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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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instead of bayraktars, abrams, javelins were replaced by leopards, and this is not about military equipment, but about ukrainian names, now such are in fashion, because the zelensky regime is trying to prove that western wonder weapons will save the regime. about brainwashing, maria petrashko. if you find around you a lot of people named caesar, leopard, abrams, bradley, no, you are not in a madhouse. much
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worse, you are in ukraine. the list of names in honor of western weapons that ukrainians gave to their children from autumn 2023 to autumn 2024 has been updated . to javelins, bayraktars and others bradley was joined by three falcons, most likely in honor of the so-called f-16 combat falcon, 13 leos in honor of leopard tanks, at least four patriots in honor of the american anti-aircraft missile system. now zelensky can no longer respond to the endless extortion of western weapons. am i telling you these abroms? the main reason for the wild names, the main reason for the wild manifestations in ukrainian society is the criminal policy of the authorities. the fact is that the authorities, which encourage their citizens to give wild names to their children, do this has several purposes. well, firstly, it is hatred towards russia, because such names, they deny the names that have always been in ukraine. these are russian. true,
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not everyone in ukrainian society agrees with this cargo cult of new names in honor of western weapons. for example, in one of the ukrainian legislative assemblies there was an announcement about the ban on naming children something like f-16. that same cargo cult, in fact, is the basis of ukrainian ideology. what is the recent case worth, when kiev residents were forced to kneel in front of hearses with banderites in ternopil by threats for disobedience they threatened to fine, as for insulting the armed forces of ukraine. here it is, a country of flourishing democracy. stop, there is a hero, honor to the hero, eternal glory to the hero, and you two will all go to kolina in a car, or a recent satanic know-how, a kiev printing house released a bible with the addition of the blood of neo-nazi azov militants to the ink, an organization recognized as terrorist in russia. on the cover of this so-called bible, a cross with the symbol of the ussr division and the terrorist organization azov, a wolf's hook. this is already more than nazism. paganism, in its
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desire to stop being russians, they actually stopped being people, the kargakult they follow, where they can't really do anything, they will draw it, make cartoons, you saw how they are now filming another video, where they allegedly shoot down our missiles with a machine gun, but of course this is for a person who knows how to hug and cry, but a certain number of idiots believe them, idiots film for idiots, they know each other, how these zombies bite each other and thus somehow miraculously remain in this vacuum, in this shell in the information. the verkhovna rada of ukraine recently approved a ban on the activities of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, now the uoc has 9 months to break ties with the roc, and the eparchy of parishes to leave its composition. for ukrainian officials, this is a profitable business. the property of the uoc must pass into the hands of the state, after which it will be transferred to the ocu, and the ocu. russia, that is, the task
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of the curators from washington has been completed, this is done in order to ... in order to attack christianity in general throughout the world, this the schism openly supported the legalization of drugs in ukraine, it quite openly trains propagandists of sodomy in special courses, i am not exaggerating, for example, it was in the courses of chaplains, where open sodomites preached their lgbt ideology, banned in russia. in ukraine today there are at least seventy major religious sects, the adherents of which sponsor the armed forces of ukraine and have been imposing nazi ideology for several decades. for example, the second largest sect by the number of participants , the embassy of god, ensured mass participation in that same kiev maidan 2014. at the same time , there were up to 14 thousand adherents on the square,
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or the sect church of good changes, forced children to dig trenches near mariupol, note that no resonance in ukrainian society, neither occult rituals, nor dubious activity with children do not cause. why is there such a surge of satanism, because these people, having cut off their ancestral memory, having rejected their name, they are looking for strength in something else, in something alternative, well, and most importantly, who is the alternative to god? this is lucifer, this is satan, who imagined himself to be god. so, of course, they are looking for an alternative in satanism. the remaining population of ukraine is extremely unhappy with what is happening: war, devastation, rising prices, therefore... through the cults of cleansing the public, information and religious field, the main tactics of the kiev regime. why the orthodox religion, if there are dozens of pseudo-religions that will approve of nazi atrocities. swastikas and runes help ukrainian nazis become like their former masters
