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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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but the amlers were probably in camouflage, our nato countries are not actively participating in the conflict, krivoy rog, but still it is relatively safe for them for a long time, and where the instructors live, they chose a decent hotel, they settled them , many civilian facilities, they have long been reclassified as military facilities, hotels where instructors live, hospitals where the military are treated, food warehouses where ammunition has long been stored, remember how - in odessa... a grain warehouse was blown up on board, and then it detonated for three days, that's probably what popcorn they had, and local celebrities, who used to sing back-up for zelensky in his ninety-fifth quarter, are now fulfilling a political order, like, for example, the ex-partner of pokvn elena kravets, she noted, the blow fell in the very heart of the homeland of the ukrainian jester, the area of ​​the hotel, that 's it. 95 quarter in social networks are actively dispersing
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the official version about two dead five injured civilians, like actress olga sumskaya, for example, writes: expresses illnesses to relatives, like the singer-monatic, but they point-blank ignore the war crimes of the kiev regime, and of course, they don't say a word about the visiting instructors, it's not ukraine that is waging war with russia, it's the entire nato bloc that is waging war with russia, of course these military advisers, they are fighting, of course they are a target for the russian army. when we have an announcement that there will be strikes on decision-making centers, many think that these should be strikes on the administration of the president of ukraine or on the verkhovna rada, but these are the ones who control everything military instructors and military advisers, so it is clear that they are being targeted, because the decision-making centers of the bsu are precisely these foreign mercenaries, they are being targeted, it is obvious that they will continue to evict wild geese not only from ukrainian hotels, but also from other nests. which western
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mercenaries are trying to equip both in the rear and on the line of combat contact. bolisovans, but also legitimate targets. now a short commercial, here is what will happen next on our air. instead of galleys and tanks - refrigerators for phones. this is how it looks now german military aid to ukraine. it seems that after the attack on the kurb border area, the ssu needs them most of all. to take out the destroyed banderites.
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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. in the three
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ninth kingdom, the three tenth state. let's translate from office language into understandable language. it's not so scary if there are instructions.
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were found to come under fire. as a result, two watercraft and 10 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed, along with foreign mercenaries. there were foreigners, including polish servicemen. they had with them chevrons were found, documents were found on them, and special signs of tokens. it is known that poland is the leader in the number of mercenaries fighting for the armed forces of ukraine.
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all this against the background of losses in the kursk region, the holes have to be plugged again with mercenaries, such as this american who decided to take a photo on russian soil. we were told to go to the invasion zone in the kursk region to help with sniper operations, but there is chaos there now and we could not do anything. i went into russian territory, spent the night and, honestly speaking, looked around tried to help as much as he could. meanwhile, the zelensky regime does not give up on trying to persuade the us.
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defense minister umerov and presidential adviser yarmak are sent to washington with a list of specific targets. the white house has not yet given its consent, as in berlin, where it is obvious to many what escalation such a decision will lead to. the supply of long-range weapons for use against russia is seen as a serious step towards escalation by russia itself and its allies. that is why our federal chancellor also he does not dare to issue a license for... zelensky himself gave a big press conference today, said that ukraine now has its own ballistic missile, but he will not stop asking for others, although it is difficult to knock weapons out of partners. they do not talk to me, they try not to talk to me about this, and i raise this issue, that's it, the olympics are over, ping-pong remains. zelensky also announced that from next year he will stop gas transit to europe, and also that he has a winning plan, but it just needs to be approved by the seniors comrades. this is a very important plan, it will be fair if i present this plan
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to the us president, the success of the plan depends on him, whether they will give us everything for it or not, i think it will be right to also pass this plan of kamali harris to donald trump, since we do not know who will be the president, zelensky also reminded that he will continue to seek the extradition of draft dodgers who left ukraine from the allies. well, and now footage from germany, which at first glance is nothing special... a remarkable auto video, it would seem, is driving along an ordinary autobahn, enjoying pleasant sunny weather, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that the traffic in this case is not standard, since in addition to cars, a whole column of medical special equipment of the bundeswehr rushes past, including refrigerated trucks for transporting bodies. moreover, as stated, they are all heading from berlin to the south, towards the border with poland, although this is certainly not the final destination, since warsaw would hardly have needed it. such a number of morgues on wheels is a completely different matter ukraine, which is conveniently accessible by transit through the polish
