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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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pen, self-written, magic ink, you'll get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he doesn't need it. whoever has a boot in his pocket soon.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. now economic news in brief: russian companies received tax payments for the year benefits of almost 450 billion rubles. this is 5% more than in 2022,
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the finance ministry said in a statement. the largest amount of support is almost 300 billion in profit tax benefits, another 150 on the property of organizations. the ministry emphasized that in this way, states and regions support priority industries. gas production in russia has grown by 9% over 7 months. this is almost 410 billion cubic meters compared to last year. according to the kommersant publication, the increase is due to increased demand for gas on the domestic market due to the hot summer. the main volume of production was accounted for by gazprom 262 billion cubic meters. next come novotek, rosneft and gazpromneft. mts profit for the first half of the year increased by one and a half times, the company earned 47.5 billion rubles. this is stated in the report according to international standards. revenue growth plus 18%, total 330 billion. despite the positive report, the accents.
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are decreasing within 2%. inovatek announced dividends for the first half of the year. the company's board of directors recommended paying 35.5 rubles per share. this corresponds to a yield of 3.5%. the final decision on dividends will be accepted on september 30. let me remind you that the policy provides for the payment of half of the net profit to shareholders twice a year. according to the results of the first half of the year, the company earned more than 340 billion rubles. this was economic news.
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the kremlin today commented on the trip of the head of the international atomic energy agency to the kursk nuclear power plant. here is what the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said about this. yes, grossi saw the results of the drone strikes.
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an exhibition on the history of school education in russia has opened in moscow, where you can see textbooks, manuals, and items school uniforms and stationery that have been used in our country for 200 years.
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from the next academic year, an additional module: history of the native land. the people's front donated transport and equipment to military doctors in the kursk region. it was purchased as part of the collection of the charitable foundation "everything for victory". particular attention was paid to protection from drones. today, military doctors' kits necessarily include drone detection equipment, anti-fragmentation blankets and night vision devices.
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serious illnesses, about how you can raise funds for children and teenagers with to take part and about the families who have already been helped, will tell maria valeeva, place of a bouquet for a teacher, one flower stickers on a school bag, alisa katarina's class is taking part in a charity event for the first time children instead of flowers, we helped other children and our... peers, our help will not wither. a bouquet for a teacher on september 1 is a long-standing tradition. of course, it is pleasant for a teacher to receive flowers on the day of knowledge, but it is even more pleasant to realize that in addition to mathematics, literature and russian language, the children learned other lessons as well. we discussed this with the teacher, she fully
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supports us, and of course, it is important to her that her students have kind hearts, not flowers. it is important that children are different, even in our class we can have different children. in other schools, let's say there are 25 people in a class, an average bouquet of flowers costs 3,000 rubles. it turns out, one of these can be bought as a gift to the teacher, and the remaining 72,000 rubles can be sent to those who really need them, we do leg stretching, leg stretching, it happens like this, one by one, 13-year-old semyon, a ward of the hospice house with a lighthouse. the boy has spinal muscular atrophy, he constantly needs expensive drugs, verticalizers, and also corsets, they need to be bought once a year, one of them costs more than 200,000 rubles. mom yulia can’t afford it, she is grateful to all caring people for their help, she hopes that soon
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it will be possible to resolve the issues with the ramp in their house on the first floor. semyon needs an electric lift in the entrance, but why do you need it? firstly, and secondly, to develop, every day is not really and sit i want to be at home. in the house with the lighthouse, semyon feels comfortable, there are no barriers, he can quickly go outside to play in strollers with his little girl zhenya from the neighboring cabin. twins are playing nearby on the playground, they are five. both have a congenital genetic disease - primary immunodeficiency. annie has a mild form, here is nastya. she needs special observation, everything will get better in time, the girl periodically undergoes rehabilitation courses, two sisters constantly visit defectologists and speech therapists, so far they speak poorly, but there is hope that with they will be able to go to a regular school after 8 years,
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the main thing now is for parents not to give up , so we come here, when we go to hospice, a psychologist works with us, we have physical therapy at home, we do physical training, we definitely do it there once every six months, at least, but we do it, the hospice also gives me a nanny, i come to our house, the nanny helps. not with girls, support is simply necessary for such families: gerberas, roses or gladioli will wither, here is the help of caring schoolchildren, their parents are not there. the essence of our help is that children stay with children, despite multiple diagnoses that they have. and seriously ill children that we help, the vera hospice aid fund and the dom smayak children's hospice, can live a normal children's life, in which there is a place for travel, study, friends. holidays, adventures. last year, we managed to collect a record
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amount of all time - 74 million rubles. but just a few years ago, who would have thought that this could reach such a scale? for the first time , the russian language and literature teacher suggested holding the campaign, children instead of flowers in 2014 from moscow. students and parents quickly supported her initiative, and they managed to raise 300,000 rubles. they used this money to buy a cough pump for a seriously ill child. information on how to join the campaign can be found on the website of the vera charity foundation, or simply point your phone camera at the qr code. a link will appear immediately, and before the new year they will publish a report on what the collected money was bought and how it helped special children. maria valieva, nikita korneev, artem davidov and alexander chernetsov, vesti. mirovaya the press continues to discuss the details of jake salevan's visit to china. the alleged goal was to reduce beijing's support for moscow, writes new york. noting that such a mission is clearly impossible.
