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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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11 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in the direction of the settlements of borki, kulbaki, kremyannaya, maloe loknya, and also thwarted an attempt to attack in the direction of the settlements of krasno-otkrytskaya, olgovka, cherkasskaya, porechnaya. during this time, the ukrainian armed forces lost a total of 65 people killed and wounded, armored personnel carriers and eight large armored vehicles. the settlement came under massive shelling today, the footage that you are now seeing confirms that the center of this settlement has almost completely burned down, and please note that ukrainian militants are striking, specifically at civilian infrastructure, trying to cause maximum damage. as people say, the most terrible and the hardest thing is that the militants really use the civilian population as a human shield, not letting them out, not giving them the opportunity to leave, as eyewitnesses say, cars were shot up near populated areas, there are dead on the roadsides. unfortunately, any attempt
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that is made by volunteers or the military to get people out is immediately attacked drones, fpv drones are there in huge numbers, but nevertheless under fire - our volunteers heroically really take people here to the regional center itself, where temporary accommodation points are organized, where all living conditions are provided for them. early voting is really taking place today in the elections for the governor of the kursk region, four candidates for the post of head of the region gennady baev - this is a fair russia patriots for truth, alexey bobovnikov, the communist party russian federation, alexey smirnov, united russia, he is also the acting governor of the kursk region, and alexey tamanov, the liberal democratic party of russia, why was the decision made to start early.
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evening moscow time, we talked to a woman who came from the border region and for everyone the opportunity to vote, to fulfill their civic duty, is organized, we want to call on all residents of our region and other regions, to be sure to fulfill their civic duty, to come to the elections, vote, because in this difficult time for us, ordinary residents, and for the leaders of the region, we need to be together, we need to be united, support each other, help each other. we have the opportunity to talk to one of the chairmen of the uikov, galina sergeevna, hello, good afternoon, please tell us what is special about this early voting and how is it going today? early voting
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is taking place from august 28 to september 5, for the first time we are holding voting in the kto emergency mode, all temporarily arrived from the border regions voters have the opportunity to vote at any polling station, in general, well, in moscow at this moment it begins.
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zelensky's motion is killing the ukrainian people. on august 24, the expired kiev dictator made, well, apparently , as it seemed to him a pompous address to the nation, in fact, so to speak, poison flowed down zelensky's lips, and so it is understandable, because instead of a story about the future of ukraine, instead of even, maybe empty, but at least... promises that someone could believe, he focused on russia, insulted, humiliated the citizens of our country, the leadership of our state, i think, did it from, probably, accumulated impotent anger, well, including on the orders of his overseas masters, and at least something is very necessary on the eve of the electoral processes in the united states of america. and
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the orders of these same masters, he is ready to carry out, spitting on everything, on the statement once made. by him regarding the future of ukraine, only democratic, only high-tech, well and so on. by the way, this turned out to be some kind of real aksyumaron, on the one hand, it seems to be the day of independence of ukraine, but for some strange, unknown, or accidental, perhaps it could have seemed so to zelensky himself. in fact, not a very similar coincidence, a random set of circumstances, on the same day , the president of poland, andrzej duda, the prime minister of lithuania, ingrida šumanyte were present in ukraine, they literally
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confirmed with their presence the absence of independence of ukraine today, and why and what is this strange? the ancestors of those, i would say, i would clarify who literally squeezed out of their country or destroyed the kiev regime neo-nazis or put them in their service, those who sought protection of the moscow kingdom,
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could not even imagine what would happen to the descendants, what the kiev regime would turn them into?
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a gross insult to the russian people , she stated that with their struggle, this is her quote, the ukrainians are allegedly defending not only their own statehood, but also the freedoms and values ​​of lithuania, europe and the democratic world, she called on the west, a direct quote, by the way, to a crusade against russia, she promised zelensky's regime instead of, together, jointly celebrate the victory. with light, gas and literally without russians. i remember who not so long ago, several decades ago celebrated like this, with light, especially with gas, so
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that, as the shimanite put it, there were no russians , the nazis, the hitlerites, when they drove the slavs, jews, gypsies, not only to the ghetto, but then to the gas chambers, the neo-nazi has already agreed, they got carried away with pseudo-democracy, these very pro-western liberals, this is nothing more than an outright incitement of the current banderovites, to the complete extermination of russians, russian-speaking citizens, and not only in ukraine, this is terrorism and its sponsorship. thus, the lithuanian prime minister once again confirmed the misanthropic nature of the kiev junta, the western sponsors who raised it, including, by the way, we are now already
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seeing this in the facts of official vilnius. this once again convincingly demonstrates the need for the denocification of ukraine. which is one of the main tasks of the special military operation, i would like to draw your attention to the article by kiril eduard popov, it was published in the international. life, the august issue, it is called so, the creation of ukraine and the structure forming the role of ukrainian nationalism nazism. read, everything is convincing with facts, proven by historical examples. here, by the way, is another monstrous act, which literally before our eyes was carried out by the kiev regime, on the day of independence of ukraine was.
