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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the russian forces, with the support of aviation and artillery, repelled attacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region in the direction of the settlements of kremenaya, malaya loknya and nichayev. over the course of a day, zelensky's forces lost more than 400 soldiers. officers, mercenaries and 27 armored vehicles. well, since august 6 , the total losses of the ukrainian army in the korsk direction have exceeded 6,200 soldiers. 571 armored vehicles were destroyed, including.
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energy facilities in eight regions of ukraine, including in kiev. in addition, airfields and weapons depots were attacked. zelensky admitted that it was one of the most powerful attacks. yegor grigoriev will tell what it led to. short bursts of fire at the gyrans in the sky above kiev. the characteristic buzzing is a sure sign that missiles will surely follow. at least 15 explosions were recorded by kiev residents in the city and region. all of them were at infrastructure and military facilities, the comments of eyewitnesses behind the scenes are positive. there is another one, the second one to the left. i see, the third one from the left, he is another one, and he is also falling there, the fifth one. i still feel uncomfortable on this bridge. yes, i also feel a little bit. one of the shells
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hits the kiev hydroelectric power station dam right on target, it is on fire, the roadway is clearly damaged, traffic on it is blocked, the machine room around it is apparently destroyed, there are twisted pieces of metal structures and concrete. according to preliminary information, there is no threat of a breakthrough, and the consequences for the energy sector of ukraine are extremely negative. there are emergency power outages in kiev and the region, and in some places, water. the mayor of the capital is talking about a problem of national scale. in several districts of the capital, there are power outages, as experts note, this is due to problems in the all-ukrainian energy network. strikes on a critical infrastructure facility in zhitomir, the city is without electricity and water, after landing on a substation a fire started, explosions were heard in odessa, columns of black smoke are visible, the electricity was also turned off there, there was no light in lviv, in khmelnytskyi, ukrenergo introduces an external shutdown, permission has been received, studios are plunging into darkness. and sea-based,
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aviation, strikes were fired at facilities that ensured the operation of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, this electrical substations in poltava, vinnytsia, kirovograd, dnipropetrovsk, khmelnytskyi, kiev, odessa, volyn , zhitomir, sumy, ternopil and nikolaev regions, gas compressor stations in lviv, ivanofrankivsk and kharkov regions, council warehouses. shells in kiev and dnipropetrovsk regions, all designated targets were hit, as a result of which there were interruptions in the power supply, the railway transportation of weapons and ammunition to the line of combat contact was disrupted. ukrainian junta expected an answer for the kursk region, tried to provoke ill-considered and emotional blows. paradoxically, kiev benefits from the deaths of peaceful ukrainians, but the reaction turned out to be a balanced pain for the armed forces of ukraine, and this is not a one-time action.
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letting off the leash, looking around every corner, grabbing those who are obviously ready to storm positions, recapture pokrovsk or integrate with comrades into the defensive line, these are the people. here is another ultra-patriotic stormtrooper, reproaching with the desire to defend ukraine, he does not want to, more and more passers-by are interfering in a conflict they stand up for a man, and a policeman, grabbing the back of his jeans, seems to be hiding from the crowd for his own victim, in the well-known style of the ukrainian armed forces militants. your documents, and what do i care, i'm a woman, what are you going to verify me with, well, let them verify me with a verification, i'm the mother of... an employee. and the situation is getting worse. military commissars are already checking women's documents. the verkhovna rada has allowed teenagers to work in chemical plants, perform high-altitude work, and go down into mines. mobilization, a shortage of personnel at enterprises have had an effect, and the cherry on the kiev cake.
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the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine demands to lower the mobilization age to 20 years in the fall, all because of the huge losses in manpower in the kursk region in the donetsk direction. loss in the capital's distribution. abroad, new products on the ukrainian market to avoid mobilization named after zelensky. here's a question: is it still possible to make a passport like i did. foreign passport? yes, but it has become more expensive. okay, what do you need for this? civilian, photo by mail, copy of the old foreign passport. okay.
