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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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you are watching the program parliamentary hour, we continue. broadcasts during which people or animals are mocked will not be in the runet. in august, a law came into force that prohibits so-called trash streams, their participants will now be punished with both the ruble and imprisonment. these measures will discourage anyone who wants to earn money or become famous on the internet by mocking others. the law became one of the key ones of the sixth session. tatyana has the details.
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even the founder, a blogger, who accidentally got his head knocked out during a broadcast of a computer game teeth. the victim suddenly became famous and decided to make money on it, collecting money for shocking content, in streamer slang - donations. the scene of bullying people and animals is not for the faint of heart, and is certainly contraindicated for the fragile psyche of children. with gadgets in their hands today, even babies, it is almost impossible to keep track of what they are watching, and the consequences can be very serious, draws attention. due to their personal qualities, then, accordingly, what can be, he closes himself even more, for example, he was scared, yes, and god forbid, at he is shocked, yes, what could happen, he may stop talking, or he may start to be afraid, he will constantly have hysterics, it is very easy to end up in psychiatry this way, if a child , having watched this content, can perceive it as the norm, as the truth of life,
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it becomes part of the worldview, for the sake of fame and money, trash streamers beat each other, pour pepper spray on each other's faces, imitate funerals, a few years ago one such live broadcast ended in tragedy, the tortured girl died in front of viewers, please live, i beg you, i 'll just do it all over again, just live, just live, the blogger was found guilty of intentionally causing serious bodily harm, which led to death through negligence and was sent to a maximum security penal colony for 6 years, in the case of a drunk, but not the only one. roskomnadzor gave the blocking of such content to the social networks themselves. there were no articles for demonstrating cruelty on live air and mechanisms for combating the authors of moral content. accordingly, it was impossible to protect children from the information violence. in january , state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin announced on his telegram channel that the bill
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banning trash streams would be considered as a priority, it was important to clearly define this phenomenon and develop measures that would discourage anyone who wants to earn fame on the internet by bullying others. deputies from all factions took part in the preparation of the document. trash streams will be information that offends human dignity and public morality, expressing obvious disrespect for society, containing an image of actions. and this has already been said, this is a blow to our values, people who watch, sometimes not on purpose, primarily young people, when they come across this...
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content that goes viral on the internet, they begin to change their attitude, black becomes white, white becomes black, previously condemned phenomena such as... and officials to fines from 100 to 200,000, and legal entities from 800 to a million rubles. fines will be applied along with the confiscation of equipment that used for filming. and also the organization and conduct of trash streams is now an aggravating circumstance under ten articles of the criminal
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code. the responsibility of the owners of social networks platforms where trash content is posted is also spelled out. they are obliged to monitor and transfer information to the relevant authorities. rampant. violence, yes, in schools, in courtyards, well, beyond the pale, yes, we are passing laws, including a bill, which, of course, we will support, well, you see, the name is not even in russian, trash stream, well, about dirt, yes, garbage, trash, ban on trash streams deputies unanimously supported, trashstreamers, the ldpr faction has been working on this topic for over 2 years, we are very glad that there is a... a corresponding law, fines for those who produce and broadcast such content should be tightened, and approaches to this should also be tightened. unfortunately, in our society, in the youth environment first of all, such a phenomenon has become widespread, well, in my opinion, of a spiritual nature, a very negative
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phenomenon, observation in the internet space of various kinds of obscenities, crimes, violence and even... direct murders, this is monstrous, and of course, we, as a state, as a state authority, should not support this, we must pay attention to this and stop it in the harshest possible way. parents now have more peace of mind, a rare mother does not worry about what her child can see on the internet, says olga kravchenko, a representative of the public organization mothers of russia. she herself has four children. we discussed with mothers of russia, we have a common chat where we raise problems, and of course.
