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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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even those who themselves were evacuated from the former frontline, and now peaceful, new russian territories. the volunteers have collected a lot of such stories, let's listen. even those residents who were forced to leave their homes from the donetsk people's republic from lugansk, that is, from those territories, when they were evacuated here, they also received humanitarian aid from residents of the serilovskaya region, now they are bringing humanitarian aid to our residents of the kursk region, who are also forced. part of the cargo intended for the temporary accommodation points in the kursk region, these are cleaning items, hygiene products, long-term storage products and household chemicals. if the next fourth batch can be collected as quickly as the third, then in a week, perhaps, we will be able to see another shipment. alexey. yes, albert, thank you, albert musin from yekaterinburg about the preparation of humanitarian aid for kursk.
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now the economy. in july, for the first time this year , there was a decrease in the growth rate of lending to individuals. the portfolio of loans to individuals increased by only 206 billion rubles. this is, by the way , five times less than in june. my colleague marya kudryavtseva learned from analysts the main reasons and forecasts. she joins the broadcast. good afternoon, maria, what, in fact, can this trend of reducing the growth of consumer credit affect? ​​first of all, what does this affect? ​​good afternoon, but experts are already talking about the fact that, that the cooling in this market may ultimately affect inflation, i will now tell you in more detail. in july, the growth of the retail loan portfolio was minimal since the beginning of the year, as experts explain, the key role here was played by the end of preferential mortgages on new buildings at 8%, as well as the tightening of the central bank's requirements for borrower banks. according to the bank of russia, in july, the growth of consumer loans amounted to 206 billion. this is approximately five times
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less than in the previous months. before that , the minimum values ​​were in january, but experts attributed this to seasonality. in addition, same, even then the figures were higher. this is an expected story, it is connected with two factors: first of all, it is certainly an increase in the central bank's discount rate, which made consumer lending extremely expensive, the second factor, which influences , in fact, the reduction of consumer lending, is certainly the termination of the action. issuance of consumer loans in some large banks, so according to the businessman, in not as fast as before the volume of loans to the population has increased sberbank
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by 56 billion rubles. before that, the minimum figure in february was 97 billion. alfabank has 62 billion rubles. this is also the smallest increase since february. they say that the dynamics are expected, because on july 1 , the preferential mortgage on new buildings at 8% ended. let me remind you that the program was launched in 2020 as a temporary measure to support the construction industry during the pandemic, then extended and changed the parameters several times. in total , the program accounted for about 60% of the issuance for the entire period of operation. now in july, our bank loan portfolio growth is very much represents a very symbolic growth there in the area of ​​statistical error, we see this in the behavior of developers, they now have a very large area of ​​unsold housing in connection with this, in connection with which
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they are quite actively thinking about what to do with this housing, because the population is in no hurry to invest in mortgages at such high rates, so they need... to attach this housing somewhere so that it brings at least some profit. and another reason is the tightening of requirements by the central bank for borrower banks in the unsecured lending sector. however, as experts explain, cooling the consumer lending market will play an important role in containing inflation. according to rosstat , the consumer price index in annual terms exceeded 9% in july. at a meeting on august 26 , president vladimir putin noted that...
