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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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will begin to absorb a completely different history for themselves, it will no longer be possible to influence these children's minds, but no matter how hard kiev tries to brainwash the residents, while the occupation territories of the dpr, people do not want to leave , because they know that they can lose not only their homes, but also the most precious thing they have. anastasia. and crimes against childhood. director general magat today, as expected, visited the city of kurchatov to assess the risks facing the kursk npp against the backdrop of an attempted invasion of the ssu. according to rafael grossi, the station is currently operating normally, but it is not possible to... assess the threats
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to its infrastructure, although russian journalists have not yet received a clear and honest indication of those who are creating these threats from the head of the international agency, a report by ruslan bikbullatov. the magat mission, led by rafael grossi , entered kurchatov under a double missile threat, the city is meeting under the current emergency and counter-terrorism regimes. magat inspectors are moving along the roads of the city of kurchatov in such a rather representative motorcade accompanied by police cars. we see a dozen armored minibuses, at the beginning and at the end, such armored tigers. magat inspectors immediately went to the kursk nuclear power plant, where they spent 4 hours, talked with the staff and management of the npp. they visited the reactor and machine rooms of the operating power unit. they also visited the spent nuclear fuel storage facility, hundreds of meters away from it they found fragments of the ukrainian kamikaze drone. i was introduced to the consequences of the attacks that were carried out on territory. station. i must say that
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here we are dealing with an exceptional case. the npp is a working nuclear facility. we are talking about completely different operating temperatures. and if some external impact is exerted on the nuclear power plant, the consequences of this can be extremely serious. the ceo was shown the design features of the reactors at the kursk npp, they are the same as at the chernobyl npp, without a special shell, they are defenseless against weapons. the impacts could result in a global catastrophe. if there is any external impact on the active zone of this reactor , a nuclear incident will occur, possibly with a release of radiation. it is difficult to say whether it will be of the same scale as the chernobyl incident. the only thing that can be said now is that the kursk plant reactor does not have the special protection that reactors at other nuclear power plants in the world are equipped with. they are protected by a dome structure that can withstand an airplane strike. the reactor hall at the kursk npp has the shape of an ordinary building and... grossi's visit
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kursk region is covered by more than 40 tv channels of information agencies, including journalists from england, china, france, the same question with an obvious answer is asked over and over again in different languages, who is behind the shelling of the kursk npp and is exposing the entire continent to nuclear danger. grosse, as has already happened, avoids answering the zaporozhye station.
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the city of nuclear workers, conducted a tour of kurchatov, in the local school teachers told how they are preparing for the new school year? mass events in our country at the present time
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moment, the solemn assembly, which we are accustomed to always have on september 1, will not be held online and the children are very of course. we are also concerned about this situation, that is why i came to the station today, we believe that the very presence of magate can deter those who would like to organize an attack on the kursk npp. grusi was personally convinced that, despite constant provocations in the ssu, the nuclear power plant is under
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the control of professionals, it operates in normal mode. the kursk npp is one of the most powerful stations in russia, its energy is used residents of almost two dozen regions of the central part of the country. on the other bank , cooling towers are being built.
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our task is to provide everything necessary, i would like to draw special attention to the provision of protective equipment, armored vehicles, communications equipment and, of course, fire weapons, ammunition, i ask the general staff and the national defense control center to strictly monitor that all decisions that we make are brought to fruition. within 24 hours, servicemen of the southern group of our troops...
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dpr with zaporizhzhya region, and the most distinguished russian fighters were awarded for bravery and courage right on the front line. report by anton stepanenko. the first shell, as a rule,
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was found, they specifically do not understand where we are, that is, the territory is large, accordingly, you just need to wait, then continue to work, notice the moment of the shot for the operator.
