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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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warning that residents of the region need to go down to shelter, or, if you are at home, find a place where there are capital walls. fighters of the armed forces of the russian federation repelled 11 attacks of the armed forces of ukraine in the directions of the points borki, kulbaki, kremennoe, maloe lokhnya, and also thwarted attempts at attacks in the direction of the settlements krasno oktyabrskoye, olgovka, cherkasskaya porechye in the armed forces of ukraine lost up to 65 people killed and wounded, an armored personnel carrier and eight large armored vehicles. meanwhile, the national center for assistance to missing and injured children under the coordination of the russian emergencies ministry, is working to provide social assistance to residents of the kursk region. the activity has found great support among the local population. kursk residents actively come to help, become volunteers. particular attention is paid to the evacuation of the wounded, military personnel from the front line, this work is really very important, when
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it is evacuated from the front line, first stabilization assistance is provided in such evacuation points, we are in one of the stabilization and evacuation centers of the kursk region, which is in close cooperation with the ministry of defense, where we accept, evacuate here from the front line, accept, stabilize the seriously wounded, process the moderately and lightly wounded, several options for the arrival of the wounded, this is either the self-... removal of the front line guys, whom we are at the crossroads, centers, intersections of roads, there at the roundabouts, where they are obliged to pass, because otherwise there is no way to leave, and we accept them, accompany them, or take their wounded, or together with those who are being taken away we come to our sep, this is a reception area with eight beds, there are places for serious cases right away, well, we can accept serious cases according to the number of places according to the number of specialists who are ready to accept, that is, we... are ready
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to provide assistance to three or four serious cases at the same time, today the early elections of the governor of the kursk region really begin, despite the difficult situation, the elections will take place, the main elections will take place on the sixth, seventh and eighth of september, but today you can vote both in person and remotely, today representatives of the central election commission will be to observe the voting in temporary detention centers, that is, those people... who are now remaining in the centers, have the right, the legal right to cast their vote for the future governor. stanislav bernwald, sergey soldatov, vesti kurskaya oblast. our military is gradually displacing ukrainian units from russian territory. thus, the enemy positions in the border areas of kurskaya oblast are being covered with continuous fire by tornado sruppirov rocket systems. intelligence
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has confirmed that concentrations of military equipment, weapons and ammunition of the ukrainian armed forces have been destroyed. the new system with glanas navigation helps to deliver strikes. we cover a large area of ​​the enemy when he moves, we can also hit, hit a moving column. we are now using a controlled missile projectile, which has not let us down throughout, here is the last task that we worked out, there were three targets. all the point completely, the calculation acts harmoniously, without hesitation, now to the zaporizhzhya section of the special operation, where combat missions are carried out by calculations of self-propelled units msta, in breaks between departures, a mandatory call home, relatives are waiting for the fighters in the rear, and our war correspondent, anton stepanenko, talked to them. she won’t confuse this call with any other, irina waits for it every day. hi, mom, hi. how are you, i want to go home
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already, i want to go home, it will all end, well , why are we waiting for you here, we are worried about all of you, she has already gotten used to not asking questions, where is he, what is he doing, he won’t answer anyway, he is at the front, the main thing is that he calls, at the very beginning of the svo he did not get in touch for 2 weeks and these 2 weeks became the most terrible for her, we day and night we didn't sleep, they called the unit, no one told us anything...
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the commander of the msta self-propelled gun, his unit is fighting on the zaporizhzhya front, they hit like howitzers hit, three sevens hit, leopards, it doesn't matter, everything burns unambiguously, everything. the russian shell doesn't care who is against it, what kind of enemy it is on, what kind of equipment it is, the enemy is hunting for its self-propelled gun, the msta gun is effective, it hits far and accurately, the most dangerous thing for the crew is not so much getting to the firing position, but being in position, having time to work on the targets, and after all, they are often they also shoot when you have already taken up positions, you stand with your gun aimed at the target, you shoot, well, and as it were, you know, it depends on the risk, it is already kind of big, if... things start flying at you, someone manages to finish off the target in order to hit it, so that it is effective, so that it is not just a ride, for the fact that they did not just ride out, with losses for the enemy , the order of courage, medals for bravery and the st. george cross, and two more wounds, for the rest you have to
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pay for nerves and endurance, the cluster munition fell and the balls flew apart and his fellow soldiers were too seriously wounded. physically, then i immediately just went to the tower, to watch how it all happens, the guys were leaving for the target, i just stood, watched, studied, grasped, grasped well, for diligence and accuracy, the zhukov medal, because it is he who puts the final point in the work of the entire calculation, his family still does not know that
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he is here, for them he is somewhere in the south, when your sight corrections are becoming less and less, you understand that you are already close to hitting and ... when they already say: work carefully, there are three shells rapid fire, well, you already understand that you are specifically hitting, each hit is the lives of infantrymen saved, who are winning back meter by meter on the ground. it's nice, you know, when you go out there, then people say, thank you very much, the artillery helped there, the infantry is in great need, because sometimes the enemy will rain down on them too, the main thing is to believe in victory, to believe in yourself, ukraine, trying to hold onto its territory, is suffering huge human losses, they are extremely difficult to replenish, this is reported by the turkish media. according to them, one the operation in kursk oblast alone deprived kiev of 6,000 soldiers. nevertheless,
