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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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a russian unit, with the support of aviation and artillery, repelled attacks by ukrainian assault groups in the kursk region in the direction of the settlements of kremyanoye, malaya loknya and nichayev. the enemy's attempts to advance to komarovka pogrebki were thwarted. over the past day , zelensky's formations lost more than 400 soldiers, officers, mercenaries and 27 armored vehicles. since august 6, the total losses of the ukrainian army in the kursk direction have exceeded 6,200 soldiers, 570 have been destroyed
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. well, as for the response to this invasion of energy facilities in eight regions of ukraine, including with, then massive strikes were struck in the number in kiev. in addition, airfields and weapons depots were attacked. zelensky admitted that this was one of the most powerful attacks. what led to, yegor grigoriev will tell. pogiranyam in the sky over kiev , shooting in short bursts, a characteristic buzzing - a sure sign, missiles will probably fly after. at least 15 explosions were recorded by kiev residents in the city and region, all at infrastructure and military facilities, eyewitness comments behind the scenes are positive, there is another second, the second to the left, i see the third on the left, and he's still falling there fifth, i'm not comfortable. the roadway is damaged,
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traffic on it is blocked, destroyed, apparently and the machine room around, twisted pieces of metal structure and concrete, there is no threat of a breakthrough according to preliminary information, and the consequences for the energy of ukraine are extremely negative, in the territory of kiev and the region emergency power outages, in places and water, the mayor of the capital says. state scale. in several districts of the capital there are interruptions in power supply, as experts note, this is due to problems in all-ukrainian energy network. strikes on a critical infrastructure facility in zhitomir, the city is without power and water after an attack on a substation, a fire started. explosions were heard in odessa, columns of black smoke were visible, the electricity was also cut off there. there was no power in lviv, in khmelnytskyi. ukrenergo introduces an external shutdown. permission received. the studios
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of the ukrainian telethon are plunging into darkness. our armed forces carried out a massive strike with long-range precision weapons, air and sea-based, aviation, and attack uavs on objects that ensured the work of the ukrainian military-industrial complex. these are electrical substations in poltava, vinnytsia, kirovograd, dnipropetrovsk, khmelnytsky, kiev , odessa, volyn, zhitomir, sumy, ternopil and nikolaev regions. gas compressor stations in lviv, ivano-frankivsk and... kharkov regions, warehouses with aviation ammunition in kiev and dnipropetrovsk regions. all designated targets were hit, as a result of which there were interruptions in the power supply, disrupted rail transportation of weapons and ammunition to the line of combat contact. the ukrainian junta was waiting for an answer for kursk, they tried to provoke ill-considered and emotional attacks. paradoxically, kiev benefits from the deaths of peaceful ukrainians, but the reaction turned out to be a balanced pain for...
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in the ssu. and this is not a one-time action. such hostile actions cannot remain without an appropriate response. and the response will definitely be. zelensky counted more than 100 missiles and the same amount of hyranium in the sky over ukraine. and he called the response for kursk one of the most powerful combined strikes. therefore, not forgot to ask sponsors for permission to use long-range projectiles again. a clear desire to experience pain under the condition. the legality of the destruction of any military supplies and specialists for ukraine from our country. yegor grigoriev, ivan kuznetsov, natalia uvarova. vesti. terrorist acts of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region could not stop the russian offensive. and this is noted by the times. moscow is close to a major victory. this is indicated by the washington post. another crazy idea of ​​zelensky has failed. this conclusion can be made by studying the articles of leading foreign editions. this. this morning
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, numerous explosions were heard in ukraine, 15 regions were damaged, especially in the area of ​​the capital kiev. this is one of the largest. kiev was preparing for a response from moscow, it seems that this is exactly what happened today
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in the early hours of monday morning: hundreds of drones , hundreds of cruise missiles from russia flew into the territory of almost every ukrainian region. however, not everyone agrees with this position, the new york times suggests that moscow simply wants to speed up the pace of its military successes in eastern ukraine, and bbc correspondents note that the real response is yet to come. such strikes from russia have occurred before. it is difficult to say that this one is directly related to what happened in the kursk region. russia struck at ukrainian energy infrastructure facilities. almost all foreign media outlets emphasize that the strikes were aimed precisely at the energy sector. moscow targeted ukrainian energy facilities, which led to rolling blackouts across the country, the attacks disabled more than 9 gigawatts of the country's generating capacity, which is approximately half of the peak energy consumption last winter. at the same time , the entire foreign press notes the fact that, against the backdrop of the strikes, kiev has once again begun to ask
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western sponsors for permission to strike deep into russia, and even with the help of aircraft sent from abroad, because it is easier to beg for weapons and even more money than to sit down at the table. another mobilized man has died in kiev, who was brutally beaten by military commissars, the armed forces are suffering huge losses, zelensky gave the order to row everyone to the front. on the methods of dictatorial regime. margarita semenyuk. the ukrainian army needs another 5,000 stormtroopers, they are counting at the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine and giving the order to the cerberuses, letting them off the leash. they are looking around every corner, grabbing those who... are obviously ready to storm positions, recapture pokrovsk or integrate with their comrades into the defensive line, these are the people. here is another ultra-patriotic stormtrooper, burning with the desire to defend ukraine. more and more
