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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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eh, they will see how we organize our tactics , that is, they will receive very valuable information for themselves, how to build, how to organize air defense of the airfield case, yes, that is, if they really will base f-16s at home, then how do they need, what do they need to do to repel, at the kolomyia airfield and there really can be f16s, only it is quite likely a dummy made of polyvinyl chloride, such inflatable mock-ups of airplanes.
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on the basis of basing this new aviation of theirs, exclusively there in poland in romania, including the su-24s, which they have remained, there are su-27 and mig-29, which remained in service with ukraine, they try to keep them away from their territory, and use their territory, their airfields as landing sites, in moldova there is actually an airfield prepared for receiving f-16 aircraft. and besides, by declassifying the location of the f-16, there is a risk of losing an entire arsenal of nato specialists, pilots and technicians, then the issue of using fighters will be put on a long-term pause, so if not in the ivano-frankivsk region, then where else on territory of nezalezhnaya kiev can hide f-16? f-16 with well-mannered, trained pilots can be.
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the german chancellor promised to increase the scale of deportation of illegal migrants from the country and announced tightening the rules for carrying bladed weapons. these are the anti-crisis measures that the head of the german government may propose after a migrant attacked festival participants in the city of sollingen. the german authorities are trying to convince the population that the situation is under control, but the belated reaction to the terrorist attack has only increased criticism from the opposition. denis davidov with details. one white rose in memory of the three victims, that's all olaf scholz could do after the massacre.
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isa, a refugee from syria. the isis group called him their soldier, confirming the version about the terrorist attack. it was a terrorist attack directed against all of us, against our mutual existence, against our way of life. this is precisely the goal that those who prepare such attacks strive for. and this is something that we will never reconcile ourselves to and... we will never
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accept, the minister of the interior calls on germans to unite, not to succumb to influence those who sow hatred, instead of conciliatory speeches, the opposition demands concrete and tough actions from the members of the ruling coalition. we must put an end to the naive migration policy, people who come to us without any reservations must live according to the laws of our country, if they do not, they must leave the country. we have been debating for 3 months about the consequences of what happened in mannheim. again i hear the same words from the chancellor and now from the head of the ministry of the interior, in connection with what happened in sollingen, it is time to put an end to this. 31 may, in broad daylight on the central square of mannheim, a radical attacked an anti-islam activist with a knife. several people were injured. the number of violent crimes in germany is currently at its highest in 20 years. an increase of 10-20% every year. migrants are increasingly attacking, increasingly with knives. the knife as a weapon.
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last year, 9,000 crimes were used, the year before last it was a thousand fewer. we do not live in the middle ages, no one should walk the streets of germany with knives and axes anymore, not in public places. we do not have there should be armed people at public events in the central parts of cities, we need to introduce zones with a ban on carrying bladed weapons. a knife is, of course, a common weapon of crime, but it is far from the only one. it is not just a matter of banning knives, a criminal, as we have seen before, can come with a screwdriver. we need, firstly, to give the police more powers, to establish strict control, secondly, we must deport in those cases where it is possible when it is necessary. that was exactly what he was, who arranged the massacre in zollengen. in 2023, germany rejected the refugee status application of this migrant from syria. he was supposed to be
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deported immediately, but the 26-year-old illegal immigrant hid from the german police, the deportation did not take place, and he remained in the country. there are not just many people in germany who refused deportation, there are thousands of them who take full advantage of the humane european legislation. in october, the chancellor demanded that deportation work be tightened, but in reality, things turned out differently. yes, in april , 30% more people were deported from the country illegals than last year, but we have a document showing how ineffective the deportation program is. it says that if a person subject to deportation refuses to board a plane or otherwise resist the expulsion of such a person.
