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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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the most high-profile arrest of the week is acquiring new details, leaving pavel durov with almost no chance of a happy ending. even after the end of the story with the french security forces, he may be extradited to a swiss prison. after all, the alleged mother of three children, the founder of. gram, a certain irina bolgar, accused durov of failing to pay child support of 150,000 euros monthly in beating their youngest son, allegedly there were several such episodes when the child was only 4-5 years old, but for some reason the woman kept silent for several years and filed a lawsuit in the swiss court at the place of residence only now, from the evidence provided transcripts of sms messages allegedly from durov and some kind of certificate from a doctor. bulgar leaked all this herself. but how would we have known about this if it were not for the rupa. american propaganda,
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the forbes publication, which printed about this right now, what a coincidence. it seems that the attack itself was made extremely clumsily, because the lawyers throw up their hands and say that if at least some remnants of jurisprudence were preserved somewhere, they would have released it in a day. so much so now ridiculous and unprepared accusations, so most likely, quickly-quickly, now in the last 24 hours they did something some second or third plan, well, so that there was at least something to find fault with, because well , really. otherwise they would have had to just let him go. the fact that anadurov's attack was carefully planned must be understood because his self-proclaimed wife irina bolgar appeared in infopol quite recently, in fact, in the canon of detention. and because a former french intelligence officer confirmed: the compromise of telegram was long-term work of the special services. the wall street journal writes that back in 2017, france hacked durov's phone, allegedly looking for traces of the terrorist group isis, banned in russia.
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during lunch with durov, macron offered him to move to paris with his entire team, to which he refused. it would have been better if he had offered to return the wall on vkontakte. it is clear that france has nothing to do with it at all. france, it now has self-awareness and independence, well, about the same as toilet paper. now, in connection with durov's arrest, a born wanders around the internet a list of about ten messengers and social platforms that are going the same way as durov. the owner of the second has already announced that. in europe, everything is bad-bad there, he fled from europe, in third place is elon musk, with his twitter, ilix and so on, that is, it looks like this is a signal that everything, there will be no more freedom, now we will play under dictation, that is, now there will be - cruel censorship, that it will only get worse, in europe , journalists, entrepreneurs, and it specialists quickly realized, everyone predicts a mass relocation of the remaining brains from europe to more attractive countries, for example,
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the usa, which has long been enticing... itself, only in the states they punish for freedom of speech much more harshly remember one assange or zuckerberg's instant obedience to the special services, and specifically russian programmers today. it is best to be in russia, we found 67 precedents in a variety of locations, namely guys with russian origin, with different citizenships, usually as if it were somewhere on vacation on a retreat, which means the most popular extradition countries are thailand, gua, maldives, they are transferred on simple charges of either hacker attacks, interference in state policy, or bitcoins and... and there a multi-year investigation begins, that is, with this term from 20 there to 90 years. moreover, again vassal france has declared pavel durov's older brother nikolai wanted, among the charges brought is complicity in the distribution of child pornography. french gendarmes are directly looking for porn only in telegram.
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pavel durov himself is a genius of it projects, that is, he such an architect of large systems, what's under the hood - that was done by his brother. and the fact that they got caught and started chasing him is sad, it means that some special services, most likely the fbi, want to get their hands on the keys, it looks like they haven't succeeded yet, which is good, the director of the russian foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin, has previously stated that durov will not reveal sensitive information to the west, and europeans are joking that france stole journalists from zelensky, while everyone is discussing durovo, they forgot about zelensky and his adventures, telegram's popularity has increased several times in... a week, especially in india and the united states, and pavel durov was nominated for the nobel peace prize, the candidacy was proposed by the president of the brix house, konstantin krimenko. the documents have already been signed by several universities and public organizations, it turns out that the multipolarization of the world cannot be stopped in any way, as the consciousness
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of humanity, where are the countries with free speech, and where with its imitation under the visor of the fbi, as you protect your family, you must also protect your homeland. a real man cannot stand aside when his homeland danger, we are here so that our children can live peacefully in the future, so that they do not know war and there is a peaceful sky above their heads, and we must always be ready to deliver a powerful blow, such that the enemy does not rise, you will do a worthy deed, your loved ones will be proud of you, join yours, serve under contract.
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the industrial development fund, a key institution for supporting the creation of innovative production.