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elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. we we return to the work of deputies in the regions. the geography is vast. kursk, chuvashia, astrakhan, kuzbass, where parliamentarians also worked in the next story. during a working trip to the saratov region , vyacheslav volodin visited the only historical settlement in the region, the city of volsk, where he got acquainted. with the completion of the restoration of the building of the former city outpatient clinic, this identified cultural heritage site is 120 years old, about 20 years the historical building was in ruins, residents asked for help to restore it, within the framework of the deputy project a solution was found and the long-awaited restoration was carried out, after the completion of the work in
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the historical building in volsk , an art school for children will open. there are also plans for next year to arrange an art park next to the art school so that students can conduct plein airs. we must say thank you to everyone who took part in the restoration of this building, a wonderful historical and cultural heritage site that is 120 years old. we have the opportunity, considering that this building was abandoned, to restore it and hand it over to the children so that there will be a school here. art. in the resort town of khvalynsk , vyacheslav volodin inspected the construction of service housing for doctors of the central district hospital. earlier, the chairman of the state duma met with doctors of khvalynsk.
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chose khvalynsk as a place of work, the only one in the region, the city of kurot. to increase the financial literacy of the population.
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citizens talked with relatives of the svo participants. the deputy focused on the okhtubinsky district historical and kreyev museum, where the entire history of the district was collected under one roof. now almost 2,000 exhibits due to shortage of display space are stored in storage. the deputy discussed all the related problems of the task of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the region. we will work through all this, everything that is possible from us, of course, we will do. so that the museum gets into the federal project, because
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a fairly large museum fund is stored in storage, and we would like to show all this. the key objects of the transport sector of kusbas were inspected by deputy pavel fedyaev. the construction of the north-western bypass of the city of kemerovo is carried out on the instructions of president vladimir putin as part of the program. the state duma hosted a meeting with participants
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in the special military operation, including heroes of russia awarded state awards for military success. beysultan khamzayev told the servicemen about the latest laws adopted to protect the health of young people. they talked about combat drugs that the west uses against its own soldiers. evacuation. pets of the kursk shelter for homeless animals were handled during the week by vice speaker of the state duma vladislav davankov volunteers of the new people faction. dogs had to transport from the border zone of military operations. they are already waiting for them at the volgograd shelter dina. today here with me are our volunteers, deputies, municipal deputies, deputies of the legislative assembly, who help people, organized headquarters for collecting things for temporary accommodation points, help, donate blood, help people. find, actually , some new temporary housing, it is important not to forget about our smaller brothers, because they also
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experience stress, they also get into disasters. in the sixth session, deputies additionally protected the rights of citizens from violations in the return of debts for housing and communal services. now , management companies, housing cooperatives , cannot transfer the right to collectors to demand the return of debts for premises or utilities. how else does the state duma propose to fight unscrupulous managers. for example, the law you are talking about is very important, that is, we see
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how a company was created, the founders, therefore, worked for some time, the money from it disappeared somewhere, went bankrupt, created another company, and so on, there was a provision disqualification of the director and that's it, we went further, now, as you correctly noted, if the owner, the founder of the management company, brought it to bankruptcy, he gets into the register, 3-5 years. depending on the indicators there, neither he nor the director has the right to work, well, and so on and so forth and so forth, this is really important, we have adopted several bills that in general... almost completely eliminate the possibility of falsifying the minutes of the general meeting, that is, now there is a mandatory person responsible for the quality signatures, that is, the person who keeps the minutes, he must have a last name and patronymic, and therefore, if the next day some tenant comes and says: this is not my signature, then
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there is no need to look for the one who is responsible for the fact that the signature appeared fake, he has already officially... written off in the documents also about management companies, you are one of the authors of this bill, which will be discussed now, your committee proposes to introduce a specific form of reporting for managers companies to residents, what is this for? of course, general reporting is needed, today, i apologize, some go to the forest, some go for firewood, a single form has not been established, some regions are trying to do this somewhere at the municipal level, it is not very successful, management companies signal: to us that all houses are cross-subsidized, therefore, in general, they cannot always show it to residents, but we are absolutely sincerely sure that if a person knows - he paid 100 rubles a month, he knows what they went to, on the one hand on the one hand, a person is calm, understanding that all his
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money is visible in the yard, even if 20 rubles out of these 100 went to the director's salary, i don't know. this is a question of relations between the management company and the tenant, but on the other hand, he understands that he can demand from the management company only 100 rubles. on 110, this means 10 must be taken from somewhere, and somewhere, this means we need to gather for a general meeting and make such a decision and pay extra, yes, this is such a difficult thing, but this transparency in relations is very important, we are now asking, demanding, insisting, in work with colleagues from the metropolitan area as much as possible...
