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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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threes, for example, these shots were taken the day before near the village of chervonaya in the saksky district, and these are already shots of a large fire near feodosia, extinguishing was complicated by weather conditions, due to strong winds the fire in some places turned into a crown fire. on monday, its area increased from 75 to 150 hectares. in the evening , rescuers did not allow the fire to spread to the village of yuzhnaya, and although the situation as a whole was brought under control, local residents were urged to be prepared for. because the air flows continued to accelerate to storm speeds. taganrok was meanwhile attacked mosquitoes. let me say right away that they are safe for humans. they feed on nectar and honeydew, and at the end of summer such invasions happen here regularly. but this time there are unusually many insects. the mayor's office said that the current outbreak. of mosquitoes is natural,
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and one of the reasons may be high summer temperatures. it is abnormally hot now throughout the european part of russia. in kaliningrad , even the irga has bloomed for the second time, and in the polar apatity, lilacs have begun to bloom again. in moscow, the past day turned out to be the hottest warm in august. the temperature rose to almost +29. this is more than 7° above normal. both wildfires and extreme warming are a consequence of the cloudless and dry weather, which has been held for a long time on the russian plain by a stationary anticyclone. but the situation in the atmosphere began to change the day before. you see, a frontal wave of high pressure has spun up in the balkans, and having retreated to the middle latitudes of the region, it will no longer be able to hold back its advance to the shores of the black sea. under the influence of cyclones.
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monday evening lightning began to flash over sochi. the thunderstorm was accompanied by a very powerful downpour, so that some streets were flooded. today, a ridge of frontal clouds will stretch from the spurs of the carpathians to the black sea coast of the caucasus. in some places, precipitation is expected here quite heavy, about 10-20 mm of moisture per day. on the one hand, showers will help fight wildfires, but on the other hand, in the zone of the atmospheric front, the wind will continue to accelerate to 10-15 m / s. and these gusts will fan the flames. over feodosia, where the largest fires are observed, rain clouds will appear closer to midday. and by the end of tuesday, about 20% of the august precipitation will fall on the city. at the same time , the wind in this area will reach 10-12 m/s, which is capable of accelerating the advance of the fire front more than three times. it must be said that this invasion will only slightly weaken the heat in crimea, in the rest of the russian territory.
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the abnormal heat will linger on the plains, so at midday the thermometers in the northwest and in the volga region will show +22-27. in the middle zone, the air will warm up to +25 -30, in the black earth region and in kuban to +30-35. the atmosphere over central russia is stable in the coming days, it will still be sunny and no rain. today and tomorrow in moscow +28-29, and then in the capital. slightly fresher air masses will begin to arrive and the daytime temperature will drop to +26-27. that's all for me, goodbye.
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more and more terrible footage from the kursk border area is surfacing online, as eyewitnesses claim, the ukrainian armed forces are hitting civilians' cars, shooting people point-blank. is this a demonstrative action or just monstrous? inhumanity? this is what yevgeny nipot tried to understand. these are not just war crimes, they resemble some kind of bloody sectarian thirst, a thirst to maim and kill the defenseless. these shots, as the authors of ridovka report, were taken in the border town of korenevo, kursk region, many shot-up cars on the bridge on the road to it, the only way for locals to evacuate across the seim river, unfortunate people driving cars, all of them were killed by enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups. in total, only one video captured six cars shot by ukrainians.
