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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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80 million people, including both military and civilians. in modern interpretations of the beginning of the world tragedy, there are too many outright lies, opportunism, we will talk about this in more detail now. selfish interests, the desire of the west to remove. responsibility for the past. let's remember how it all was. the munich agreement of september 30, 1938, showed the soviet union at whose expense western countries would resolve security issues. and at a convenient opportunity, they can form an anti-soviet front. much still lies ahead of us learn about the role that the west played in inciting nazism, in particular.
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eighty years later, the situation repeated itself in the example of the neo-nazi kiev regime, which the west has now chosen as an instrument for its russophobic policy, for inflicting , as they say in the west, a strategic defeat on our country. the west, insisting today on kiev continuing military operations, confirms its involvement in...
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the soviet union. and that strange, as many call it, sedentary war that these countries waged against nazi germany, until the beginning of the occupation of france in may 1940 and leaves doubts in sane people about the true intentions of the collective west of those times. the nazi leaders were unambiguous in their memoirs. just listen, one of the leaders of german intelligence. the reich wanted to unite with the west to strike at the soviet union, only the valiant victories of the red army prevented these plans from being realized. and in this light , blasphemous statements about a certain, how much we have read on this account, how many refutations published. identities, i will emphasize once again, how endless it is.
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year 1945, this is the defeat of the most aggressive reactionary forces. from physical destruction by our country were saved not just many people, and not just many countries, but many nations, not of aryan, as the nazis then said, origin, who were destined to literally perish in nazi concentration camps, to turn into slaves, as now. said, the same one who
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came to congratulate zelensky, ingrida, shimonita, to celebrate the victory with light with light, gas and, in her words, without russians, that's it, that's it, that's what the nazis wanted back then more than 80 years ago, the victory over nazi germany, militarist japan contributed to the rise of the national liberation movement. the destruction of the colonial system, the creation of the foundations of a new just world order under the auspices of the united nations. and today, more than 80 years later, our country is once again fighting for the free, independent development of the world. we are fighting for the right of the peoples of the world to plan their own future, to determine the path of development. as the second world war showed world war, anyone's claims to world domination have already
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been shattered in the past, and the courage and fortitude of our people, now, as i have already said, now, and the monstrous slander, the monstrous historical, as they say now, fakes, performed by several foreign leaders, on august 23, on the occasion of the revisionist date announced in the european union, the so-called european day of remembrance for the victims of nazism and communism, romanian president klaus johannes slandered our country, attributing to the soviet.
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we spoke today of 1938, he actually gave hitler the signal to seize europe, as well as the active participation of the romanian army, he could have recalled in the period from 1941 to 1944 in the war against the soviet union on the side of germany, the genocide of the gypsies and jews organized by the romanian state. let me remind you that on september 29, 1938, at hitler's request , benito muusalini from italy, chamberlin from britain and edouard dalade from france flew to him. they did not, in fact, decide the fate of czechoslovakia. neither a representative of czechoslovakia nor a representative of the soviet union was present at the negotiations in munich. put signature under the agreement on the partition
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of czechoslovakia, the poles really wanted it, they literally rushed, but then chamberlin considered poland, accepts becoming a fifth wheel in the cart, as a result, czechoslovakia. had to cede the sudetenland to germany, and the tishinsky region, hungary, territories in the south of slovakia to poland. today, few people remember, but it would be worth recalling that since 1934, almost all of europe has concluded a similar agreement with germany, those same pacts, not attacks. in january of the thirty-fourth year, poland was the first in europe to sign a treaty on not attack with hitler's germany. who is it, who took a similar step after poland? that's right, england and france. the english never called this treaty the hitler-chamberlin pact, and in vain, again, because these are the two
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signatures that are under the treaty. he wants to ask, why? why not call it what it should have been called all these years? the naval agreement, signed in 1935, allowed germany to acquire a navy, before that it was banned due to the defeat in the first world war, someone sprinkles ashes on their heads, maybe there is something the romanian president wants to say to britain now, only in 3 days from october 22 to 24, 1941. in occupied odessa, on the orders of ioan antonescu , 22,000 civilians were shot, hanged and burned , mainly jews. on the territory of transistria, this is the former
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moldavian autonomous region of sir, the romanians equipped several concentration camps, the victims of this factory. thousands of gypsies and jews became deaths, this is only a small part of the criminal acts of the pro-fascist regime in bucharest and the romanian military, which deliberately participated in the extermination of the jewish people, maybe the president of romania, like his klaus iohannis, will want to say something about this, or is everything calculated for, so to speak, the generation of tiktokers. for whom, in principle , nothing matters except the number of clicks under the videos, who do not know history, who do not care what happens, this is all calculated, well then expect a disaster
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on a global scale, this plan then prevented ... i remember, only the soviet union at the cost of incredible heroic efforts and multi-million victims. unfortunately, the current leadership of romania not only does not try to learn from the past, but... takes the monstrous path of distorting history and rehabilitating nazi criminals, i repeat, this will not lead to anything good. now, on the issue of another attempt to distort history on such a large scale, because the president of romania is not alone in his slanderous statements. here is another statement by the luminaries of democracy: canadian prime minister justin... trudeau, what did he say on the copper: direct quote:
