or water, in addition, they raise the question: quality execution of works, here is a clear example, the plaster is already falling off, on some houses the facing sheets are peeling off. one company, insли, was engaged in the sale of houses. another company, subfir development, is already mentioned in the contracts. the buyers insisted that these were formalities and that they had the same shareholders. the companies insли, capfir, there is ukat, there are three companies. today, the company insли is selling houses in another village just 10 km away. at the same time, the company's office assures that there are problems with
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hugihaus relations. they immediately conducted 40 million rubles. spicy live broadcasts of girls hiding places managed to pull out currency amounting to almost several rented apartments, here is how the owners of inti-business were detained.
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the organizers of the virtual brothel are considered to be this thirty-two-year-old local resident, the court sent the businesswoman under house arrest, here are a dozen of her subordinate models released, but with the condition that if necessary, they will appear at the department at the first call. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is conducted by the duty unit and the detective unit, subscribe, also our investigation, daily releases on the platform we watch. go to the tab broadcast, turn on the honest detective. and our issue is over. in the studio was maxim ovchan. see you on the tv channel russia-24.
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this is a big information evening, we continue to acquaint you with the agenda of today. they shot at cars with women, old people and children. horrible evidence of war crimes of ukrainians in korinevo, kursk region. they had an order to open fire on any vehicle. here with civilians, radioactive sludge and millions of people in the zone flooding, ukrainians are in panic over reports of a threat to the destruction of the kiev gest dam, and where is the certainty that it will definitely break through. f-16s have been spotted at the kolomyia airfield in the ivano-frankivsk region.


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