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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. in the three
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ninth kingdom, the three tenth state. let's translate from office language to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction.
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the industrial development fund is a key institution for supporting the creation of innovative industries in our country. its main goal is to promote the achievement of technological sovereignty. this was discussed at a meeting between the chairman of the russian government mikhail mishustin and the head of the industrial development fund roman petrutsiy. as the prime minister noted, the fund finances a number of key industries are pharmaceuticals, automobiles and aircraft manufacturing, electrical engineering. our directions of development of industries, this is pharmaceuticals, automobile manufacturing, finances a number of the most important for all aircraft manufacturing, electrical engineering, metallurgy, well , their co-financing together with the regions is very important, because in fact it is a guarantee of long-term, including.
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according to roman petrutsi, the work of the fund is gaining momentum this year there are plans to finance up to 300 projects that are most important for the country. we have gained quite a good pace, and in the twenty-third year we financed seven times more projects than at the start of our work in 2015, and we are not going to slow down this pace. in the twenty-fourth year , i expect that we will finance from 250 to 300 projects in excess of 100 billion rubles. and the thesis that i spoke about at our last meeting remains relevant,
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in fact, every working day the fund allocates funds to a new investment project, and sometimes to two. the decision on which project to support is made by an independent expert council, which includes representatives industry associations, business circles and banks, that is, business makes decisions for business. as the head of the industrial development fund said, last year there were 15,000 requests from entrepreneurs for consultations, which indicates high demand from the real sector. as roman petrutsa noted, it is easy for businesses to receive state support today, the set of documents is smaller than for a regular loan. the fund is especially proud that it speaks the same language as industrial business, we are constantly optimizing and improving our business processes. the application is submitted to the fund in digital format, the package of documents that we need to make a decision is minimal, well, according to my estimates , it is definitely less than for applying to a commercial bank for a bank loan. now. the fund
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is 370 billion rubles. this is 850 projects that are supported. it is significant that the borrowed funds are then returned back. to date , about 200 billion have returned. and this is important for expanding the scale of support. a separate discussion was about the implementation of the set the president's task of increasing labor productivity. the fund has been participating in the relevant national project since 2018. to date , 130 projects have already received funds totaling more than 20 billion rubles. but these are not all the tasks that need to be accomplished. prime minister mikhail mishustin recalled the main one set by the president. the president has set us the task. by the end of the current decade, to increase the share of high-tech products, goods and services of domestic production, which are made on the basis of our own lines developments in the volume of consumption of goods and services of the country by one and a half times. here i want you to be guided by this high-level
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task, it is very important that in the volume of all such high-tech products, goods, services, there was, of course, a share of support, which is engaged in ... the government is interested in remembering what we talked about,
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work and rest in 2025, i am waiting for you at these viewings, how we will prepare a draft production calendar for next year. in this issue of the instructions, in 5 minutes we will tell you how much days of rest await you, how are the holidays distributed. what should you pay attention to when planning your vacation? let's start with statistics: in 2025, we will have 247 working days and 118 days off and holidays. now let's take everything in order: the new year holidays in 2025 will be long, as many as 11 days from december 29, 2024 to january 8, 2025 inclusive. this is due to the fact that the fourth and fifth of january, which fall on weekends, are moved to may and december. in february - defender's day fatherland falls... on sunday as a result we will have the usual weekend on february 22 and 23, saturday and sunday, since february 23 falls on sunday, the day off is moved to may 8. march 8 of the twenty-fifth year falls on saturday, so the day off is moved to june 13, thus in march
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we will have two days off in a row, march 8 and 9, march 7 shortened working day. may holidays in the twenty-fifth year will please with long weekends, from the first to the fourth. may four days off in honor of the holiday of spring labor, then a three-day the working week again four days off from may 8 to 11 including victory day. in june we will have four days off in a row, from june 12 to 15 in connection with the celebration of russia day. in november there will be three days off in a row, from november 2 to 4 - in honor of national unity day. please note that saturday, november 1, will be a working day. december 31, twenty-five , will be a day off. day due to the transfer from january 5. let us remind you of the rules for paying wages on weekends and holidays, as prescribed in article 153 of the labor code. according to it, work on weekends and holidays are paid at double rate, unless you work shifts or in a creative profession. reducing the salary if
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there are many days off in a month is also illegal, if the employer does not comply with the requirements of the labor code, then you can contact the labor inspectorate. and in december 2023. the moratorium on inspections of businesses was extended until the end of the twenty -fourth year, so if you now file a complaint with the labor inspectorate, then most likely the inspection will be denied, unfortunately, however, as always there are exceptions, an exception is the case when the inspection is carried out at the request of the prosecutor's office, therefore it is more expedient at the moment to contact the prosecutor's office immediately, if you understand that your enterprise is, for example, an it company, which... under a certain, probably greater protection than other companies, such a moratorium, then i recommend going to court, since the statute of limitations for such appeals is only one year, in order not to miss this deadline, i recommend going to court immediately,
