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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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mom, why do we need these letters? for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state. let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there is. instructions:
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khabarovsk krai, there is serious industry here, for example, great tourism prospects, even ki... there is, so, how is development going, how do they solve the painful personnel issue, build housing , help business, we will talk about this and more with the acting governor of khabarovsk krai dmitry demeshin. dmitriytovich, hello, thank you for agreeing answer ours.
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investments are actively flowing here, to khabarovsk krai, our region is probably the central region, industrial, it has a lot of logistics, it has bam and transip, it has a huge number of ports that lead to all countries.
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processing, so in the first half of 2024 alone we have an 8% growth in industrial production, and of course, our grp is also growing, this year we forecast 103% relative to 2023. despite any aggressive sanctions from unfriendly countries major projects are ongoing, for example , the capacity of the eastern gas pipeline system is being expanded, the eastern polygon of russian railways is being modernized, the construction of the techno-ocean railway is being completed, along which coal from the selginskoye deposit will go to the port of elga on the shore of the sea of ​​okhotsk. in another port, vanino, capacities have already been commissioned and this is the largest transport hub in khabarovsk krai. a hydrometallurgical plant has been created in
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amursk, the malmyzh copper-porphyry deposit is being developed with the construction of a mining and processing plant. business invests. investment last year by 1.4 times... su-35, su-57, overseas shipbuilding plant kusvoda, there is a delivery base, there are ships, and, of course, they are interested in
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our metal, they are interested in our rubber-technical products, all this is supplied here in khabarovsk, the far eastern production association voskhod, this is work in progress. this plant produces compressor and power equipment, for example, for the oil and gas sector, metallurgy,
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pharmaceuticals. the products in terms of characteristics not only replaced, but often surpassed imported analogues, in the modernization of production rate. russian, well, we have been updating the village park for quite a long time, including the last 6 years with the participation of the industrial development fund, as a federal one, and the last year also our regional industrial development fund, today we have prepared a project, the total amount is somewhere around 180 million federal, and somewhere around 50 million - this is ...
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the charter has already been signed by 117 enterprises, small and backbone. i reported this on the territory of the specified enterprise chairman of the government of the russian federation mikhailovich mishustin. he supported our charter of technological
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re-equipment, and i discussed this issue with denis valentinovich mantur, first deputy chairman of the government, and we, of course, will report this issue to the government of russia, and then this practice of technological. and then there are more examples of how business is developing: the amurstal plant dalhimfarm is being modernized, young companies like this are getting on their feet. everything is going to help our fighters in the zone svo. at the front, the model is for hara. a drone for several thousand rubles sends to the scrap heap some abraom with a price of several million dollars, modular drones, it is possible to carry out repairs in the field,
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reconfigure communication channels, which is important when the enemy's rap is operating. as for components, localization is underway, batteries, for example, from tatarstan. at the moment, we produce 1,200 units, send them directly to units and volunteers take part in this and ...
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new tools and, by the way, successfully uses state preferences, because it is interested in every
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instrument that will allow it to increase its marginality, well, and the state, of course, helps with this, we are forming a unified support system based on the center of my business, these are subsidies, this is lending, these are loan guarantees, these are consulting, educational services, this is promotion in the domestic and foreign markets, this last aspect is very...
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in the far east, here we produce a piece that can rarely be reproduced anywhere, here we have a large program to promote our products, well, take the same fish, because in the sea of ​​okhotsk fish is caught by khabarovsk residents, and sakhalin residents, and komchadals and makadans kysot, but the red caviar that is caught everywhere here kusot, for some reason is called... kamchan caviar, caviar extracted in accordance with the law, that's what we
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sell on the shelves of our stores cheaper, why? because it is made in khabarovsk, because the cost of expensive logistics, refrigerators is not included here, it is still fresh, because it does not need to be frozen, when it is transported, but this is a special marking, yes, yes, that is absolutely right, this is a special tiger, yes, there is a sea tiger, that is absolutely right, but our tiger, the northernmost tiger in the world, by the way. and the largest individual, bengals run away in horror from our amur type. the marking is made in khabarovsk krai, essentially a quality mark that will help the goods gain a foothold on the shelves of the country's stores. product promotion is participation in forums, organizing business missions, including abroad in friendly countries. the list of partners of khabarovsk krai includes more than eighty countries. exports by that year had grown by 108%. that's how medicines go in belarus.
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market, and the excess, we are happy to sell it to the external market. one of the key projects, joint development of bolshoy usurist island with china. a passage that will be both passenger, which will involve the development of tourism, and cargo, which will involve the development of industrial and logistics ties, all this in the near future our population, the population of
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neighboring china will see in kind , a serious joint project such...
