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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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on strategic communications, he said a couple of months ago that escalation is dangerous because it is extremely undesirable to bring things to a world war, and since europe will suffer because of it, and he recently repeated this again, americans clearly associate these conversations about a third world war as something that, that , that, god forbid, if it is realized, can affect only europe, this is a very indicative moment, reflecting the mentality of american planners, geostrategists, who are convinced that they sit it out, in this situation, it is probably very important to understand that we have our own doctrine, including the doctrine of the use of nuclear weapons, which, by the way, is now being clarified,
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which american officials know very well, but this is simply a freudian thought that breaks through in them, you know, the third world war is bad, because we do not want europe to suffer, that is the whole american, the mentality of the owner, who sits on the other side, convinced of his safety, convinced that his dirty work will be done for him not only ukrainians will die, but... now also europeans, as it turns out, that's why we 've been hearing these speculations for a long time about allowing the use of not only stormshadow, but american long -range missiles, by the way, some anonymous source in washington said that such work is being done, ukraine's request is being considered in a generally positive light. i
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probably won't add anything more here, and the president has already said everything a long time ago, and we are now confirming once again that playing with fire, and they are like little children playing with matches, is a very dangerous thing for grown-up uncles and aunties who are entrusted with nuclear weapons in one or another western country. thank you, the second question, if you allow me, is for the minister of foreign affairs. countries? thank you. of course, russia. thanks to good relations with others
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about russia playing a big role in improving the situation, thanks to its good relations with many countries, with most countries. as for the general situation in the region, we see that there is an escalation now, unnaturally, even conflicts, even in those places where we...
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we believe that russia has a big, big role given its relations, with good relations with the countries of the region, so i believe that russia can play.
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krono conveyed this concern of ours, the answer was adamant: arti sputnik is not a mass media outlet, it is a means of state propaganda. this is one characteristic of the attitude of our french
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colleagues to freedom of speech, to the mass media. moreover, in 1990, when it seemed that the time had come, in the words of francif. kujama. the end of history in the osce, under the general jubilation in paris , a special declaration was approved with a solemn promise, and it was approved on the initiative of france, with a solemn promise to ensure one hundred percent, free access to any information, both on its territory, as well as that information that comes from the territory of other states. osce, while the soviet union was in a state of disintegration, while the russian federation was in the state in which it was in the early nineties, in the middle nineties, the west insisted
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that this sacred obligation be observed, well, first of all, of course, by our country, and then, when we returned to...
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punishment, hoping, apparently, to somehow gain access to encryption codes, now this has already been proven by the actions of the french, that telegram is indeed a reliable popular network, pavel durov, even in previous years, we also had questions about telegram, but it was exclusively about legal matters that were considered in accordance with the law and resolved.
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some participants in this process, acutely it is necessary to continue military actions,
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to continue to maintain the situation in such a violent state, counting on some changes in the political landscape of the world in the future, well, they directly mention the election in the united states, which the israeli leadership really wants to wait for. news in early november from washington in the hope that this news will relieve the pressure on israel, from the world community in favor of ending this, in general, terrible operation, which in the gaza strip, in violation of international humanitarian law, continues and has already taken more than 40 thousand.
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that he would like to hold the next second summit on peaceful settlement in ukraine in one of the countries of the global south. if russia took
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part in such an event, it would really be held in the countries of the global south. thank you very much. the next one means continuing some initiative. there is one initiative, it started as the copenhagen format, then it was transformed.
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was initialed, and the reason for this is that there was no need for an honest agreement, neither the clear path in february of the fourteenth, nor poroshenko in february of the fifteenth, nor zelensky in april of the twenty -second, only a paper was needed, which sets out an ultimatum, and you were counting on... there, after all, not all people are so naive in ukraine, of course, they understood that ultimatums in our time, especially with russia, are a completely meaningless thing, but the calculation was one, the anglo-saxons and all sorts of barels in brussels, ursula vonderlaen, macrons from paris, in one voice said,
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ukraine must defeat russia on the battlefield, and we are doing everything to make this happen, that is , from normal human negotiations based on generally accepted principles, the west is discouraging ukraine and is doing everything to make ukraine continue the escalation, as they call it, in the hope, now more and more suspicions are appearing on the report, in the hope that russia. simply, so that we have a breakdown, and so that we do something that will allow the west, as they believe, to change the chessboard, it will not work, we will achieve our goals and we will achieve our goals in such a way, as the president said, which will maximally meet the interests,
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firstly, the preservation of our people and secondly the protection of those people whom the... fascist regime in kiev declared terrorists, whom it deprived of basic rights, including the right to their religion, to religion, to language, uh, and much more, that's why they won't be able to provoke us, all these bürgenstocks and so-called peace formulas, well, that's from the evil one. if the west is really interested, because this is not about zelensky, if the west is interested in normalizing the situation in europe, from which the europeans themselves are already groaning from...
