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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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in moscow 10:31 and then briefly about the main thing. near the settlement of stepanovka in the sumy region, the positions of the reactive system of the zalfovoye fire khaimars have been destroyed. as reported by the ministry of defense, the exposed position was hit by the russian iskander m complex . the objective control footage shows the movement of the installation, explosions, and after the detonation of the ammunition, a fire. motorized riflemen of the northern group of troops thwarted vys's attempt to break through in the direction of malaya lokhnya, this is in the kursk region. as reported by the defense ministry, our military equipped positions in the building of the correctional facility colonies, from which the personnel of the prisoners were evacuated in advance. the enemy tried to attack the facility with armored vehicles, but in the end lost people and equipment. the united states changed the scheme for removing materials
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from its secret biolaboratories in ukraine after the start of the russian special operation. the american military now uses routes through moldova and romania, and the contractors are companies under the control of the pentagon. thousands of pathogen samples were taken to the united states, great britain, germany, the netherlands, georgia and australia. pavel durov will remain under guards until wednesday. investigators released after interrogation.
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ukraine, opponents of the regime did not escape responsibility, i will note not terrorists, who were preparing the murder, not some other people, but simply political figures who do not agree, according to this logic, all oppositionists, ukrainian logic, as i understand it, should be punished, but it does not directly say that they should be destroyed, but we know how it happens with the kiev regime, how they punish those who do not agree with them, and this is done in an extremely extreme form, well, it is clear that the nuclear terrorism that the kiev regime is actually engaged in, it does not yet find a response in the west, but - magate today, mr. grossi, must visit the kurdish npp.
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our military has repeatedly said that there is a threat, and there have already been such attempts to attack, we have talked about them, accordingly, on the kurdish npp, of course. the zaporizhzhya npp has been completely stopped and, accordingly, cannot fully function precisely because of the attacks of the ukrainian regime, thank god, they only damaged the cooling tower directly at the station itself , this is also a very unpleasant thing, but for now , something is stopping them, on the other hand, i also wanted to point out some points, this is the next is mm, a message from our ministry of defense, all this together says that - the armed forces of ukraine and ukraine will stop at nothing, information from our ministry of defense, i remind you, received combat substances, the third airmobile
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battalion in usa, and igor kirillov, lieutenant general of the russian armed forces , stated this, that is, serious information is not... condemn fiction, operational data from our intelligence services and so on, and which are voiced, spent nuclear fuel can be used in ukraine to create a toxic bomb, igor kirillov also voiced this. and our military calls for a real impartial investigation into the use of toxic chemicals by the ukrainian armed forces, well, it seems to me that the west will not do this now, and nevertheless , such a set, i described it this way, those actions that speak of the terrorist nature of the kiev regime, we have been talking about this for a long time, but in the west they don’t really believe it, not that they don’t really believe it, they generally talk about some kind of great democracy in this country, this is what i would like to discuss, maybe will the situation now develop in such a way that everything
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is obvious, the fact that kiev has not played by any civilized rules for a long time, even the same warfare, war can be waged in different ways, and we see how they are engaged in looting and killing our civilians in the kursk region, these wars of light, the so-called, as they call themselves, connections nikolai azarov, the prime minister of ukraine in the tenth-fourteenth years. nikolaich, hello, thank you for finding the time, i understand that it is probably hard for you to listen to such things, and about your native country, but the fact remains: first, let's start with what is essentially a direct threat to the zelensky regime, to people who do not agree with his position, how is this even possible? understand, good afternoon, dear alexander, well, what you are saying has become, so
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to speak, clear a long time ago, the only point that, for example, causes misunderstanding for me when they comment on these things, yes, the kiev regime lost its independence a long time ago after the coup d'etat, it is completely and entirely controlled by the west, specific people, yes, specific departments in the united...
