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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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this industry ranks second in terms of the number of financed projects in the fund's portfolio, it is the industry leader in non-sectoral energy exports, we see that our clients received revenue last year on average 10% higher than the industry average, but at the same time we understand that another 55 technological centers need to be created, and i am sure that this will be a priority for the fund in the coming years. in our work, the president set us the task of increasing the share of high-tech products, goods and services of domestic production, which are made on the basis of their own development lines in the volume of consumption of goods and services of the country by one and a half times. here i want you to be guided by this highest level task, it is very important that in the volume of all such high-tech products, goods, services, there was, of course, a share of support, which our development institute is engaged in, which is the industrial development fund, good luck. prime minister mikhail mishusin
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met with the head of the industrial development fund.
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support culture, build a sports future and be in sports, help reach the stars! and be there in any, even the most remote point: fsb, the bank of a strong country. i i welcome everyone who has joined us, this is studio five, a place where we traditionally have the opportunity to look at the events happening around us a little more closely than the dry news format allows. we continue to follow pavel durov, who was detained in paris, i will remind you that today, that is, on wednesday evening, in theory the period for which he was detained expires, those same 96 hours, by that moment charges must be brought, if there are sufficient arguments for the court, or he must be released.
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in fact, this is confirmed by the paris prosecutor's office, while the paris court reports that it has no information about when a hearing might take place to determine durov's fate. according to unnamed sources, he could be in prison in the suburbs of paris, in the national bureau for combating fraud, since it is reportedly the one conducting the investigation. contact us olga uskova, founder and president of cognitive technologies. olga anatolyevna, hello. good morning everyone, hello, i would like to start with your text in telegram, since today we are talking about telegram one way or another. i will quote. yesterday i reacted very strongly to the arrest of pavel durov, so much so that i attacked a popular blog in telegram, which exploded with memes on this topic. as a programmer-mathematician and entrepreneur, it seemed blasphemous to sit in telegram and mock its creator. your emotional reaction, it is clear that the post was
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written immediately after the message about the arrest on saturday arrived, with which it was connected, why do you think this event is so outstanding, especially in the context of the fact that, in general, one way or another, ... about the interest in himself on the part of the special services, in particular the american ones, pavel durov himself spoke publicly. well, you know, it's approximately like with sexual intercourse, there is interest, where ... girls, and there is the sexual intercourse itself, these are two big differences, and life after this changes for both, in this sense, the story with durov and the story with the telegram - this is the transition of the entire information space of the world in new qualities, that is, well, i can, probably historically, i can compare with some global things, like with copernicus and so on, and it's not even about...
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telegram played a new game, in general
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, the religion of telegram, the religion of durov's team is outside of relativity to any country, it was a religion of some kind of freedom of information, that is, telegram is built technologically in such a way that a person sees what he is subscribed to, nothing is shoved into him... as mandatory reading, it's impossible, it's just technologically, this is how the mechanism is built, and this is, in fact, the ideology that pavel and his team with his brother declared all over the world, that's why they made the engine that way, that's why telegram, despite its russian roots, despite everything else, despite the presence of other serious popular messengers, that's why telegram began to win more and more sympathy all over the world. that is , if we just look at the official statistics of telegram, then the growth dynamics are higher
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than all other platforms for twenty the third beginning of the twenty-fourth year, while, what is interesting, for example, there is a very high growth dynamics in india and in the usa, well, a person is so arranged that he does not like it when he is fed the same, in general, false information, we went through this in our time in the soviet...