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are ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat, in addition to opponents of migrants, there are also their supporters, they have already come out to protect the risk of terrorist attacks, well, and residents of illegals. denis davidov, anatoly petrov and maxim kolopakchi news. first, they report on the difficult work of emergency services among debris, then they show rescuers already in the dark looking for something with flashlights, and then there are shots of the collapsed building being dismantled with a crane. a dramatic series of photographs on the pages of the daily mail, which, as we can see, was very closely following the developments in the city of kramatorsk, and specifically the search operation at the site of the sapphire hotel, which the day before had definitely been targeted by a russian iskander, and such attention from western media is explained simply:
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somewhere there in the chest of building materials, ukrainian services were looking for a very important guest, a missing citizen in the uk named ryan evans. in the photo, this character. is wearing a bulletproof vest with the inscription press, in fact, it was for the deceased journalist that the british ukrainian media tried to pass him off, but a little later it turned out that although evans was indeed listed as a media employee, he was not engaged in correspondent work in ukraine, and what he was actually doing, boris ivanin will explain. a professional security guard was hiding under the journalist's guise. the deceased briton ryan evans is not wrote articles, did not go on air, formally he was. only a security adviser at the world-famous agency nastya reuters, with military service experience, what a coincidence evan began to cooperate with reuters just in 2022 with the beginning of the ukrainian conflict. recently , journalists' documents have become an ideal cover for
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various kinds of employees of special intelligence services of western countries, they are happy to use this and actually ... perform functions under the guise of journalists in some cases of intelligence gathering, in some cases even providing advisory and instructional assistance. in ukraine, evans willingly posed in a bulletproof vest like this with the inscription press, was always close to the film crew, but it is unlikely that he was just carrying a tripod, as reuters now claims, he consulted reporters on security issues around the world, in the middle east in paris before the olympics, in the west they are already molding an image of a victim out of him. kramatorsk is located very close to the front line, and it is controlled by ukraine, so it is used as a base by employees non-governmental.
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stop-gap workers, because they issue journalistic credentials to people who are not journalists. the entire media machine in the west works in fact, but not de jure, but de facto, it works as a cover for combatants. in armed conflicts, there is a distinction, a distinction has long been formed between combatants and non-combatants, that is, who is a legitimate target, who is not. but our enemy has destroyed these rules himself. if he is a security specialist, then he is more likely a military man or a representative of the special services. we found a profile of ryan evans on a foreign job search site and there is not a word about
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journalism, he has been a security specialist since 2011, worked in libya for 10 years, as a manager of operations that were carried out under the auspices of the british foreign office, some operations can only be guessed at, here is another inconsistency, until this january, pay attention, he was an employee of a private security company, it turns out that the reuters, who claims that evans has been working in their agency for 2 years, is the same... reuters, who professes high standards of journalism, brazenly lies, well, what do those same foreign private security companies where evans worked do, this video is from their official websites, training sessions where they practice grabbing with a bag on the head or shooting at targets are very far from the usual work of reporters, even in a combat zone. here you can easily recall examples that this is one of the functions of private military companies, for example, a specialist of the black water pmc during the us aggression against iraq.
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believe that in the location of the ukrainian there were so many neo-nazis in the press, but the fact that foreign mercenaries were hiding there under the guise of journalists sounds much more plausible. however, after the exposure of ryan evans' identity, some publications in the kingdom itself stopped calling him a bbc journalist, for example, in the headline they got by with the laconic "britishman". the english guardian followed its example, adding that evans was a former soldier, although whether he was a former soldier is also a question. there it is still necessary to find out whether he was a former soldier, because many, as if nato regulars operate on the territory of ukraine under the guise
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of volunteers, former military mercenaries or pmcs, but in fact these can often be active officers, employees of the special services, who are simply legends, well, including under journalists, such support personnel, it is possible that he could be engaged in intelligence issues, the purpose of the instructions, this is one of the people who, well, one, let's say , participants. hybrid war against the russian federation on the territory of ukraine, it turns out that the case of ryan evans, a journalist's podcast, was essentially the same terrorist as those covered by the western press in ukraine, and if so, then we have to admit that this is the same legitimate target as the ukrainian armed forces fighters. pavel durov may remain in custody without charges for another 2 days, the french prosecutor's office announced today. a few days after the detention of the telegram founder , the department issued an official statement, which, in particular, reported that with... actions are being taken in a case that has been under investigation for almost a month and a half, and the main defendant in it is a certain unnamed
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a person who is accused of numerous cybercrimes, then how paris is trying to convince the whole world that the durov case is allegedly outside of politics, anastasia efimova observes. not a political decision, perhaps, the only meaningful proposal in emmanuel macron's verbose post. almost two days after the arrest of pavel durov at the paris luburge airport, the president of the fifth republic courageous. was silent, or rather, silently read, what others were writing about the arrest of the founder of telegram. apparently, he was dissatisfied with what he read, and, finally took up the pen himself. i. i read here false information about france after the arrest of pavel durov. france is most attached to freedom of expression, communication, innovation and entrepreneurship, and it will remain so. in the conditions of the rule of law in social networks, as in real life, freedoms are realized within the framework established by law to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights. ensuring compliance with the law depends on a justice system that has