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the captured vysushniki, those who were operating in that area, say they had an order to shoot all the cars, our colleague recorded an interview with the prisoners. all this is already some kind of or expensive there were no civilians, but only collaborators in bucha, where for several days after the withdrawal of russian troops , ukrainian cleansing groups operated, after these punishers in all western media and such shots appeared, taken by foreign photographers, and these from korinev, the new york
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times will show, maybe the washington post or the daily mail will be placed on the front pages, many of the dead are in the territory that is currently controlled by the armed formations of ukraine. a few days ago he returned from the kursk region, where he not only transferred humanitarian aid, but also collected data on the war crimes of the kiev formations. residents of the border tell how enemy soldiers hunted them and their neighbors, a large-caliber machine gun fired at a car, the car caught fire, it caught fire until ... plus he says they started shooting at the bushes, the first days of their they shot at houses from the sconces, because personally two or three houses caught fire far from me, they shot at them purely from armored personnel carriers, they shoot with mortars, they also shot at them with cannons, they say
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that many foreign mercenaries participate in this nazi hunt, so one of the rescued women told how a neighbor was shot before her eyes, she got into a conflict with a group of mercenaries, said that they were worse than the germans, paid with her life for her words... in the riots , foreigners also established their fascist rules. in the czech republic, let me remind you, he was brought to trial a war criminal and marauder who openly stated that in the same bucha, people in ukrainian uniforms with weapons were the law themselves. by the way, he got 7 years. already now in the kursk region, many testimonies of ukrainian reprisals against ordinary russian people have been collected. this pregnant resident of sudzha shielded her son from bullets with her body. and these people at the bridge were simply trying to save themselves, simply to leave. they certainly do not pose any danger to armed thugs, ruthlessness, yes, cannibalism, it is present here, but here everything is much worse, that is, there were at least they had some kind of feet and they needed, they needed just corpses in order to create
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these video stagings, here, according to our information, they were told, guys, well, do whatever you want, they were taught for 30 years. paradigms, nadgilyak, yes, here, here they came in this paradigm. those who are engaged in ordinary terrorism on the territory of russia are praised in every possible way in the west. one of the characters was hidden in the editing so that he began to look like a real devil, a demon, an employee of the kiev special services, who pushes those who lives in russia for crimes, arson, sabotage, he is praised by british journalists, they decided not to bother with the name, they called him mykola. the character himself admits that for him people are expendable material. many of his protégés died or ended up in prison, here is the same expendable, but slightly more valuable material in ukrainian military uniform invaded kursk land, here their actions on the territory of the kursk region, they are no different from the actions of a tornado in stanitsa luganskaya, here on the territory of the lugansk people's republic, or
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murders, which were bullying, which were carried out by aidar, azov, and other radical structures, all these people, all with the same moods, plus foreign recruitment. taught in full, burned or rotted behind bars. and further, about the most significant events of this day in history in the selection of ekaterina burlakova. what is remembered for this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on august 27, 1783 , the expedition of grigory shelekhov set off for the shores of north america. together with the merchant ivan gollikov, three ships were equipped and collected a detachment of 200 people for a campaign. to the shores of alaska. industrialist merchant shelikhov was from the belgorod province, but moved to
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siberia and from there equipped expeditions for mikhami and pushnina. first to kamchatka, then to the kuril islands, to the shores of japan, to the oliud islands. now he decided to establish trade on the neighboring continent. and a year later , shelikhov's expedition founded the first settlement in alaska on kadek island. and in irkutsk , they founded the north-eastern company for the fur trade off the coast of north america. it was transformed into russian-american company, which was already semi-state, issued shares and set as its goal not only business and profit, but also the development of alaska. the company existed until the sale of alaska to the united states in 1867 and even then paid dividends to shareholders for more than 10 years without conducting any activity. on august 27, 1919 , the soviet government issued a decree on the nationalization of the film industry. all trade and industry in soviet russia related
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to photography and cinema, as well as cinemas, from private entrepreneurs transmitted information state. vladimir lenin, who signed the decree, already understood that cinematography is a powerful tool in the matter of agitation and propaganda, of all the arts , cinema is the most important for us, he said. and young soviet cinema became a proletarian art, calling for a world revolution. talented directors. battleship potemkin from einstein is still considered one of the best films of all time. and the documentary film of 1942, the defeat of german troops near moscow, the first soviet film to receive an oscar. partisans leave the forests, where they fought bravely during. and
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on august 27, when the decree was issued, we celebrate russian cinema day. on august 27, 1941 , the evacuation of the baltic fleet ships from stalin to kranshtadt began. the operation was called the talin transition. and it became one of the tragic and heroic. from land, nor from the sea, it seemed to be a rear city to the border, it was not prepared for defense, nor far away, but the enemy came close, and the command did not allow the evacuation to begin, only by the end of august, when german artillery was already shelling soviet ships in the port, permission was finally given, the troops were also evacuated. of this rifle corps, but the germans followed hitler's directive to prevent the soviet fleet
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from surviving at any cost. as a result, 225 ships, military auxiliary ships, left stalin, and only 163 reached kronstadt. they then participated in the defense of leningrad. as a result, the losses were enormous, 14,000 military and civilians died. and many of the sunken ships are still under water. cape juminde, a peninsula in northern estonia. in the early eighties there a memorial was erected. on august 27, 1981, at the age of only 33, the legendary athlete, the best soviet hockey player, valery kharlamov, a forward for the cska team of the ussr national team, died. in childhood, he was diagnosed with a heart defect, but his father, despite the doctors' prohibitions, sent the boys to hockey, by the way, a few years later, doctors declared kharlamov completely healthy, soon after the start of his career in... kharlov became the ussr champion 11 times,
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the world champion eight times, and the olympic champion twice. on the leningrad highway. volga, which was driven by his wife, irina, crashed into a truck on a wet road. both died on the spot. now there is a monument there in the form of a huge puck with the inscription: here the star went out. of russian hockey. this is what this day in history was like. briefly about the main things at this minute. ukrainian media report explosions in krivoy rog, sumy, rovno, kiev and in a number of other regions of the country. the day before , the energy system of ukraine received critical damage. including an important facility - the kiev hydroelectric power station.
