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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, correspondents of the program vesti duty part and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. in the khantamantiy autonomous okrug, two influential officials were caught scamming a government contract, the deputy director of the road management department and...
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the alleged leader of a gang that had been terrorizing residents of one of the districts of the bashkir capital for months is walking to ufa. voskhod a drop of humanity remains, no. a man with the proud name of tamerlan, settled into a glass box and fell silent. tamerlan, according to some sources, led a team of brave young men, employees of private security companies, who were not engaged in protecting customers in a very well-known supermarket chain. one of those who was unlucky enough to be on the way once.
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that they would be breaking into my home, me will break down the door, after almas i lived away from home for a week because i was afraid, and maria contacted the police, four formidable guards were detained, the alleged gang members were charged with serious and especially serious crimes, according to the investigation, they beat their victims, took personal belongings, took out loans for them, acting by distributing responsibilities, according to the investigation, the accused united into a criminal group with the purpose of committing extortion (
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the prognosis for the entire four is disappointing, if their guilt is proven, the guards threatens to spend up to a quarter of a century in prison. maxim shevchenko, timur davletov and vladimir bazov, news, duty unit. all the most interesting after a short commercial, do not switch. durable and not afraid of moisture.
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of a strong country. the legal program is on air, the duty part is leading, we continue the release. lassina's revenge in the saratov region sakhaty threw himself under the wheels of the car of the former state duma deputy valery. this is reported media: the people's representative is alive and well, here's the animal that died, again, whether evil fate is now pursuing the former deputy is truly unknown, but the court has definitely established how 3 years ago rashki was transporting the carcass of a killed moose in the same car when he was caught red-handed poaching. themis then awarded the former deputy a three-year suspended sentence with a ban on hunting for 2 years, this term, by the way, has already expired. a bank robbery for one and a half billion, the thief of a record sum of money from... is about to appear in court. investigators have completed investigation. it turned out that the sly man managed
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to pull off the crime alone. his accomplices helped him only remotely. details by olga zhurinkova. if directors ever decide to film the story of artur borbynets, this film will definitely be a success. unemployed, uneducated, only a moldovan school certificate, according to investigators, robbed several bank safe deposit boxes in a couple of days for a record amount, almost one and a half billion rubles. this is one of the largest bank robberies in the history of russia. investigators needed six months to unravel this crime detective story. finally, the investigation is over. the criminal case with the indictment has been sent to court. the crime took place in st. petersburg last spring. the thief himself was caught on surveillance cameras. in these shots , barbyntsa, with a small backpack or bag , approaches a bank branch, applies his card to the reader, and the door opens. it is already known that the swindler used a fake nameless card, and then a universal key to open the cells. in the spring, when the crime took place with...
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on the floor instead of a carpet lay money, on the table wads of five-thousand ruble bills were stacked in three rows, some of the cash was carelessly thrown into a grocery plastic bag, in order to make an inventory of the stolen goods, the police needed a counting machine, it would have taken several days to count all the money manually, on the large double bed there were jewelry, a collection of expensive watches, necklaces, rings, bracelets, pendants, soon again the same bank branch was waiting, this time to check the testimony on... in the footage operational filming, he is surrounded by police officers, the face of the detainee in the video was hidden by computer retouching in the
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interests of the investigation. the alleged thief was taken inside the bank, among other things, so that he would tell about all the details of his criminal visits, about the loss of valuables to the police, first one of the clients of the depository reported, then two more victims appeared. the crime was carefully planned and preparations for it were carried out for more than one month. in all likelihood, the burglar barbynets was only the executor in the criminal scheme took on the riskiest dirty work, and the attack on the bank was planned by his unknown accomplices and curators from abroad, as st. petersburg journalists found out, the necessary equipment was transferred to the accused through intercity bus drivers, for example, one of the parcels contained special equipment for secretly reading bank cards, tapes with microcircuits, it had to be installed on the entrance door to the bank branch to get pin codes. investigators talk about the case on condition of anonymity. between march 8 and 10, 200.