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the ukrainian armed forces command continues to rely on this direction. moreover, it talks about the use of long-range weapons on russian territory. emil knows how such dreams will end for kiev. the strikes on ukraine only confirmed the vulnerability of its air defense. the country simply does not have enough resources to intercept missiles in all regions. this is the conclusion reached by wall street journal journalists. ukraine's energy infrastructure has weakened, since it is constantly under attack important power generation facilities were affected. rolling blackouts have become commonplace this summer. however, instead of investing in air defense systems, kiev has focused its main resources on the operation in the kursk region, resuming. we are not at war with russia and do not seek a conflict with moscow, we support a democratic
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country that needs weapons for self-defense. finland, on the contrary, has completely abandoned the very idea of ​​supplying ukraine with long-range weapons. the president fears escalation, but at the same time says. helsinki already understands its role in the defensive war. we must remember that finland is on the front line. we have a common border, and therefore our own role in this defensive war. we must ensure that there is no possibility of attacking our territory from the russian side, so that we can support ukraine in other ways. retired american intelligence officer scott ritter is sure that almost everything said above is blev. according to him, not a single step by kiev, either in domestic policy or on battlefield. cannot be done without washington's approval, especially when it comes to the use of long-range weapons in major operations. ukraine's invasion of the kurdish region is an invasion of russia on behalf of nato, although the us alliances deny their involvement, but it simply could not
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have happened without their significant participation. so this invasion put an end to the negotiations. and all that remains now is a strategic victory over ukraine, which will happen by ... other prominent american journalists from the duran project, they are confident in the fact that the vsu is dispersed only to moscow's advantage, especially in the context of ...
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emil mirsayev, news! in france , the fate of pavel durov will soon be determined. the paris prosecutor's office confirmed that on wednesday evening, the maximum amount of time for preliminary detention expires at 96:00. then the founder of telegram will either be released or charged. and confirmed data, durov is in custody at the national bureau of anti -fraud, and this is the body that is conducting
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investigation. so far, the court of the fifth republic has not given exact information about when the hearing will take place. the local press has suggested that the founder of messenger could face up to 20 years in prison. this year, the contract for the transit of russian gas through ukraine to europe expires, and kiev does not want to extend it. what does this mean for the eu? ukraine will not extend the contract with russia for gas transit, however, if there is a request from european partners, kiev is ready to negotiate transit with companies from other countries. such a statement on tuesday, volodymyr zelensky made it, on the same day, gas prices in the eu increased by 2.5%. the current contract for pumping russian.
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the main recipients of russian gas going through the territory of ukraine are austria, in descending order, slovakia, the czech republic, italy, and also moldova represented by the president. however, the transit is not at full capacity. the ukrainian operator refuses to accept gas through the sokhranovka station, so supplies are only through the sudzha station within its capabilities. gazprom pumps a little more than 40 million cubic meters per day. after the northern streams were undermined, the only alternative, besides lng, is the turkish stream. in the first 7 months of this year, supplies to the european union via it increased almost one and a half times and exceeded 9 billion cubic meters. about 50 million pass through there per day. this route will not be able to take on the volumes of the sudzha station, and if russian gas supplies
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through ukraine cease on the european market, panic will begin. the turkish route, but it is not bottomless, and the potential for supply growth there is not so great. yes, hungary is more likely there will be enough of everything, but it is unlikely for everyone else. the market will start to shake already in december, because everyone will be feverishly running around trying to scrape up everything they can. stop supplying gas during the peak demand period in january, well, yes, prices will also go up, you can be as funder as you like, but you know, the countries that receive this gas, i think, will not be delighted, so as not to lose the opportunity to receive russian gas through ukraine. europe will simply agree with kiev on a different supply procedure, we are sure experts. for example, instead of a transit
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contract, it is possible to use a system of auctions for booking the capacity of the gas transportation system. another option is the transfer of ownership of gas immediately at the border between russia and ukraine. such a contract is beneficial, perhaps, to russia, because the transfer of ownership precisely at the border of russia and ukraine removes the risks of the russian gas transportation monopoly for further transit through the territory of ukraine removes the risks associated with the unauthorized selection of gas directly with the tariff regulation, with changes in regulatory requirements and many other aspects that are constantly changing in the legislative field of ukraine. european gas storage facilities are now filled to almost 92%. but even such reserves will not be enough if something unexpected happens, bloomberg analysts reported. for example, an unexpected cold snap or
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problems with gas supplies from russia. in addition, ukraine itself actively uses russian gas, receiving it in reverse from europe, but this is on paper, and in fact, simply taking it from transit volumes, and even charges about a billion dollars a year for the services of its gas transportation system. in turn, russia is ready to continue gas transit to europe through ukraine after 2024. this was previously stated by deputy prime minister alexander novak. a loan with cashback from spera is even more opportunities. amount - up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback in sber-thank you bonuses. do business with sber. open a free sber-business card, connect to the loyalty program sberbusiness thank you receive
