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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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illegal land reform, here is the land already, and accordingly on this land now you can grow drugs, and what next instead of the official church rastofarian, by the way there is the same in ukraine, pseudo-cults of fanatics of grass and bob marley, why not, no one forbids, apparently it is better for ukrainians to go to a parallel reality, now rastofan songs, just not to listen to the nonsense of zelensky, ivanov and ... ukrainian dope. in the border region of the kurdish region, up to 380 ssu militants were liquidated in a day. this is the price the enemy paid for the next unsuccessful attempts to break through in the directions of malaya loknya, korenev, kremyanov, olgovka and several other settlements. in addition, servicemen of the northern group of russian troops disabled an enemy tank, 29 other vehicles, three mortars, and during the entire
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period of military operations in this direction , 74 tanks, 35 infantry fighting vehicles, 210 vehicles, 51 artillery guns and up to 7.00 enemy personnel have already been destroyed. however, not only ukrainian formations are becoming legitimate targets for our military, but also a detachment of foreign mercenaries. and their active participation in the attack on the kursk region was recalled today by maria zakharova . according to her, foreign tourers, along with the ukrainian armed forces, are not at all worried about the safety of civilians in the region, including children, and are ready. foreign, so -called soldiers of fortune are actively participating in the attack on the kursk region. american mercenaries demonstratively posted a photo of the position of a mortar crew of the ukrainian armed forces next to a playground in the kursk region on the internet. it turns out that the militants proud of violations of humanitarian law, not a bit concerned about the lives of civilians, including children, are ready.
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today the french prosecutor's office must either release the detainee or bring charges against him, but in the meantime a new turn has appeared in the case information about a lawsuit for domestic violence and non-payment of alimony from a woman who calls herself the mother of durov's children, it is hard to believe that this is not a coincidence. maria petrashko will confirm, maria, greetings, hello, alexey, it looks like a coordinated attack from different fronts, i suppose someone from the fbi decided to organize a tour of european prisons for durov. the most
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high-profile arrest of the week is becoming increasingly detailed, leaving pavel durov with almost no chance of a happy ending. even after the end of the story with the french security forces, he may be extradited to a swiss prison. after all, the alleged mother of three children, the founder of telegram, a certain irina bolgar , accused durov of failing to pay child support of 150,000 euros per month in beating their youngest son. allegedly, there were several such episodes, when the child was only 4-5 years old, but for some reason the woman kept silent for a while.
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great, they released him in a day, so much so that now the remnants of jurisprudence have been preserved, they would have been ridiculous and unprepared accusations , so most likely they quickly-quickly did something in the last day, some second or third plan, well, so that there would have been at least something to find fault with, because well , really, otherwise they would have had to just let him go. the fact that nadurov's attack was carefully planned must be understood because his self-proclaimed wife irina bolgar appeared in infofield quite recently, essentially on the eve of the arrest. and because a former french intelligence officer confirmed that the compromise of telegram was a long-term work of the special services. wall street journal writes that back in 2017, france hacked durov's phone, allegedly looking for traces of the terrorist group isis, banned in russia. and in 2018, macron, during lunch with durov, offered him to move to paris with his entire team, to which he refused. it would have been better if he had offered to return the vkontakte wall. it is clear that france is not here at all... what
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france, it now has self-awareness and independence, well, about the same as toilet paper, now in connection with the arrest of dorov, a list of about ten messengers and social platforms has already been born, wandering around the internet, which are going the same way as durov, the owner of the second has already announced that in europe everything is very bad, he fled from europe, in third place is elon musk, here with his twitter or x and so on, that is , it looks like this is a signal that everything, there will be no more freedom, now we will play under dictation, that is, now there will be a cruel censorship, that it will only get worse, journalists, entrepreneurs and it specialists quickly realized in europe. everyone predicts a mass relocation of the remaining brains from europe to more attractive countries, for example, the usa, which has long been luring to itself, only in the states they punish freedom of speech much more harshly remember one assange or zuckerberg's instant obedience to the special services, and specifically russian
