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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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hello, the correspondents of the program vesti dezhdualnaya partiya and i, maksim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. in the khantamantiy autonomous okrug, two influential officials were caught scamming a government contract. the deputy director of the regional road and transport department, together with his subordinate, so cleverly pulled off the purchase of new buses with air conditioners that the buses ended up without air conditioners, and at the same time cost the budget a whole third more than their market value, while they were buying immediately for 165 buses. as a result, just one fraud with a state contract caused damage to the budget in the amount of 800 million rubles. at present, officials and the director of the supplier company have been detained on the basis of materials collected with...
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her in a similar way a year and a half ago, without any justification, accused of theft, and then repeatedly waited at the entrance and demanded compensation for damages of 60,000 rubles. intimidated, that is, that we will take you to timasheva now, take you away, you will dig your own grave there, i lived for a week not at home, because i was afraid that they would break into my home, that they would break down my door. after almas and maria contacted the police, four formidable guards were detained, the alleged gang members were charged with serious and especially serious crimes. according to the investigation, they beat
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their victims, took personal belongings, issued loans in their names, acting by distributing responsibilities. according to the investigation, the accused united into a criminal group with the purpose of committing.
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valeria rashkina, the media reports: under the wheels of the car of the former state duma deputy the people's representative is alive and well, here is the animal that died, again evil or fate is now pursuing the former deputy until it is truly unknown, but the court has definitely established how 3 years on... otrashki in the same car he was transporting the carcasses of a killed moose when he was caught poaching. themis then awarded the former deputy three years probation with a ban on hunting for 2 years. this term, by the way, has already expired. bank robbery for one and a half billion. the thief of a record amount of money from safe deposit boxes is about to appear in court. the investigators have completed the investigation. it turned out that the sly man managed to pull off the crime alone. his accomplices helped him only remotely. details by olga zhurinkova. if directors ever decide to film the story of arturance, the film will definitely be a success. unemployed, uneducated, with only a moldovan school certificate, according to investigators, robbed several bank safe deposit boxes in a couple of days, for a record amount of almost one and a half billion rubles. this is one of the largest bank robberies
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in the history of russia. the investigators needed six months to unravel this crime detective story. finally, the investigation is over, the criminal case with the indictment has been sent to court. the crime occurred in... last spring, the thief himself was caught on surveillance cameras, in these shots, barbyntsa with a small backpack bag approaches a bank branch, applies a card to a reading device, the door opens, it is already known that the swindler used a fake nameless card, and then a universal key to open the cells. in the spring, when the scandal occurred, employees the bank did not even want to discuss the robbery, according to them, the situation did not affect work in any way, clients allegedly were in no hurry to take their valuables from the cells. for us, this is as loud and terrible an event as for everyone else. immediately after the robbery of vek , the burglar decided to lie low, but not in bruges, in sochi, although he was unable to visit his mother, he was detained at the airport by the police. borbyn kept the stolen money in a specially rented apartment, seife. bundles of dollars and euros took up almost the entire
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room. there was money on the floor instead of a carpet, on the table, stacks of five-thousand ruble bills are stacked in three rows. some of the cash is carelessly thrown into a grocery plastic bag, so that... a counting machine, it would take several days to count all the money manually, on a large double bed there are jewelry, a collection of expensive watches, necklaces, rings, bracelets, pendants. soon, the same bank branch was waiting for barbinsu again, this time to verify the testimony on the spot. in the footage of the operational shooting, he is surrounded by police officers, the face of the detainee in the video was hidden computer retouching in the interests of the investigation. the alleged thief was taken inside, among other things. to the bank, so that he would tell about all the details of his criminal visits, about the loss of valuables to the police, first one of the clients of the depository reported, then two more victims appeared. the crime was carefully planned and preparations for it were carried out for more than one month. in all likelihood, the hacker barbynets in the criminal scheme was only
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the executor, took on the most risky dirty work, and they thought out an attack on the bank, his unknown accomplices and curators from abroad. as st. petersburg journalists found out, the necessary equipment was transferred to the accused through intercity bus drivers, for example, one of the parcels contained special equipment for secretly reading bank cards, tapes with microcircuits, it had to be installed on the entrance door to the bank branch in order to obtain pin codes. investigators talk about the case on condition of anonymity. between march 8 and 10, 2024 , a theft of depositories with safe deposit boxes. he committed the crime alone, but received the necessary instructions.