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they do not transmit, and that, but the key point is the act itself, it is like a message to the current world there, as it were, the elite, and the rest of the population of the earth, then we have censored you, we are censoring and will censor you, everyone who , in fact, wants to go beyond the framework information agreed with us, everyone will be repressed, that is, we now have such a global repression, and this is a challenge in general for... the entire population of the planet, and once again, in this case,
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it doesn’t matter at all whether pasha will tell about there , he will hand over some keys to telegram or not, the very act of pavel’s arrest on such charges, the very fact of the attack on telegram as a platform, and this is a translation from well, a translation of behavior. at the same time, if we say that without that, nothing sent in the messenger and telegram is the exception is not a secret and about any, well, directly access that durov can provide, including to the authorities of france or the united states, this is not the main question, the question is the fact of detention itself, then why just
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because i can, in this case, the state says, well, i can’t, but... this is a threat, this is a message to everyone, if you stick your neck out, you will all sit, repressed, tortured and so on, this is a message, this is like a show execution, this is burning copernicus at the stake, you are very curious in telegram provided information, which is precisely related to the analysis of artificial intelligence news on durov, and which in general, on the one hand, this is of course a really very indicative graph of how telegram is growing. and where it is growing, the popularity of telegram, but it is obvious without graphs, i think, to any person who uses it, and he sees it, but the data that is already confirmed by numbers, they are of course more directly, let's say, representative, but at the same time, and also from those conclusions that the system itself makes, artificial intelligence, this is one of the conclusions connected with the fact that in general, in essence, today
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the arrest of durov is in many ways one of the links in the chain. states, and how important do you think this link is and how is it integrated into this very company? well, this is an important link, actually, in terms of weight, it is the same as the assassination attempt on trump, it is integrated into the company, which means that the fact is that the americans there a few years ago, well, as if they got a break in their system, when... trump unexpectedly, as if thanks to social networks, in basically, won the election. then it was a shock for them, well, for the ruling group , confusion, that their old tools, like leading, a leader to power and manipulating the masses on this matter did not
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work, they, well, actually, began to reconsider their policy regarding... the internet, social networks , tightening up tools and so on, and now we have 2 months left before the election, and they are holding these elections on three elephants, well, as an it specialist, i am speaking in this case, because well, it is difficult for me, i do not political scientist, i can just speak as an instrumentalist, i see what is happening, first, that is, this is how they are dispersing. at the expense of comedy and erotic shows, that is , if you look at her participation in the media environment, then she basically either dances with transvestites or performs on comedy, this is on some stand-ups, sits there on
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entertainment shows, since she is not very smart and irritates when ... she starts ranting, then they refused all the debates that usually take place between presidential candidates, that is, she does not he talks about the economy, and it entertains the public mainly below the belt, and this very gender agenda is exploited in everything, this is like the first block, the second block is migrants, that is , a whole series of amendments to the laws on the internal: well, on the internal situation in the country regarding the facilitation of the movement of migrants around the country, and if a migrant has some kind of card, well, some kind of id, some kind of number that he received as a result of work, he may not be a citizen countries, he can already participate in voice
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voting with this card, voting in progress, that is , they simply stupidly provide themselves with a number of... due to this migration influx, explaining this by issues of justice, well, and so on, i don’t even want to go into it there, well, the third, the third block - this means they need to block information from both trump’s team, and here telegram is a big hindrance, because well , more and more, here there is a surge after the assassination attempts, a surge, if we look at the analytics on activity telegram, a surge in subscriptions in... see information alternative information on russia-ukraine on israel.