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well, and what's more, let's not forget that such a claim by an employee to the court is not paid by the state duty, in view of which it is quite profitable for the employee and unprofitable for the employer, who then... the federal budget will also have to pay the state duty for the consideration of the claim in court. when you plan your vacation, it is important to remember that the salary is calculated for the days actually worked, and vacation pay, for calendar days. multiplied by the average daily earnings for the last 12 months, therefore, in order to maintain the maximum income, you need to take a vacation in the month with the most working days, for example, july or october, but in order to have a longer rest, it is better to take a vacation on days that complement holidays, for example, at the end of april or at the beginning of november, one part of the vacation should be at least fourteen calendar days, and the rest can be divided into small parts. i recommend... combining holidays with your vacation days, but you should do it in the following
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way: you should not take a vacation directly on holidays, since work on holidays will not be in this in this case, be paid in the same way as a vacation that coincides with regular weekends, accordingly we can do it this way: for example, to the june holidays, which in the twenty-fifth year will last from june 13 to 15, we add our... graduations before these days and after. so, let's repeat the main thing. in the twenty-fifth year, we will have 247 working days and 118 days off and holidays. the longest weekend, the new year holidays, they will last as long as 11 days, three more periods of long weekends, the may holidays, russia day and the day of people's unity. december 31 , 2025 will be a day off. want to know more about your labor rights and the specifics of working on holidays, write to us in the telegram channel, ask questions, we ... we will forward them to specialists and tell you everything in the next issues of the instruction program. it is easy to get confused in the facts when
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you see only part of the overall picture. entire locations are changed in the pursuit of views. we will expose all the fakes. kachigar throws coal into the firebox, which is combined with the driver's cabin, the heat incredible, you can almost physically feel how the steam pressure in the pipes increases, the steam gets into the cylinders, they already make the wheels rotate, this is of course a tourist. the steam locomotive on weekends departs from the voronezh railway station and heads to gravskaya.
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tourists marvel at the miracle machine, which is prehistoric for people of the 20th century. the tender with coal is at the back, the entire steam mechanical part that causes the wheels to move is in front. therefore , what is completely unusual for us, modern people. the driver must constantly look out the window like this to see, what's ahead. steam locomotives served people during wars, carried soldiers to the front, peaceful. the glorious history of steam locomotives ended in 1956, they gave way to heat and electric locomotives. the great russian soviet writer andrei platonov died in 1951 and did not live to see the natural death of steam locomotives. stories dedicated to people who work on the railroad, including, this is probably one of his best
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stories in the beautiful and furious world, the writer has great respect for the work of railroad workers, and great love for these machines, steam locomotives for he is inspired, animated, these are members of the family, this is understandable, the writer grew up near the railway, was the son of a locomotive engineer , he himself worked as an assistant locomotive engineer in his youth, and one of the heartbreaking stories of the old engineer is retiring, but he cannot part with the locomotives, every day he looks at them from the hill, in another story the engineer has a family, himself, his wife and the locomotive, or here the blind maltsev regains his sight when he is seated in the engineer's cabin, his hands are placed on the reverser and the brake machine, this is what cannot be explained by logic or science, we were madly rushing to that distant land, as if hurrying to defend it, alexander vasilyevich, apparently, was carried away by this spectacle, he was far from...
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machines can be compared with work he understood that the work and power of our thunderstorm, and perhaps he was proud of this thought. andrei platonov was born in the city of voronezh in 189 in the large family of locomotive engineer platon klimentov. nothing remained of his small homeland, yamskaya sloboda, only the rebuilt church of the prophet samuel and this pylon, which marked the entrance to the once creature.
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he seems to be looking for this chevingor is also a kind of belovodye. in the voronezh literary museum at the exhibition dedicated to platonov photographs and composition. such a little devil stood on the writer's table. a message from his father platon firsovich learned that his son had tuberculosis and complains that it would be better if he himself got sick. the writer's life ended at the age of 51, it was more than difficult, his work was not accepted. and andrei platonov's son was repressed and died very young. but this will be in moscow, where the writer will move with his family in 1926, perhaps the happiest period of his life was just in voronezh, here he, like all the young people from poor simple families, goes to work at the plant as a pilot, then in the railway workshops, he will forever love hard work, sweaty, as he called it, work. he began to publish at the age of 19, everything went well, especially when he
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was appreciated by the prominent party member and journalist litvin molotov. in the center of voronezh , several buildings associated with platonov's literary career have been preserved. the editorial office of the voronezh commune newspaper, the zheleznaya piro cafe, where journalists gathered. but platonov's path is different from the paths of aspiring writers. he entered the university, but took his documents and began studying at a technical school. in the questionnaires, he stated his profession as an electrician, an electrical fitter. and his first brochure. in 1921, it had the title "electrification". in 1921, there was an incredible drought in the voronezh region. andrei platonov said that he would no longer engage in literary, contemplative work, but would work for the benefit of the people. he became a meliorator, traveled through villages, through settlements around voronezh. these ponds, by the way, were dug in the village of rogachevka under his leadership. and in rogachevka he is also in charge of the construction of a power plant. this is a very important topic, he believes that without