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consideration on the merits, he faces up to 10 years in prison, the investigation into the alleged perpetrators of the large-scale hack of the bank vault is still in full swing. olga shurenkova, dmitry akimov, vladimir bazov, dmitry manyshev, news! duty part. secretary of the security council of russia, sergey shaiguv , held a meeting in kabordino-balkaria on security issues of the regions of the north caucasus federal district district. the event was attended by the plenipotentiary representative of the president of russia in the north caucasus federal district yuri chaiko, the head of the russian federation for the north caucasus federal district sergei bachurin, as well as the heads of the regions included in the district and representatives of federal ministries and departments. among the issues discussed was the fight against the spread of radical ideologies among the youth of the caucasus. according to the ministry of internal affairs, attempts to create extremist movements on the territory of russia.
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learn to breathe, learn not only to breathe, speak and walk also vera vashchinskaya ended up in a hospital bed because of a salad with beans, i ordered ready-made food delivery, the next day my head suddenly started spinning, and my vision went away, they couldn’t make a diagnosis, they didn’t know if it was botulism or not. 2 weeks in intensive care on an ebl machine, another 2 weeks in the hospital, but even after being discharged my health didn’t recover, i have such a partial memory loss, that is, i don’t remember languages ​​well. it’s very frustrating, i can no longer continue my education, so as not to lose my place at the university, i had to take
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an academic leave, now vera and another 30 the victims are preparing a class action lawsuit against the company kitchen on the district, the service has already started paying money, but many are not satisfied with the amount. unlike, so to speak, standard cases in the field of consumer protection, people here have long-term consequences for life. some lost their jobs, were unable to get a new job because they were lying in the hospital for several weeks, and many still have health problems. natalia just finished a course of chemotherapy, was hospitalized again, ate lobio kitchen on the district. i want compensation for moral damage, because i believe that every person has the right to life. i have such a serious disease, like all cancer patients, of course, i am afraid of a relapse, and a relapse is very much associated with stress. now the service is not working. rospotrebnadzor has identified many violations in production. however, you can get botulism not only through purchased food. the cause of the disease is a bacterium.
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clastridium are not afraid. clastridium spores are very preparations for the winter, ordinary boiling is resistant, and in order for them to inactivate reliably, temperatures are needed that are higher than 100 °. such temperatures at the level of 120-130 ° at home are certainly impossible to achieve. classtridia does not like vinegar salt, but the concentration of preservatives in the marinade should be higher than 1%. such a strong brine is far from everyone's taste, in a weaker one the spores germinate perfectly, the preparations should be stored at a temperature not higher than 4 °, and meat and
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fish preserves should definitely not be made at home. alexey knor, mikhail sidorov, gennady talochkin, anastasia afinogenova, vesti duty unit. they took over the berech, and they themselves mercilessly destroyed several specialists in breeding and protecting fish in the murmon region, and they themselves were caught poaching. instead of counting the elk and keeping records, the dealers massively exterminated everything they managed to catch. the gang, consisting exclusively of fish farmers, was caught red-handed by the ministry of internal affairs officers, in order to remain unnoticed until the last minute and scare the villains, the police used a quadcopter. its recordings are now valuable evidence, on them in all the suspects' actions are visible in detail. with details of the operation from the murmansk region, oleg posobin. usti rekola, murmansk region, the camera of the operational shooting records how men take a large fish out of the water and move all these unusual-looking gear fish-counting fence. with its help , employees of the local fish-breeding. melioration station count salmon, but it is clearly visible that this time the people in the frame are busy