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i will remind you that immediately after the coup d'etat , dozens of political figures were simply killed, who represented, well, at that time, the current, ruling party of the region, dozens, not just a few, but dozens, terror was launched throughout the country, absolutely all district, city, regional branches of the party of regions were destroyed, set on fire, burned and liquidated. maybe some of the political figures, all sorts of merkels,
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the then prime ministers, the camerons, maybe at least somehow raised a word, a word of protest, yes, yes, no, of course, because it was organized by them, because to dare to take such actions, yes, when a politician, olesya buzina, was killed at the entrance to his apartment , journalists killed theirs in the entrance to their apartment, and so on and so forth, we have to name a lot of these names, right? well, they themselves would not have dared to do so if they had not been told that this is what needed to be done. finally, all sorts of explosions, bombings, murders, already outside the territory of ukraine, too zero, zero effect, yes, from the side of western figures, which means that it was all organized by them, it was instigated by them, now, for example, such an unprecedented persecution of the ukrainian orthodox church, when they ban the most... massive christian orthodox church, which has more than seven
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million parishioners, which has more than six churches throughout the country, which have three monasteries, which have a huge history, so to speak, have a huge history, for example, the kiev-pechersk reserve, in which the relics of the lemuramets lie, let's think about at least one this fact, we have already taken these caves. orthodox church, conducted an inventory, put some number there on the relics of ilya muromets and others - holy righteous men, have you even heard all this? some remark there about your navalny there was so much trizvon and biden spoke, someone just did not speak, about this unprecedented persecution, well, of religious people, here you can't even talk about politics, this is faith, following according to convictions, according to faith and so on and so forth,
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so well this is a nazi regime, in essence methods of implementing his goals on... there on trumped-up charges, that is, they sentence people there to 10-15 years in prison , i emphasize occasionally, the majority have been sitting for years without any trial, that is, some kind of incomprehensible investigation is being conducted, these are certainly very scary things that you are talking about, these tens of thousands of people, this is how democracy works, but if we return to
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nuclear safety, now we are receiving information in these data... look for my gratitude to the president of the russian federation for inviting us with visit to the korsk nuclear power plant in such extraordinary conditions, we all know the reason why i came here with my delegation today. nikolai iyanovich, how do you assess the situation from the point of view of nuclear safety, is it possible to do,
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as prime minister you supervised these issues at the time? is there anything that can be done now to solve this problem? this problem depends first of all, of course, in this case on the masters of the kiev regime, they must clearly and firmly say that these objects are objects that are prohibited from being attacked. i will note that during this time, special operations on nuclear power plants located on the territory of the kiev regime, but this is the southern one. khmelnitsky, not a single attack was carried out, i will note for three, for 2 s2 years, it will soon be three years, at the same time , zaporizhzhya, now kursk are subjected to such attacks, but grosse i will say in advance, he will of course express his concern, will tell there in an indefinite way about the fact that it is necessary, so to speak, to stand guard
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nuclear safety, but you will not hear any decisive words or condemnations from him. unfortunately, this is the position, it has been observed for quite a long time, therefore, from the point of view of the question you asked, is the nuclear power plant built reliably enough, well, i can’t say for sure from memory now, but in my opinion they can withstand even a direct attack, that is, an artillery shell, i don’t know about missiles.