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a number of industries that are essential for all our areas of development, including pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, aircraft manufacturing, electrical engineering, metallurgy, well , their co-financing together with the regions is very important, because in fact it is a guarantee of long-term, including technological development for the most important sectors of the economy, on the instructions of the president, you know, we will increase the capital, the idf amount to 300 billion rubles by the thirtieth year, this is very important, it will double its potential. in less than 10 years of work. the industrial development fund has already financed about 1,700 projects amounting to more than 500 billion rubles. and these are direct investments in the manufacturing sectors
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economies, the total budget of which has exceeded a trillion. according to roman petrutsa, the fund's work is gaining momentum. this year, there are plans to finance up to 300 of the most important projects for the country. we have gained quite a good pace, in 2023 we have financed seven times more projects than at the start of our work in 2015, and we are not going to slow down this pace in 2024. 15 thousand requests for consultations from entrepreneurs have been received, which indicates high
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demand from the real sector. as roman petrutsa noted, to receive support state, it is easy for business today, the set of documents is smaller than for a regular loan. the fund is especially proud of the fact that it speaks the same language as industrial business. we are constantly optimizing and improving our business processes. the application is submitted to the fund in digital format, the package of documents that we need to make a decision is minimal, well, according to my estimates , it is definitely less than for applying to a commercial bank for a bank loan. currently, the fund's capital is 370 billion rubles. these are 850 projects that are being supported. it is significant that the borrowed funds are then returned. to date , about 200 billion have been returned. and this is important for expanding the scale of support. a separate discussion was about the implementation of the task set by the president to increase labor productivity. the fund has been participating in the specialized national project since 2018. to date
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, 130 projects have already received funds in the amount of more than 20 billion rubles. but these are not all the tasks that need to be completed. prime minister mikhail mishustin recalled the main one, set the president. the president has set us the task, by the end of the current decade, of increasing the share of high -tech products, goods and services of domestic production, which are made on the basis of our own development lines in the volume of consumption of goods and services of the country by one and a half times, so i want you to be guided by this top-level task, it is very important that in the volume of all such high-tech products, goods, services, there was, of course, a share of support, which our development institute is engaged in, what is the industrial development fund. thus, the tasks have been set, the funds have been allocated , time has come. the price of the issue of achievement. technological and industrial sovereignty, without which it is impossible to imagine the development of our country.
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what is remembered for this day in history, we will tell you right now, hello, august 29 , 1831. the english scientist michael faraday demonstrated the work of the world's first electrical transformer. and this
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marked the beginning of a new leap in the technical progress of our civilization. the magnetic core moved inside the wire coil, and a current arose. faraday came to the conclusion that an electric wave only occurs when a magnet moves. this was the beginning of a series of experiments, which resulted in a new section of physics, electrodynamics. the industry was enriched by a new branch, electric power engineering. faraday had long been fascinated by the problem of the connection between electricity and magnetism and still discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, when the movement of a conductor in a magnetic field creates a current. this is how a generator was created, a powerful source of electricity. faraday's discovery caused a sensation in the scientific world. almost 100 scientific organizations made him their honorary member. and the electrification of our planet was predetermined. on august 29 , 1897, the first zionist congress opened. it
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was held in basalt, switzerland, and its main result was the decision to create a jewish state in palestine. this was supposed to counterbalance the growing european anti-semitism. the first congress was attended by 204 delegates from jewish communities in seventeen countries. congress adopted the basel program, the main message of which was the creation of a national home in the land of israel. among the points were settlements in palestine, agricultural workers and technicians, the organization of a worldwide jewish movement, and the holding of events to explain the governments of countries. the latest program of the world zionist organization includes a provision on the repatriation of jews from all countries, on the study of hebrew, and
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emphasizes the decisive importance of israel in the lives of all jews in the world. on august 29, 1944 , three important operations of the second world war: iasko-kishinev, lgov-sandomierz operation bagration. three of the so-called ten stalinist strikes, the largest offensive operations of the great patriotic war, carried out by the red army in 1944. during the belarusian operation bagration , the wehrmacht army group center was routed in two months. the enemy lost almost 2,000 dead. the success of this offensive even exceeded the expectations of the soviet command. belarus, eastern poland and part of the baltic states were liberated. during the lvov-sandomierz operations in a month and a half, the troops of the first ukrainian front destroyed the german-hungarian group of troops, liberated western ukraine
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and occupied south-eastern poland. during the iasko-kishinev operation, in just 10 days, soviet troops routed the german-romanian group, destroying the southern wing of the german front, liberated moldova, part of romania and southern ukraine and ensured romania's transition to the side of the allies. the success of these large-scale military operations predetermined the rapid complete defeat of the fascists. august 29, 2008 zenit of st. petersburg won the uefa super cup. it was the first time in history that a russian club.