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complete independence. the arrest of the head of telegram in france occurred within the framework of ongoing. according to our information, the justice system accuses the founder of this open-to-all app of refusing to cooperate with the police, while his platform has turned into a den for human trafficking and the distribution of child pornography. if anything, emmanuel macron was outraged, then it was probably the comments of users who,
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not only did not swallow the bait about the evil fool, the just french themis, but spat it right in the face of this very themis. support this guy, his social network is the last bastion against western censorship, political arrest, damn french media, i showed this video to my friend and now we are laughing together, forgetting about all the problems. what is pavel durov actually accused of, french law enforcement, the main question: 12 crimes, the paris prosecutor's office seems to be reporting, 12 so far. he was detained under a warrant from the french authorities in a case opened in france, but it cannot be ruled out that other countries, for example, the united states, have already opened or will open their own cases and request mr. durov's extradition, for example, to the united states states, but at the moment no country has made any demands for durov's extradition. by the way, users of the telegram created by durov, the very same ones whose comments probably irritate some people in
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the elysee palace, have no doubt that all claims against pavel durov are based on his categorical unwillingness. history will give some keys to pavel pavel durov from the telegram to the americans, because it is obvious that the americans are behind this arrest, since the french ruling elite is not subject today. but if talking about the keys, then they should have caught not pavel durov, but his brother nikolai, who is responsible for the technical part, but nikolai is such an introvert, he sits in dubai without leaving and never goes anywhere. maybe, of course, the french just got confused in the complex russian names, nikolai or pavel, detained durov, and okay, however, it is much
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more likely that paris knows perfectly well what it is doing and whose order it is carrying out, that is why it was stalling for time, after all. the most important thing is happening right now behind closed doors, the keys to them washington holds, and the french president has no choice but to write on social networks. by the way , emmanuel macron is also a telegram user with a modest audience of 35,000 people, from whom he has nothing to hide, simply because the most interested read him without a subscription, without registration, and most importantly, between strict. anastasia efimova, news! we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what i'll tell you about, strangling, twisting legs, strict regime democracy in the french, the story of the unstable actionist pavlensky, why you may not live to see the end of the term. durable and
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5-10 guards throw you to the floor, choke you so you wheeze, twist your arms, twist your legs, a review of the conditions of a french prison, which sounds extremely topical, although it was written
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several years ago, the author is the well-known pyotr pavlensky, in russia the creation of a character, calling himself an action artist, have already somehow managed to be forgotten, but in france they are not only regularly observed in public space, but are also no less regularly appointed for criminal performances. appropriate sanctions, so pavlensky turned out to be exactly the person who has something to tell about prison life in the fifth republic, and in these memories one can even feel nostalgia for the days spent in butyrka, but in the capital's prison castle, for example, when transferred to a punishment cell, quote, the prisoner simply collects his things, the mattress goes away, here in the french flori, imprisonment in stricter conditions is accompanied by beatings, strangulation and all sorts of abuse.
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so, and other institutions, they do not respond properly to requests from independent human rights organizations from other countries, they do not respond to
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requests, among other things. he was locked in a punishment cell almost every other day. in contrast, the everyday life of the so-called actionist in butyrka is not so vividly described. the warden came, read out the arrest warrant, on average, after 10 days, they assigned a cell. and why do they prefer to beat people in france?
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frames on prisoners, if you don’t plug your noses and ears with paper, cockroaches can crawl in there, follows from the same report that the ecp promised to pay attention to, french dreams write. most often , you have to sleep on the floor, because there are no places in correctional institutions, a cell is 9 m2, according to the same media of the fifth republic , there are three people in each cell, all this is legal, in the french criminal procedure code there are more than 100 articles, and despite the abundance
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all this... it is primarily aimed at regulating the rights of investigators, interrogators, judicial police, change the law or not, yes, but on earth, when there is no control over law enforcement agencies, and people have no access to the outside world, it turns out that maybe some changes appeared in the law after 2011, but in practice, they often remain completely insensitive, the prisoners of the castle are not ifa, but rather macron. by the way, the same pavlensky will soon again experience all the delights of the penitentiary system france, writes that he will stand trial on august 29. he is accused of slashing two people with a knife 4 years ago, hinting that he is not guilty. and will the french police, who are used to using force, look into this
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? mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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a russian unit, with the support of aviation and artillery. thwarted the enemy's attempts to advance to komarovka pogrebki. in one day , zelensky's formations lost more than 400 soldiers, officers, mercenaries and 27 units armored vehicles. since august 6 , the total losses of the ukrainian army in the kursk direction have exceeded 6,200 soldiers. 571
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armored vehicles have been destroyed. including 73 tanks, and so?

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