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today, on black ribbon day, we, - said the prime minister of canada, honour the memory of the millions of people who suffered, were senselessly killed at the hands of the nazi and soviet, according to trudeau, regime in europe, this day coincides, according to trudeau, with the signing 85 years ago by totalitarian regimes, again, as the leader of canada said, of nazi germany, he also dragged the soviet union into it with the moltow-ribbentrop pact. this pact, - said trudeau, marked the beginning of the invasion and occupation of sovereign states of central and eastern europe, paving the way for world war ii. but trudeau didn't stop there, as they say, to disgrace himself to the end. as a result. said trudeau: millions of people, including jews, roma, slavs and the lgbt plus community, i didn't even know
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there was an lgbt plus community back then, as well as people with disabilities suffered greatly, said trudeau, under totalitarian regimes, many survivors later found refuge, and this is the most blasphemous thing in canada. said trudeau, to this day, their stories continue to shape the contribution a strong, diverse and inclusive canada, which - the prime minister of this country said, we call our home, end of quote, you know, during briefings we have repeatedly spoken about those very survivors who found refuge in canada, who are they in the main,
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who forgot, i will remind you, he was a fighter of the fourteenth grenadier division galicia, then a request was sent to the canadian authorities for the extradition of a former ss man involved in the murder of at least half a thousand peaceful soviet citizens, what do you think they did western competent authorities did not refuse to extradite him, that's right, canada is a refuge for such people, as trudeau just said. this is not just a violation of the principle of the inevitability
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of punishment, this is a violation of all principles of humanity and our current civilization. let me remind you that according to the materials of the criminal case opened in october of the twenty-third year, yaroslav gunko, being on the territory of the settlement of guta-penyatskaya, this former village in the brodsky district of the lviv region, ukrainian ssr, participated in... murders of civilians soviet citizens. last week, thanks to the efforts of the prosecutor general's office of the russian federation, the national central bureau of interpol, the ministry of internal affairs of russia managed to get the ukrainian nazi included in the wanted list of the interpol general secretariat. 15 member countries of the organization have already joined the search for him. true , it took interpol almost 10 months to make a positive decision to include this very same former ss man, a member of the sss
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galicia units, in the wanted list, in the organization's wanted list. nevertheless, we are glad to see concrete examples of interpol's commitment to punishing nazi criminals, regardless of the statute of limitations for their crimes, including searches, extradition for prosecution in crimes against humanity. we hope that in the modern world, interpol, taking into account the principle of neutrality laid down in its statutory documents , will remain the most effective mechanism for combating crime and ensuring international security, we are convinced that all nazi criminals who committed bloody crimes against peaceful citizens, will be on...
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what will the president of romania, the prime minister of canada say about the fact that we will now also celebrate the eight-fifth anniversary of the defeat of japanese troops in the battle in the area of ​​the khalkhingol river, do they know anything about japan, have they heard about japanese militarism and the monstrous crimes that it committed in the region then, so i will remind you, the hotbed of armed conflict in the far east in the early thirties of the twentieth century was provoked by japan. which was hatching aggressive plans to occupy continental territories. forward from 1931 to thirty-seventh years, manchuria became the object of japanese aggressive aspirations. the most developed industrial regions of china were occupied. nobody wants to remind the president of romania, the prime minister of canada about these pages
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of history. when the prime minister of canada trudeau and his colleague in historical misfortune , the president of romania, will call japan a militaristic country, a totalitarian regime. when will this happen? then the japanese did not hide their plans to conquer the forcible separation of part of the territory of mongolia and soviet union. the security of the ussr's far eastern borders was under serious threat. the opening of borders or border provocations was responded to by strengthening military-technical cooperation with the mongolian authorities. on march 12, 1936 , a protocol on mutual assistance was signed in ulaanbaatar, by the way, this protocol does not irritate anyone in the west, or they also want to revise it. the soviet union then officially declared that it would defend the mongolian borders, both its own and in
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in september of 1936, at the request of the mongolian side, he brought his troops into mongolia. in july-august of 1938 , incidents became more frequent on the soviet-manchurian border, which resulted in a serious armed conflict in the area of ​​lake khasan. since january of 1939, the actions of the japanese aggressors intensified on the mongolian border, the first open invasion of the territory of the mongolian people's republic occurred then on may 11 east of the khalgingol river. as the commander of the group of soviet military leaders of mongolia recalled, division georgy zhukov. direct quote: everything indicated that this was not a border conflict, that the japanese had not abandoned their aggressive goals with respect to the soviet far east and the mongolian people's republic and that we should expect actions on a larger scale in the near future, zhukov said, end of quote. the massive offensive of japanese troops began in july 1939 with the crossing of the khalkhingol river, they
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were opposed by the soviet-mongolian army under the command of georgy. this joint army managed not only to repel the attack enemy, but also to go on the counteroffensive. on august 28, 1939, the japanese-manchurian troops were surrounded, destroyed, by august 31 , the territory of the mongolian people's republic was completely cleared of japanese invaders. the defeat of the kwantung army was crushing. the losses of the japanese. in the battles on khalkhengol from may to september 1939 amounted to over 60,000 people killed, wounded, captured, 666, 660 aircraft were shot down, skillful leadership of the soviet troops for the courage shown during military operations against the japanese invaders,
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for bravery, the forty-two-year-old corps commander georgy zhukov was awarded the title hero of the soviet union on august 29, 1939. so, this was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of the russian ministry of defense maria zakharova. now urgent messages coming from the ministry of defense, our su-25s have struck a concentration of military personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk borderland. it is specified that the crews of attack aircraft on su-25 aircraft struck with air weapons at a concentration of manpower, armored vehicles and automobile equipment. the machines were released heat traps. the crews returned to the departure airfield. all specified targets have been destroyed. urgent messages to the ministry of defense.