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programmers today are best off in russia. we found 67 precedents in a variety of locations, namely guys with russian origin immediately. citizenships, usually as if it were somewhere on vacation or on retreat, then the most popular countries of issue are thailand, gua, maldives, they are transferred on simple charges, either in hacker attacks, interference in state policy, or beatings, and there begins a multi-year investigation, that is, at the same time the terms from twenty there to 90 years, especially since again vassal france has declared. the search for pavel durov's elder brother nikolai, among the charges brought is complicity in the distribution of child pornography, french the gendarmes are just looking for porn in telegram. pavel durov himself, a genius of it projects, that is , he is an architect of large systems,
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what is under the hood - this was done by his brother, and the fact that they got caught and started chasing him is sad, it means that some special services, most likely the fbi, want to catch up. and the european media are joking, like france stole journalists from zelensky. while everyone is discussing durov, they forgot about zelensky and his adventures. the popularity of telegram has increased several times over this week, especially in india and the usa, well, and pavel durov has been nominated for the nobel peace prize. the documents have already been signed by several universities and public organizations, it turns out that the multipolarization of the world cannot be stopped in any way, as the consciousness of humanity, where are the countries with free speech, and where with its imitations under the visor of the fbi. maria petrashko
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hunting for durovo. a call home and a message to relatives i am alive, another task that our fighters must perform in the special operation zone, at home. the heroes' appeal is awaited by their loved ones and sometimes journalists even manage to record a short, but such important communication between spouses or between children and parents, about the reliable rear of the artillerymen who are fighting in the zaporizhzhya direction, anton stepanenko will tell. she will not confuse this call with any other, ilina waits for it every day. hi, mom , hi, how are you, i want to go home already, i want to go home, and it will soon be over, well, why are we already waiting for you? we are worried about all of you, she has already gotten used to not asking questions, where is he, what is he doing, he will not answer anyway, he is at the front, the main thing is that he calls, at the very beginning he didn't get out of the svo connection for 2 weeks and these 2 weeks became the most terrible for her, we didn't sleep day and night, we called the unit,
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no one told us anything, then after 2 weeks he called, called, screamed... i'm alive, since then they have an agreement, at the slightest opportunity, just show up, have pity on mom and dad, if i have a phone outside the zone, he writes or calls one of us, two words, i'm alive, healthy, denis, 1918, in the artillery, a contract soldier, commander of a self-propelled gun msta, his unit is fighting on the zaporozhye front, they were striking, how the howitzers hit, three sevens hit. leopards, it doesn't matter, everything burns unambiguously, everything, the russian shell doesn't care who will be against it, what kind of enemy on some equipment, the enemy is hunting for its self-propelled gun, hundred, the gun is effective, it hits far accurately, the most dangerous thing for the crew is not so much getting to the firing position, as
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being in position to have time to work on the targets, and after all, they often shoot at them too, when you have already taken up positions, you stand aimed at the target, you shoot, well, and so on... there already you know, the risk is already kind of big, if you start getting hit, someone has time to finish off the target to hit it, so that it would be effective, so that it wasn't just for nothing, for the fact that it wasn't just for nothing. the injury, irina found out about it when denis came on vacation, then she saw the scar
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, this handle, in short, it shoots, this is what the trigger of the msta self-propelled gun looks like , he, the gunner, presses it, metal. i volunteered for svo less than a year ago, although i hadn't served in the army before, well, i just knew, that i am ready for this, morally, psychologically, physically, then i immediately just went to the tower, to watch how it all happens, the guys were leaving for the target, i just stood, watched, learned.
