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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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man. the west group improved its position and repelled five ukrainian attacks. also, according to the defense ministry , four howitzers, a croatian-made multiple launch rocket launcher, and a us-made counter-battery radar station were hit during the counter-battery battle. and today it became known that an sbu employee, former head of the cherkasy regional administration, sergei sergeichuk, was killed in ukraine. this information was confirmed by the state agency, the circumstances of the death are not reported, but according to according to several media outlets, sergeychuk died as a result of an explosion in krivoy rog in the dnipropetrovsk region on august 27. an unexploded cluster munition filled with 180 striking elements was defused by rosgvardia engineers; a shell from an american hymers rocket launcher was discovered near the kursk npp and intercepted by our air defense system.
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this is a hit from our mlrs, here it is, this is cut off, this is precisely an mlrs. after meeting with the russian air defense system, the warhead of the missile went underground. the rosgvardia sappers decided to destroy the projectile on the spot. the group arrived at the site, raised a drone, well, a drone, inspected the site, it was discovered that there was, well, a missile.
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hams were found cluster submunitions, 183 ammunition were found, they were destroyed by an overhead charge, there were no detonations, the work was completed, the kursk nuclear power plant said they were working normally and the radiation background is normal, today, august 28, the kursk nuclear power plant is working in normal mode, the third power unit is working at the capacity set by the dispatcher schedule, the fourth power unit is undergoing scheduled maintenance, the first and second power units are in operation mode without generating,
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magatte refers to the lack of authority to declare those responsible for these strikes, but everything is so obvious here that there are no questions on this account, of course, the guilt of the ukrainian side in escalating the nuclear danger is more than obvious, the head of magat visited kurchatov the day before to personally assess the risks the kursk station is the sister of chernobyl, its reactors are defenseless without a special concrete shell before the missile strikes, which could turn out to be.
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the spanish tv channel stated grosrossi, who has visited europe's largest zaporizhia nuclear power plant more than once, has never looked so worried.
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magatte, it will take place on september 9. nataliava, matvey popov and ekaterina radaeva, news. the north atlantic alliance is behind the attack on the kursk region, american media write, more and more military experts are confident that nato not only gave the order to carry out this attack, but is also actively using its own forces in it. natalia goncharova knows the details. london supports the initiative of the ukrainian armed forces to use storm
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shadow missiles to strike russia. however , the british do not intend to speak about this publicly. all because disagreements with the americans may arise, writes the telegraph. the fact is that such missiles. usually used together with secret american systems, and for this, washington's approval is needed. great britain has not made an official request to the united states to allow ukraine to use missiles on russian territory, the newspaper writes. at the same time, washington made it clear, that he is concerned about this issue. ukraine's allies have disagreed on whether to strike deep into russia with western weapons. the financial times notes that britain and france are calling for kiev to be allowed to strike at russian territory, while the us and germany are against such measures. the publications believe that zelensky can push his allies, but it will be difficult to do so. us policy is changing, albeit with some delay, as washington softened its position, first on tanks and then on long-range atakom missiles. the latest
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were used earlier this year to strike crimea. berlin also gave in regarding tanks, but stands firm regarding taurus missiles. by arming ukrainians, european countries were almost completely devastated.
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russia did not use it, the time has not yet come. natalia goncharova, news! vtb brings us rubles, cashback up to 25%. and plus one category of cashback for vtb transfers from other banks. vtb, everything will work out.
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early voting has begun in the russian regions, in order to ensure maximum safety of voters, it was decided to hold it for 10 days, and both stationary and mobile election commissions. in which regions can you cast your vote early, alexandra perfilieva will tell you. that's how, on a helicopter, members of the election commission. fighters from different regions serve, yegor from tyumen, admits that he has never voted for the governor of the region like that. it's interesting, in general, the procedure, the election procedure, especially in such a territory, in such conditions.
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noted that the preparation was carried out according to the same standards as during the presidential elections, more than 700 observers are monitoring violations, but if suddenly something goes wrong so, there are certain actions for this, we report this to the headquarters, we report
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this to the commission, the chairman, and then everything is resolved according to the law. well, if the voter does not have the opportunity to visit the polling station to which he is assigned, he can take an absentee ballot, whoever is temporarily, well, far from his place of residence, he can submit an application at the place of stay, we process this application, attach him to our polling station, and he can freely come and vote on any day, early voting started in the amur region, the mayor of the city will also be elected by the residents of belogorsk.
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thousands of first-graders will go to schools in the lugansk people's republic in the new school year. in 2 years, about 900 educational institutions have been restored in the lpr, including the fifty-first school in lugansk. the building was destroyed back in the summer of 2014 by ukrainian shells. and now , 10 years later, it has been restored by moscow builders. all the details from nadezhda ostapushchenko. and who? who is this? the duty officer. oy-oy-oy-oy-oy-oy-y! in the footage filmed in july 2014, destroyed by ukrainian shells fifty-first school in lugansk. one of the employees died under mortar fire. the roof collapsed, everything in the classroom was destroyed , there was chaos, because furniture, textbooks, dust were lying on the floor. the complex was closed for 10 years,
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and chef-region moscow decided to restore it. work began in february of this year. the damaged walls and foundation were reinforced. surveillance, smoke detectors and speakers, the entire educational institution was equipped with cameras for the first time for the safety of schoolchildren, comfortable conditions for the educational process, created spacious classrooms and new equipment, specialized classrooms appeared,
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a system that has richer bass there, well , for the hearing impaired, specialists equipped the school yard, now there are sports grounds here, they have a shockproof surface, safe for children, as well as special horizontal bars, where students can hone their athletic skills, the first applications for training, residents of nearby neighborhoods began to fill out in february, as soon as they learned of moscow's decision to restore the complex. and the threshold of our...