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electricity, without electrification, the happiness of humanity is impossible. what kind of writer is this? who certainly understands his genius, but believes that he will bring more benefit to people as a police officer and electrician, a man who had unconditional abilities as an administrator, but he himself took a shovel in his hands and dug, drove wheelbarrows, and worked until he had calluses on palms, it was his dream of a city where everyone would live happily and comfortably, and it didn't matter where it would be built, whether it would be called belovodye or chevengur, in 1920 not only platonov was thinking about how to build an ideal world, other soviet reserata... also wrote about how to raise a new person, to build a new world for him, equipped with smart technology. there are two ways to resolve life's contradictions, evolution, gradual, and revolution, a sharply rapid transition from one quality to another. the evolutionary way, and platonov thought about it for a long time over this in his results did not give. and
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therefore he thinks about the revolution, as about the restructuring of literally everything. the world of all mankind, i can give just such an example: in the twenties he writes an article platon of the voronezh period large-scale, daring, well-thinking very deeply, what an article he writes: repair of the land, we must learn to live on the earth, we must interfere in its course so that it provides a person with the necessary happy life. in 1929 platonov writes the novel "chivingur", sends the manuscript to gorky, he answers, the novel is unlikely to be published, the editors will not understand: platonov's frame of mind is too anarchic, the heroes, the revolutionaries, are too eccentric. platonov was not a communist, although he was a candidate for membership in the all-union communist party of bolsheviks for some time. he fully supported the collective farms, fought the kulaks. his
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story about collective farms in advance, written in 1931, was perceived negatively and... which we are all sure is absolutely necessary to read, a writer who is necessary for everyone, a writer who works with the main meanings, but it is difficult to perceive platonov, well... if i were asked, what works would i, a university teacher, recommend studying in school, i would say that there are very few such texts, in
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any case, i would never name kotlavan and chevingur for them to be studied in school. chevingur was published only in the late 1980s, kotlavan, created in 1930, was published only in 1969. they could not print such a thing, in 10 or 20 years another engineer will build a tower in the middle of the world, where the workers of the whole earth will enter into eternal happy settlements. prushevsky
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could already now foresee what the work of static mechanics in the sense of art and expediency should be placed in the center of the world, but he could not foresee the structure of the soul of the settlers of the common house in the middle of this plain and even more so imagine the inhabitants of the future tower in the middle of the world earth. at the end of 1930 platonov decided to write a big novel. journey from leningrad to moscow, for this he went on a journey through the same villages and cities as rodishchik. unfortunately, the novel was written, but the manuscript was later lost. in letters to his wife, he talks about working on the book and, most importantly, about that occupied him all his life. he loved and pitied people. and he wrote to his wife, marya alexandrovna: "people live very poorly, and i try to help them, i give one a ruble, two to another, five to another. but somehow they all return their debt to me. maybe it is because i love them and feed my soul from them, it seems to me that this is some kind of important symbolic moment in platonov's character and in his
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work, he was very interested in people, he loved them, and this soul of his, which he fed from these people, he then reflected this on its pages, and we already feed our souls, as it seems to me, reading his works. serves as a correspondent for the newspaper krasnaya zvezda. according to the recollections of acquaintances, he lived in dugouts, studying the soldier's life, wrote down their stories, and, if necessary, picked up a machine gun. here is an excerpt from the story spiritual people, about a small, as platonov points out, battle near sevastopol, it was written in 1942. satisfied with his heart , he examined himself, prepared for battle , and each red navy sailor took his place. they had now it is peaceful and good in the soul, they blessed each other for the greatest,
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the unknown and the terrible in life, for what destroys and what creates it, death victory, and their fear left them, because their conscience in front of a comrade who is doomed to the same fate, overcame fear, their body was filled with strength, they felt capable of great work, they understood that they were born into the world not in order to...
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it was possible to publish a collection of andrei platonov's works, one of the authors, tamara nikonova shows this now bibliographic rarity. formally, the fate of andrei platonov's literary heritage can be compared with the fate of the literary heritage of some writers, his peers, colleagues in the shop, in 1920 - this is recognition of success, in the thirties - disgrace, then many years without time, when books are not published, platonov's are not published until the end of perestroika, but this is only formally , because platonov is a man, and his work does not fit into any framework, is not comparable with anyone or anything, on the monument, "without me, the people are incomplete."
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hit yourself on the head, you do have a nickname, where it is necessary, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where it is necessary, he who has a tinderbox in his pocket doesn't need a pen, eh, what started, tinderbox, i can't live without traveling, soon, the general plan
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of the ost did not leave the slightest. calculated in tens of millions of people, this policy of pressure on the east, it was hitler's borrowing, he will solve the issue of creating a thousand-year great reich at the expense of the eastern territories, which from his point of view are much more adaptable for the german population to live there.
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in france, telegram founder pavel durov was placed under judicial supervision, he is prohibited. country, he must also post bail of 5 million euros. regina sevastyanova will tell you what charges have been brought. now pavel durov's status in this case will apparently be officially changed to that of an accused, since he has been officially charged on six counts, i am now holding a press release that the paris prosecutor's office issued with official clarifications of this situation, it says that pavel durov has now been officially charged on six counts
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points, the first of which is a


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