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with the urgent note the hacker group redit published data on almost 700 militants of the nazi azov, including over 400 photographs. we will return to this topic later, for now to other news. in donetsk , roads are being repaired, hospitals, schools and parks. regional chef moscow is helping to carry out the work. the plan for next year is ready. and vera yaskova will tell you about the objects that have already been completed
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. from the roadway to lawns, lighting and ilch zones from the kalmius river to the border with the recreation city. we did the reconstruction of makeyevka avenue, which is more than 6 km, made additional parking near the hospital, near the botanical garden, made completely new sidewalks in places where there were none, carried out major repairs to existing sidewalks, and accordingly completely relaid the roadway. one of the most protégé highways of the city, crossing two districts, has become the new calling card of the republican capital. one of the main medical institutions of donetsk, the kalinin republican clinical hospital, is located on ilica avenue. here, after a direct hit by ukrainian shelling , one of the hospital buildings had to be rebuilt, not even restored. the amount of work is enormous; by the end of the year, the walls, floors, and roof will be completed. interior and finishing work is planned for 2025. restoration work is being completed in one of
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administrative buildings of donetsk. it was empty for 10 years, now with the help of the regional chief. they intend to put it into operation in the next 4 months. moscow emergency teams have been working in donetsk for almost 2 years, in addition to emergency situations, they help prepare boiler houses and heating networks for winter. during hydraulic tests, this pipeline showed a leak in the weld, at the moment we are replacing a section of the pipeline. moscow emergency teams are literally busy 24/7, so there are plans to increase their number in donetsk. more and more are appearing new public spaces. another gift from moscow to donetsk was gorky park. this is a modern recreation area that appeared on the site of a virtually abandoned park. one and a half year old mikhail is mastering the unusual. especially the surface, we just started walking, it’s not scary to let him go if
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he fell, got up, got shaky, it’s not asphalt, of course, everything is gorgeous, wonderful, the territory of gorky park is 8.5 hectares, of which 2.5 are paths, playgrounds and sports grounds, everything else is lawns, already this fall their appearance has been radically will change, they intend to plant here... trees and ornamental shrubs. the restoration program for next year, which the moscow city economy complex is to implement, is already ready and is being discussed with colleagues. we submitted the draft program for next year to the moscow government for consideration, so that we would like to see that what residents write to us, what residents tell us, what we ourselves see. we will discuss, moscow always hears us, always helps. therefore, i am sure that we will find common ground so that the priority people's problems. close. work on the restoration of buildings, structures, engineering infrastructure and landscaping in donetsk will continue next year, and the program promises to be even more impressive. vera
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atskova, roman frolov, alexander uleshchenko, vesti donetsk. the booing aviation corporation continues to have a bad streak. an airplane tire exploded at the atlanta airport in the united states. as a result, two employees who were performing maintenance were killed. another is in serious condition. according to local authorities, an investigation is already underway what happened. the media publish a recording of a conversation with terminal workers, who complain that after a series of accidents with boeings, they are afraid to go to work. what happened is a tragedy. you know, every day when we come to work, we understand that we may not return home, tires, engines, there is a lot of equipment that requires safety. the us prosecutor's office has brought a second charge against donald trump, taking into account the previous ruling of the us supreme court, according to which the politician has partial immunity. from
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this detail documents. border invasion, migrant crime, inflation, threat of world war iii and so on. a us court has sentenced an american who was the first to storm the capitol three years ago during a protest to four years in prison . this was reported by nbc news. during the hearing, the defendant said
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that he still believes. donald trump's words that the last presidential election was rigged. in total , over a thousand us citizens have been convicted in the capitol storming case. the harshest sentence is 22 years behind bars. i am a traveler.
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and hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want to go, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has a flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen , soon.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. in moscow 9:29 and further, briefly about the main thing. early voting in the gubernatorial elections starts in the kursk region, decision adopted for security purposes. you can vote at polling stations
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at home. places and... determine territorial commissions taking into account the operational situation. four people are vying for the post of head of the region. in the border areas of the kursk region, ukrainian positions are being destroyed by the tornado s rocket systems of the northern forces group. the missiles of the complex are controlled using satellite navigation. intelligence reveals the accumulation of military equipment, weapons and ammunition of the ukrainian armed forces. our k-52m and mi-8. europe is not ready for ukraine to terminate the agreement on the transit of russian gas. for the european union, fuel from russia is insurance against a harsh winter. zelensky said the day before that kiev would not extend the transit agreement with gazprom for the twenty-fifth year. in france , the fate of pavel durov will soon be determined; the maximum possible 96 hours for detention expire on wednesday evening. after. the
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founders of telegram should.


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