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passers-by are intervening in conflicts, standing up for the man, and the policeman, grabbing the back of his jeans, seems to be hiding from the crowd behind his the same victim, in the well-known. and the situation is getting worse, military commissars are already checking women's documents, the verkhovna rada has allowed teenagers to work at chemical plants, perform high-altitude work, go down into mines, mobilization has had an effect, a shortage of personnel at enterprises, and the cherry on the kiev cake, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine demands to lower the mobilization age to 20 years in the fall. so in kiev one recruit died from an epileptic seizure, they tried to save him, but
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to no avail, such is the policy, one less, one more, it is not fundamental. crime or salvation for the majority of ukrainians in the odessa region were issued remotely for a grand passport for men abroad, new products on the ukrainian market to avoid the mobilization named after zelensky. here's a question: is it still possible to make a passport like i did. foreign? yes, but it has become more expensive. okay, what do you need for this? civilian, photo by mail copy of the old foreign. okay. such a pleasure cost in the range from 5 hundred to 2,500. dollars, the flywheel of mobilization according to zelensky went into disarray. the next logical step could be the mobilization of women, who are on their jobs will be replaced by children. margarita semenyuk, yulia tyushevskaya, news. for the successful completion of the special
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military operation, it is necessary to further strengthen the economy - this was emphasized by vladimir putin. he noted that industry and agriculture are working stably. unemployment is at a record low. development. at the next council on state, society, business and institutions strategic planning, we will review the prepared documents, discuss their organizational, managerial, financial part, and separately evaluate how each decision, event, amendments to the law, allocated funds ultimately work to achieve.
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first, we poured billions of dollars into
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afghanistan, and then we are amazed that this country is the largest trader of our own weapons around the world, which we, such fools, took and left there when we fled, i cannot remember this calmly, how many soldiers we lost, then we hooked ukraine, biden and his entourage spent even more money there, literally disarming our army, and yet these... according to trump, the us has already given kiev a quarter of a trillion dollars in aid, without which the ssu would have been defeated long ago. he also recalled that russia defeated the nazis in germany and napoleon's marauders, so kiev is in vain hoping to win against moscow. as trump said, russia is a powerful military force, but ukraine is not. in germany, in one of the cities of northern westphalia, the germans drove out
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olaf schulz. they didn't even let him speak properly. they booed, shouted that the chancellor's policy was a complete lie, and the german press corrupt. accused of a sharp decline in living standards, an invasion of illegals, a sharp increase in crime and embezzlement of money in ukraine. we in germany can no longer cope. integration has failed. anastasia popova found out. pavel durov's pretrial detention
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has been extended. he can spend up to four days in the cell in total. he must appear before a judge to be charged. there are no scheduled hearings with his name in the tribunal building today. the paris prosecutor's office reported that the charges will be charged with twelve crimes. the case was opened on july 8 of this year. it is unclear where durov is currently being held. presumably, in the migration prison in lepbourg. considering that the case was handled not only by the cyber department of the national gendarmerie, but also by customs. the french ministry of foreign affairs refuses to comment on the situation, citing the independence of the judicial system, but the editor-in-chief of la croix agura believes that the french authorities actually have something to say about this. an arrest with unforeseen geopolitical consequences consequences could only take place with the permission of the president and with the cooperation of all our intelligence services. president macron categorically denies that durov's case is political. the arrest of the head of telegram in france took place as part of
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an ongoing judicial investigation. this is in no way a political decision. the decision is up to the judges. a question that no one can answer. why did durov fly to france at all? was it his decision, it is quite illogical, given that he has lived and worked in the united arab emirates. registered the telegram office there, had well-established business relations with the sheikhs and many projects, he was clearly not interested in his arrest in france, which could jeopardize his business, the same telegram showed stable growth in the first quarter of this year, it is quite strange that
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anyone, the owner of a social network, especially under articles under which they can arrest such a large one as telegram. in the media, there are discussions on the topic: should durov have waited with trips around europe before the results of the us presidential elections, because if trump won , he would hardly have problems in countries within washington's sphere of influence. during an interview with durov, journalist tucker culson, who is close to trump, did not hide his sympathies for the russian. pavel durov, thank you very much. it was a great conversation, i appreciate it, and we are rooting for you. condemning the democratic party in power in the us, carlson was interested in how washington tried to lure official information from durov's employees. the us government tried to hire your engineer. that's what he told me. write a cat for them or hack telegram? they were interested in finding out
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what open source libraries were integrated into the telegram app on the client side. in a conversation with carlson , durov, in particular, noted that he travels around the world with extreme caution. i wouldn't say we're paranoid, but i think it makes sense to remain prudent, not to be too accessible, not to visit strange places. i don't visit countries like china, russia or even the united states. you don’t visit the united states? i try not to. lawyers believe that durov should not count on being released on bail, and the process, if it does begin, could drag on for years. the arrest of the ceo of such a popular application.