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rosenergoatom stated that the station is operating normally and the radiation background is normal, but the situation itself is more than serious, the terrorist attacks of the kiev regime pose a threat to all
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of europe, the fact that ukraine is guilty of escalating the nuclear danger is obvious, the kremlin believes. yes, grossi saw the results of the drone strikes on the station, assessed the threat that these strikes could pose, the potential threat that continues, well, i see. for reasons, magat refers to the lack of authority to declare those responsible for these strikes, but here everything is so obvious that there are no questions on this account, of course, here the guilt of the ukrainian side in escalating the nuclear danger is more than obvious. the head of magat visited kurchatov the day before to personally assess the reysk kursk station, the sister of chernobyl, its reactors without a special concrete shell are defenseless against missile strikes, which ... can turn into a catastrophe. in the event of any external impact on the active zone of this reactor there will be a nuclear incident, possibly with
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a release of radiation. it is difficult to say whether it will be of the same scale as the incident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. the only thing that can be said now is that the kursk plant reactor does not have the special protection that reactors at other nuclear power plants in the world are equipped with. they are protected by a dome structure that can withstand an airplane strike. rafael grossi's visit was covered. dozens of foreign journalists from germany, great britain, france showed everyone the consequences of the ukrainian drones' arrivals. the latest sabotage was last week. beyond this lake is the kursk nuclear power plant, where, as the russians say, fragments of ukrainian drones were found, literally 100 meters away. this is a serious accusation in difficult times. the spanish tv channel stated that grossi, who has visited europe's largest zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant more than once, has never looked so worried.
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ukrainian military will be considered at the next session of the iaea board of governors, which will take place on september 9. natalia solovyova, matvey popov and ekaterina radaeva, news.
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now the economy, residents of the special economic zone technopolis moscow have increased investments in the development of high-tech production by almost one and a half times. we are talking about 30 billion rubles. my colleague maria kudryavtseva found out how much the number of jobs has grown, she is joining the broadcast. so, good afternoon, here is the total amount of investments during the operation of technopolis moscow - what money is that? good afternoon, 194 billion rubles. well, as for new jobs, in the first 6 months of this year, their number has grown by almost 1,800. over the first 6 months of this year, residents of the technopolis moscow special economic zone have increased their investments in the development of high-tech production by almost one and a half times. this is in comparison with the same period in 2023. the companies invested approximately 30 billion rubles. what is important is that residents receive a package of tax incentives from the city, as well as ready-made modern infrastructure, transport accessibility , and the ability to find partners. as a result, everything. all
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this simplifies the launch of new investment projects , allowing companies to invest more in their development. it is important that - all that industrial infrastructure that we are creating on the territory of special zones until the twenty-seventh year we have already concluded preliminary lease agreements, that is, it is in special demand. this includes showing the investments that residents have made in creating production on the territory of special. economic zones. today, the special economic zone technopolis moscow. this is an area of ​​more than 280 hectares on six different sites, where a total of more than 220 high-tech companies operate. the emphasis on critically important products not only for the moscow market, but also for all of russia, from medicines and medical products to electric vehicles and unmanned aircraft systems, where personnel play an important role.
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of course, investments in the high-tech industry in russia as a whole should increase. in moscow, they will probably increase, because 30 billion rubles have already been invested. well, probably by the end of the year, yes, accordingly, we can expect -e similar growth rates compared to the previous period. by the way, the list of leaders in terms of investment volume also includes manufacturers of medical products and pharmaceuticals, for the entire period of work in capital special economic zone, they have already invested over 50 billion rubles in the city's economy. well, since the beginning of the year, they have released products worth more than 24 billion.
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for this case, it will be an honest detective story, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it is easy to make a fake dep, change, all fakes, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first.


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