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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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in the korn region, units of the sever group, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled 11 attacks by assault groups in the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of the settlements of borki and malae lokne. over the course of a day, zelensky 's formations lost 400 militants and 30 armored vehicles. since august 6, only in the kursk direction, the total losses ...
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after successfully breaking out of the encirclement , servicemen of the ninth motorized rifle regiment of the eleventh army corps are at the forward deployment point during the fighting in the area of ​​the penal colony, servicemen managed to destroy about 100 ukrainian militants. after fierce battles, the stormtroopers call their relatives: i'm fine, everything is great, alive and well, for a serviceman with the call sign zyoma, this was the first battle, they held for a week.
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used as a fortress, many people, probably 100, they killed there in total, they all sat down in the greenery, they were beaten there, our mortar men fired there, we went there for all sorts of cleanups, next to this colony there was a three-story residential building, after we found out that there were civilians, i don't remember the exact number, but there were probably around eight, but it was decided to evacuate the civilians by any means necessary, because tanks were already approaching, well... one tank was actually working right on this building, it was dismantling it, well , they were holding them back brick by brick, but they understood that they were already surrounded, they had to get out. finding themselves surrounded, the soldiers took up all-round defense in the face of constant enemy attacks. the stormtroopers of the ninth regiment, eleventh corps managed to evacuate the civilians and all personnel. zone it was empty, there was no one, only the military, we left after already... well the tank
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had already driven in, had already broken through all the fences, it was pointless to hold on, just after the shells the concrete barriers were broken through, we crawled out into these holes, again when leaving we were attacked from two sides, when leaving the encirclement the stormtroopers accepted the battle and destroyed the militants from the eighty-second airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, capturing nazi chevrons and the enemy's banner was broken, two behind us, a unit of the brigade fifteen. after the cleansing and liberation of the village of nizhnyaya parovaya , medieval torture devices are found on the destroyed militants. look, this one, we understand that it is for crucifying. lanceit strike drones in the kursk region destroyed an armored vehicle of the armed forces of ukraine and a truck of the enemy, which were moving inside the settlement. our army aviation is operating along the entire front line in the kursk region. the crew of the su-34 destroys enemy positions with the help of. units
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of the northern group of troops on leptsovsky sumy directions, the formation of the twenty-second motorized infantry brigade of the 101st and 118th brigades of territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of chervonovo, vorozhba, baranovka, leptsy and pustograd was defeated. three counterattacks of the enemy assault groups were repelled. the enemy lost up to 115 servicemen, three vehicles and an enclave electronic warfare station. after a successful operation in mali lokni and repelling.
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the city meets in the conditions of the current emergency and counter-terrorist operation regimes. inspectors move along the roads of the city of kurchatovo in such a fairly representative motorcade accompanied by police cars. we see a dozen armored minibuses, at the beginning and at the end such armored tigers. magat inspectors immediately went to the kursk nuclear power plant, where they spent 4 hours, talked with the staff and management of the npp, they visited the reactor and machine rooms of the operating power unit, visited the spent nuclear fuel storage facility, hundreds of meters away from it they found fragments of the ukrainian kamikaze drone. i was introduced to
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the consequences of the attacks that were carried out on the territory of the station, i must say that here we are dealing with an exceptional case, the npp is a working nuclear facility, we are talking about completely different... radiation is difficult to say whether it will be of the same scale as the incident at the chernobyl ues. the only thing that can be said now is that the reactor at the kursk station does not have special protection in its design, which reactors at other npps in the world are equipped with. those are protected by a dome structure that can withstand an airplane strike. the reactor hall at the kursk npp
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has the shape of an ordinary building built according to conventional construction technologies. the reactor core is located in a practically ordinary building, very vulnerable to artillery and drone strikes. grossi's visit to the kursk region is covered by more than 40 news agency tv channels, including journalists from england, china, france, the same question with an obvious answer is asked over and over again in different languages, who is behind the shelling of the kursk npp and is exposing the entire continent to nuclear danger. grossi, as has already happened with the zaporozhye station, avoids answering. in during your speech at the un security council, you avoided directly naming those behind the attacks on the zaporizhzhya npp.
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we recently received a request from the ukrainian government to expand the iaea presence at these sites. we will talk about the current situation, but i repeat, the most important thing in this meeting will be the need to maintain the dialogue that we have with the president of russia. these channels of communication must remain open and interaction must
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continue. a meeting with alexey lekhachev is planned. head of rusatom told the director of magat about the provocation being prepared by ukraine at the kursk npp. lives by its own rules, by its own standards, we will patiently work and continue to bend our line. we agreed on magat's immediate response to any manifestations of aggression, both in zaporozhye and in the kursk region. today, the magat delegation was introduced to the city of nuclear workers, given a tour of kurchatov, in a local school,
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teachers told how they are preparing for the new school year. mass events have been cancelled for now, assemblies solemn, to which we are accustomed always 1. will not play in us, will be held online, and children, of course, would like to start studying at school, unfortunately, for now this situation does not allow in the microdistrict for employees of the kursk npp. the presence of magate can restrain those who would like to organize an attack on the kursk npp.