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such a pleasure cost in the range from 500 to 2,500 dollars. the flywheel of mobilization by zelensky went on a rampage. the next logical step could be to mobilize women, who. according to the president, to curb price growth, first of all, it is necessary to saturate the market with a sufficient supply of goods and services. the rate is growing, but the expected cooling of the economy is happening slowly, and the debt burden is still high. as for monetary policy, as is known, in order to curb inflation, the bank
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of russia changes the key rate, regulates the bank lending market, and here the dynamics are outpacing, as strange as it may seem. but despite the increase in the key rate, we are observing this dynamics, so according to the results of june , the volume of loans to businesses increased in annual terms by more than 20%. the debt on consumer loans not secured by mortgages increased by 3 from to trillion rubles. according to experts, this situation largely stimulates consumer demand and contributes to the growth of inflation. did not just grow, it is still quite strong, notes vladimir putin. retail turnover increased by almost 9%. at the same time, the growth of consumption, including due to the growth of wages. they increased by an average of 10% in january-may of this year. the positions of production continue to strengthen. the industrial sector
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added 4.4%. the manufacturing sector is still the leader. they have an eight percent growth. it is important, against the background of the outstripping rates of production development, to provide it with personnel to smooth it out. the existing deficit will be helped by the development of technologies and automation of production, at the same time, the country has a record low unemployment rate, 2.4% in june. domestic industry, agriculture economy, the service sector, feels generally confident, enterprises, work collectives work stably, rhythmically, see prospects and make big plans. as i have said many times, we definitely need to strengthen the positive trends in the real sector.
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the country's budget for the past months of the twenty -fourth revenues approached 20 trillion rubles, this is + 36% to the results of last year, while the economy's dependence on the sale of energy resources is decreasing, almost... now the government is completing work on new national projects, determines mechanisms of interaction at all levels of government, partnerships with the state, society, business and development institutions. at the next council on...
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human life in such important documents , the president emphasizes unacceptable checkpoints for bureaucratic checkmarks. for the sake of its dealings in ukraine, the biden administration left the american military without supplies, trump said, speaking to voters in detroit. the us presidential candidate stressed that if the republicans win in november, funding the armed forces of ukraine will reconsider. first, we poured billions
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of dollars into afghanistan, and then we are amazed that this country is the largest trader of our own weapons around the world, which we, such fools, took and left there, fleeing , i cannot remember this calmly, how many soldiers we lost, then we hooked ukraine, biden and his entourage spent even more money there, literally disarming our army, but we could have... transferred these budgets to problems with migrants, social issues, there are no words, no words. in france has extended the detention of pavel durov until wednesday. the case in which the telegram founders are being questioned includes charges of 12 crimes, but against an unnamed person, the prosecutor's office reported. video hosting ramble is shutting down in france due to lack of freedom of speech. who could be behind durov's arrest?
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refuses, citing an independent judicial system, but the editor-in-chief of la croix agura believes that the french authorities actually have something to say about this. arrest with unexpected geopolitical consequences could only take place with the permission of the president and with the cooperation of all our intelligence services. president macron categorically denies that durov's case is p'. the arrest of the head of telegram in france took place as part of an ongoing judicial
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investigation, this is in no way a political decision, the decision remains with the judges. the question that no one can answer: why did durov fly to france at all, was it his decision, quite illogical, given that in recent years he lived and worked in the united arab emirates, registered the telegram office there, had well-established business relations with the sheikhs. and many projects, he was clearly not interested in his arrest in france, which could jeopardize his business, the same telegram showed stable growth in the first quarter of this year. it is quite strange that durov landed in paris at all, because knowing his caution meticulous attitude to his own security, it looks quite surprising. in my opinion, this of course it is not france's initiative, after all telegram has quite good relations with france, i think this is my personal opinion.