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this is how you implement , this is how export documentation is processed, of course, this makes our business easier. business is responsible for support by increasing investments. for the first half of the year, almost 2 billion rubles, which is almost one and a half times more than for the same period last year. but the growth may be held back by the problem of personnel. in khabarovsk krai, there are 23,000 vacancies and slightly more than 2,000 unemployed. well, now, perhaps, one of such key issues, yes. which is relevant for all regions, is the shortage of specialists, yes, the personnel issue, this is how it is solved here in khabarovsk krai, of course, we not only train, we also retrain our people, we invite a large number of people from central russia, so that they come, because we have
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northern allowances established for all of our territories, we have more convenient conditions, in terms of social support, we give a number of preferences, but at the same time, of course, living conditions, especially in the north of khabarovsk krai are quite difficult, but there is romance to, here is another mechanism, which i should also mention is the attraction of qualified specialists from other regions, for each such employee, the employer is provided with financial support, 1 million rubles to compensate for moving expenses. we have already attracted 1,300 specialists from 68 regions, 65 enterprises where our specialists work. by the end of the year, 2,000 people will undergo free training in in-demand professions, from drivers and machinists to accountants, logisticians, psychologists. far eastern state medical university has quadrupled
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number of budget places for residency. there are educational clusters within the framework of the federal project professional. creation of a shipbuilding cluster we passed the selection in komsomolsk shipbuilding technical school will also accordingly train students from september 1 in this profession. for example, the aircraft plant in komsomolsk-on-amur, the one that produces the import-substituting superjet, attracted 200 people spent
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over 15 million rubles on training. amur shipbuilding plant approximately the same figures. interested in these people received proper quality and household services, that's why apartments should be built for them, we solve the issues of awareness, especially for young specialists, because the preferences that exist in the far east, this is the implementation, by the way, of the programs of the far easterner's house, the far easterner, there is a format for providing and building rental housing for them, at a reduced rate, here the memprontor presents a subsidy for reimbursement of costs also on... there is and accordingly it goes through us, we implement it, well yes, to see the prospect, as those here are more than a thousand people, yes, who have already come here, found themselves, and these are truly highly qualified specialists, that is, this is ...
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the far east. comprehensive development of territories is important, schools, kindergartens, roads,
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urban transport, public-private partnership, with the help of an infrastructure menu and target programs, such as incentives. not excluding that for sure, maybe even in this hall they discussed the master plan for the development of khabarovsk or, for example, yes, komsomolsko- na-more, here is one of the.
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already implemented, for example, projects, large rehabilitation centers, children's centers, which we included in the master plan, of course, this is relevant, the construction of entire microdistricts with the volume of financing, we have in the master plans of two cities, here over 367 billion rubles. these are huge amounts. in khabarovsk there will be an inter-university campus, a recreation and health center for children. there are many projects, for example, in komsomolsk-namuree there are 24 infrastructure and 43 organizational ones in the plans.
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comfortable for people to live, especially since there are ports and stevedores, here is a closed transshipment, by the way, environmentally friendly, master plans are also the development of tourism, this year the number of trips has increased by 1.3 times, people go to see the whales of the shantar islands, raft down rivers, ride mountain...
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it has not yet opened, but we already clearly see the demand from our population, namely in this water park. it is also important that when developing road maps, implementing master plans, take into account the opinion of people who pay attention to certain problems, but this is not a loss of money, this is not the development of what... will be developed next year, here are our ambitious plans that the accounts chamber is forcing to be implemented in full, in my opinion, this is good and...
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to demand immediate results from the implementation of these plans in the far east, well, it is probably premature, these are the strategic goals that we set for ourselves and are achieving them in stages, this is quite realistic, and we are already seeing a change in people's attitudes towards living in the far east, a large number of people who come to our enterprises, bring their families here, enter the far eastern mortgage program, acquire housing or... it under the far eastern hectare program, here receiving beautiful plots of land in wonderful places, they stay to live with us in the far east, in khabarovsk krai. the far east becomes close to the heart, it turns out, to look with optimism at the development. thank you very much for finding the time and answering our questions. thank you very much, i hope that khabarovsk krai will remain in your heart, this is a beautiful russian land, and we are always
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waiting. you all to live on our land and to work. who are you? i, the traveler. the aeronaut jean ivan, and so we are namesakes, what a fairy tale without ivan, eh, what started, without deception without flint, likhodi has imprisoned me in flints, a self-written pen, magic ink, you will get it, the main thing is to hurry me to van, so give me a horse, a mechanical one. and
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hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want, where you need to go, i can't live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
4:59 am
russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv, while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these viewings.
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in the korsk region, a unit of the sever group, with the support of aviation and artillery , repelled 11 attacks by assault groups in the armed forces of ukraine in the direction of the settlements of borki and malaya loknya. in one day, zelensky's formations lost 400 militants and 30 armored vehicles. since august 6, only in the kursk direction, the total losses in the ssu exceeded 6,600 soldiers, officers, mercenaries. over 600 armored vehicles were destroyed, including 73 tanks and 34.


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