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our own correspondent, alexander baletsky, found out what topics the us president's national security advisor discussed with the prc leadership. the first visit by the us president's national security advisor to china in 8 years, although it looks conciliatory towards beijing. we are working to eliminate competition in the conflict, find ways to work together where our interests coincide. but is it worth it? read, because sullivan's main goal, writes the new york times, is to force beijing to reduce the level of cooperation with moscow, which is true, the states themselves admit, is hardly possible, it is much more important for beijing to move the conversation to the plane of the bilateral chinese-american agenda. chinese-american relations affect the interests of both countries have an impact all over the world. in the last few years, bilateral relations have gone through a zigzag path, it's time generalize positive experience and learn lessons. lessons americans. and learned without working on mistakes, a few days before the negotiations imposed
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a new portion of sanctions against dozens of chinese companies and their managers for allegedly helping russia in the supply of dual-use products, while the states themselves openly supply weapons to taiwan, which tayb is currently intensively testing. the american anti-tank missile touk taiwanese military launched at sea targets simulating chinese landing ships right there at... training combat firing from self-propelled artillery units for $ 148 million by 2026 , the island is preparing to build five new bases to deploy harpoon anti-ship missiles, again of american manufacture, and the pentagon has already asked congress to grant it more flexibility to use us special forces on the island, and beijing will definitely remember sullivan for this, as well as the desire to get involved in the conflict in the south china sea. the commander of the us fleet in the indo-pacific region, admiral papara , has already stated in manila that he is not against american ships have been escorting philippine ships whenever they
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move into the disputed nansha islands, where three skirmishes have already occurred between chinese and philippine ships in the last week alone. this means that the cold shower that the chinese coast guard has given the philippines may not be limited to that. china will continue to take decisive and effective measures in accordance with the law to protect its territorial sovereignty. and this red line indication to washington in its dialogue with sullivan is the most important thing for china. experts believe that sullivan is in beijing perhaps also to arrange a meeting between his still boss and the head of china, so that he does not go down in history as the only us president in recent decades who has never visited china during his presidency, which , however, is unlikely to change anything in american policy towards beijing. alexander baaltsky maria bolotvina and nikolai petrov, vesti china.
