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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 28, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, about the main provo events of the day the correspondents of the program vesti duty part and i maxim movchan will tell. the tagansky district court of moscow sent a gift to two traffic police officers who were caught taking a bribe. moreover, judging by the charges brought against them, police officer konstantin and igor samokhin did not simply succumb to temptation at the sight of cash, they purposefully extorted money from the driver. as some media outlets report , the police could have used a broken breathalyzer, which sensed alcohol even where there was none. the inspectors allegedly threatened the driver that they would take away his license if he won't buy off. in ingushetia, the special services detained six supporters of an international terrorist organization who were preparing an attack on security forces and an orthodox church, an explosive device, firearms and bladed weapons and... literature with which
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the detainees were trained were confiscated. galina khungureeva speaks. explosion a dense black cloud enveloped the forest, a homemade shell detonated in the forest of the sunzhinsky district of ingushetia. 3 kg in tratilov equivalent were presumably being prepared to kill civilians, but the fsb bomb disposal experts managed to remove and destroy the ied. i wanted to take the path of jihad. then i posted a story on social media calling for jihad to fight in the path of allah. and this is the first suspect in preparing a terrorist attack, he turned to the path of an extremist in one of the social networks, listened to lectures, and was recruited there, he says that he received instructions via messenger from a certain muslim, a curator from syria, who allegedly sent the militants both the coordinates from the chrono with weapons and the objects for the attack, they planned to attack law enforcement officers and an orthodox temple, the church of the intercession of the holy mother of god in sundzha. in the city of nazran, the village of kantysheva , six supporters of
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an international terrorist organization were detained. during the search, they were found to have a manual on how to conduct combat in urban and forest conditions, instructions for assembling explosive devices, symbols of a terrorist organization, and an arsenal of firearms and bladed weapons. a criminal case has been opened against three local residents suspected of committing crimes, participating in the activities of a terrorist organization, preparing for a group of people committed a terrorist act by prior conspiracy. a number of media outlets report that the terrorist attack in ingushetia was being prepared according to the scenario of the attack in dagestan in june of this year. then, in derbent, militants attacked a synagogue and a christian church, while in makhachkala , another group of terrorists attacked a traffic police post and the holy dormition cathedral. a total of 22 people were killed. the armed bandits were eliminated. fsb officers in ingushetia found the coordinates of the hiding place of the explosive device that was destroyed on the phone of one of the suspects. it is reported that the detainees confessed. a criminal case was opened against three of them. explosive devices were found during a search of the second three. are they connected? as can be seen in these
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shots, a truck at full speed crashed into a van parked on the roadway. the impact was so powerful that the cabin of one of the vehicles was torn apart . emergency services are working at the scene of the accident. all the most interesting, after a short commercial, do not switch. durable and moisture-resistant. protect from heat and cold. penoplex.
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smartphones with children's sim cards. when children have grown up to the first sim card, connect them to a beeline children's sim card with protection from spam and fraudsters. beeline is the safest operator. on air, the legal program is on duty, we continue the release: test drive for flammability of residents of the irkutsk region, who set fire to a car dealership, were detained, a dealership, a man got drunk at night, with legs knocked out the glass, then confidently as if it were his own home climbed into the building, headed straight to the nearest passenger car, through the open window he poured almost a whole bottle of fuel into the interior, then splashed the rest. on the floor, when he got out of the building, threw another one inside and struck a lighter, the flames instantly spread throughout the room, after which they engulfed the cars, what exactly was set on fire, the car interior, you admit your guilt, naturally, what i did, i admit, as
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a result, with his fire show, the iraqi caused damage worth 6 million rubles, what was it, radical fight against competitors or revenge on sellers after an unfavorable deal, investigators are now sorting it out. in moscow, a schoolboy died after inhaling gas from a lighter refill canister. police officers who happened to be nearby tried to save the teenager, and then medics, but it was too late. many media outlets have already linked the death of the schoolboy with the scandalous internet figure who admitted to a similar addiction to a huge audience. alexander polivka has the floor: the teenagers inhaled a canister with a mixture of butane and propane here in this quiet courtyard in the southeast of the capital. surprisingly, none of the passersby even paid attention to them. this is despite the fact that there are grocery stores, a pharmacy, hairdressers nearby, and only the pps officers saw what the schoolchildren were doing. by this time, one of the schoolchildren had already become ill. the ministry of internal affairs officers called an ambulance, but it was too late. the boy lost consciousness and, despite all the efforts of the doctors, died. hospital, his relatives are currently not ready to talk to journalists. according to neighbors,
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the schoolboy from a prosperous family was not a hooligan, i've never been caught in a taxi addiction before. i didn't say that he's violent, but guys come to him all the time, they disappear somewhere, and here he's normal, we somehow communicated with his mother, occasionally, she, her girl is still small, she mostly walks with her there, a normal boy, my god, maybe there are some problems with his company there. well , herd instinct, someone tried something, in some media the incidents have already been linked to an interview with the scandalous streamer mstroy according to the passport andrey burim, who bragged about his bad habits, i have only three, what karen, alcohol nitrous oxide, balls, balls, i condemn absolutely, while the schoolchildren themselves inhaled not even nitrous oxide, but an even more dangerous mixture of gases that are used to fill lighters, its use teenagers call sniffing and often do not know what such experiments are.