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religious organizations, it is aimed at the liquidation of the ukrainian orthodox church, and i'll remind you, actually it has... millions of parishioners, in fact, the kiev regime has finally admitted its anti-people essence and complete dependence on the whims of western masters, while zelensky committed outright blasphemy, publicly justifying the adoption of this anti-church law by the fact that supposedly ukrainian orthodoxy is taking a step, just think about it, towards liberation from moscow, as he said, devils, okay, but who is he himself? an exorcist, or something, i don't understand, he, zelensky, is an impostor, the most
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real, and now also expired, in addition to direct complicity in the illegal act of actual destruction, the largest canonical church in ukraine, he showed himself to be an absolute atheist, spitting on... the feelings of believers, not a single person who truly believes in god, while professing one or another world religion, would ever allow himself to do this, in reality he cares only about the interests of the west, which gives him money, washington, london, and of course... he carries out the instructions of all those to whom orthodoxy is basically a pain in the neck, who
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has long been hatching a plan to destroy the canonical ukrainian orthodox church in ukraine, so we see that not only in ukraine, in principle everywhere, christians and in particular orthodox christians, but not only orthodox christians, have been persecuted in recent decades, the creation of a legislative basis for... for the ban and liquidation of the ukrainian orthodox church is a clear confirmation of the further degradation of the situation with respect for human rights in ukraine, i am forced to say this to speak, because there is international legal vocabulary, but at the same time we understand that this is not just degradation, not just human rights, this is some kind of bottomless abyss into which these human rights have fallen in ukraine. under the kiev regime, we are talking about a flagrant violation of freedom
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of religion in world practice, accompanied by persecution of clergy, accompanied by theft of churches, monasteries, that is, literally not only plundering them, this has long been in full swing in ukraine, so to speak, and now the churches themselves are being stolen, handed over to... a pseudo-religious organization controlled by the authorities, they are openly intimidating parishioners, this barbarity is fraught with an even greater split in ukrainian society, already tormented by zelensky's criminal regime. kiev continues the mass persecution of orthodox priests, this is being done exclusively for political reasons, this is not some kind of change, well, i don't know in the interpretation of canons or... rituals - these are political motives, while in its repressions the regime ukrainian nazis show absolute indifference
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and extreme cynicism, for example, on august 22, at the next court hearing on extending the preventive measure, the security forces literally dragged in the abbot of the kiev-pechersk lavra, metropolitan pavel, who suffers from serious illnesses , a criminal case was filed against him, this was done again on far-fetched pretexts, up to... the fact that he is charged with treason and inciting interreligious hatred, as a result of such disgusting pressure from banderovites, the health condition of the elderly the clergyman's condition worsened. he was hospitalized, because no one who was bullied on the basis of nationality, on the basis of, i don't know, language affiliation, on the basis of religion, who was bullied, humiliated, beaten and tortured by neo-nazis, neither in relation to groups, groups, nor in relation to individual criminals,
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no cases were opened, not that there was treason, at least so, petty hooliganism, no, but here they found a criminal, and of course, the terrorist nature of the kiev regime is becoming more and more odious, western curators, banking with manic frenzy, do not stop pushing their kiev puppets to rule the crazy and suicidal adventure of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, the head of the so-called european diplomacy barel on august 21 stated that ... accepts quote: lifting the restriction on the use of capabilities against the russian military will allegedly lead to strengthening the self-defense of ukraine and added barel saving lives, reducing destruction in ukraine, advancing peacekeeping efforts, it seems to me, i think, i am sure of this and even it doesn't seem so, but it's absolutely certain that if
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this phrase, so to speak, were broadcast to a ukrainian audience, he
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would be what's going on there, peace at the negotiating table with whom, with those who kill civilians and abuse old people, women, with these , or what, someone who will sit down with him at the same negotiating table, in fact, all these statements and barel and representatives of the us defense department, represent nothing more than...