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the depressing reality, now the basis for humorous videos of a local blogger, and probably the main role is assigned to the military commissar, from whom the author of the video runs away, the publications have already gained 14 million views almost 2 million likes, in general i am walking through the city, you know, deaf, empty, although it would seem ... it would be a working day there should be people, but there is no one, in general kids, don't be afraid, go outside, walk, everything will be fine, like, they parody the man-catchers who often suddenly attack from the bushes, they filmed more than enough, here's a guy running away from the military commander on a bicycle, i got a flat tire, i don't understand at all that someone says that running is hard or boring, as you can see, it's not hard or boring for me, because there is a sufficient level of motivation to keep up the pace, running is generally a blast, i 'll tell you that, huh? this is already reality, kharkov is occupied by the tetsekashniks, leaving the city practically blocked, the situation reaches
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the point of absurdity, at every turn military commissars help volunteers to go to the front, and if eyewitnesses record a valiant mobilization, get ready to shoot videos in the trenches. but the victim of the mobilization flywheel, went to the store, instead of bags of food, was handed a machine gun with cartridges. after training in germany straight to kursk.
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ensuring the continuous and effective work of the combined mobilization centers. attention is drawn to the effective work of military medical commissions to ensure 24-hour medical examinations. in the volyn territorial recruitment center, an innovation: if there is a threat to the lives of employees, open fire to kill. and in the school parent chat of nikolaev, they warn that men
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should not show up at the assembly, military commissars will be on duty. in the confrontation, the only thing left for the ukrainians is to take revenge at night, setting fire to the cars of cannibals, a fiery flash mob is rolling across ukraine like ball lightning. margarita semenyuk, ivan kuznetsov, news! in the yaroslavl region, the rate of delivery has increased significantly in operation of new residential buildings, and the problem of defrauded equity holders has been completely resolved, the region's governor mikhail evraev reported this to vladimir putin today. in addition, he told the president about the construction of an advanced engineering school. i would like to svo, members of their families, we have provided for and start, of course, with measures to support participants , a one-time payment, and measures for social rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, benefits, family members, svo participants. we provide active assistance to the akimovsky
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district of the zaporozhye region, this is our sponsored district, another facility has been handed over, this is a community center, when i met our guys, artillerymen, fighters on the... contact line, they asked me to give you my chevron, well, the meaning of which is that it doesn't matter how strong the enemy is, it's important who is nearby, so i am giving it to you with great pleasure, thank you very much, okay, yes, thank you very much, thank you, so.
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which naturally has a direct impact on the growth of the standard of living of residents. slavskaya oblast, i wanted to say separately about the roads, this is our main separate problem, yes, this is this is a serious problem, and that's how it is, and last year we increased the volume of road repairs by 40%, reached 700 km per year, on your instructions we are completing the repair of the bridge in rybensk, thank you very much for this, as when we completed the work, we are completing the work this year, completely on the repair of the bridge, 3 billion rubles are serious funds, almost from ... 4,000 schools, 18.5 million students, of which about 2 million are first-graders, simple figures from the minister of education dmitry chernyshenko about the scale of the new school year in our country, about the fact that, what it will be like, what it is necessary to pay special attention to, they talked about it today in novosibirsk, on the agenda are technologies and career guidance, as the minister emphasized, future general designers need to be educated from the school bench, and about new approaches in the material of ksenia klimina. the new
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building of novosibirsk 185 lyceum, built quite recently. within the framework of the national education project became the first point on the route of the working visit of the deputy prime minister of russia dmitry chernyshenko. the lyceum is designed for almost a thousand places and is already ready for the beginning of the school year, equipped with the latest technology, classrooms with laboratories, equipment now, for example, the transformation of mechanical movements into sound, you can see, you can transform them into light.