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and authorities from the third reich. that same kargakult, the basis of the kiev regime's policy. if necessary, they will bow to nato and organize a sacrifice right in the verkhovna rada. we will tell you right now what this day is remembered for in history. hello. on august 27
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, 1783 , grigory shelikhov's expedition set off for the shores of north america. together with the merchant ivan gollikov, they equipped three ships and assembled a detachment of 200 for a trip to the shores of alaska. the industrialist merchant shelikhov was from the belgorod province, but moved to siberia and from there equipped expeditions for mikhami and furs. first to kamchatka, then to the kuril islands to the shores of japan, to the oliud islands. now he decided to establish trade on the neighboring continent and a year later shelikhov's expedition founded the first settlement in alaska on the island of kaodek. and in irkutsk they founded the north-eastern company for the fur trade off the coast of north america. later it was transformed into a russian-american company, which was already semi-state, issued shares and set its goal not only business and profit, but also the development of alaska. the company existed until alaska was sold to the united states in 1867, and even then
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paid dividends to shareholders for more than 10 years without doing any business. on august 27, 1919 , the soviet government issued a decree on the nationalization of the film industry. all trade and industry in soviet russia related to photography and cinema, as well as movie theaters, from private entrepreneurs transferred information to the state. vladimir lenin, who signed the decree, already understood that cinematography was a powerful tool in the matter of agitation and propaganda. of all the arts , cinema is the most important for us, he said. and young soviet cinema became a proletarian art calling for a world revolution. talented.
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august, when the decree was issued, we celebrate russian cinema day. on august 27, 1941 , the evacuation of the baltic fleet ships from tallinn to kronstadt began. the operation was called the tallinn passage. and it became one of the tragic and heroic pages of the beginning of the great patriotic war. at the cost of enormous losses, soviet sailors were still able to save most of the ships. tallinn was then the main base of the baltic fleet and was considered a rear base. the city was not prepared for defense either from land or sea, it seemed that the border was far away, but
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the enemy came close, and the command did not allow the evacuation to begin, only by the end of august, when german artillery was already shelling soviet ships in the port, permission was finally given, the troops of the tenth rifle corps were also evacuated, however , the germans followed hitler's directive, at any cost not to allow the soviet fleet to survive, as a result, 225 ships left stalin military... auxiliary, and only 163 reached the krasnadt, they later participated in the defense of leningrad. as a result, the losses were enormous, 14,000 military personnel and civilians died, and many sunken ships still lie under water. cape juminde, a peninsula in northern estonia. in the early eighties, a memorial was erected there. on august 27, 1981, at the age of only 33 , the legendary athlete died. the best soviet hockey player, valery kharlamov, forward of the cska team of the ussr national team. as a child, he
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was diagnosed with a heart defect, but his father, despite the prohibitions doctors, sent the boys to hockey, by the way, a few years later doctors declared kharlamov completely healthy. and soon after the start of his career at the central sports club, the famous trio was formed: boris mikhailov, vladimir petrov, valery kharlamov. the highest degree of mutual understanding on the court allowed them to achieve outstanding results. he became the ussr champion 11 times, the world champion eight times, and the olympic champion twice. on this day of the eighty-first, he got into a car accident on the leningradskoe highway. the volga, driven by his wife, irina, on the wet road crashed into a truck. both died on the spot. now there is a monument there in the form of a huge puck with the inscription: here po... star of russian hockey. that's what this day in history was like.