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grosi was convinced personally, despite the constant provocations of the armed forces of ukraine, the nuclear power plant is under the control of professionals, it operates in normal mode. the kursk npp is one of the most powerful stations in russia, its energy is used by residents of almost two dozen regions of the central part of the country. on the other bank rise the cooling towers of the kursk as-2 under construction. the alarming events of recent times have not affected the course of construction. the work continues according to schedule. in donetsk konstantinovka the kiev regime announced the forced evacuation of the child population. anastasia ivanova will tell why this frightened the residents so much. of course, they will tell the ukrainian audience that they are doing a good, selfless deed, they will hide behind chevrons with white wings staged shots of aid, but why then the locals are afraid of them? in the footage filmed in konstantinovka, people barely react to the car with a loudspeaker,
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but in local publics they understand why it came, not to evacuate, but to take children from their families? here is an example, a post by the occupation kiev administration of konstantinovka about the evacuation, but the locals do not think so, they write, drive people out to nowhere, threatening with children, and this is clearly a frightened mother who does not understand why officials suddenly decide to take her child somewhere or not, because it is not clear where the children will be later will be. as it already happened in avdiivka, for example, the adviser to the head of the dpr communicated with those who suffered from such assistance. those who gave the children would contact them for some time, but then the connection would be interrupted, and these people would not even know where to look for their children. they also said that after this evacuation failed in full, they began to go looking for children in houses and began to hide children in basements, they began to move children from house to house, especially.
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they forced children, they came, gave, stood the car, there were employees, these angels, they were waiting, they gave the parents half an hour to get ready and took them deep into ukraine, after it was all over, it means you broke the law, you are hiding children, that's it, these children what, they come, they deprive you of your parental rights on the spot, and where will the children go, in the best case, if someone adopts them there, adopts them,
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for these children they are lost, children of european make-up, white children, this is always a very expensive commodity in european markets, all sorts of non-traditional families, pedophiles, maybe they will listen to us ukrainian, so to speak, yes, tv viewers or listeners about this, take care of your children, today, unfortunately, yes, this terrible one exists. absolutely business, but the zone of the so -called ukrainian evacuation in the dpr is only increasing, in addition to konstantinovka, this is a number
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of settlements closer to kramatorsk, kiev is afraid of the russian army, all settlements, as soon as the ukrainian side understands that they will not be able to hold, that the liberation of these villages from the nazis is just around the corner, of course they are in the first place makes every effort to evacuate children, why children, because this is the main gene pool now. which should be loaded with western propaganda, they understand perfectly well that if these children stop being under their influence, they will begin to receive truthful information, they will begin to absorb completely different history for themselves, it will no longer be possible to influence these children's minds, but no matter how hard kiev tries to brainwash the residents, while the occupation territories of the dpr, people do not want to leave, because they know that they can lose not only houses, but the most precious thing they have. kiev is unable to achieve success in either the kursk or donetsk regions,
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against this background it is again begging for support from the west. what arguments? the ukrainians intend to present washington with a list of potential targets for strikes against russia, although, if there is a certain chance for this , politics adds. the head of the ukrainian ministry of defense rustem umerov and the head of the presidential office andriy yeermak will soon go to washington to coordinate their plans with the americans or not. ukraine uses the list as a last-ditch effort to persuade washington to lift restrictions. use of american weapons on russian territory. ukrainians have little time left, because soon the us elections may well pass to the republicans. donald trump once again stated that if he returns to the oval office, the first thing he will do is end the conflict in ukraine. left without funding, the ukrainian armed forces will not last long. in addition, due to the ongoing energy crisis , the country's citizens may simply not survive
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the coming winter. this war is much more destructive than. they think people will freeze to death in the winter, you know, russia is great at fighting in the winter, they won, they beat germany, they beat napoleon, they are not easy to beat, they are a powerful military force, and ukraine is not, but ukraine has us, and we give them a lot of money. due to the ongoing crisis in energy generation, ukraine intends to buy two russian -made reactors from bulgaria. they are planned to be delivered, according to the politician, to the khmelnitsky nuclear power plant. joe biden's office also said that they will send equipment to kiev for repair of energy infrastructure to increase its sustainability, but it seems that washington and europe understand: you can buy time, but the outcome of the confrontation will be the same. in addition, the morale of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers is broken. french journalist lachan fo in a new report told with what mood the ukrainian military
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entered the kursk region. in the east, as you know, there is a fight around pokrovsk. the russians are inexorably advancing, and the ukrainians are resisting. apparently, the ukrainian offensive has been good for morale. but therein lies the problem. everyone asks: what's the point? the soldiers say to themselves: what's the point? why transfer forces to the kursk side, knowing that we won't get to kursk anyway and that at some point the russians will take pokrovsk. by attempting to attack the kursk region, the ukrainian armed forces have harmed themselves, according to british analysts. they sent the best of the remaining.