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quite often aspiration is caused by vomit, since nausea, vomiting occurs, and with such a clouded consciousness, many, so to speak, can die, now the kuzminsky inter-district prosecutor's office is investigating the circumstances of the teenager's death. alexander polivko, anton sitnikov and danilo klishchevskiy, conduct duty unit. the loud scandal around the arrest of pavel durov is gaining momentum, special security measures in court all new investigation the negative hero of which can become the founder of telegram, does the french themis leave him no chance to be free, anastasia popova figured out, hours of waiting at the walls finally the gate opened, two cars with flashing lights literally flew out of the garage, inside the second car, the founder of telegram. all these days pavel durov
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was held here at the national directorate of intelligence and customs investigation. he spent the maximum number of hours in the pre-trial detention cell allowed by law. 96 hours, four days. this is only given if the charge is extremely serious. he was brought into the tribunal building through a separate entrance. durov appeared before the judge in a special wing closed to the press. it turned out that the case had been opened back in march against him and his brother nikolai, the author of the architecture and codes of the ton cryptocurrency telegram. both were declared in france wanted. the charges include complicity in the distribution and possession of child pornography, because telegram refused to cooperate with the french police and disclose user data. however, nikolai, an outstanding mathematician with two doctorates, reportedly lives and works in st. petersburg. pavel decided to move messenger's headquarters to the united arab emirates.
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i assume in silence that the devices i use can be hacked, because you will still use iphone or android. after what i experienced in america, i have little faith that a platform developed in the us is safe. a year after the hack, durovo was invited to a meeting by french president macron, the wall street journal continues, insisting that he move his headquarters to paris, then, in a rare special procedure, decided to issue him a french passport in 2021, journalists are discussing. wasn't all this macron's revenge in response to durovo's refusal to cooperate with paris? that
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he was detained, was shocking, sudden, unexpected, at least for any journalist here in europe. pavel durov, taken into custody for something that other executives like mark zuckerberg or elon musk could have been arrested for, or at least charged with. let's be realistic, they all have the same problems with moderation. but since durov's detention in paris, a wave of claims against the businessman has risen all over the world, as if on cue, and news has already appeared in the media about lawsuits that were filed back in in march of last year , irina balgar, who lives in switzerland, filed a lawsuit against durov, she accused him of... treating their children together, as it turned out, the court in switzerland is studying the case materials, the paris prosecutor's office is too, but still very sparingly comments on everything that is happening with durov, they promise to publish a new written press release in due time. anastasia popova, ilya bernatsky, timofey mukhin, vesti, duty unit. they even sell courses on selling courses. rosobrnadzor proposed to oblige bloggers to develop trainings on
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standard of education, selling online courses on a wide variety of topics from alchemy, esotericism to psychology, discoveries. chakras are growing every year, and a significant part of them are of very dubious content, how to earn money now not a doblogger, fyodor eliseev figured out. torolog, ecologist, numerologist, psychologist and gynecologist, it would seem, are incompatible things, but on the internet there are such multi-specialists, everything, now prudy prudy, all of them are necessarily bloggers. here is a woman against the background of a board with a drawn zodiac circle, ready for free share how to find a man for your. energies, girls, well, today is our second lesson of our marathon bachelor, and it is about our female venus, but it is worth looking at the description, it becomes clear, the video is just bait, the main goal is to lure the viewer to sell him a new course of unscientific nonsense, future astrologers-numerologists are proudly called students, and this is supposedly a school, even offers interest-free installments, by the way
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, many bloggers are ready to sell anything under the sauce of courses, for example, a group lesson of girls on hysteria to practice will be at home with their husbands, i don't care about you, leave, russian psycho-eco-theorists have gained western experience, overseas they have long since gone far ahead in selling such courses, here is an info-businesswoman from the states offering women a ritual of rage for a modest $3,500, her charges are collecting sticks in the forest and beating the planet under the shouts of the nists, here is a crowd of half-naked men in a pool for $10,000 with... a nose undergoing a retreat on masculinity, crying, lying on the water, their own developments from domestic air traders there is also, for example, renting something expensive on credit, to brag about a rich life and to announce, so now everyone can, if they buy a course, they teach how to become a millionaire in the shortest possible time, find love and recognition, but so far these lectures
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have made only the teachers themselves rich, their students are left with huge debts, the results of such a business are also rumored, the master of millionaire thinking, ayas shabuddinov, suspected of fraud on an especially large scale is in custody. queen of marathons, elena blinovskaya is suspected of tax evasion, also in the detention center. andrey sidoropula, who promised people to earn money on advertising, emptied the accounts of his followers by millions of rubles, and he was sent to the pre-trial detention center for the duration of the investigation. in the sphere of information business, the blogosphere has been taken up seriously in the country's parliament, rossobornadzor proposed to the state duma working group to oblige bloggers and coaches to develop online courses and trainings strictly according to state standards of russian education, as well as to obtain educational licenses for their sale, the new project is needed in order to resort to fraudulent practices have become unprofitable.