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in washington they tried to coax official information from durov's employees. the us government tried to hire your engineer. that's what he told me. write a cat for them or hack telegram? they were interested in finding out which open
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source libraries are integrated into the telegram application on the client side. in a conversation with carlson dura, in particular, noted: that he travels around the world with extreme caution. i would i didn't say we're paranoid, but i think it makes sense to remain sensible, not to be too accessible, not to go to weird places. i don't go to countries like china, russia, or even the us. you don't go to the us? i try not to. the lawyers do n't think durov will be released on bail, and the trial, if it does start, could drag on for years. the arrest of the ceo of such a popular app is.
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official russian information about the ukrainian operation is on telegram, very important social network that still works in russia because it is not blocked. representatives of the it industry have made their conclusions, the founder of the video hosting ramble, chris pavlovsky, said that france threatened his company, too, which is why he hastily left the european union. the wave of indignation on the network resulted in hacker attacks on french web resources, including government websites. tsurkan, vesti, paris, france. deputies of the left party, disobedient france will demand that macron resign. this happened after the president refused to appoint him prime minister left candidate lucie coste. macron announced that he would not support her because of possible instability in the cabinet. in
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the extraordinary parliamentary elections , the left coalition won. macron's supporters took second place, and the right-wing forces came in third, and not one group received a majority to form a government, and they need to negotiate, but so far it hasn't worked out. in germany, in one of the cities of northern westphalia, the germans drove out olaf scholz, they didn't even let him speak properly, they cursed him, shouted that the chancellor's policy was a complete lie, and the german press is corrupt, accused of a sharp drop in living standards, a sharp increase in crime, waste of money in ukraine , an invasion of illegals, because of the collapse. under control, but against the backdrop of an attack by radical migrants, it is impossible to do this. denis davidov has the details. one white rose in memory of the three dead, that's all olaf scholz could do after the massacre in
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sollingen. the chancellor did not interrupt over the weekend. it is known that this is 26-year-old isa, a refugee from syria. the isis group called him their soldier, confirming the version about terrorist attack. it was a terrorist attack against all of us, against our mutual existence, against our way of life. this is precisely the goal that those who prepare such attacks strive for, and this is something that we will never reconcile ourselves to and that we will never
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accept. the minister of the interior calls on germans to unite, not to succumb to the influence of those who sow hatred. on may 31, in broad daylight , a radical attacked an anti-islam activist with a knife in the central square of mannheim, several people were injured, the number of violent crimes. in germany, it is currently at its highest level in the last 20 years, with an increase of 10-20% every year. migrants are increasingly attacking, increasingly with knives. the knife as a weapon of crime
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was used 9,000 times last year, the year before it was a thousand less. we do not live in the middle ages, no one should walk the streets of germany with knives and axes anymore, not in public places. we should not have armed people at public events in the central parts of cities. we need to introduce zones with a ban on carrying. bladed weapons, a knife, of course, a common weapon of crime, but far from the only one, it is not just a matter of banning knives, a criminal, as we have seen before, can come with a screwdriver, we need, firstly, to give the police more powers, to establish strict control, secondly, we must deport in those cases where it is possible, when it is necessary, a criminal subject to deportation who refuses to leave must be arrested, an important caveat about those who are subject to deportation, but ... refuses, which is exactly what the man who committed the massacre in sollingen. in 2023, germany rejected the refugee status application of this migrant from syria. he was supposed
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to be deported immediately, but the 26-year-old illegal migrant hid from the german police, the deportation did not take place and he remained in the country. there are not just many people in germany who refused deportation, there are thousands of them, who take full advantage of the humane european legislation. demanded that deportation work be tightened, but in reality everything turned out differently: yes, in april, 30% more illegal immigrants were deported from the country than last year, but we have a document that shows how ineffective the deportation program is, it says that if a person subject to deportation refuses to board a plane or otherwise resists deportation, such a person is simply released, not long ago at the dusseldorf airport, an illegal immigrant who was deported to his native cat devoir. attacked police officers on the way to the plane, the patrolmen were sent to the hospital, and the migrant was allowed to stay in germany. the ruling