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a tribune for spectators, a twenty-five-meter swimming pool. in the new academic year , eight first-grade students will sit at the desks of this lyceum. during his working trip, dmitry chernyshenko also visited the novosibirsk college of electronics and computer engineering. here, students know for sure what to expect from life. as part of the federal project, professionalism start working at enterprises from the first years of study. when a student applicant comes, more precisely to our college. what his career can be as a result, technologies are developed playfully, the battle of mini-robots unfolded on the site of the international form technoprom 2024, it's simple. and the point is to show interest in engineering, because it all starts with such, it would seem, toys, but it all ends with industrial work, those machines,
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conditionally robots that work in pharmaceuticals, work in aircraft manufacturing, the forum platform has become a place for dialogue, a live meeting, science and technology, investors and government officials, we all understand that science is done in the regions, not in federal offices, so here... we see real results of the regions' activities in fulfilling the tasks set by the president, in achieving technological sovereignty. now a new task has been added as part of the implementation of decree 309 on national development goals, these are precisely national projects of technological leadership, in which the presence of federal projects is mandatory on personnel scientific technologies. 1500 participants, representatives of different regions, enterprises, scientific and educational institutions, development institutes, present their projects, many of which have already
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proven themselves successfully, for example, a device for detecting drones, developed by the novosibirsk academic city, the device is capable of jamming the drone signal in the conditions of the megapolis. the neural network is trained on the noise of the area and allows it to be ignored. we accept the noise that is at the enterprise as the norm, so we focus only signals that occur outside this norm, we are already analyzing them to see whether this causes us concern or not, within the framework of the forum, dozens of cooperation agreements were signed, we signed a non-profit partnership for the production of metal films with the institute of automation and electrometry of the siberian branch of the russian... academy of sciences, within the framework of the assignment we will manufacture this thin metal film for the skif project, that it is quite difficult
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to manufacture. development of science and technology, increasing the intellectual potential of the nation, strategic tasks of our country. by 2030, russia should be among the top ten countries in the world in terms of research and development. there are all the opportunities for this. alexander ganov, elena goleeva. vesti, novosibirsk. and in lugansk, they restored the school that was destroyed in the summer of 2014 as a result of shelling from ukraine, so in september, the educational institution will again hold a ceremonial assembly, and classes will begin in the renovated classrooms. the school was renovated by moscow builders. in just 2 years, the capital has already helped restore almost 900 different objects in the lpr. with details, nadezhda ostopushchenko. and who? who is the duty officer ai, in the footage filmed in july 2014
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, school 51 in lugansk destroyed by ukrainian shells, one of the employees died under mortar fire. the roof collapsed, everything in the classroom was destroyed , there was chaos, because furniture, textbooks, dust were lying on the floor. the complex was closed for 10 years, the head of the moscow region decided to restore it, to work. arrived in february of this year, strengthened the damaged walls and foundation, re-carried out engineering networks and covered the roof. all work is completed, comprehensive tests of engineering systems and equipment have been carried out, we have completed work on an area of ​​800, just over 800 km, the educational institution was equipped with surveillance cameras, smoke detectors and speakers for the first time, everything for the safety of schoolchildren, comfortable conditions for the educational process have been created. chemistry, corresponding to the standards of moscow schools, we equip with all
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the necessary reagents for practical classes, a fume hood, study desks and a laboratory class, an assembly hall of about 140 seats with soft new chairs, also installed here... new lighting and special sound equipment, such a system is used that the bass is richer there, well, for the hearing impaired, specialists also equipped the school yard, now there are sports grounds here, they have a shockproof surface, safe for children, as well as special horizontal bars, where students can hone their sports skills, the first applications for training, residents of nearby neighborhoods began to fill out back... in february, as soon as we learned about moscow's decision to restore the complex. and 650 boys and girls will cross the threshold of our complex, who will enter bright, cozy,
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beautiful classrooms. olga's eldest son. lusachenko maxim will go to the tenth grade in the new school. previously, the child had to be taken to school to the other end of the city. the road took about 2 hours, now only 10 minutes. we waited 10 years for the opening of the school, its restoration. of course, emotions are overwhelmed with joy and happiness. 35 teachers will teach the children. not only those who worked here before 2014 have returned, young people have come specialists. this year, the restored fifty-first school. will open its doors with a new name decade of the republic. nadezhda ostopushchenko, kirill genser, ekaterina tekhmanovich, igor anikeyev, vesti lugansk. all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company with the support of the ministry of digital development, communications and mass media of the russian federation. the perm territory governor's administration invites television and radio journalists, directors, newspaper and online correspondents to take part in the twenty
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the seventh all-russian. shield of russia, which will be held in the city of perm from september 24 to 28 , 2024, creative works for the competition are accepted until august 23, detailed information on the website www.shittras.rus. durable and not afraid of moisture, protect from heat and cold. penoplex.
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