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vlada tsurkan, vesti, paris, france. in the united states, the level of plutonium contamination in the los alamos area is comparable to the level currently observed near the chernobyl nuclear power plant. this is reported by the guardian. radioactive waste was dumped in this area waste. plutonium may be in the water
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that flows into the rio grande river, but from there it gets into food products. the us government has spent $2 billion on restoration work. the canyon has been turned into a recreation area popular with motorcyclists and runners, but the radiation levels are alarming, the publication points out. in sochi, a powerful downpour with thunderstorms flooded the central part of the city, many streets temporarily turned into rivers, cars had to float almost up to their windows in water, a section of the federal highway a-147 was flooded. road services are working on the site, sea. a tornado was noticed near the shore, but now the weather is gradually improving. the final shift of this summer has opened at the all-russian youth and educational forum territory of meanings. team. 150 best graduates of various rosmolodezh forums. participants discuss priorities and initiatives for the new national project.
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youth and children. this all contributes. our key task is to combine all support measures. so that in one place, in one document, yes, it was all folded, so that everyone who wants to understand that today day accessible for a young person in our country could open a national project, look, understand understand who is implementing it, who is doing it, what funds are available for this and what opportunities are there. second, consolidation and control, it was very important for us to consolidate efforts, today, the national project is more than 50 million recipients and those opportunities, inside it there are, the government will annually allocate 250 billion rubles for infrastructure loans to the regions, mikhail said about this mishustin at the development forum.
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and street furniture all from siberian larch and stainless steel, demand for them has grown, deliveries go to the cis countries in the middle east, in individual housing construction there is also a positive trend. mishustin is shown prefabricated houses, erected in a week. in the center we have a kitchen-living room, and where the whole family meets, children are in one wing, adults in the other wing, everyone meets in the middle in the living room, this is a new concept, on a mortgage and on a mortgage, yes, we work with the homeowner. next typical rooms ecohotel. you can already relax in glass wigwams in the kaliningrad region, tatarstan, dagestan and altai, a stand of the street gallery in tarusi, as if a time machine takes you to
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the middle of the 20th century, the dendri garden and the house museum of the scientist agronomist nikolai rakitsky, a cultural heritage site where a unique collection of lace, objects, art and musical instruments have been preserved, look at our amazing musicians, daniil, talent and old men, play something. mikhail mishustin inspects the expositions of the regions and holds separate meetings with governors. according to vladislav shapsha, the kaluga region suffered more than others from the sanctions. for many years it was a leader in attracting investment, now it has become one of the most import-dependent, but there is a positive trend. we managed to restart the auto cluster, today the former plant began to launch large-tonnage trucks under the brand. peugeot, the company produces automobile technologies. assembly on a conveyor with 1,800 parts, that is, already detailed assembly of cars, and the company agr, the former volkswagen has also restarted with a chinese
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partner, but nevertheless, by the end of the year, 27,000 cars will be produced, and next year, 121 cars will be assembled on our sites. the last 2 years have been difficult for the kaliningrad region, and the new leadership faces several challenges at once. one of the main ones is , of course, ensuring the region's transport connectivity with the main part of the country, this is a fundamental issue for establishing, including the work of local industry, tourism, to attract private investment, today we see positive dynamics, business has already restructured, adapted to the new reality and in general i would say that it has become more united, that is, we have prepared a program for the development of the region together, including an investment program, in this regard we know what to do until the next 2030. alexey teksler heads one of the most dynamically developing regions of the country. according to him, the real income of residents has grown by 14.5% over the year, work is underway on their own
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production, especially actively developing robots equipment. our region is really industrial, but we are also actively developing the agro-industrial sector, now you know, we are opening the center for the production of industrial robots in the country this year on september 1. according to dmitry milyaev, one of the main weapons regions of the country, showed high rates of industrial production, especially in the defense sector. the defense-industrial complex is certainly in the center of our attention, compared to the same period last year, our production volumes have increased more than one and a half times, we pay special attention to the development of the sphere. unmanned aerial systems, today we manufacture about 2,000 products per day, we continue to increase. mishustin recalled that, on the instructions of the president
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, 200 master plans will be prepared for 2.0 settlements of the country, wishing the regions represented good luck in implementing these projects. in total, over the past few years , tens of thousands of public spaces have been put in order in cities and villages. they were chosen by the residents themselves, for the best projects were voted for by 17 million people. comprehensive. a comprehensive view of planning for the development of the urban environment allows us to create territories that are convenient for living, comfortable for the birth and upbringing of children, competitive for work, attractive for recreation, for tourism, for travel, according to expert estimates , in such places where people are ready to build a career and a family, the birth rate is 15% higher, preferential lending programs for the purchase of housing for families with children have taken advantage of ...
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thanks to the funds already allocated in the regions more than a thousand schools, kindergartens, clinics and roads have been built, and by 2030 the government will annually allocate 250 billion rubles for infrastructure loans, the president has already given such an order. natalia solovyova, news!
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