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with the housing market, here everything is, in my opinion , a little more complicated, while the dynamics of issuing consumer loans have already begun to affect prices per square meter. as calculated by yandex real estate, in cities in cities with a population of over a million, we can already talk about stagnation, well, in half of the megalopolises about some price reduction, as experts explain, the market is being restructured to new conditions. yes, thank you, she told us about the cooling of the lending market. ukrainian servicemen, in order to stay alive, are massively surrendering, willingly making contact with russian special services, telling all the difficulties of service in the armed forces of ukraine, and do not want to go back to ukraine for an exchange. why is russian captivity better than
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ukrainian freedom? this is in a special report by olga kurlaeva. more and more servicemen of the ukrainian army understand that the kiev authorities have thrown their kursk region practically into a trap, they surrender, some flee alone, some surrender in whole squads, here the commander will not let me lie, i am zavadsky sergey sergeyevich, the commander of the first squad of a separate anti-tank plant, yes, we surrendered to seven squads. well, at least we are alive, the commander of the first squad of the anti-tank platoon of the armed forces of ukraine repeats like a mantra, we were taken from nikolaev and sent to the border, as cover for the ukrainian border guards, we arrived in sumy region, then as a result we already somewhere in 40-30 minutes, as we
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moved to kursk region, we were told that we were going abroad, and not under the border, mobilized 2 years ago he served in territorial defense from... received a salary of 23,000 hryvnia, served up to bonuses payments for completing combat missions, which sirgo does not say, modestly specifying that he fired only four times, and even those were just a combat mission, then another 30 plus, if not a direct combat clash, 100,000 plus, if i don’t know, these are already assault assault aircraft, direct fire contact with enemy soldiers, then another plus 70,000, well, there are about 200 , i think, and something else. the maximum, he became a commander by accident, they say there was no one else to put, and he was passing by the headquarters,
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he didn’t plan to participate in combat assaults, in the kursk region, he ended up with his detachment of eight people early in the morning and was very surprised, after all, well, i heard that you live worse than what i saw, i didn’t say, like ordinary villages, normal, maybe somewhere on the other side they were still russian, maybe and... well, this is basically the case in ukraine, so this surprised me that there were vegetable gardens and people were keeping some kind of farm, well , somehow normally, let's say, there were no abandoned villages there, well, they lived, i saw gas, i don't know about wells there, i also just saw gas pipes all over the place, there were no wells, because in the root there is a water supply and sewerage system, but the ukrainian servicemen would find out about this later, already in captivity. our task was to stand as an observation point, not to let
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russian soldiers cross to this side of the bridge and well, report on everything, that some changes, now the movement of equipment, personnel of the russian military, their line stood on the bridge in korenevo, this is the only way by which civilians were evacuated across the river, i heard, it's just that it will pass.
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some i didn't see her, the second - it was a red chery qq there was a woman in it, did you let her through or an interrogation, of course, or was there an interrogation? yes, what interrogation, she absolutely drove freely, although they seemed to tell us that there were no civilians there, that everyone had left, but these are shots of that very bridge, in the middle of the road and on the sides there are burnt cars, no soldiers behind the wheel, shot bodies of pensioners, a cyclist, a woman. here is a red car, maybe that one, maybe another, but also shot at point-blank range.
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we were told that you just drive up to the checkpoint and drive there as if to make sure that no equipment passes from the other side of the bridge. during the entire time , one red car drove there, a woman was driving in it, but we nothing, no fire opened, nothing, she drove one way, after a while she came back, drove the other way. junior sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine, before the invasion of russian territory he talked to military psychologists and was convinced that it was an easy walk. we had just arrived from the checkpoint, they told us: rest, eat and rest, the psychologists came in, we went to them, they asked us literally 10 questions, very simple ones, how to treat whom, what is the team coherence, give an assessment there. in the end they immediately loaded us onto a bus and drove off, but something
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went wrong, they didn't give us spare batteries, they gave us one radio, which already had a battery, they said they were supposed to bring us the next day, the next day they didn't bring us anything back, they were supposed to bring it along with food, they said they would bring it, that day when we were already captured, it turns out, on that... bring it, but nothing happened. the stormtroopers left, leaving a detachment of eight people with three packages of dry rations. first of all, we didn't even know which way to go, where at all. ours, where the strangers were, they dropped us off without food, well, that's how it was for the first time there was food and water, the radio was working, we didn't know where ours were or where the strangers were, somewhere closer to 10 o'clock in the morning, we heard voices, saw how -
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guys were walking along the houses near the fence, they immediately started opening fire on us, we started... going to contact them, started talking, don't shoot, who, who, where, started finding out by call signs who and well, what is ours, not ours, in the end we agreed not to shoot, two of our people came together, agreed that no one would shoot anyone, we are one people, everything is fine, the prisoner says that if he had known in advance about kiev's plans to invade russia, he would have fled without thinking, probably with a broken spirit.
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to arrive, well, not in that way, well, it just happened, as soon as i drove in, we didn't drive for long, that is, i was the driver, my car didn't drive for long, it quickly drove into a trench, from that moment i successfully escaped from the ukrainian military mikhail skoda
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is a loser, for the first time he tried to escape from mobilization to romania,
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well, it was like there was no order, well, that's what was said. mikhail took a risk and fled, hid in the corn for a day, using a compass to navigate, came out to the people. i was afraid of the ukrainian military, there were ukrainian soldiers running around and i didn't want to be seen by them, so i moved from his village to another village, this village is called zhuravka or zhuravlya, i don't remember exactly, that's where from already?