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they must draw conclusions, dear colleagues, the press conference is over, it was a live broadcast, sergey lavrov spoke following the talks with the head of the mfa of yemen in moscow. the income of the property of former state duma deputy sergey sobchuk was transferred to the state, this was reported by the fsb public relations center. we are talking about 79 objects of property and assets amounting to more than 41 million rubles. the special services worked together with the investigative committee, according to law enforcement officials. sovchuk back in 2006 in primorsky krai, he established a gold mining company and transferred
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several infrastructure facilities of the state border checkpoint into private ownership. having taken a position in power, having been elected as a deputy of the legislative assembly of primorsky krai, and then as a deputy of the state duma from 2011 to 2019, sobchuk, in violation of anti-corruption legislation, continued to manage the activities of the ngo trnye zoloto, contributed to a multiple increase in the capitalization of the enterprise due to the receipt of various economic preferences. understanding the illegal nature of his activities, being an active deputy, enjoying immunity, in july 2021 sobchuk hid from law enforcement agencies in the united arab emirates. on november 19 , 2021, after the termination of powers of the state duma deputy, based on the materials received by the fsb of russia, the investigative committee of russia for primorsky krai opened a criminal case against subchuk to conceal the facts of entrepreneurial activity and the legalization of illegal income, the defendant registered ternoye zoloto llc in the name
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of his close relatives. as a result of sobchuk's criminal activity , a number of infrastructure facilities of the checkpoint across the state border of the russian federation were transferred to private ownership. these are the poltava terminal in primorsky krai and nizhne-leninskaya in the jewish autonomous region. at present , the prosecutor's office's claims for the transfer of 79 movable and immovable property objects to the state, as well as sergei sobchuk's assets for a total amount exceeding 41 billion, have been satisfied. rub.
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if everything is like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. tension inside america, beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch and follow now? this is america, a program about the country.
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which i would also like to note, it is aimed at social support for residents, and your initiatives on benefits and social payments, they cover 1/3 of our population today, last year we allocated 12 billion rubles for these purposes. today we are already actively we are interacting with the federal government to form new national projects, their provisions, their linkage with regional projects, so that, as they say , we can start working without delay. today, in our region, there are 59 support measures for svo participants and their family members; we have allocated 2,200 million rubles for direct payments. i try to use every opportunity to meet with our guys who are participating in the special military operation. just the other
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day. i didn’t manage to meet with our guys, fighters of the caspian flotilla marine battalion, they have a tense area today, but i want to note that the guys are heroes and today, except for finishing with a victory, they have no other goal, they say so, if we do not win, then they will not understand us at home, this evokes the deepest respect, i think that it is easy for you to talk to our fighters, considering that you yourself... served in one of the combat units, thank you, really, i understand what they are talking about, what tasks they face, what needs they have, with from the point of view of needs, we send humanitarian aid, technical equipment, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, which are consumables today, to all our sponsored units, it is especially important when our schoolchildren send letters to the fighters, for them
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it is also very important. the tasks that we face, we note for ourselves that, unfortunately, like many border regions, remote regions, today we are experiencing an outflow of youth, an outflow of youth to the federal center, to large cities, after schools, as a rule, children who have received a high score on the unified state exam, and we have a high score. beeg children receive, they try to enter the best universities in the country. moscow, st. petersburg, we also have five higher education institutions that provide an excellent education, but at the same time everyone wants to try their luck in the best universities in the country. we know this problem, we understand, today we are creating the necessary conditions to show young people the strategic prospects for the development of the region and create today those necessary conditions,
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under which they could here... realize themselves to understand that this region is for life, we also, within the framework of the upcoming formation of the national project of youth, personnel, today launched a competition, personnel decide everything on the basis of the programs of ranhiks and the senizh workshop, our winners will be able to undergo full-time training and be sent to serve, work in the bodies. local and regional authorities. vladimirovich, there is one question that i would like to address: we are very seriously developing patriotic education within the framework of the development of patriotic education, we also focus on training in our cadet corps. by the way, last year it became the winner of the all-russian inspection of the cadet corps competition, received the banner of the president of the russian federation, this is very valuable. there are 125 people studying in the corps.


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