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zenit forever inscribed its name in the history of european football. that's what this day in history was like. the general plan ost left no doubt what they wanted to do with us. before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, apples, take it all, take it all,
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it's all in your hands, about 30 million russians will be superfluous. confirming the intention to pursue a policy of ethnogenocide, the very crime against humanity on nirenberg, which just fell into the planost. the expected losses of the civilian population, numbering in the tens of millions of people, were clearly indicated. this policy of pressure on the east, it was borrowed by hitler. he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which, from his point of view, are much more adaptable for living there.
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how will we work and rest in 2025? the government has prepared a draft production calendar for ... a year. in this issue of the instructions, in 5 minutes we will tell you, how many days off await you, how holidays are distributed and what to pay attention to when planning your vacation. and let's start
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with statistics. in 2025, we have 247 working days and 118 days off and holidays. now let's take everything in order. new year's holidays in 2025 will be long, as many as 11 days from december 29, 24 to january 8, 2025 inclusive. this is due to the fact that january 4, which falls on a weekend, is moved to may and december, in february, defender of the fatherland day falls on sunday, in as a result, we will have a regular weekend, february 22 and 23, saturday and sunday, since february 23 falls on sunday, the day off is moved to may 8, march 8 of the twenty-fifth year is saturday, so the day off is moved to june 13, thus, in march we will have two days off in a row on march 8 and 9, march 7 is a shortened working day. may holidays in the twenty-fifth year will please with a long weekend. from may 1 to 4 , four days off in honor of the labor day. then a three-day work week again
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four days off from may 8 to 11, including victory day. in june, we will have four days off in a row, from june 12 to 15, in connection with the celebration of russia day. in november, there will be three days off in a row, from november 2 to 4, in honor of national unity day. please note that saturday, november 1, will be a working day, december 31, 2025 will be a day off due to the transfer from january 5. let us remind you that the rules for paying wages on weekends and holidays are prescribed in article 153 of the labor code. according to it, work on weekends and holidays is paid at double the rate, unless you work shifts or in a creative profession. reducing the cooldown if there are many days off in a month is also illegal, if the employer does not comply with the requirements of the labor. code, then you can contact the labor inspectorate, in december 2023, the moratorium on inspections of businesses was extended until the end of the twenty-fourth year,
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so if you now file a complaint with the labor inspectorate, then most likely the inspection will be denied, unfortunately, however, as always, there are exceptions, an exception is the case when the inspection is carried out at the request of the prosecutor's office, so it is more expedient at the moment to contact the prosecutor's office directly. if you understand that your enterprise is, for example, an it company, which is under a certain, probably more protection than other companies, such a moratorium, then i recommend going to court, since the limitation period for such appeals is only one year, in order not to miss this period, i recommend going to court immediately, well, and moreover, not forget that such a claim by employees is not paid by the court with a state fee, in view of which... is quite profitable for the employee and unprofitable for the employer, who will then also have to pay a state fee to the federal budget for consideration of the claim in court.
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when you plan a vacation, it is important to remember that the salary is calculated for the days actually worked, vacation pay for calendar days, multiplied by the average daily earnings for the last 12 months, therefore , in order to maintain the maximum income, you need take a vacation in the month with the most working days, for example, july or. well, in order to have a longer rest, it is better to take a vacation on days that complement the holidays, for example, at the end of april or at the beginning of november, one part of the vacation should be at least 14 calendar days, and the rest can be divided into small parts. i recommend combining holidays with your vacation days, but you should do it in the following way: you should not take a vacation directly on holidays, since work. holidays will not be in this in this case, be paid as a vacation is paid, coinciding with regular days off, respectively, we can do the following: for example, to the june
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holidays, which in the twenty-fifth year will last from june 13 to 15, we add our vacation pay before these days and after. so, let's repeat the main thing in the twenty-fifth year we will have 247 working and 118 days off and holidays. the longest weekend is new year's. russia day and national unity day. december 31 of the twenty-fifth year will be a day off. want to learn more about your labor rights and the specifics of working on holidays, write to us in the telegram channel, ask questions, we will forward them to specialists and tell you everything in the next episodes of the program instruction. mom, why? these letters are needed for a fairy tale, the 39th kingdom, the thirtieth state,
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the state.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed, it is easy to make a fake dep from ...
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a competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside of it, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch and follow now, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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2:00 am
why is the city of selidova in donbass, both russian and western analysts say, like liberation. dova will help break the lines of defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the dpr. attack aircraft antitank. a fighter with the call sign phase. how, under mortar fire and shrapnel from cluster munitions, he saved a comrade and blindly knocked out an enemy tank. russia may have destroyed the first ukrainian f-16.

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