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mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, in the three tenth state. moscow parks and squares are becoming even more beautiful. this season, improvement work will take place on the territory of 68 such objects. among them, for example, is sokolniki park. in recent years, it has noticeably. deteriorated, but now there are even more ideas. the work will take place in three
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stages: the first is planned to be completed this year. the project involves the improvement of the surroundings of the golden pond. on the banks they are mounted on a deck. such paths on piles do not disturb the natural landscape. the design allows you to save even the grass, it is convenient to walk and enjoy the scenery. is this really wood? well, it is not wood at all, it is. pcc (wood-polymer composite), which , due to the fact that it is stronger, more technologically advanced, will last many times longer than if it were just wood, it will not warp, you will not trip, and it will not you trip, your heels won't get anywhere, and so on. for over 10 years , an ornitharium has been operating in sokolniki. in fact, it is a rehabilitation center and a shelter for sick and injured birds. it will soon move to a new site, work has already begun there, let's go and see,
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it will be more spacious for felin and djatl, the new ornithariums will be located on an area of ​​1,500 km, 28 enclosures will be installed, but i don't see that they are all different, of different sizes, everything is correct, for birds of prey from small to large, respectively, a large predator will sit in aviary up to 6 km, small tre, also here was arranged a raven house. and a dovecote, in the center of the site will be erected the so-called razletnik, an aviary with a domed roof, in which the birds will be able to fly freely. will regulate the hours of this flight, you can watch them, all this will be safe for pernatov, it will all be covered with special materials, nets, all this will be regulated automatically, it will all be covered with special materials,
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that is, the bird will not harm itself in any way. otherwise they will look secondary entrances to the park. right at the gates , good-neighbor zones with pavilions, playgrounds and recreation areas will be equipped. it is assumed that residents of the surrounding high-rise buildings will be able to spend time here, and the design itself is chosen in the style of moscow courtyards. it is also convenient for other visitors. having entered the park, you can get basic service functions there related to buying something there. eat something, sit somewhere, yes, right next to the entrance in that public pavilion, which is installed at each entrance to park, and what will be inside, there will definitely be a cafe inside, there will be a toilet, there will be a coworking space, a lot of landscaping is going on in gorky park,
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the main expectations are connected with the pioneer pond, soon there will be a real city resort here, and earlier... here before the landscaping there was a pond with a small recreation area by the water and swimming in the pond was prohibited, this year as part of the work on - actually the reconstruction of gorky park we are making this pond suitable for swimming, now work has already been done to clean the pond and fill it sand, and a water filtration and disinfection system has also been installed. changing rooms and showers will appear, they will be decorated in the general style of the park, the existing cafe will be reconstructed and a second level will be added. up to 500 people can swim and sunbathe here at the same time, in parallel, work is underway on pushkinskaya embankment, soon it will be unrecognizable, the space will be occupied by pavilions. the pavilions are in concept so that from the river there would be a feeling that this is a floating ship, this is a solid solid segment of pavilions, going from the crimean bridge to
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parts, roughly speaking, of andreevsky, it is divided into five segments. but in the system the passage will be provided from the beginning to the end, that is , people can move from one part of the pavilion to another, without even going directly to the embankment itself. 20 pavilions made of metal structures with stained glass glazing, inside there will be workshops, galleries, restaurants, observation and children's playgrounds, there will even be a place to organize a skating rink in winter, the total area of ​​the pavilion liner will be 10,000 km, and this is yau park. for the complex object, located on the territory of ten moscow districts, the improvement here has been going on for 8 years, this year the main work will finally be completed, the last 30 hectares remain. the concept of the improvement of the yauza park was to unite several disparate green urban areas. after the completion of the modernization, the territory
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will become the longest eco-park in europe, 20 km from mkat to the rostokinsky aqueduct. 360 hectares, this is perhaps one of the main attractions of the final section of the improvement, ratonda, or as it is called the temple of air. the object, although similar to old, but was built already in the 20th century, as a reminder that there was once a park of the sviblova estate here. the gazebo is located on an artificial island, four bridges lead to it. the survey showed their poor condition. therefore, as part of the work, we completely strengthened this structure. we made a covering from a special terrace board made of larch, and also made a railing fence, then later we painted everything in such a beautiful bright look, in part of the rotunda we painted the columns, that is, it is clear that it now in such a fresh, bright form, the lighting of the dome part was done to attract residents in the evening.