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with something completely different, they take the fish going to spawn from the water, then go to the shore and gut the catch. employees of the department economic security and combating corruption at the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the kola district detained four residents of the murmansk region red-handed, who are suspected of illegally extracting aquatic biological resources. and this footage is a few minutes after the detention, some of the salmon has already been divided, the carcasses have even been placed in vacuum packaging next to the gear, it looks like fish is caught here on an industrial scale, the suspects were monitored with a quadcopter... the owners, judging by their confident movements, these people catch salmon regularly, it is reported,
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that the police were detained on the personal employees of the fish-breeding melioration station, it would seem that they themselves issue licenses for fishing? they receive a salary for counting and protecting valuable species of fish. from above , it is clearly visible how their gear completely blocks the river, leaving only a small passage of a couple of meters. salmon has no chance of salvation in this place. according to preliminary data, as a result of the illegal actions of the perpetrators, damage to aquatic biological resources of the russian federation amounted to more than a million rubles. the murmansk region is washed by the white and barintsev seas, from where very valuable species of fish enter the rivers here. it catches salmon, cod, halibut, and crab lives in large quantities in the northern part of the peninsula. border guards fight poachers here, and the ministry of emergency situations conducts its own raids. this is a sea bream, this is a wolffish, but this operation stands out from the general background. the poachers seem to have used government powers as a cover, and the police
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seized 48 fish carcasses in total. this is now material evidence that is stored in freezers until the court's decision. the police are investigating a criminal case on illegal extraction of biological resources in sight four suspects. oleg posobin, pavel tretyakov, lead duty unit, murminskaya oblast. to tame a four-wheeled monster, more and more extreme recreation enthusiasts are getting into police reports after quad bike rides, rushing both on roads and in mountain resorts, while forgetting even about basic safety precautions. material by galina khungureeva. all or archive. in korochaevo cherkessia among picturesque slopes, a slender chain of quad bikes stretches, at each rental point a dozen motorized vehicles are waiting for tourists. mountain quad bikes are especially ferocious in appearance, the wheels are almost as tall as a person, according to the law , it is necessary to saddle such equipment in protective helmets, do not forget about seat belts and the most important thing - a driver's license. the most
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common management without a caste, who should be responsible for this? during the raid , police officers checked these. and some are even more worried about the iron, and not about the victims, i do not it's a pity, i feel sorry for the car, this video is from nizhny novgorod, the driver on the atv rammed four cars at once, the trunk of the zhiguli was dented, the rear of the foreign car was badly damaged, presumably the culprit of the accident was drunk, in the irkutsk region an accident involving a four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle ended in
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tragedy, the atv was driven by a twelve-year-old boy, during a maneuver he collided with a passing lexus, the schoolboy died ... on the spot, such a vehicle cannot be used on public roads, only on special route, as a rule, it is there in winter on the ice somewhere, maybe through the forest. before the start , the responsible specialists must necessarily conduct a briefing, in the mountainous area to save those who got into trouble, search teams work. on the territory of the republic we have two e permanent units, this is in arkhite in dombay, actually this. these are the main places where all the tourist flow associated with mountain tourism and regenism is directed. unfortunately, few people know about the insidiousness of the danger of mountain troughs. 85 victims and two the other side of the tourist season. since all-terrain vehicles are a source of increased danger,
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there is a requirement for their safe operation. nevertheless, police officers continue. to conduct raids to remind vacationers that it is important to remember about safety during entertainment and adrenaline trips. galina khungureeva, vladimir bazov, mikhail zhilin, vesti duty part. the end of the deputy business in primorsky krai the fsb and the prosecutor general's office deprived the fugitive people's representative of his financial empire. the state's income is converted into assets worth tens of billions of rubles. the fact is that sergei sobchuk, despite the formal ban, owned several large enterprises at once, which brought him fabulous income.