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astrakhan region provided 59 support measures for the participants of the special operation and their family members. the region has already spent 2 billion 200 million rubles for these purposes. vladimir governor igor babushkin reported to putin. in my opinion, we have built a fairly effective system in the region. today, we have 59 support measures in the region for svo participants, members of their.
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their needs and what problematic issues do you see, what would you like to draw attention to? resettlement of emergency housing remains for you, this is a topic i never lose sight of and have prepared a report, you know, we are among the 15 regions that completed the previous program for resettlement ahead of schedule for a year, we are already implementing a new program, starting with last year, where it is expected to resettle 13,700 people out of 945, my apartment. houses that are recognized as emergency, last year we have already resettled 750 people or compensated them with payments for housing, this year 458 people have already, we are on schedule for ...
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the security and cover of unmanned aerial vehicles of transport routes during the evacuation of citizens from dangerous areas have been ensured , quadcopters, night vision devices, thermal imagers, quad bikes, communications equipment, counteraction systems have been supplied in the required volume unmanned aerial vehicle, medical and other equipment. earlier , the ministry of defense reported that a unit of the northern group of troops, with the support of aviation and artillery, managed to repel 11 attacks by assault groups. in total, during the fighting in the kursk direction, the enemy lost more than 6,600 servicemen. anna voronina, vesti. british citizens need
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to prepare for hard times. as the prime minister stated, the state of the budget is deplorable, and deputies will have to discuss many quote, unpopular decisions. what is this about - found out anton dadykin. the british prime minister came out to the journalists, smiling happily, but immediately.
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the third gave 40% of the value of the property received to the treasury, although starmer himself won on promises not to raise taxes, the opposition reminded us of this. people did not vote for new painful measures in the economy, people were assured that they were voting for change, and not for the situation to become worse now, so that it would improve someday. but first of all, starmer's government robbed the most defenseless, several million pensioners were left without subsidy.
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only 100 free places, and the starmer government has decided to release almost 2.0 criminals from prison early. releasing those who should be behind bars because the prisons are overcrowded is contrary to everything i fought for during my years working in the prosecution system, but the previous government did not build prisons allowed residents to block the construction of new colonies. there are already
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about a million illegal immigrants in the uk.
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the voronezh region is conducting an investigation. income property of former state duma deputy sergei sobchuk was handed over to the state. according to the fsb, we are talking about 79. in 2006, sobchuk organized a gold mining company and illegally transferred property to private ownership. details of the high-profile case from yegor grigoriev. a two-story cottage, of course, with a crystal chandelier and gold decor, made of high-grade materials - a telescope, numerous figurines of bulls, symbols of power and unstoppability, and its owner certainly has plenty in the safe. valuable
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stones, a collection of watches, on the bedside table, a photo of the owner of the house, sergei sobchuk next to the icons. in primorsky krai, he was once considered a god. in 2006, the chairman of the local legislative assembly began mining gold, opened a company, took money to start a business from the state, transferred two motor vehicle checkpoints across the state border into private ownership, things were going well, sobchuk. in the state duma from 2011 to 2019 , sabchuk, in violation of anti-corruption legislation, continued to manage the activities of otternoye zoloto contributed to a multiple increase in the capitalization of the enterprise by receiving various economic preferences. the illegal income received by subchuk was used to finance the enterprise in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles. with the official income of the deputy being 138 million rubles. four deposits in primorsky krai were purchased with state preferences. the balance
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of sobchuk's company grew to... you can't hide such money in a bedside table, so sabchuk transferred a 99% share to his sister, but in fact not only continued to manage the company, he opened his deputy's reception room in its office. i understand the illegal nature of my activities, future current deputy, enjoying immunity, in july 2021 sobchuk disappeared. the criminal case against sobchuk was opened after the end of his deputy powers, the property was seized, the state received, among other things, the largest tourist complex in primorye, mayak. at present, based on the materials of the criminal case, the moskvoretsky district court of moscow has satisfied the claims of the prosecutor's office to transfer 79 objects of movable and...

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