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because he's an idiot, because he's a clown, people were called, sergei yaroslavovich popovich was also caught in a raid,
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so says the lighthouse. banks and microfinance organizations are now required to keep the history of their communication with debtors for at least 3 years, and
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if a creditor's representative behaves incorrectly, threatens or insults the borrower, it will be possible to obtain evidence. in this issue, in 5 minutes, we will tell you what new obligations banks and mfis have. first, banks and microfinance organizations must purchase a turnover. and programs for recording and storing the history of communication with the client, and not just any, but one that meets the requirements established by the federal bailiff service . without equipment, an organization cannot deal with the return of overdue debt. if the equipment breaks down or other circumstances arise that prevent recording, the bank is obliged to stop the dialogue with debtors and notify about the failure no later than the next working day. the history of interactions must be stored, as we have already said. for at least 3 years, and the recording includes personal meetings, telephone conversations, automatic calls, as well as text voice and basically any messages, these include notifications through
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government services and through any other sites on the internet, as well as information systems or computer programs, collectors had to and have complied with this requirement since january 1 , 2017, they had to store for 3 years, imfo in accordance with the internal standard at... year they had to store for 6 months, well, if there is equipment, that 6 months, that 3 years, does not pose major technical difficulties, banks did not have this obligation, it was finally put into effect, therefore yes, these are basically significant changes for banks, which now must not just kick back that we do not have this record, they must present it and have no right not to present it, communication with the borrower should not be too intrusive, since the seventeenth year... eight times a month, a message twice a day, four times a week, 16 times a
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month, notifications through government services twice a month, you cannot disclose personal data to an indefinite number of people, for example, write about the debt on social networks or hang announcements at the entrance to the entrance, you also cannot put pressure on the debtor through the family and... to involve third parties, you need to obtain written consent from the debtor himself and the third party, moreover, consent can be revoked at any time, any method that allows you to confirm the fact of sending a revocation will do, for example, a letter to e-mail, more traditional methods - send a written statement to the creditor through a notary or by registered mail with a delivery confirmation or bring the statement in person and hand it over against a receipt. the debtor himself has. 4 months after the occurrence of the delay, refuse direct contact with the creditor, in the same ways that we just talked about said. after the application is submitted, creditors
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or collectors are obliged. if bank employees or collectors violate the law, they are primarily threatened with a serious fine or even deprivation of a license in the twenty-third year , criminal liability appeared. the article illegal implementation of activities to return overdue debt of individuals prohibits, firstly, the threat of using
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violence or ... destruction or damage to property, and secondly, the threat of disseminating knowingly false information that discredits the honor and dignity of the debtor or his relatives. a phrase thrown out by a collector, like "i'll burn your car", can lead to a prison term of up to 5 years, and if several people came to you and beat you up, they can go to jail for 10 years. the federal bailiff service has long been supervising collectors , in fact, legislators decided not to change horses in midstream and retained the supervisory function, including for info for banks, for the federal bailiff service and its federal bodies, so you should contact them, and the federal service has the right to appoint an inspection in case of violations, bring to administrative responsibility. so, let's repeat the main thing, now banks and microfinance organizations are required to keep a history of communication with debtors for at least the last 3 years. this includes calls,
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letters, messages. for collectors , restrictions on the number of calls, messages and other interactions have long been established, and threats to life and health or property are a criminal offense. do you want to know more about what rights clients of credit institutions have or about protecting the rights of investors, write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask them to the expert. we will tell you about everything in the next issues of the instruction.
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a new series of strikes on ukraine, explosions thunder in kiev, sumy, exactly dnipropetrovsk region, the supply of light and water is disrupted, what data is reported in our. defense rafael grossi is already at the kursk npp, he thanks putin for the invitation to the station in the current conditions, what the head of magat watched and what statements were made: the implementation of national projects and the development of the social sphere, seven schools and 18 kindergartens were built, the president met with head of the astrakhan region, how is the region changing? the ukrainian armed forces tried to attack malaya lokhnya in the kursk region.


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