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period, we are the capital of the golden ring, four cities from the golden ring are in our yaroslavl region, and we are in the very heart of our country, surrounded by other russian regions, i would like to start, of course, with measures to support svo participants, their family members, we have provided for a one-time payment, and measures for social
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rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, benefits, family members, svo participants, active assistance, we show the akinovsky district of the zaporozhye region, this is our sixth district, we have completed another facility, this is a cultural center, there used to be just a big hole in the ceiling, and now everything is done, repaired, and people are of course very happy, we have more than 1,200 children on holiday, we accept them from four new regions and the belgorod region every year, when i met our guys, artillerymen, fighters on the contact line, they asked me to pass on their chevron to you, the meaning of which is that it doesn’t matter how strong the enemy is, it’s important who’s nearby, so i ’m passing it on to you with great pleasure, thank you very much, good, thank you very much, thank you, this is from
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the bottom of my heart, guys, thank you, thank you, i’ll definitely pass on your words. "main socio-economic indicators as of january 1, twenty-four, we are developing dynamically, our industrial production growth was more than 6%, these are of course such industries as engine building, shipbuilding, chemistry, petrochemistry, pharmaceuticals, agricultural production grew by 5%, the physical volume of investment grew by more than 6%. what is also important, it is important that we have the lowest inflation in the central federal district. " last year amounted to 6.1% in total, while the growth of real wages significantly exceeded the average russian indicators, amounted to 10.5%, which naturally has a direct impact on the growth of the standard of living of residents of the yaroslavl region, in terms of commissioning of residential buildings, we are moving towards million
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square meters, reached 954. growth of 20% per year, and - the problem of defrauded equity holders has been completely resolved to date, this is of course largely due to the previous government headed by dmitry mironov, we had more than 90 such houses, now they are all gone, the regional budget, we have grown by 40% in 2 years to 133 billion rubles, while our commercial debt has decreased from 20 billion plus to 10 billion, that is , more than two times and... thanks to the support of the ministry of finance of the russian federation, the government of the russian federation, we have also completely zeroed out the commercial debts of our municipalities, which were more than 8 billion rubles of these debts, and the financial recovery of municipal districts has seriously occurred, we need, of course , strong municipal districts, this is exactly the policy we are pursuing. the points in the regional
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product have grown by 7.25% over the year, quite such a good indicator a. in terms of average wages we reached 54,000 and we indexed wages of public sector employees by 33% over 2 years. we usually do this once or twice a year always. in terms of tourist flow, we doubled from half a million to 3 million in 2 years. and these are precisely overnight tourists, because if you take into account excursion cadets, then this is more than 9 million people. transport roads. we set ourselves the initial task.
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tram tracks and replacement of rolling stock and we chose such a bright brand for our next year we will complete public transport completely, i wanted to show you these photos, this is me a bus, but since we are the yaroslavl region, and i am a tram, i am a trolleybus, i am an electric bus, the bear of the axe is always everywhere, which is on our coat of arms, now we have attracted another private investor for... the construction of a new terminal at the tunyshno airport, this will be the millionnik airport, and the investor is building both a passenger terminal and a cargo terminal for 50,000 tons of cargo per year, we are also building a pier there, since the airport is located on volga, we planned to build nine berths in total, we built such a beautiful berth near the tolsky monastery last year, and we expect
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to build most of the berths this year, i would like to say separately about the roads, this is our main separate problem, yes, this is a serious problem, that's true, and last year we increased the volume of road repairs by 40%, reaching 700 km per year. we pay serious attention to quality issues, we created our own design institute, made a centralized quality acceptance, in addition this year we are completing the deployment of more than twenty weight and dimension control points to protect roads, here are more overweight cargo, here on your instructions we are completing the repair of the bridge in rybensk, thank you very much for this, as when the work is completed, we will complete the work this year completely on the repair of the bridge 3 billion rubles serious funds. housing and public utilities and improvement within the framework of the federal project recovery of the volga clean water introduced a large number of sewerage and water supply landfill reclaimed, this is
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additional funds were transferred to zalesk, and they proved it to the federal government, they received 600 million rubles of additional funds, i want to say separately about gasification, we reached 84% in terms of gasification, well, of course, there is still something to strive for, in terms of improvement this year for... first place in the central federal district, in terms of residents' voting for the space that needs to be improved, 2,000 people voted, that is, this shows people's involvement in the improvement processes, it is very important for people to feel that what you are doing, meets their interests, and for this they must be participants in the process, yes, that's right, and moreover, we are focusing on those public spaces that people voted for, that's what they chose? of course, of course, we still have a lot, we still have the breytovsky district, which is not gasified, we expect
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to start this work directly next year, the social sphere, and we have already put four schools into operation, we are still building four schools, of course, we are building not only schools, we are also building cultural and sports facilities, that's it thanks to gazprom , three sports and health complexes were introduced for children under the gazprom program and... the fight against oncology is one of the leading areas of healthcare development for us, and for us, of course, this facility is extremely important,