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coordinates, the rest is only counted in a pencil, papers only writes down in his head, oh well, he is an old-school gunner in the school, if the cadet was noticed calculator, smashed on the floor, all calculations only in the head, the simpler, the more reliable, on behalf of the unit commander, as well as the commander of our artillery, to congratulate you, to present you with the next military awards, for bravery, congratulations, i serve russia, the labor direction of the zaporizhzhya front, state awards to the artillerymen of the group of troops dne. help out right at the positions, the gun commander was awarded a medal for bravery, he doesn’t say what specifically for, he’s clearly
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embarrassed, gets off with general words, yes, for the work that we are doing now, it’s hard, yes, it's hard, well damn, everyone is trying, why, because everyone wants to go home, it will end as soon as possible, we are giving it our all in the calculations, our return home, the artillery crew loader dmitry is getting closer every day, they are not sparing shells on the zaporozhye front. a legitimate target for attack, this is how the german government responded to the statement of european hawks, saying that the gas pipelines could well have been
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destroyed solely to harm russia, but the german authorities continue to insist on undermining at the bottom the baltic sea is a crime that must be investigated, but while pretending to be vigorously active in law enforcement, berlin cannot name the true organizers of the terrorist attack, then maria petrashko watches as the mountain of lies and omissions grows, maria, hello, hello. well , even the germans don't seem to believe in berlin's official version. yes, alexey, the german authorities are rapidly losing credibility in the eyes of their people. instead of looking for those really guilty of blowing up the northern streams, in the west got confused, who to blame, started blaming each other. first, western propaganda suddenly massively accused ukrainian divers of blowing up the northern streams, and self-taught divers at that, who allegedly even against zelensky's will took and blew up one of the key objects. they lay a special trench, and then fill it with stones from above,
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we saw footage of an underwater vehicle and there you can see that several sections of pipes are missing, that is, there are 50-70 m of simply torn-up pipes, they want to tell us that it was made by some amateurs, almost from scrap materials, no, that is, there is a huge amount.
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northern streams was committed by ukraine, then it was a completely legitimate act. does the federal government specifically share this position of its partners in the eu and nato? no. why did the germans suddenly not support the flash mob accusing the ukrainians of all sins? all in connection with the fact that in this case germany would have to admit that the destruction of important critical german infrastructure is a legitimate target for ukrainian strikes, that is, would put themselves in a very strange and
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awkward position, such an attack on critical infrastructure is an act: a declaration of war, that is, to actually admit that ukraine has declared war on germany and at the same time to help ukraine with all its might. germany has no political will to oppose the washington regional committee's version, but apparently there is a fear that the truth will still be revealed later. there are many inconsistencies in western propaganda publications about self-taught ukrainian saboteurs, starting with organizational details, according to which it is clear, without cover and support of the special services, it is impossible to pull this off. by the time there were explosions on the northern streams , men were already banned from leaving ukraine, according to this version, at least two ukrainian male citizens were planting dynamite there , the second is that they transported the explosives across europe, either to poland or germany, but nevertheless they brought quite a lot
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of explosives to the eu country. it is also strange how western propagandists recorded. these conversations with the persons involved in the investigation, as could find them to persuade, if even the german authorities sent a european arrest warrant for one of the suspects, ukrainian diving instructor vladimir zhuravlev, back in june. he was in poland, where he was not only not detained, but also released in early july, a month after the arrest warrant was issued. and polish prime minister tusk, after berlin's warrant, even suggested that the germans apologize and shut up. nord stream supporters should keep quiet. why is tusk so desperately shutting up people's mouths, who is he protecting? if you look at who it is profitable, who benefited from the terrorist attack, then here, of course, everything, all the factors point absolutely everything to the united states, that is, firstly, to destabilize the european gas market, this is to occupy the same market
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with liquefied american gas and sell it at three times the price, according to some estimates, american suppliers of liquefied gas have already earned more than 100 billion dollars in addition to what they would have had if these gas pipelines had not been blown up. the more the western media shouted about the cia's non-involvement in explosions, the more questions, who is the real author of the customer of these publications of the terrorist attacks themselves? apparently, western propagandists followed the scheme, as a result, the main thing is not to get to their overlords. vladimir putin had a working meeting today with the governor of the astrakhan region igor babushkin, who reported to the president on measures to support fsvo participants, resettlement of dilapidated housing and the implementation of the national education project. key statements from anastasia yafimova. seven new schools, two of which
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will be opened on the next day of knowledge, results of five years of work. astrakhan region within the framework of the national project education, which the head of the region reported to the president. as igor babushkin said, the problem of queues for kindergartens has been completely solved, and they plan to open five more by the end of this year. this area is under constant control, as are social issues in general. today, we have 59 support measures in the region for svo participants, their family members, and we have allocated 200 million rubles for direct payments. i try. uses every opportunity to to meet our guys who are participating in a special military operation. just the other day i managed to meet our guys, fighters of the marine battalion , the caspian flotilla, they have a tense section today, but i want to note that the guys are heroes and today, except for finishing
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with a victory, they have no other task, they say so, if we do not win, then they will not understand us at home, this evokes the deepest respect, i think that it is easy for you to talk to our fighters, bearing in mind that you yourself served in one of the combat units, thank you, indeed, i understand what they are talking about, what tasks they face, what needs they have. among the tasks facing the region today, igor babushkin focused on personnel, so that talented young people have the opportunity to realize themselves in their homeland, they launched a special. project personnel decide everything, a regional competition, the winners of which will undergo full-time training and take leadership positions in local government bodies. there is another unresolved problem for the region.