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who worked here until 2014, young specialists came. this year, the restored fifty-first school will open its doors with a new name: decade of the republic. nadezhda ostopushchenko, kirill genser, ekaterina tekhmanovich, igor anikeyev, vesti lugansk. the first unmanned swallow began running on the moscow central circle. the train is completely controlled automatically and independently assesses the situation using neural networks. at the same time. the driver is still in the cabin, controls how the doors open and close, how muscovites appreciated the new product, maria valieva went to find out. they prepared for this event for two. years, they conducted tests at the testing grounds, hundreds of digital tests, the operation of all the smart train systems passed the tests, and the project was successfully launched. we are traveling along
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the moscow central circle on the first unmanned swallow, the train is almost completely controlled by artificial intelligence, but the driver is still present in the cabin, controls everything, how the system works, manually opens and closes the doors. again , a false obstacle. unfortunately, yes, such it happens. the system reacts to obstacles faster than a human, gives a signal, the driver assesses all the risks and then switches to manual control, and then again transfers the work to the robot. it's interesting, while we are developing everything, we look, observe how it will all look, we are learning together already and also like artificial intelligence, we are learning to work on it. driver plus robot - double control. safety stickers hang in each car, warning for passengers. the first impression is surprise. delight, perhaps, will come later, but somehow it's all already so
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digitalized, automated in every industry that well, it was worth expecting. the surprise is generally pleasant, we are waiting for cars, driverless on the roads, this will really develop in the future, and it is very interesting that such opportunities for the development of transport have appeared in our country. aren't you afraid? no, the software is domestic, some solutions are implemented for the first time in international practice, intelligent technical vision, complex neural networks, digital technologies, communications. we conducted comparative tests, and how a person sees, there is no such data before, for example, a person sees during the day only on average at 300 m, according to the system we laid down the requirement of 600 m, that is, the system sees at 600 m. further really a very important question, and how to check these systems, a similar question is also worth. motorists. the introduction of unmanned technologies is an integral part of the development of passenger traffic. we are starting unmanned movement in rail
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transport. in russia, in particular, but in general in the world. since unmanned systems exist, they are primarily used in confined spaces. open, actually railway traffic - this is here. the third control level. the highest level is the fourth, the difference is that the driver performs only one function at the moment, this is opening and closing the doors. at the end of the year, russian railways plans to complete testing of on-board systems and technical vision at the fourth highest level of automation, in 2026 they intend to launch the swallows without machinists. maria valeva,
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and moscow also reminds washington of the inevitability of punishment for hostile actions, this is also reported by the foreign ministry, which indicates that russia will continue the practice of banning entry for those involved in anti-russian activities. well , while on other topics, today in paris the summer paralympic games with the participation of russian athletes open. our team will perform at the games. neutral status, france has completely denied visas to two athletes. the russian paralympic committee has reiterated applied to the ipc for their admission. stas ridikultsev, on the participation of russians in
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the paralympics. the summer paralympic games will start in paris. almost in full force. russians will compete in swimming and track and field, in truncated, in table tennis, two athletes will compete in the triathlon and rodhekwando, a total of 88 athletes. france refused visas to two more athletes. in paris , our paralympians will compete for medals in five sports out of the twenty-two declared in the program. and it is here that a lot of people will watch competitions, i'm just waiting for this moment to be charged with this atmosphere. anna kulinich sorokina, a medalist in athletics at the london and tokyo games , talks about training before the competitions and life in the olympic village in her social networks. the beds are the same as in japan. a washbasin, here is the shower,
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if you want to enjoy, turn on the water to enjoy for a long time, then you will need to work with your hand, also press the button, also turn hot, cold, and stand with soapy hands, periodically press to save water, kulinich sorokina in paris will compete in three disciplines: javelin throw and 200m and 400m running for people. with visual impairment, will have to compete with fifty-year-old valentina petrillo from italy, the first transgender person at the paralympic games under 44. valentina was a man named fabrizio with a wife and children, petrillo in female guise won two bronze medals at the world championships and gold at the national championships with a national record. the russian team in
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paris is neutral athletes, without a flag and anthem, the russians were banned from using white, red and blue colors, our athletes' uniforms are turquoise and beige, in case of victory the paralympic anthem will be played, and the medals won will not be counted in the overall standings. neutral athletes are not considered an official delegation and cannot participate in the traditional parade at the opening ceremony. at the tokyo paralympics, russians won 118 awards, 36 of which were gold. the russian team included...
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