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their attempt to clear the territory completely, well , on a scale, like, all my conversations with very high-ranking people in
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the united states of america, from different parties, speaking, everyone says the same thing, they say that the current party has taken a course that it will rule forever and for this, as it were, is building all the necessary mechanisms, what will happen to telegram in this context, did you use the expression grokh? telegram and he really as a free platform, i don't mean as a messenger in principle, but as a platform in the form in which it exists for now, and it will remain, as you think, after this story, no matter how this story ends, and we don't know yet how it will end, well, here everything depends on the team, i just want to explain here, well, there are two levels, we talked about this yesterday, there are two levels of questions, well, if we talk: there's an analogy, if they put me in jail or kill me, then - make me a pilot , nothing will happen, that is, i'm an important person in the team in the sense that i am the interface there and
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so on, but real systems are made - there are real systems, real schemes, like well - the team makes it, and the interface after the spacecraft has been launched into orbit, it is not very important. well, like , actually, the same thing with pasha, pasha is the ideologist there, the system technician, and so on, the face of telegram, but his absence from the point of view of the current platform operation and so on, but functionally it does not change anything, this is well, like, this is the emotional part, but the team that remained there, they are all under attack now, they will all be put in jail, i am just saying this with... i think that this is a 99.9 to the eighth power probability, they will all be arrested, put in jail, if they remain in the territory controlled by the current government, well, and the world government, i mean,
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that is, if they do not remain in the territory, in which the aerospace industry is extradited to the us or europe upon request, then all these guys are under attack with an extremely high probability, and if we are talking seriously, it is just... from the point of view of personal self-preservation, it is better to move to russian territory, because well, because i do not know of another territory that would provide, and complete immunity, from any other territory
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in as a result of a certain bargaining they will be extradited. what do you think, if russia is ready to make such an offer, are the telegram team ready to accept it, taking into account, well , firstly, that for a very long time, it seems to me, many... people, in this industry too, and of course, not only in it, had the illusion that well, in general, it is possible work from different points of the world, it is absolutely not essential to sit in russia for this, especially since again the narrative has been promoted for a very long time that russia is such a country, so unfree, unlike the free countries of the west, well, in this case , the emirates are also generally quite free from this point of view, it would seem , the territory, will the telegram team be ready to accept such a proposal, if it... it is voiced here, well, there are three points, so the first point is, yes, the level of trust in russia among the ethnists is low, and part of this
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conditioned by some precedents that happened here, but it all depends on what to compare it to, well, in my opinion, the guys simply have no choice, well, that is, if 100% fails here, here, in general, there is a chance that the agreements will be observed, then i would choose, naturally, the option where there is a chance, in russia now there is a chance, in what sense can these guys become national heroes, this is the first. secondly, it is high time to put the state's behavior in the it field in order and regulate it, it is like one of the main industries, cross-cutting industries, which, in fact , ensures victory in the economy, ensures victory at the front, and this no longer needs to be proven, therefore here, as a strategic area, an area of ​​priority growth, here it is necessary to put in order all
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the relevant services that... deal with this, and this should be a separate policy, it is very important. and the third thing is that, in my opinion, the invitation should be extremely public so that in the event of an attempt to violate this invitation, well, these conditions of the invitation, and people in russia themselves could control it and the guys would have protection in this publicity, that is, it should be done openly, then in general. from the point of view of the country's politics from the point of view of the current moment from the point of view of everything , well, we need to gather our best back from the point of greater, more, more, increasing tension of these confrontations not only on
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the national principle, but there is now a real genocide of russians, if we take statistics, and i we raised statistics precisely through the artificial intelligence platform and political, we raised statistics on arrests and imprisonments around the world over the past 3 years - russian programmers under what articles, and my hair stood on end, if i had seen these statistics earlier, i would have already 2 years ago not looked out of the country at all, even i just didn’t know. really , for myself now, i just kind of stopped traveling abroad, although they are needed there for business, they will communicate remotely, but really what we found, we found 67 precedents in a variety of locations, namely guys with russian origin, with different citizenships, and usually, as it were, somewhere on vacation or on retreat, so the most popular
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countries of issue are... thailand, gua, well , this is the same maldives that are taken away and transferred on simple charges of either hacker attacks, interference in state policy, or on digital issues on bitcoins, and well , the charges are absolutely the same, you know, like upashi, guilty and guilty. and there begins a multi-year investigation, that is, with this term from 20 there to 90 years there for someone and so on then, a large number of russian guys, who are strong guys there on their own, who walk on their own, they just get out of the world and end up in prison, then i think there is some recruitment or re-recruitment, and then a person is offered either a term or to work inside these kind of power structures, probably someone
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agrees, i... we didn't follow what happens next with these guys, but there are names, specific ones, like famous people, i once knew some of them, that is, it's a hunt, it's a hunt for ait, well in general, the it business is - eh, it is mainly built on people, on people, that is - everyone there is running around with these computer capacities, and processors and so on, but in reality - as if business is not done with hardware, business is done with people, that is, mathematics, the main thing is mathematics, and eh, these people are raised for a long time, that is, how to get a strong it specialist, this well needs to be from the nursery, that is, this is there - a child of a certain type, he receives an education in a certain way, there, as if he begins a certain practice, that is, this really long, that is, it's not...


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