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where the volume of cargo transshipment has been growing for the second year already, by the end of this year it will reach a historical maximum for the region. in the near future, eight dry cargo ships will go to sea, a container cargo and
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bottom-dredging fleet is being built. the depletion of the caspian sea is an issue that, as vladimir putin recalled, during his recent state visit to azerbaijan, was raised by ilham aliyev, and the president gave the order to conduct a scientific analysis of the causes of this phenomenon. what else would i like to draw attention to? there are things that we will talk about now just said, of an objective nature, creating difficulties and problems for us, like the shallowing of the caspian, for example, or the desertification of pastures, is also a problem, but there are things that can and should be responded to and administratively in financial terms , corresponding, to build measures, in addition to the resettlement of emergency housing, these are regional and municipal roads, here too there is something to work on.
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finishes the work of the government, reflect the main value of any state, and these are people. i will name the most important projects for implementation which our efforts should be concentrated: this is the family, infrastructure for life,
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long active life, and of course, youth and children, they contain key decisions aimed at improving the lives of our citizens, designed to improve the quality of the environment in populated areas, as well as issues of demography, support for motherhood and childhood, the health care system, education, housing. the work was carried out on the instructions of the president, it was attended by heads of relevant departments, experts, representatives of business, the scientific community and regions. as a result, 19 projects were prepared, including new ones. vladimir putin spoke about the work on them the day before during a meeting on economic issues. national projects cannot contain any empty boxes, checkboxes, empty points for bureaucratic checkboxes, that is, without achieving a real result of practical positive changes in people's lives. i repeat, in implementing our plans, we primarily rely on the state of affairs in the economy,
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since it is the industrial, trade , logistics, financial potential that determines resource and budgetary capabilities of the state, forms funds that are allocated for key systemically important tasks to improve the well-being of our citizens. and such tasks were based on. work on national projects was laid about a hundred, including their financial support and a fully scheduled six-year budget. if we talk about focus, then the priorities are clear, these are, of course, first of all, social tasks, those set in the president's message, issues of infrastructure development, well, now it is extremely important, critical for us development of technologies, so right now, let's say, the finishing touches are being put on the verification of technological leadership projects, this... constant will allow russia to build
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an effective economy. for example, in the chemical industry, by the end of the decade , dozens of new technological chains should appear in the field of composite materials over 15, production, sixty products. the production of drones should be increased more than fivefold. by 2030, we will have to increase the level of added value value in real terms and the index of production of the manufacturing industry by at least 40% compared to the twenty -second year, to ensure russia's entry into the top ten world leaders in terms of volume of scientific research, development, to increase domestic spending on these areas by at least, let me remind you, 2% of gdp. particular attention should be paid to the development of innovative technologies, the share of such goods and services should be increased by one and a half times, and the revenue of small technology companies by at least seven times compared to the previous year. it is necessary to further develop the conditions
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for... the right transformation of the state, as well as tourism and hospitality. addressing the participants of the strategic session, mikhail mishustin once again recalled the words of the president, there can be no passing projects in this work, each of them makes global changes in people's lives, and such changes should only be for the better. already in september, new national projects must be sent to the presidential council for strategic development. natalia solovyova, news.
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