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there are a number of unscrupulous bloggers who provide low-quality services, and what's more, life. important, for example, in the field of medicine, cosmetics, sports, people can suffer from such services, lose their health, sometimes even their lives, so it is necessary to stop unscrupulous activities as soon as possible, because their fates are at stake. after revision, the initiative will be submitted to the state duma for consideration, a number of issues dedicated to the transparency of the blogosphere will also be considered, in particular the creation self-regulating organization of bloggers. fyodor eliseev, lead duty unit. we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story. who pulled the strings in abakan , the former director of the famous puppet theater is being tried, he managed to stage a performance that does not exist, or rather, the money was allocated for it, it was successfully spent, and the audience saw the production itself only during the investigation, how the court performance of the former theatergoer will end, olga zhurynkova figured out. the former director of the puppet-fairy tale theater igor okolnikov, of course, is used to to other venues, but now he has to perform in the obakansky hall... he is accused of abuse of office, embezzlement of one and a half million rubles. the money was supposed to be spent on a new performance, but according to the investigation, it was only played out on paper. in reality, investigators believe it could not, because the theater was undergoing major repairs, and it was closed for rehearsals of performances, but okolnikov successfully reported on the premiere to the local ministry of culture, a fabulous
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coincidence, but he heads the department, his wife svetlana, a year ago, when the investigation of the criminal case was in full swing, we met with igor okolnikov, he assured us that the charges were far-fetched and that he was not guilty of anything, we were able to stage it, but we could not show it to the audience, so who did we show it to then, it was an internal surrender to our own audience. our own, our own audience, excuse me, who is that? this is tsekha, relatives are invited, if possible, was your wife present? no, a performance for our own for 1.5 million rubles. it is called timtal and the boy who succumbed to temptation and sold his laughter. investigators believe that the theater director could also have succumbed to temptation. an interesting detail: svetlana okolnikova headed the skazka theater for 7 years, and after she sat in the ministerial chair, her husband took over the skazka. where did the money go? that's it. he reported, showed, said, here's everything guys, here are the documents, he reported to the ministry, you, the theater director's wife, head the ministry, no one stole a penny,
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the play was released, is on the theater's balance sheet, shown to the audience, will be shown immediately after the theater opens, i don't know why this is so it turned out, i don't know, to be honest, the process was going on, how do they know whether there was a rehearsal process or not, the director was on television, he was telling. igor akolnikov said at the court hearing that they started working on the play long before they found out about the renovation, they bought the scenery, ordered the costumes, the puppet artists even went on stage at the local community center, but the investigators consider this a sham, because the premiere took place only a few months after they opened a criminal case and exposed this production, a lawyer in the courtroom. sokolnikova provided video files with the presentation of the performance: financial statements , positive characteristics of the defendant. the performance is ready, it is in effect, it works,
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paid performances are held on it. immediately after the scandal of the initiation of a criminal case , igor okolnikov left his post, but his wife, the minister of culture, remained in her place. you think that you are not wine. absolutely, absolutely sure of this. the puppet theater-fairy tale is the calling card of khakassi, the winner. five highest national theater awards golden mask, winner competition window to europe in the nomination "best theater of the year". last february, the theater completed a major renovation. almost everything was updated: the façade, the faience, the stage, the auditorium, the offices and communications. over the almost forty-five-year history of the theater stage , more than 100 performances have been staged, but there has never been one with a criminal ending like this. during 2022, the theater director, aware of his actual inability to organize a production. paid screenings of the premiere performance due to major renovations, exceeding his official powers, organized the payment of preparatory activities for the production of a play for
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a total of more than 1,400,000 rubles and signed the acceptance certificate for the play, which was not actually staged. the case against the former director of the puppet theatre skazka is being heard in court. it is possible that by the end of the year mr. okolnikov will hear the verdict. the sanction of the article on abuse of office... former employee of the central bank alexander lepatov, who allegedly dealt with his own wife and young son, was brought in for questioning. in this footage, the probable killer is being escorted to the investigator. he has clearly gotten better since his arrest. let me remind you that soon after the murder, lepatov was sent from the isolation ward to the hospital on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on his face. the fact is that while the special forces were breaking down the door to his apartment, the man took a large dose of some medication. on august 25, according to eyewitnesses, lepatov threw his wife and child out of a window from the sixteenth floor. they died. after that, the completely naked man