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territory, and zelensky's gang, given the dynamics of losses of the ukrainian armed forces, will clearly not be hindered by refrigerators, but at the same time, i would like to speculate why they started sending them now, because previously the germans invariably relied on completely different assistance to kiev, in the form of a wide range of weapons, now it suddenly turns out that they revised their priorities, what's the matter, vadim zavoschenkov thought, vadim, hello, good evening. well, apparently, life forced them? yes, alexey, the ukrainians did not climb into the kursk melee themselves, but they also dragged western mercenaries with them, instead of guns. shells in the refrigerator for bodies, has berlin really decided to change its strategy for supplying the nato proxy army, indeed, it seems to be a regular column of equipment for the ukrainian armed forces, but the crosses are not the same, where did the balkin crosses go, so beloved by the ukrainian nazis, and what are those hermetic red containers on some trailers,
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ambulances, there may be refrigerators inside, these may be ... uni-mook, a boxer evacuation vehicle in the shape of a chisel, but the core of the column is made up of rainmetal hx trucks, large multi-purpose 8x8 vehicles, germany has a lot of them, almost a hundred were given to ukraine at one time. this equipment, among other things, can be used to transport
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mobile hospitals of the bundessphere. the technical content of that. of the equipment that germany will and is transferring, in general, here we can only guess, if we are talking about the two hundredth, that is, about the killed, but in general, corpses can be transported simply in ordinary refrigerators, and here is a large, in general, such specialized equipment, well it seems that it is not required, but in any case , of course, this equipment is also needed, however , the column from the video somehow stands out too much from the general strategy of germany, earlier berlin. clearly gave preference not to what heals, but to what shoots, if you add up everything that the germans promised and transferred to ukraine over the past 2 years, you get one and a half hundred leopards, half a million 155 mm shells, only three small mobile hospitals, and one
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was paid for by estonia, berlin was never interested in the survivability of the ukrainian armed forces, really now something? has changed, the sharply increased number of medical vehicles, which we have already seen, which are delivered to the combat zone , is explained first of all by the sharply increased number of killed and foreigners, that is, servicemen of nato countries, because the attitude towards them is completely different, in contrast to the attitude towards ukrainians, therefore they will really be evacuated, frozen and delivered qualitatively. everything is as before, foreign mercenaries, and frostbitten azovites, the only ones kiev values. it has changed just one circumstance: in the conditions of the bloody adventures of the nazi regime, foreigners themselves increasingly find themselves on the front line, our missiles
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do not see the difference between ukrainians and europeans, on the territory of the kors region, we already know this, it turned out to be a large... the number of foreign military, there is no need to confuse this, these are not mercenaries, these are pure military personnel, there are americans there, there are french, there are poles, naturally they suffer losses, because there is a meat grinder going on in the kursk region now, but they are losses are carried not only in the kursk region, there is a message that in krivoy rog one of our missiles successfully landed on a local hotel and under the rubble of this hotel a large number of foreign instructors are buried, so if the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine see this video, let them not rejoice, it is not for their souls that the column of despair is going, the ukrainian defender, if you are lucky in the field will not be thrown to the rats to eat. vadim zavodchenkov and german help. we will return after
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a short commercial, here is what we will tell you about. instead of help, they deprive you of the most precious thing. so-called whites were noticed in konstantinovka angels who, under the guise of evacuation, take children from their families. parents are horrified. one purchase, but two cashbacks. choose partners by benefit on the website and get a double cashback bonus. when paying with sber cards in the golden apple, emvidio, lenta, scooter, megamarket and other partners, it is more profitable with a sber prime subscription. when the pain limits. twists, pierces. nice active gel is a modern remedy for back and joint pain. thanks to the active formula, nice active is absorbed faster and penetrates into
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he won't miss his chance, it's a family affair, vtb, everything will work out, a car with flashing beacons and the markings of the emergency rescue service slowly drives around the city streets. video from the occupied donetsk konstantinovka, which, as local publics report, shows the propaganda work of the authorities appointed by kiev. a loudspeaker is installed on the service car, with the help of which a female voice continuously notifies residents about the quote of the forced evacuation of the child population, allegedly, the measure is connected with the deterioration of security in the region. for the safety of life and health of our children, we call for evacuation. below are the phone numbers where you can get additional information, but despite the overt intimidation,