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the necessary instructions via the internet, he did it alone, but received it using one of the messengers, he is a citizen of one of the neighboring states, graduated from school, he has no other education, has not been previously held criminally liable, the stolen money is now stored as evidence, a billion rubles in cash was placed in ... regions of the north caucasus federal district. the event was attended by the plenipotentiary representative of the president of russia in
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the ncfa yuri chaika, the head of the main directorate of the russian federation poisk, sergei bachurin, as well as the heads of the regions included in the district and representatives of federal ministries and departments. among the issues discussed was the fight against the spread of radical ideologies among the youth of the caucasus. according to the ministry of internal affairs, attempts to create extremist movements in russia are being made from abroad in order to sow discord in russian society. dozens of clients of the delivery service. united to file a class action lawsuit. in mid-june , they ended up in the hospital with symptoms of botulism after being poisoned by poor-quality salads. many still have serious health problems, all because of the toxin, which can also be found... in home-made products. lexi knor with details. it doesn't happen like in the movies, that they take off your ivl and you breathe. it's a huge job to, well, learn to breathe again. i had to learn not only to breathe, speak and walk, but also to a hospital bed. verovoshchinskaya got there because of a salad with beans. i ordered ready-made food delivery, the next day i suddenly started
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feeling dizzy and my vision went away, nothing they couldn't diagnose it, they didn't know if it was botulism or not. weeks in intensive care on the evl machine, another 2 weeks in the hospital, but even after being discharged my health was not restored. i have such a partial memory loss, that is, i don't remember languages ​​well, it's very frustrating, i can no longer continue my education. in order not to lose my place at the university, i had to take an academic leave. now vera and 30 other victims are preparing a class action lawsuit against the kitchen on the district company. the service has already started paying money, but many are not satisfied amount. unlike, so to speak, standard cases in the field of consumer protection. people here have long-term consequences for life, some lost their jobs, were unable to start a new job because they were in the hospital for several weeks, and many still have health problems. natalia just finished a course of chemotherapy and was hospitalized again, ate lobio kitchen in the area. i want to receive compensation for moral damages, because i believe that every person has the right to
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life, and i have such a serious illness, like all cancer patients, of course i 'm afraid of a relapse. very much connected with stress. now the service is not working. rospotrebnadzor has revealed many violations in production. however, you can get botulism not only through purchased food. the cause of the disease is the bacterium clastridium batulinum. it is safe in itself, lives in the intestines of warm-blooded animals, in soil and water. but getting into an oxygen-free environment, it produces the strongest organic poison - botulinum toxin. any canned food, including homemade , are ideal conditions for this. at the moment i sterilize. here, that is, i have water, it is now. and the marinade in the jars will also boil, this is some moment of such heat treatment, allowing you to remove all this. the main misconception of all who make preparations for the winter, clastridia are not afraid of ordinary boiling. clastria spores are very resistant, and in order to inactivate them reliably,
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temperatures are needed that are higher than 100 °. such temperatures at the level of 120-130 °. at home are certainly impossible to achieve. clastridia does not like vinegar salt, but the concentration of preservatives in the marinade should be higher than 1%. such a strong brine is not to everyone's taste, in a weaker one the spores germinate perfectly. the preparations should be stored at a temperature no higher than 4°, and it is definitely not worth making canned meat and fish at home. alexey knor, mikhail sidorov, gennady talochkin, anastasia afinogenova, conduct the duty unit. now you can also see the operational news that our editorial office receives directly from the leningrad agency. them on your screens in ufa an accident with an ambulance, a medical ambulance collided with a foreign car, as a result of the accident , the patient's filter was injured, as well as two passengers of the crossover, including a five-year-old girl, the prosecutor's office of bashkartostan reported. they took it upon themselves to protect , but they themselves mercilessly destroyed several specialists in breeding and protecting fish in the murmon region, and they themselves were caught poaching.
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instead of counting the elk and keeping records, the dealers massively exterminated everything they managed to catch. consisting exclusively of fish farmers, were caught red-handed by the ministry of internal affairs officers, so that until the last remain unnoticed and scare off the bad guys, the police used a quadcopter, its recordings are now valuable evidence, they show the suspects' actions in detail. with details of the operation from the murmansk region, oleg posoben. usti rekola, murmansk region, the camera of the operational shooting records how men take a large fish out of the water and move all these unusual-looking gear fish-counting barriers. with its help. employees of the local fish-breeding melioration station count salmon, however, well it is noticeable that this time the people in the frame are busy with something completely different, they are taking the fish going to spawn out of the water, then they come to the shore and gut the catch. employees of the department of economic security and anti -corruption of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the kola district detained four residents
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of the murmansk region red-handed, who are suspected of illegally extracting aquatic biological resources. and this is the footage. a few minutes after the detention, some of the salmon has already been divided, the carcasses have even been placed in vacuum packaging, there is gear nearby, it looks like the fish are here are mined on an industrial scale. the suspects were monitored using a quadcopter at a distance of several kilometers, the device was first launched, then raised up like this, and the crime scene was in full view, the impudence of poachers on the water is amazing, on the shore they... a fishing license, they receive a salary for counting, protecting valuable fish species, from above it is clearly visible how their gear completely blocks the river, leaving only a small passage of a couple of meters,
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the salmon have no chance of salvation in this place. according to according to preliminary data, as a result of illegal actions of criminals , damage to aquatic biological resources of the russian federation amounted to more than one million rubles. the murmansk region is washed by the white and barintsevo seas, from where very ... cameras pending a court decision, the police are investigating a criminal case on the illegal extraction of biological resources in sight of four suspects. oleg pasobin, pavel tretyakov,