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began throwing household utensils, everything that came to hand. in the coming days , the capital's researchers will appeal to the court with a request to arrest lepatov. during the investigation, the man will be examined by a psychologist and a psychiatric forensic examination. he who beats, therefore, pays, in yekaterinburg, the police have busted a brothel for those who like to suffer, ladies of easy virtue, they have mastered the carrot and stick to perfection there, but how to greet the security forces, they still haven't... understood, the word of maxim shevchenko. these shots were made public by activists in yekaterinburg, a hospitable-looking establishment on the street with such a feminine name on march 8, but activists
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are sure. within these walls, they interpret in their own way how to treat the fair sex, indignant citizens enter with the support of law enforcement officers in helmets. above the entrance is the inscription hostel, in a personal conversation, the class of rental housing has grown instantly. hello, and what are you doing here? we have apartments here. inside , pretentious interiors, in the best traditions of dubious spa salons, here is a huge bed, for at least four people, such a device. for dancing, girls, apparently, they can show men various pirouettes here, and of course, there is a sauna, the social activist dmitry chukreev was interested in the disguised house of love for a reason, in the so-called hostel there is no hint of rented housing, boxes with personal protective equipment are everywhere, handfuls of signed sim cards, apparently official ones, among the names of carolina, vasilisa, ariel, lolita and linda, in many of these salons, girls clients
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try to escape. who were delivered to the territorial police department for investigation. currently police officers conduct verification activities, the owner of the premises is established, based on the results , a reasoned procedural decision will be made. rumor has it that according to black accounting, the establishment brought in 700,000 rubles in revenue per day, and some, especially diligent employees, were much more likely to enter into the general cash register, almost three hundred per shift. the story with such spa salons, where for a separate price
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is available... a wide range of services for dmitry chukreev is a constant reason to go on a raid, at his participation managed to stop the work of at least three pseudo-spas in the ural capital. using the loopholes in the law, the priests of love not only receive money from clients, but can easily sell confidential information. here is a recent story from the nizhny novgorod region, in a brothel, where security forces carried out an arrest, in the wiring hanging from the ceiling. microphones were found that carefully recorded everything that was happening, but even such risks - psychologists say, do not frighten those who want to plunge into the abyss of accessible pleasures. coming to a man does not need to court a girl in such an establishment, he does not need to somehow achieve her, showing his best male qualities, he can get everything quickly at once for money. unfortunately, such establishments greatly undermine the institution of family, marriage and negatively
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affect the attitude of those people in couples in which. a man visits such salons, as for the institution of family, and it seems that the employees of another closed establishment in yekaterinburg should think about it first, it is possible that after a visit to the police they will not soon they will return to masseuse practice, the recruiting signs have not yet been painted over, maybe it is true, soon three-tiered beds will be installed in the bright rooms. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, news: duty unit. and now footage of perhaps the most daring theft of the year in moscow the burglar pretended to work hard all day because of. for several hours, so he made sure that all the proceeds were hidden not in a safe, but in an ordinary nightstand, when the real office workers left, he simply took the money, of course, the impostor was quickly caught, here the working atmosphere in the company's team seems to leave questions, the entire operational legal news feed in telegram channels
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is on duty. subscribe, also our investigations, daily releases on the platform we watch, go to the broadcast tab turn on the honest detective, our release is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to the story. from today. why both russian and western people talk about the city of selidovo in donbass analysts. how will selidov's release help break the ukrainian armed forces' defense lines in the dpr? antitank assault pilot, fighter with the call sign phase. how, under mortar fire and cluster munitions shrapnel, he saved a comrade and blindly
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knocked out an enemy tank. russia.


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