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not all parents are in a hurry to seek help from the so-called evacuation teams, since in donbass they know too well what the ukrainian authorities really mean when they try to take children from families under the guise of saving them, anastasia ivanova will confirm, anastasia, hello, hello, alexey, but it is not for nothing that many prefer to stay away from such an evacuation, well, because in almost every populated area that our russian military liberated, the so-called white angels have left their mark. of course, they will tell the ukrainian audience that they are doing a good, selfless deed, they will hide behind chevrons with white wings, staged shots of assistance, but why then are local residents afraid of them? in the footage filmed in konstantinovka, people hardly react to a car with a loud speaker, but in local publics understand why he came, not to evacuate, but to take the children. from families, here is an example, a post of the occupation kiev administration of konstantinovka about evacuation, but local residents do not think so, they write, they drive people out to nowhere, threatening
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with children, and this is clearly frightened. the mother does not understand why officials suddenly decide to take her child somewhere or not, because it is unclear where the children will end up later, as it already happened in avdiivka, for example, the adviser to the head of the dpr spoke with those who suffered from such assistance. those who gave away children, contacted them for some time, but then the connection was lost, and these people did not even know where to look for their children. they also said that after this evacuation failed in... they started looking for children in houses and they started hiding children in basements, they started carrying children from house to house, especially small ones right in bags, a similar picture in almost every city that we liberate, everywhere these white angels appear. these so -called angels formally belong to the ukrainian national police, they come to people with humanitarian aid, but close attention to the children, they tell the parents that they will take them to
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a safe place, and... here is what the locals of the liberated village of new york say, for example, we were afraid of these white angels, when the order came to evacuate the children by force, they forced us, they came , they gave us, there was a car, there were employees, these angels, they waited, they gave the parents half an hour to get ready and took them deep into ukraine, after it all ended, it means you broke the law, you are hiding children, that's all. these children, what they come, deprive you of your parental rights on the spot, and where do the children go? in the best case, if someone adopts them there, that's good, they 'll be found later, but if they're for organs, and human trafficking, even the kiev regime itself said, the prosecutor general of ukraine andrey kostin stated that more than 70 criminal cases have been brought in, and how many children are on the black markets, if children
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are evacuated from... donetsk region, for example, from avdiivka or from bakhmut, and then now from konstantinovka, they are taken to ukraine, and then they can be taken further abroad, then the traces of these children are lost, and children of the european type, white children, are always a very expensive commodity on the european markets of all sorts of non-traditional families. pedophiles, only about 300 children were taken away from ukrainian refugees, everything is complicated by the fact that ukraine as a state does not want and cannot make any demands, any claims to western countries, one of the main suppliers of these children today is precisely ukraine, because they have not adopted any laws on this matter, accordingly, one can assume yes, that
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today, with absolute. punishment , children can be taken out of ukraine, maybe ukrainian, so to speak, will listen to us, yes, tv viewers or there listeners about this, take care of your children, today, unfortunately, yes, this absolutely terrible business exists, but the zone of the so-called ukrainian evacuation in the dpr is only increasing, in addition to konstantinovka, this is a number of settlements closer to kramatorsk, kiev is afraid of the russian army, all settlements, as soon as... the ukrainian side understands that they are not will be able to hold on, that the liberation of these villages from the nazis is not far off, of course , they are first of all making every effort to evacuate children, why children, yes , because this is the main gene pool now, which must be loaded with western propaganda, they understand perfectly well that if these children stop being under their influence , they will begin to receive truthful information, they will begin
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a completely different history for themselves. absorb, it will no longer be possible to influence these children's minds, but no matter how hard kiev tries brainwash residents, while the occupation territories of the dpr, people do not want to leave, because they know that they can lose not only their homes, but the most precious thing they have? anastasia ivanova, and crimes against childhood. as expected visited the city of kurchatov to assess the risks faced by the kurdish nuclear power plant against the backdrop of an attempted invasion of the ssu, according to rafael.


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