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well, please, but there must be a set , that is, such standardization of services for managing houses, there must be a basic one. deputies continue to work in districts, leaders of parliamentary factions participate in regional election campaigns. following meetings with residents, deputies submit legislative initiatives and proposals aimed at solving the problems that people are talking about, - noted vyacheslav volodin. a number of them are devoted to the topic of immigration policy. the state duma has already adopted six laws in this sphere, for consideration.
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does not respect our traditions, does not respect culture, based on this we need to restore order and make decisions, then everything will be fine, people are waiting for the result, the law now directly spells out the rules that foreigners are obliged to observe, the so-called loyalty agreement, but no one has to sign anything, it is valid by default exactly from the moment the foreigner crosses the state border. this is the acceptance by this person of obligations to comply with the law of the russian federation, cultural traditions, corresponds there, within the framework of its way of life, to the cultural code of the russian federation, there not to violate legal norms, not to violate ethical norms. a new special legal regime is being introduced, the expulsion regime. this is a whole system of restrictions that will apply to a foreigner or stateless person who
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has committed a crime or is on the territory of russia illegally. specifically, we are talking about creating a register of controlled persons, we are talking about the fact that the conditions of stay, presence of foreign citizens in russia, are now stipulated by a number of circumstances, they are set out, inclusion in the register of controlled persons - informality, a ban on changing the place of residence or staying without police permission to open bank accounts, withdrawing cash in excess of 30,000 rubles per month, on the conclusion of: driving a vehicle, employment, marriage, movement outside a restricted area, and so on, that is, a number of restrictions will already be
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introduced as soon as such an offender gets into into the appropriate registry, a person is prohibited from buying apartments, property, accordingly he is prohibited from buying cars and registering as there, for example, receiving russian licenses or other documents, until he resolves the problem or conflict that arose for him on the basis of which he... received this regime in order to act and live on the territory of the russian federation. a person who has violated the expulsion regime restriction twice will be placed in a special institution and deported from countries. in addition, the permissible period of stay in russia without a visa has been halved. the decision on deportation can now be made not only by the court, but also by the police. many crimes are committed not by labor migrants, but by those who illegally obtained permission to stay in russia, said deputy speaker of the state duma irina yarova.
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facilitating this criminal activity, we classify illegal stay on the territory of the russian federation and the commission of offenses as aggravating circumstances.
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and deputies increased funding slavic universities in other countries. it is important for us that migrants coming to russia know the russian language, respect our laws, traditions, and culture. in addition, the conditions for providing communication services to foreigners will be even stricter. the limit on numbers is no more than ten and there will be complete transparency. starting next year, when purchasing a new sim card, a foreigner will need to personally come to a communication store. the guest of the country will be asked for an identity document, registration on government services in a single biometric system. contracts concluded by january 1, 2025, mobile operators
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will recheck and also enter the data of the device in which the sim card is used. those who do not pass the check will be disconnected from communication services from july 1 of next year. all migrants who use communications on the territory of the russian federation will face a lot of events, the main one of which is that they will need to renew their contracts in... they are limited in the number of sim cards they can use, secondly, the registration of these sim cards will take place with the simultaneous identification of the individual, including with the help of biometric data. the deputies will continue their work on monitoring migration policy in the fall. there are 28 initiatives left for consideration. the proposals include a ban on low-skilled labor migrants bringing their families into the country. the introduction of mandatory fingerprint registration of foreign citizens upon entry into russia and restrictions on certain types of work for foreign citizens, including in medicine and education. vyacheslav bolodin in his telegram channel noted that representatives of the political factions of the state duma support
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such changes. he also invited russians to express their opinions in the comments under this post. maria burkova, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv: parliamentary hour. that's all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations.
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on the site, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, tension inside america, outside of it, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch now, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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with you to inform briefly about the main thing throughout the territory of ukraine tonight the alarm sounds about they report in kiev, khmelnytsky region, in rivne, in sumy, in kharkov and in kiev-controlled kherson. the day before , russian military whites with high-precision weapons at critical energy facilities, which ensure the operation of the country's military-industrial complex. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces have lost 400 servicemen and 27 armored vehicles, including a tank and two infantry fighting vehicles, in the kursk direction. according to the defense ministry , enemy attacks have been repelled.

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