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the floor is given to alexandra mostovaya. judging by these shots, the fugitive deputy sergei sobchuk shocked at his post. his modest home in the very center of vladivostok resembles a royal mansion. there is an expensive car in the parking lot, the house has several floors and rooms, a luxurious dining room with a marble floor, a spacious living room with its own home a cinema, a fireplace nearby, mahogany furniture everywhere, the ceiling is decorated with crystal chandeliers, there is also a billiard room, and even a golden telescope, apparently, the former people's representative liked to look at the stars at night, from this bright bedroom, next to the bed, mr. sobchuk put a photograph of himself on the nightstand, a cabinet with gold and diamonds deserves special attention, there are dozens of jewelry here. now sobchuk will have to say goodbye to these riches. the federal security service of the russian federation together with the general prosecutor's office of the russian federation.
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the property and assets of the former deputy of the state duma of the federal assembly of the russian federation, sapchuk s.a., were converted into state revenue in excess of 41 billion rubles. investigators are sure that mr. sobchuk's billion-dollar wealth was obtained illegally . despite the ban on engaging in entrepreneurial activity, the former people's representative owned several. according to the investigation , he invested more than a billion rubles in a gold mining company, effectively taking possession of the entire package shares. he transferred them to his sister to remove any suspicion from himself. since 2011, he organized and financed exploration activities under the gold mining enterprise ooo terney zoloto, which he controlled, the assets of which amounted to. another asset of the former deputy, which is now converted into state income, is the mayak recreation complex, this is how the residence looks from above,
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several buildings at once, guest houses, vast forest lands are surrounded by a fence, journalists from our program visited this base, then the employees assured the reporters, that the owner of the estate is not connected with sergei sobchuk, who lives here, the owner is on the territory, the owner is on the territory, invite him? the elected official had a connection with poltavka. mr. sabchuk allegedly sat in this administrative building. and this is confirmed by these curious shots. in the objects of the automobile checkpoint , the reception room opposite the manager's office has a door with a sign sobchuk sergei andreevich. here is a man who looks very much like the now former people's representative. journalists tried to talk to the employees of the enterprise, but they turned out to be taciturn. the organization does not belong to sobchuk? i am not a kopiken. in primorye , sergei sabchuk is a very famous person. his career in politics began in the late nineties, when he became a deputy of the regional duma. in 2007, he took the post of vice-governor of primorsky krai and even survived an attempt on
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his life. and in 2016, he won the elections to the state duma. his wife rona sobchuk once held the position of judge of the soviet district court of vladivostok. in 2020, she got into a scandal. it all happened during the trial in the case of the former mayor of the city igor pushkarev. madam. tried to give flowers to a representative of the prosecutor general's office, i just wanted to give flowers, why? well, maybe you can just tell us your position, because we watched the video and i can't give any comments now, and you think that this is normal, this is not a violation of judicial these there was no violation. sergei sabchuk is officially on the international wanted list, he was arrested in absentia, it is known that the ex-deputy found refuge in the united arab emirates and, apparently, does not plan return to his homeland. but he won't be able to live in luxury like before: the assets that fed the fugitive deputy have now been converted into state income, and sobchuk himself has lost tens of billions of rubles. alexander
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mostovay, denis novozhilov, andrey romanov and khalimat kuchmezova. news, duty station. and at the end of the issue, kosolapy zator on the moscow-st. petersburg toll road, a bear cub ran out onto the road and decided to compete with cars in speed. the bear ran so fast that his heels sparkled, and drivers had to slow down and obediently follow the animal. about 4 km, until he found another hole in the fence and returned to the forest. varya's brigade left for the scene, but she had no luck forcing the bear. all that was left was to patch up the holes in the fence so that no clubfoot would interfere with the dense flow of cars anymore. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels duty part and honor on detective. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you later. mom, what are the letters for the fairy tale in the 39th kingdom, the thirtieth state.
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we will take on this case, it will be honest detective. it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it's easy to make a dep fake, change. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the site, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot.
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competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they were tense inside america, beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch now , this is america, a program about the country, which is difficult to understand.
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briefly about the main thing. helicopters, tornado s rocket launchers are destroying ukrainian positions, field ammunition depots. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces have lost another 400 fighters and 30 armored vehicles, plus rocket launchers, including hymers. explosions in the sumy and kharkov regions, alarm, as well as in the dnepropetrovsk, poltava and chernihiv regions, the day before in ukrainian.


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