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publics wrote about emergency power and water outages. the railway was disrupted message. a russian army mi-28 helicopter launched a missile attack on ukrainian armed forces personnel and armored vehicles in the border area of ​​the kursk region, the defense ministry reported, the targets were attacked by air-launched missiles. pavel durov's detention has been extended until wednesday, french media reported , citing sources. they clarified that investigators released the bodyguard, the companion of the telegram founder. this happened after interrogation. a t-80 tank of the central group of forces destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the vdeyevka direction. ukrainian militants conducted retaliatory fire. and our fighters managed to escape from mortar, artillery and drone strikes. the target was destroyed, our attack aircraft moved forward, entrenched in a new area. and now economic news alexander rusatom signed
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a contract for servicing the ayu npp in turkey for 60 years. and tell us. it includes. tatyana, in addition to maintenance and repair, the possibility of supplying spare parts, for now i'll start with another topic. more than a billion rubles can be allocated to the kursk and belgorod regions to finance medical care. the corresponding draft resolution government prepared by the ministry of health. the ministry noted that the need for additional funds arose, among other things , due to the suspension of activities in the regions of a number of medical organizations. rosatom signed. immediately for 60 years, that is, for the entire service life of the station, which is currently under construction, the contract includes maintenance and repair of equipment, as well as the possibility of supplying spare parts. akyu is the first nuclear power plant in turkey, its construction is financed by the russian side, a total of four power units with a capacity of 1,200 mw each will be built,
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the first one should start next year. the service contract is for the entire period. stations are not often concluded, much depends on local laws and procurement specifics. another rosatom project with service for the entire period of operation of eldba in egypt. the arrest of pavel durov added to the popularity of telegram. according to the tekhranch portal, the number of messenger downloads in the apple app store increased by 4% worldwide. specifically, in france, it took first place in downloads in the social network category. and in the us. second, here on the market cryptocurrency legal problems of the founder from telegram have caused concern, in particular the cryptocurrency toncoin, associated with messenger, has fallen in price by a quarter. rosselkhozbank has suspended active promotion of mortgage programs. this was reported to tas by the press service of the credit institution. in connection with the tightening of the law on
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advertising in relation to consumer credit products and the high key rate, which directly affects the attractiveness. of such a product for the population , active promotion of mortgages in for the purposes of comprehensive repackaging of our retail product line. at the same time , rosselkhozbank emphasized that it will continue to issue rural mortgages. the company notes that the population continues to be interested in this product and is going to actively develop it. rosnano's net profit for january-june approached 4 billion rubles against a loss a year earlier. this is according to... according to russian accounting standards, while according to international financial reporting standards, the figure exceeded 3 billion. the positive dynamics in the company are associated with a reduction in the debt burden. thus, in april , rusnano, with the support of the government , agreed on early repayment of debt to sofkom-banks and psb, as well as banks of st. petersburg, akbars and rossii. and in july
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, it paid creditor banks about 80% of the debt accumulated until the twenty-first year. that's all i have for now, more news in the next hour. the official tourist portal visit to st. petersburg invites you to go on a trip to the city on the neva. st. petersburg surprises and delights. the great history of the past and the new tourist geography, classic modern routes, great museums and creative spaces. plan the perfect trip for everyone. feel the unique atmosphere of st. petersburg, a city where a good mood is born. in ukraine, new names for the unarmed are in fashion, abrams, leopard and even f-16,
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all in honor of foreign military equipment supplied to the armed forces of ukraine. the public is also influenced through religious schism. all examples collected by maria petrashko. if you find around you a lot of people named caesar, leopard, abrams, bradley, no, you are not in a madhouse. everything is much worse, you are in ukraine, the list of names in honor of western weapons that ukrainians gave to their children from the fall of 2023 to the fall of 2024 has been updated. in addition to the jewels, bayraktars and other bradleys , three falcons have been added, most likely in honor of the so-called f-16 combat falcon, 13 leos in honor of leopard tanks, at least four patriots in honor of the american anti-aircraft missile system. now you can’t answer zelensky for the endless extortion of western weapons. am i kidding you or what? these are the main reason for the wild names, the main reason for the wild manifestations in ukrainian society is the criminal policy of the authorities,