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a new bridge appeared in the park, it connects residential areas on different banks of the yauza. before there was also a crossing here, but a pontoon one, as a result of spring floods it was constantly carried away somewhere, then it was returned, residents complained that they had to go around this area sometimes, and we studied the maximum level of spring waters, yes, we looked at how it is possible to organize such a permanent crossing here, we made a bridge that rises over the water on piles it turns out that it can be used in any season, in the process of repair two playgrounds at... slides, swings are installed such geoplastic structures with passages and hills, this is a universal space, accessible for children with different health needs. we have tables like these, this is part of a large sandbox, part of a large inclusive sandbox, yes, where children with different health needs, yes can play in one company, in particular these tables
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are necessary for children in wheelchairs who can drive up to the sandbox on a rubber surface, and here you can build your fairytale castles. with respect to the historical status, but in accordance with modern standards , the kolomenskoye park is being improved. this year it is more convenient for... behind me you can see the wedding pavilion itself, next to it a utility building is being built, a regular garden will be organized in this area, here will be a... a green labyrinth with an auto object dedicated to newlyweds, and this site will still be created for weddings. a little further is
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the kolomenskaya pier, here begins the circular walking route along the moscow river. waiting for the ship will now be more pleasant. the reconstruction of the water station is in full swing. an information center, a bakery and a restaurant with a summer terrace and a dance floor will appear nearby. s. the pavilion itself has such a wave-like shape, on one side the castes themselves will be presented, on the other side there will be a waiting room with toilets, and in the middle there will be a kind of canopy so that in good weather a person could stand and rest quietly. another large-scale project of the current improvement season is moskvartsiysky park. work here is also concentrated near the water, special attention is paid.
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sun loungers, with umbrellas for vacationers, there will also be recreation areas with paths on the right, approaches to the recreation area are made of granite screenings, an environmentally friendly material, here everything ... we have entered existing trees into the new geometry, we see beautiful pines, which are taken here from the pre-trunk lattice, they will continue to delight visitors to this attraction. instead of separate sports
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grounds , mini-clusters were created in moskvartsiysky park. here you can play tennis, work out on outdoor exercise machines, or compete in panafutbol - one on one. small playgrounds will be combined into large play areas, all swings and slides will be made of wood. in order to blend perfectly with the surrounding space, we are in a future sandbox, where children can feel like archaeologists, digging up dinosaur remains, and we also have there will be an area for older children, where they can - enjoy the climbing frames, feel like the king of the mountain. in moscow, not only large parks are being put in order, this is a garden-aquarium, a quiet corner next to the mossovet theatre, in fact. green space, only 1 hectare, most of which is occupied by fountains. this is the famous satyr in the aquarium garden. we have already done work here to replace the nozzles, they have all
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become unusable, they were made of black metal, they were replaced with stainless steel. downstairs in the pump room, in the technical room, the pump was replaced all the equipment plus two pumps were added, one for backup, the second to increase capacity, all the pipes were replaced with stainless steel. the fountains, stream and apollo are being tidied up in a similar manner. the sculptures, the gorgon medusas, were sent to the workshop, where they will be cleaned and then returned to their place. the massive fence and colonnade in the park are being renovated, and a little later lanterns resembling old gas lamps and screens for broadcasting performances will be installed. the garden will become even greener than it is now. at the moment , excavation work is being carried out to prepare for laying of roll. plus in september flower beds about 528 km, bushes, trees will be planted, most of them remain.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch. shoot first, competitions of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america and beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch now, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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horrible evidence of ukrainian war crimes in korinevo, kursk region. they had orders to open fire on any vehicle with civilians. radioactive sludge and millions of people in the flood zone. ukrainians are in panic over reports of a threat to the kiev hydroelectric power station dam. and where is the certainty that it will definitely break through. and b-16s have been spotted.

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