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power or slightly less, which led from the fifth block of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant to crimea, they just took it and blew it up, then , of course, a situation of such a very serious danger arose, thanks to the qualified actions of the personnel, the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, at that time it was under the jurisdiction of atomenergo , so it was possible to completely eliminate the possibility of a nuclear accident, well, such thoughtless actions were in our practice - therefore, in principle, i am still sure that the americans, who lead the kiev regime, will still have enough common sense not to endanger either kursk or other nuclear stations, i emphasize once again that everything depends on their strict command to the kiev regime not to use, yes nikolayich, thank you, let's
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hope for some common sense, although in these conditions, in my opinion, there and overseas too, before the elections, the nerves are a little frayed, and this is a separate conversation, thank you very much, i will remind you, nikolay azarov, the prime minister of ukraine, in the tenth-fourteenth years we had connections, we continue to discuss the topic. terrorism from kiev, vasily prozarov has connections with us, an sbu employee, the ninety-ninths, eighteenth years, the founder of the ukrlix project, vasily nikolaevich, how did you like the meeting at, well, i understand that you were not present there and we probably don’t know the details yet, but this open information, admitting to your terrorist activities, how do you like it, is this some kind of impunity? eh or is this or is this stupidity or is it all together, how can we understand all this at all? you know, i’m not surprised, probably everything
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you said has a right to exist, impunity multiplied by stupidity, that is, exploded scumbags, so to speak, that is, they are not slapped on the hands, to some extent, they begin to feel invulnerable. he himself reprogrammed them, and why is it that the ukrainian regime is increasingly going into this terrorist activity, after all, you can
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really fight, you think, you were attacked, yes, you are defending your country, can you remain a human being at the same time or is it impossible, how can you understand all this, how do they, how do you understand this, i am even just interested, you know the situation from the inside, and what drives these people, is there any logic? or not, there is logic, the logic is, of course, crooked, but in principle, excuse the tautology, logical, uh, don't forget that zelensky and his entire entourage, they have worked in the media field all their lives, for them, the media and the show are in first place, i have always said that even the ukrainian special services have moved more to the show format, that is , they need... a picture, they need a loud performance, if i may say so, and especially when in all other areas there are continuous failures on the front, in the economy, and
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demography, and not everything is good in foreign policy, we need to distract people, they live in a paradigm, people need bread and circuses, so that people do not grumble, what kind of circuses are needed for this? such shows in the form of terrorist attacks, that's all, they act within the framework of this paradigm, please, we will now arrange some kind of terrorist attack in the russian federation or some politician of ours who fled to europe, we will kidnap him there, bring him and we will point fingers, and this one, and that one, and you look at this, dear ukrainians, do not pay attention to the fact that you have no electricity, that front in donbass.
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or intelligence services, so i'm sure there will be such attempts, moreover, they will definitely be, because zelensky needs to show
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the elites inside ukraine that... it will end badly for you, he will have to get it, don't try to try, don't try to try to cross to the other side, don't try to escape, we will do it anyway, because the government is already tottering, if he shows weakness from his point of view, then everyone will run, not just ordinary citizens will run across the tisza there to romania to escape, the elite will run and it will be complete.
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uh, of course, artem dmitruk is a telling moment, it is - perhaps, perhaps, there is, you know, the ban of the orthodox church, it may have served as that little stone that, well, the last little stone that built, set off an avalanche, uh, perhaps, artem dmitruk, this served as the last such wake-up call for him that he needs to run, and if everything works out for him, if he calmly goes to the west and gets a foothold there and they can’t... get him, his example will be very telling for many people in ukraine, you don’t think that society in ukraine is homogeneous, of course, all the opposition, all the protest sentiments are driven deep under the baseboard, because the lawlessness of the sbu of nationalist groups, this is true, this is not fiction, this is really so, but people are shy, people are shy, and if you give them, say, such
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an example, show... to discuss it, thank you very much, this was the fifth studio, all the best, new massive strikes on the territory of ukraine, explosions in kiev, sumy, exactly dnipropetrovsk region, from the khmelnytsky region there are reports of explosions in the area of ​​the military airfield, the head of
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magaten. began inspection of kursk npp. on the agenda are the problem of shelling, ensuring nuclear safety and the possibility of external power supply to the station. we are waiting for olga kurlaeva to broadcast live from the scene. the attack of the vsoo on malaya loknya in the kursk region was repelled. our military fought back, taking up defensive positions in the building of the penal colony. about the work of our fighters, the situation in the border area in the report by stanislav bernwald. new schemes of work of the american. chemical laboratories in ukraine. the americans have changed the routes for the removal of materials and are now actively using corridors through moldova and romania. new data was presented at a briefing at the russian ministry of defense. the far east as a growth point, what projects are being developed in khabarovsk krai, what support can businessmen receive and how they are solving the pressing personnel issue there.

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