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the fact is that the authorities, which encourage their citizens to give wild names to their children, do this for several purposes, well , firstly, it is hatred of russia, because such names, they deny the names that have always been in ukraine, these are... names, however, not everyone in ukrainian society agrees with this cargo cult of new names in honor of western weapons, for example, in one of the ukrainian legislative assemblies an announcement appeared about ban on naming children something like f-16. that same kargakult is, in fact, the basis of ukrainian ideology. what is the recent case worth, when kiev residents were forced to kneel in front of hearses with bandera supporters, in ternopil they threatened to fine for disobedience, as for insult in the ssu. here is the country of flourishing democracy. kiev, stop, shana to the hero, honor to the hero, eternal glory to the hero, and you two on the knee, all in the car on the knee, or
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the recent satanic know-how, the kiev printing house released the bible with the addition of ink of the blood of the neo-nazi azov militants, the organization is recognized as terrorist in russia, on the cover of this supposed bible, the cross is the symbol of the ssr division and the terrorist organization azov, the wolf's hook, this is already more than on... and paganism, in their desire to stop being russians, they actually stopped being people, the khargakult that they follow, where they can't really do anything there, they will draw it, make cartoons, you saw there, there, like they are now filming another video, where they allegedly shoot down ours with machine guns missiles, but of course this is for a person who knows how to hug and cry, but some number of idiots believe them, idiots film for idiots, they each other. you know, how these zombies bite each other and thus somehow miraculously remain in this vacuum, in this information shell. the verkhovna rada of ukraine
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recently approved a ban on the activities of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. now the uoc has 9 months to break ties with the roc, and the diocese of parishes to leave its composition. for ukrainian officials, these are profitable businessmen. the property of the uoc should be transferred to the state, after which it will be transferred to the ocu. ideology banned in russia. in ukraine
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today there are at least seventy major religious sects, whose adherents sponsor the armed forces of ukraine, and for several decades have been imposing nazi ideology. for example, the second largest sect by number of participants, the embassy of god, ensured the mass participation at that very kiev maidan in 2014. at the same time , there were up to 1,400 people on the square . who is this? this is lucifer, this is satan, who imagined himself to be god. therefore, of course, they are looking for an alternative in satanism. the remaining population of ukraine is extremely dissatisfied with what is happening. war, devastation, rising prices,
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therefore. propaganda through cults of cleansing the public, informational and religious fields is the main tactic of the kiev regime. what is the point of the orthodox religion if there are dozens of pseudo-religions that will approve of nazi atrocities. swastikas and runes help ukrainian nazis become like their former masters and authorities from the third reich. that same kargakult is the basis of the kiev regime's policy: if necessary, they will bow to nato, and the sacrifice is organized right in the verkhovna rada. briefly about the main thing. air raid siren first in certain regions of ukraine, then throughout the country. ukrainian media immediately reported explosions, writing: "it thundered this night in kiev and the region. in krivoy rog, sumy, rivne and a number of other areas." on the eve of critical energy facilities - belarusian high-precision sea-based air weapons, as well as attack drones. the russian air defense system repelled attacks by ukrainian
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drones in kursk. this was reported in mayor's office, data on possible victories are specified: our military is destroying the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the border areas, helicopters have worked on the targets. pavel durov's detention has been extended until wednesday, french media reported, citing sources, and specified that investigators released the bodyguard companion of the telegram founder. this happened after interrogation. feadosia managed to take the flames away from four settlements, the fires are intense. the burning has been extinguished, but the total area of ​​the natural fire has increased to 150 hectares in 24 hours. tyksov, i am a traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out namesakes, what?
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a fairy tale without ivan, eh, what started? without deception and without flint, likhodi locked me in flint. self-writing pen, magic ink, can you get it? the main thing, vanya, is to hurry, so give me a horse? a mechanical one. oh, hit yourself on the head, do you have a nickname? where do we need to go? that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want, where you need to go, i can't live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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with you news briefly about the main thing throughout the territory of ukraine this night. the alarm sounded explosions are reported in kiev, khmelnytsky region, in rivne, sumy, kharkov and in the kiev-controlled kherson. the day before , the russian military struck with high-precision weapons at critical energy facilities that ensure the operation of the country's military-industrial complex. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces lost 400 in the kursk direction military personnel and 27 armored vehicles.


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