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coalition and the chancellor can say that now we will begin intensive deportation, but in reality everything looks different. it must be said that this problem appeared much earlier, even before the current coalition. the guilt is collective, in addition to the ruling coalition, the germans call angela merkel to account. it was under her that germany hospitably opened its doors to refugees. the compassionate politician is now retired, but her compatriots wait for her outside the store to tell her everything. thank you for plunging the country into chaos. the most important thing is that you feel safe, isn't that right, mrs. merkel, here in germany with personal security. the attack in sollengen is a blow to the reputation of the ruling coalition, local elections are ahead. therefore , immediately after the crime news on the air , they are guessing about how the terrorist attack will affect the voting process. it is difficult to assess what effect this will have on voters, what this event will have on people in thuringia saxony, but i think we should not rule out there is an alternative for germany, which is already
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leading in the eastern lands, on sunday it can only strengthen its advantage. meanwhile in sollingen, as in the whole land north rhine westphalia, police patrols have been strengthened, not only is there a high risk of terrorist attacks, but residents are also ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat. in addition to opponents, migrants, there are... their supporters, they have already come out to protect illegal immigrants. denis davidov, anatoly petrov and maxim kolpakchi, news. a bear cub was the cause of the traffic jam on the m-11 highway near torshok in the tver region. somehow it got through the fence and ran about 4 km along the highway. drivers were patient, did not overtake the fleeing bear for some time followed by a long a motorcade of various cars from. luxury limousines to trucks, but in the end the bear cub escaped into the forest. in london
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, the nottinghill carnival has become a source of horror, not entertainment. in 24 hours, there have been three attacks with bladed weapons, as well as sexual violence, looting, and provocations. more than 100 people have been arrested. about the consequences of a crazy holiday, where stabbings are commonplace. alexander khabarov. on such days, the london district of nottinghill is divided into two parts: one indulges in boundless fun, the other boards up the windows of its shops and anxiously waits for what will happen all this will end. the impressive police presence adds to the tension. this year , 700 officers from various departments have been sent here, and metal detectors have been installed along the perimeter. the police have been given the right to search anyone who seems suspicious to them. masks that cover faces are also prohibited... over the past 24 hours , more than 100 people have been arrested at the carnival, 18 of them for carrying weapons. despite the measures taken , there was some bloodshed.
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a thirty-two-year-old woman and two men were hospitalized with stab wounds. the woman is still in critical condition in intensive care. the attackers have not yet been found. the carnival in notenhili has been held annually for more than half a century. it was originally conceived as a celebration of afro-caribbean culture. unfortunately, this holiday is usually accompanied by various kinds of crimes. hundreds of thousands of people come to the carnival, but not all of them have the same understanding of what it means to have a good time. over the years of festivities, it has accumulated.
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london mayor sadiq khan called the current carnival a wonderful way to unite communities, without mentioning the stabbings of police officers injured in the clashes. former scotland yard detective chief inspector mike newell told the telegraph that officers were reluctant to make arrests for fear of being labelled racist. if what happened at nottingham carnival was repeated at football matches or any other event, it would be banned. you see people openly taking drugs, abusing police officers, dancing around policewomen in a way that borders on sexual harassment, those wishing to take part in the carnival are not embarrassed by the sad statistics, many come here every year, there are many questions about security, there are cases of stabbing, yes, it happens, what else would you expect, there are too many people here, and why does this happen, alcohol, drugs,
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an active police presence at... they have long wanted to increase the police presence at the carnival, but have always found resistance, this time they resorted to this, an excuse, they are protecting us, but in fact in london in the uk there is history of over-policing of events involving black people. with black people. carnival organisers were quick to point out that the event was originally conceived in the 1960s to prevent racism. eighteen police officers were injured during the first 24 hours of the carnival in nathaniel this year. scotland yard's official statement began with the words: "we are tired of repeating the same words every year and seeing crimes at the carnival." alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and timofey mukhin.
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news: london.
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