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the yaroslavl region received 12 of the most modern surgeries, a children's clinic was introduced, a new one in yaroslavl, almost 2,000 people were resettled, and 186 orphans were provided with housing, but this is clearly not enough, and here, of course, we have a long queue, and we are really counting on federal support. and fap in the village, fap in the village built more than thirty fap, yeah, we continue to do this and this direction is actively developing, in general we expect to soon put all the fap, already and cultural heritage, well we have a rich spiritual historical heritage, more than 300 churches, monasteries, this year we celebrate the 710th anniversary of the monastery, you were there vladimir vladimirovich, next year we have the 275th anniversary of the first russian theater. named after fyodor volkov we will have another good event this year, we are finishing the renovation of the theater wine spectators, it went for 2 years, this year for the little residents of the rosslavl region will open their doors. what else is important
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to note is that after the reconstruction they opened a museum dedicated to valentina vladimirovna terishkova, this is the pride of the yaroslavl region, our entire country and world cosmonautics, and of course we have many new projects, such as the young opera yaroslavie kazarnovskaya, we have serious stars coming such as ... shmet, valeriysalovich, gergiev, nikita sergeyevich mikhalkov and many others. sports and tourism. of course, our leading clubs, sports, this is the hockey club lokomotiv, football club shinnik, volleyball club yaroslavich, well, if we talk about lokomotiv, then this year it took second place in the gagarin cup. and this is the most serious achievement, since the tragedy happened with the team in 2011, and of course we expect that in the future it will take first place and win. gogarin cup, we will all root for it, in general we have many sporting events, such as the freestyle champions cup, and 80% of the olympic team in freestyle, these are our yaroslavl. shifts, well, and
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so we have a large number of tourist events, of course, the main maslenitsa of the country, the festival of hot air balloons pereslavl za aleskom, and a whole invasion of santa claus in rymsk, a gastronomic festival, yes, yes, yes, that's right, key projects of the direction of development, on your instructions we are completing, we have practically already completed the project documentation for the construction of the bridge across the volga, and with your support we are ready to begin construction and installation work already at the end this or early next year, it's about... the project is from 1971, that is, it is more than 50 years old, of course, for us it is extremely important to gradually expand the highway, m8, we have seven regions on this highway, these are issues of logistics, tourism issues, safety issues, traffic, there is a very high accident rate on it, we are proceeding with the elimination of acid-tar ponds, green oils - this is an object of accumulated damage, it is planned to start work next year, we won
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an engineering school, i want to say separately, this is a serious achievement in rybensk, now together with our industrial partner rostec, we are designing a world-class campus mercury and expect to create an entire engineering cluster. rybensk is a suitable place, rybensk is a very suitable place, because we have more than ten rostec plants alone, the demand for engineering personnel is huge. i would also like to note that thanks to nikolay petonovich padushev, we are completing the construction of a volleyball center this year, and separately. here are some serious projects i want to say that we have prepared a program - restoration of cultural heritage sites, i presented it to both tatyana aleksanevna golikova and valentina ivanovna matvienko, on digitalization, of course, the main task is the transition to electronic medicine and the connection of artificial intelligence programs. and the last slide, these are bright ideas for modernizing the region, here, of course, not all the ideas are collected, we stopped only on some, this is the extension of the work of clinics. from
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20 to 22 hours, this is very convenient for people, they do not need to ask for time off from work, and for doctors this is voluntary, but the payment is double, no need work in private clinics, you can earn decent money at your job. secondly, we issue certificates for additional medical services during medical check-ups, thereby motivating people to undergo medical check-ups, take care of their health, we have created a single call center and a single registry for clinics, this is not only convenient. but it also allows in the event that a person cannot register at their clinic for a queue, we provide places in other clinics, and this also creates a competitive environment between medical organizations. i would like to say separately about such a task as the fight against low wages, this is a serious task, of course, we solve it in different ways, but the goal is that we do not have salaries in the region below 30-35 thousand at all, we introduced
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mandatory chess lessons in the first through fourth grades. a one-time payment to all medalists entering yaroslavl universities, we held a whole week of open doors, not a day, but a week of open doors, these are industrialists and our universities in front of students and schoolchildren about what opportunities there are in education, what there are career opportunities, in the yaroslavl region you don't need to go to another region, you can realize your future in your home region. i would like to say separately about school stadiums for residents, they are now behind a fence for safety reasons. what we do, we make additional engineering awards and open these stadiums in the evening on weekends for people, these are more than 200 stadiums that do not need to be built, which have already been built, they simply become accessible to residents, pedestrian centers and winter skating rinks in all district capitals, in general, in all the programs that we implement, regional, all districts, rural and urban, are required to participate so that people feel the development throughout the entire
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region. we are sure to support entrepreneurs who invest money in rural, remote regions, develop businesses, we return up to 50% of their investments in order to motivate the development of such remote areas. and the last thing i wanted to say is, of course, open government, these are mandatory meetings with residents, not online, in person, eye to eye, and heads of departments of the yaroslavl region government, and heads of districts, their replacements.


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