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against this background, the publication of the new york times on august 23, citing american officials, it is reported there that the states and britain. provided ukraine with satellite images and intelligence data on the kursk region after the invasion of the ssu began. well, we have been talking about this for more than two years, i would say 2 and a half years, where was anyone from the new york times, and not this hint at any condemnation of the terrorist methods, terrorist acts of the armed forces of ukraine, which use them against civilians on the russian border.
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horrific evidence continues to come from captured militants that the ukrainian armed forces command gives direct orders to servicemen to kill civilians, to loot...
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residents of the kursk region who managed to evacuate. these shots show that many of them were shot point-blank. thus , the photographs of those killed by ukrainian militants do not hide the far from isolated, but rather the mass and targeted nature of the atrocities and acts of looting committed by ukrobanderovites on russian territory. the guilt of the ukrainian armed forces in serious crimes has become even more obvious to the world audience. kiev propaganda is not capable of no celebrations of the day. independence, no statements of this rotten zelensky, to retouch the truth. against this background, the attempts
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of ukrainian propaganda to concoct fakes about supposedly harmless, attentive, as they present it to the needs of the civilian population, invaders who invaded our land look absolutely cynical. such fakes are launched that you will simply blow your mind. allegedly they are distributing food, so to speak. site in the kursk region, well, it turns out that the militants are proud of violating humanitarian law, not to worry at all about the lives of civilians, including
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children, are ready to hide behind them, just as the fascists once did during the storming of the brest fortress, just as terrorists do in modern history. i would also like to note that on august 24, in kiev-controlled kramatorsk, as a result of a missile strike on the sapphire hotel , ryan evans, a security adviser to the reuters agency, was killed. he was declared a former employee of the british mi6, but we understand perfectly well that there are no former employees of this service, this clearly indicates that, that the special services of western countries literally direct the media under their control to conduct anti-russian information campaigns. well , there is no talk of any journalism here, in general, as you understand, it is indicative that together with this so-called... well, now about punishments for the crimes of the kiev regime. based on the evidence collected by the investigative committee of the russian federation,
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the competent authorities are working to bring war criminals, including mercenaries, to criminal responsibility members of the ssu. on august 19, a serviceman of the nationalist azov unit, banned by tsebrik, was sentenced by the court to 20 years of imprisonment. freedom for an armed attack on civilians in mariupol. on august 27, a russian court sentenced us citizen deve. he participated in military operations against russian servicemen. and he was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. an international search has also been declared. well, these are just a few examples, we cite them regularly. none of the criminals will be able to escape punishment, they will not be held accountable to the fullest extent law. ukrainian nazis. as we understand, are not going to stop their terror against the civilian population of russian regions on their own. on the night of august 21, the ukrainian armed forces
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carried out a massive attack with 45 drones on moscow, belgorod, bryansk, kaluga, and kursk regions. all drones were shot down by air defense systems. on august 22, they struck a civilian port in the port of kavkaz in krasnodar. 17 people were rescued, four were injured, and one was missing. on the night of august 25, the ukrainian armed forces multiple launch rocket systems shelled a residential area of ​​the raketyany district of the belgorod region. five people were killed, 14 were wounded, including three minors. i would like to emphasize that. the direct involvement of the kiev regime in terrorist activities is being declared on other continents, for example, on august 20, mali and niger, which had previously severed diplomatic relations with
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ukraine, together with burkina faso called on the un security council to take measures against ukraine in connection with its support for international terrorism, in particular in sahel region. the destructive actions of the ukrainian armed forces in africa were also condemned by senegal. the west's refusal to recognize the terrorist and criminal nature of zelensky's regime increases the burden of its direct responsibility for the bloody atrocities of ukrainian neo-nazis. well, actually, we see how on... finding itself in such a state of chaos, anticipating its imminent collapse, the kiev junta continues to feverishly destroy monuments to fighters against fascism. the scale of this vandalism is monstrous, just think about it, on august 21, on the square of sorrow in in the city of kolomaya, kolymaia, ivanofrankovsk region, ukrainian neo-nazis began to destroy with the help of an excavator. i... i
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80 million people, including both military and civilians. in modern interpretations of the beginning of the world tragedy, there are too many outright lies, conjuncture, we are now we will talk about this in more detail, selfish interests, the desire of the west to absolve itself of responsibility for the past. let us recall how it all was. the munich agreement of september 30 , 1938 showed the soviet union at whose expense western countries would resolve security issues, and at a convenient opportunity they could form an anti-soviet front. we still have much to learn about the role that the west played in inciting nazism, in particular.


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