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conduct duty unit, murmansk region. to tame the four-wheeled monster, more and more extreme recreation enthusiasts are getting into police reports after atv rides. they rush both on the roads and in mountain resorts. at the same time, they forget even about elementary safety precautions. material by galina khungureeva. atvs stretch in a slender chain among the picturesque slopes of the village of arkhys in karachay-cherkessia, at each rental point there are a dozen motorized vehicles waiting for tourists. mountain atvs are especially ferocious in appearance, their wheels are almost as tall as a person. according to the law , it is necessary to saddle such equipment in protective helmets, do not forget about seat belts and the most important thing - driver's license. the most private management without caste, who should be responsible for this? for its rental. during the raid, the police officers checked the technical condition of the atvs, the tourists' compliance with traffic rules, identified almost three dozen violations, the owner is identified, preventive conversations are held with him, if
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there is an administrative violation, then he is brought to administrative responsibility. getting behind the wheel of spectacular equipment, many imagine a high-speed walk with a taste of adrenaline, the final which is a photo shoot for social networks, do not expect such an outcome at all. and some are even more worried about the hardware, and not about the victims, i don’t feel sorry for them, i feel sorry for the car, this video is from nizhny novgorod, a driver on an atv rammed four cars at once, the trunk of the zhiguli is dented, the rear of the foreign car is badly damaged, presumably the culprit of the accident was drunk, in the irkutsk region an accident involving a four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle ended in tragedy, the atv was driven by a twelve-year-old boy, during the maneuver collided with a passing... lexus, the schoolboy died on the spot. it is forbidden to travel on public roads on such a vehicle, only on special routes, as a rule, this is there in winter on ice
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somewhere, maybe in the forest. before the start , the responsible specialists must conduct a briefing. in the mountainous areas , search teams work to rescue those who got into trouble. on the territory of the republic , we have two permanent units, this is in arkhite in dombai. actually, these are the main places where the entire tourist flow associated with mountain tourism and regenism is directed to us. unfortunately, few people know about the insidiousness of the danger of mountain troughs. 85 injured and two dead - the other side of the tourist season. since all-terrain vehicles are a source of increased danger, there is a requirement for their safe operation.
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the end of the deputy business in primorsky krai the fsb and the prosecutor general's office deprived the fugitive people's representative of his financial empire. assets on tens of billions of rubles. the fact is that sergei sobchuk, despite the formal ban, owned several large enterprises at once, which brought him fabulous income. the floor is given to alexandra mostovaya. his modest home in the very center of vladivostok resembles a royal mansion on the parking lot an expensive car in the house
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several floors of luxurious rooms. dining room with marble floors, a spacious living room with its own home theater, a fireplace nearby, mahogany furniture everywhere, the ceiling is decorated with crystal chandeliers, there is also a billiard room and even a golden telescope, apparently the former people's representative loved to look at the stars at night, from this bright bedroom, next to the bed, mr. sobchuk put a photograph of himself on the nightstand, a cabinet with gold and diamonds deserves special attention, here...
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owned several assets throughout the primorsky territory. sergei andreevich had a special passion for jewelry and treasures. according to the investigation , he invested more than a billion rubles in a gold mining company, effectively taking possession of the full package shares. he transferred them to his sister to remove any suspicion from himself. since 2011, he organized and financed the geological exploration activities of the gold mining enterprise terney zoloto llc, which he controlled. the assets of which amounted to more than 38 billion rubles. another asset of the former deputy, which is now converted into state revenue, is the mayak recreation complex. this is how the residence looks from above, several buildings at once, guest houses, vast forest lands are surrounded by a fence. journalists from our program visited this base, then the employees assured reporters that the owner of the estate was in no way connected with sergei sobchuk. and who lives here? the owner on the territory? the owner on
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the territory? invite, the former people's representative had a connection with the objects of the poltavka automobile checkpoint, mr. sabchuk allegedly sat in this administrative building, and this curious footage confirms this. in the reception room opposite the office of the head of the door with a sign sobchuk sergei andreevich. and here is a man who looks very much like the now former people's representative. journalists tried to talk to employees of the enterprise, but they turned out to be taciturn. the organization does not belong to sobchuk. in primorye, sergei sabchuk is a very famous person, his career in politics began in the late nineties, when he became a deputy of the regional duma. in 2007, he took the post of vice-governor of primorsky krai and even survived an attempt on his life, in 2016 he won the elections to the state duma. his wife rona sobchuk once held the position of judge of the soviet district court of vladivostok. in 2020, she got into a scandal. it all happened during the trial of the former
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mayor of the city igor. to return to his homeland, but to splurge as before will no longer be possible: the assets that fed the fugitive deputy are now converted into state income, sobchuk himself has lost tens of billions of rubles. alexander mostovay, denis novozhilov, andrey romanov and khalimat kuchmezova. news, duty part. and at the end of the issue kosolapy traffic jam on the toll road moscow st. petersburg. the bear cub ran out onto the road and decided to compete with the cars in speed. the bear ran so that his heels sparkled. the drivers had to
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slow down and follow the animal for about 4 km until it found another hole in the fence and returned to the forest. an emergency team left for the scene, but they were unlucky enough to catch the bear. all that was left was to patch up the holes in the fence so that no clubfoot would interfere with the dense flow of cars anymore. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the vesti duty part and honest detective telegram channels. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you there! this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to the agenda today. they found themselves in front of a wall of ukrainian armed forces tanks, they were fired upon by eight combat vehicles, and they survived. the story of the rescue of residents of the sudzhansky district, how were those whose vehicle was hit by a tank shell pulled out? the kursk
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region has its own vermuda triangle.

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